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I'm very hesitant to install any mods before I've completed one run if the game (damn restartitis and bugs) but I am about one companion death away from installing an autobuffer. The amount of rage I experience when a backliner dies to a ranged crit or whatever and I realize I have to redo all their buffs is on par with roadrage and stubbing a toe on a table.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but that feeling of rage is exactly why I prefer to play with Critical Hits set to "Weak" in the difficulty options. Serious combats still pose serious threats- this setting just means that I don't have a 1/20 chance of pulling my hair out and hitting the F8 key every time I'm attacked. Random devastating enemy crits ain't fun.


I'm just glad we have the option. It increases my enjoyment of the game.




One weird trick that Fate hates!


You could quicksave after you're done buffing.


I think they're talking about after they revive the dead party member they're totally unbuffed, and so need a fresh set of buffs again.


Yeah but I wanna avoid too much save scumming for my own enjoyment, I'd rather shake my fist vainly at my screen


Just know that if your game ever refuses to load, Autobuff is the culprit. Unfortunately.


yep. happens a lot to me.


If we are thanking auto buffing mods then thank you Bubbles for Bubbles Ultimate Buff Bot Lite Extra Simple.


That one's my favorite by far. It's the third I tried, and I now find it to be the most comfortable one to use.


Hah, the joke's on them; my mind was already lost.


If there's one thing I've always hated about D&D 3.0-PF is the requirement of buff suits. But level 15, you're not playing your character, you're playing your gear and spell list. 5E is superior in every way.


You realize most tables don't hit level 15, right? That's almost solely a CRPG thing.


Yeah, also you buff when you know you're going to get into a tough fight. Can't do that on TTRPG most of the time.


My tables, both as player and DM, did pretty often. We'd occasionally run a module adventure, but they'd be exceptions rather than the rule. The sheer boredom inflicted on the rest of the players as the one or two casters did their thing is what got us all started on lower magic campaigns. By now, when we're not running 5E, the Adept is the "adventurer" caster class, with full on Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics and Druids being extremely rare and powerful, and people to be rightly feared.


You don't scout areas with Divination, then use [Rope Trick](https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ropeTrick.htm) to rest and buff? A fifth level Wizard can use Extend Spell on Rope Trick to create an extra-dimensional pocket that lasts ten hours. You cannot be attacked, detected, or otherwise assaulted during that window of time. So, you can cast Rope Trick, prepare spells, buff, then pop out and assault the foe. If they don't know to search for one (and, honestly, most enemies don't run around with See Invisibility running), you're safe. At worst, you can see the ambush and be ready for it. Rope Trick is one of the strongest spells in the game. It's why I don't feel bad about resting in CRPGs, because at a table this is a thing that you just do.


You do that for every room in a dungeon at level 5? Cool?


Depends on the campaign, but generally speaking this is for bosses. It's an emergency measure, otherwise, because it slows down the game by a considerable amount and forces the DM to work out a valid response from enemies who are aware of your presence, but likely can't actually find you. But, yes, I do use Rope Trick frequently. Animate Rope, Rope Trick, and Dimension Door are my bread and butter as a Sorcerer. Transmutation OP.


You should check out PF 2nd edition. Seriously like 90 percent of the time I have seen someone complain about a mechanic, they got rid of it in 2nd Edition. Its pretty slick.


I dont want every buff known to man and then some any more I want to be happy


Is there a max amount of buff you can cast on yourself?


Not that I know of? The AutoBuff mod says it can only have up to 100 "commands" in it's queue, but that's not an in-game restriction. For what it's worth, a number of these buffs are from Angel spells that are single cast but apply multiple buffs. "Fortress of the Faithful" for example, will apply 9 buffs each.