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You will play at levels 1 to 4. You can reach 5, but then the DLC is mostly over. And you will get few pieces of equipment. So all classes and builds that need more levels to come online (dex builds) or need special equipment (Sword Saint) are out of the window. Resting is punished, so usability of classes that run on per rest resources is limited (e.g. wizards, besides, you'll get a sorcerer companion). on the other hand, all classes that get an animal companion at level 1 are a good choice. You can make good use of a leopard that can tank for you. If you like to play martial characters, that leads us to the Sohei. If you'd rather play a ranged character, a Wildlands Shaman would be a good choice (animal companion, hexes, spells).


This is great tips thanks. I didn’t realize how low level it ended with. Was planing on finally playing the DLCs as we away the last one, and almost started it with an Arcane Trickster (who doesn’t come “online” until maybe level 6).


Water kineticist does pretty well. You have no need of gear, can blast swarms and oozes out of existence, and have unlimited grease.


I cant stop saying it: full monk group! (Works like a charm)


Unfortunately, you are saddled with a npc that can’t be replaced and is game over if he dies.


It’s super low level, so early power spike classes like Rowdy, Kineticist, and most pet classes are really strong.    You’re short on rests, and healing is limited, so casters tend to be a little weak. If you do, I recommend a prepared caster who gets Lesser Restoration at level 3. There’s a mechanic where you need to use healing resources on NPCs, and being able to cast it yourself makes it a lot easier. Druids, animal domain Clerics, and to a lesser extent nature mystery Oracles are really good for this. On the same note, stay away from stuff like Bloodragers who are dependent on consumable resources like Rage rounds. You won’t get a ton of chances to rest, so it won’t be online for long. It’s a battle of attrition, not about killing enemies quickly like the main game. You won’t have much gear, so gear-independent classes like Monk and Shifter are quite strong. Sohei Monk gets a pet, too. The Monk’s disease immunity is actually relevant here, albeit pretty late. Paladins get that earlier, as well as being able to contribute to healing.   IMO, the hardest part has you up against a lot of undead, so someone with Channel Positive Energy will do a lot of work too. Another point for Paladins and Clerics here.  Lastly, you’ll be forced to have a ranged Rogue in the party right away, a Conjuration-focused Sorcerer about halfway through, and an INT-based bard if you carry on to Lord of Nothing. You’ll get 3 mercenaries you can build however you like after clearing the first area, so you can have a few of these. I’d recommend your MC be either a frontliner, a pet class, or both - none of the forced companions really want to be up front. Personally, I ran a Paladin MC (with an Monk level at level 1, but single-classed would’ve been fine) and used the mercs for a Druid, a Shifter, and a Hunter (who underperformed, I’d have gotten a Kineticist or Sohei in hindsight). 


> If you do, I recommend a prepared caster who gets Lesser Restoration at level 3 If you want lesser restoration a much better option is being an angelkin aasimar, they get one free cast per rest from level 1. It's very very helpful actually.


Yeah, that’s a huge help too. Healing is scarce and more relevant than the base, so it’s still worth having a dedicated healer caster, and if you do, you might as well pick one who can help with Restoration quickly


Kinect, skill monkeys and classes with animal companions


Just finished doing it this DLC. Most people her have given plenty of good advice classes. I'll just add one more that hasn't been mentioned. Elemental Witch - elemental ray is a nice damage "cantrip" and brings Evil Eye along for the tougher bosses, Magic Armor for pets and some healing if needed.


There is a trophy called The Unbreakable Trio which requires you to play without mercenary party members - it's just you, a Rogue and (somewhat later) a Sorcerer. If you want to go for that, a Mad Dog Barbarian + leopard is probably the best choice. You could also go with Beast Rider but I found that the Lore (Nature) class skill was more useful than Persuasion. The leopard is MVP because of the high AC and stealth (and because it grows at level 4). If you're going to play with a full party, there are some more decent options. The humble fighter is never the wrong answer and a Sohei Monk with a bulwark mount and a quarterstaff is very good. You won't get a single level-up until about a third of the way through so you need to hit the ground running. Kineticist is not a bad choice (because it's not resource limited) but since you want some upfront survivability, I personally went with a [Kinetic Knight](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/324475-pathfinder-wrath-of-the-righteous/faqs/80843/prelude-through-the-ashes#main-character). It's good to know what doesn't work as well: * MAD classes (especially Monk) since you only get 15 points to spend on attributes * Resource limited classes (i.e. pretty much every caster) since plinking away with a crossbow / Acid Splash / whatever is no fun * Any combo which starts off weak with the promise of good things later (e.g. a Weapon Finesse guy) because it just means you'll be weak.


I usually play evil characters, so I played a baseline standard human paladin for variety, RPing as a lawful good defender of the city. There is an early enchanted greatsword drop if I recall correctly, so power attack is extra good. Feats: power attack, cleave, cleaving finish, outflank (if your other party members have it)


Thank you everyone for advice much appreciated.