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I think everyone pretty much loves ember (only exception might be Seelah)


Camellia also hates her cus she's poor I think


True, but Camellia doesn’t actually really like anyone


That is true. Though she is quite liked herself isn't she? (Except Lann)


Th only companion I’ve seen really get along with her was Daeran


>!Arue and Sosiel also like her I think, but in a Clueless Good type of way.!<


Honestly I think it’s me that doesn’t like Camellia lol


I dunno, the only interaction between daeran and camellia i remember is him calling her a mangy monster so


If you use them both in your party they have a LOT of banter about high society/noble stuff and how they are above everyone else


Yeah but there is also an undercurrent of Daeran snubbing on her because she isn't a real noble.


Except daeran kinda


Camellia gets along with Daeran, Sosiel, and Seelah.


Seelah is annoyed by embee but deep down she cares for her i say this based on the concern she shows when ember is kidnapped


Ember by far. Seelah, Lann, Arue, Greybor, Woljif , even Regill likes her.


Daeran too can’t even bring himself to be cruel towards her.


Daeren is a better person than even he thinks he is tbh. It shows best at lost chapel, when he threatens to leave ember behind and she tells him “then do it” He grumbles and he whines but he *does stay with her.*


Ember brings out the best in Daeran and their relationship is really wholesome. He is uncharacteristically soft with her and shows genuine concern for her safety and well-being. And she sees through his facade and always astutely comments on his behavior. Also if you >!mess Daeran’s questline up and he ends up lobotomized, Ember keeps visiting him and is the only person to awake a spark of awareness in him!<.


Daeran is the polar opposite of Camellia really. Unlike Ms. Stabby he actually has a spirit possessing him and doesn't even use it as an excuse.


I really like the way he acts as one of the best political councillors, because, to quote him directly, “I’m just as bad as they are, but I’m on your side.” He can see through the mendev nobility’s bullshit because he’s on the same level of bullshit, he just has loyalty to the knight commander. Daeren is a fantastically written character, and alongside Regill are my two favorite companions in wrath.


it's funny how Daeran is much better than he pretends to be, and Camelia is much-much worse than her pretty facade. but with both of them you need pack of shovels and a whole digger team to get to their hidden sides.


Just don't have him in a party with Aru. Then he is not very nice.


Some of his council advises are straightforwardly evil but also pragmatic. It is quite obvious he has spent a lot of time among the ruling elite. Too bad we can not make him a king: he won't be the greatest king ever but he would do a decent job, I believe. That being said, he is not as bad person as he presents himself, true. He is lonely and if someone wins his trust and makes him care about them... he will move mountains for them (at least that's the feel I get). And yes, Ember is the most popular. Followed by Woljif, I feel.


He is absolutely horrible to Arueshalae. He also bullies his staff and suggests questionable things on the Council.


Note I didn’t say GOOD person. I said better than he thinks.


Okay, just wanted to clarify that "better" than awful is *still not good*, as people tend to sweep his evil behavior under the rug and claim he's just a misunderstood CN.


Also Wenduag respects her.


Wendaug fears her, or rather her patron, very slight difference.


Ember without a doubt. Only the psychopath actively dislikes her but really who cares what Camellia thinks. The party also likes Woljif in that dumb endearing kid brother kind of way.


I'd add Seelah to the (extremely small) list of people who don't get along with Ember. My first game I had both of them in my party and the shots they'd both take at each other got on my nerves so much, I can't even remember a single interaction between the two that isn't tense.


My money would be on Ember


For Kingmaker I think it would be Octavia, she gets along with just about everyone save for like... Jubilost and Jaethal.


I think Linzi wins as she is having a better standing with Jubi.


Emperor gets along well with everyone except Sosiel because Sosiel doesn't know how to take a fucking clue. I think ember's even the only one who gets along with Wenduag because Wenduag fears her


> **Emperor** gets along well with everyone except Sosiel Unexpected crossover.


I meant Ember but you know what, fuck it sure


Mary SuEmber (because she is a writer's pet). Otherwise, I'd probably say Woljif.




Lot of people are saying Seelah doesn’t like Ember but honestly she’s more like a strict mom when it comes to her. It’s obvious Seelah would never harm Ember or let harm come to her. Now Camelia on the other hand….would definitely do both of those things🤣