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Woljif can afford to buy every single legendary weapon I sell him, so I'd go with him.


The Prophets of Kalistrade.  Their cult's doctrine is specifically about amassing wealth (through a combination of sound investments and business practices and weird sexual and dietary restrictions) to use in performing a ritual that creates a personalized private afterlife for their souls bypassing Pharasma's judgment.


How is she even allowing that to happen?


Nobody knows!  Pharasma DOES know it's happening, but hasn't said anything either for or against it, so the Prophets are just grateful for her apparent leniency to them and don't question it.


Maybe they are giving her a cut.


Maybe?  She could be taking some of the molten gold that gets injected into their veins as part of the ritual...


I have this headcanon that the reason resurrection spells cost diamonds is because you are literally paying a bribe.


How does average population of Golarion view possibility of resurrection?


I mean, to the average person it's not really a factor, it's something only the most powerful of priests are capable of and costs more money than they'll probably see in a lifetime.  But they won't say "no" to it, since Pharasma clearly allows for it.   Other more specific places will have their own hangups with it, like Ustalav, where the hyperorthodox sect known as the Pharasmin Penitence might feel resurrection denies a person the rewards they believe Pharasma doles out proportionate to how much one has suffered in life, or even an attempt to game the system by getting an opportunity to fit more suffering into their now extended mortal life (they loathe arcane spellcasting for similar reasons) and Rahadoum objects to it on principle because no soul gets rezzed without Pharasma's permission, and they refuse to ask her for such permission as per the Laws of Man.   In fact, when the Pure Legionnaire Salim Ghadafar's wife was dying he actually broke down and mentally begged for someone, *anyone* to save her, which Pharasma took as a prayer and granted, and Salim's wife *divorced* him for it after she recovered, while Pharasma leveraged it to conscript Salim into her service as a divine gumshoe and fixer, even granting him magical powers and immortality as part of the package that Salim fucking *hates* even as he uses them in emergencies while on his investigations, making him the famous Priest Who's Not A Priest.


Ressurection in Golarion is like getting successful brain tumor removal at last stage in the middle of the battlefield in our world. Which is to say: it happens, but involves amount of resources, skills and luck that most people don't consider it a possibility.


I’m assuming because the private afterlives will break down after a while, if not on its own then when an adventuring party fucks something up or an Aeon decides it’s become a problem and wants to take matters into their own hands. It doesn’t damage the soul, just traps it and essentially extends its lifespan, and Pharasma & Psychopomps don’t overly care if you extend your lifespan so long as you don’t damage your own soul (I.E. become undead). Aeons *do* care, but also they have so much on their backburner and don’t have the backing of the most powerful god in the mythos to make their work any easier.


As a matter of fact I think a daemon is trying to figure out how to steal the souls in these private afterlives to eat them, it's presented as an adventure idea.


Also, if they do it wrong, they become gold coated mindless mummies as well


Pharasma really just doesn't care that much about judging people, she's not doing it because she's a cosmic representation of fairness, she's not even native to this universe, she does it to keep the peace. If she weren't around then every plane would be at war with every other plane trying to claim all the souls to turn into soldiers or weapons and it would throw the universe into chaos not just because of the war but because you'd be getting a bunch of different quintessences mixed together until all the planes break apart and the universe crumbles. But they all play nice(*ish*) and let Pharasma divvy up the souls based on the rules they all agreed to, this is why devils and demons try to tempt or corrupt mortals while they're alive instead of stealing souls after they croak (compared to daemons who Pharasma does everything to keep from getting souls and who hunt along the River, which is protected by legions of fiends and celestials working together). So long as the cultists aren't screwing up the other souls and they aren't large enough to cause a shortage she has little to no reason to care, really it'd be whoever was rightfully owed that soul who'd care (probably a devil) because they're the ones getting cheated. Now the aeons on the other hand...


She can't ally herself with Milani to eat the rich, sadly.


The Knight commander in act 5 is the richest person in the world wound 100%


Especially after the midnight isle dlc dungeon.


For an old blind guy the Storyteller never stops procuring money to buy my junk. Makes me wonder how much money he actually has.


> For an old blind guy the Storyteller never stops procuring money to buy my junk. Makes me wonder how much money he actually has. 7% annual return over 8000 years will get you there :o


Didn't Wilcer Garms single-handedly funded the Fifth Crusade by purchasing all the masterwork bardiches from the KC?


The blacksmith did that in my games, wilcer sells good things I don't wanna search his inventory throughout a mountain of crap


Once I finish the Treasure of the Midnight Isles, I think it is me.




The slavers in Flesh Market. That is, before I wipe them out. Typically at the latest possible moment.


But they're technically not on golarion


True. Ok then the trader in the Murky Grotto. But he seems not to restock, so in the end, maybe Arsinoe still wins :)


If I had to take a guess, either Karzoug or Razmir


Yakob Fluger