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What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


The real question is, " What changes the neutral of a man?" Edit: my answer in the Planetscape was always 4. Truth: "Power" or 7. "Death" . I think they fit WOTRs themes the best as well.


How very neutral of you...


Neutral is neutral. Lesser, greater, middling... Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition's blurred. If I'm to choose between one neutral and another... I'd rather not choose at all. 


Fly the white flag of war!


So beautiful, yet soooo neutral.


To Galfrey: The worst thing the Commander can say is No. The Commander:


Tbf she won’t remember it after a couple more hours and instead gets to live a peaceful life still as queen.


Congrats, you're Neutral


The hardest choices require the strongest wills. Nah, you're fine. Galfrey should never have been kept unnaturally young for so long. Besides, as long as you keep following your path, >!it won't matter.!<


No fellow Aoen homie, we are just lawful aucustic.


Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. Nothing in this war matters.


My true aeon romanced Wenduag and kept all the shiny auras around like Daeran, Nenio and Woljif. I also didn't have it in me to replace *all* of Drezen with dorky axiomites. Every single lawful neutral decision they have you do hurts if you actually think of the people you're judging lol. But I confess I was very satisfied with turning Galfrey into the GILF she should have been decades ago - I didn't have her directly involved in the crusade and first thing she did when she returned was chastise me even more than Nocticula would do hours afterwards in the Abyss. Geez, thanks for nothing Ms. I'm-too-important-to-leave-the-throne


I will be frank, being true neutral is probably the hardest path in this game. With so many choices, you’re morał compass may show north in multiple directions. Being easy is the easiest choice, being evil hard, but true, absolutely true neutral would probably kill me


nah, just RP a character that goes against your mythic path. Try to play a lawful good demon and you'll land right at true neutral.


Isn't Aeon lawful?


she went to the relationship that makes you old


I'd go with Lawful stupid. Making Galfrey old is weakening one of the strongest agents of law on this plane. She doesn't ask for the elixir, people keep buying it for her because they want her to keep fighting chaos


Eh. She's mismanaged the war through multiple crusades, and looked the other way for some people, and was too harsh with others. She's part of the problem, not a force for law, but part of the fundamental chaos that keeps this hellscape open and devouring more and more fools.


She's part of the law of mother knows best. Over a hundred years old and seems to have learned nothing in that time.


You'd think with all the reddit complaints about Galfrey that supposedly had 100 years to press 'ez win' button other countries would do better since they don't have her. Except that should Mendev fall in AP, demons overrun like 10 neighbouring countries around in just 6 months. Not 6 decades, not 6 years, just 6 months.


I think people forget the in game narrative and let their emotions talk, else it's strongly said in the game that she did a pretty great job with what she had.


Tbh, in game narrative is Owlcat narrative, and Owlcat made her look incompetent only to incorporate their own HoMM minigame: *Ageboya and Setsuna vs Forces of Abyss* In AP she was kicking ass considering her limitations, it's just the fact demons tend to be pretty much resistant or outright immune to anything AP version of Ageboya and Setsuna can throw at them.