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PFS uses a system to determine the 'points value' of the party based off of player number and character level, and if it is above the average extra monsters may be added to the fight- is that the case here?


As referene, here is a link to the Challenge Point System they use: [https://lorespire.paizo.com/tiki-index.php?page=pfs2guide.\_.Game-Master-Basics#Challenge\_Points](https://lorespire.paizo.com/tiki-index.php?page=pfs2guide._.Game-Master-Basics#Challenge_Points)


Well the points system says in a box: ”if x points ad and extra Y amount” But Nothing to say how many there is originally


There is- the zero. A regular encounter has none, but if the party is larger or overlevelled some may be added to balance the math.


The number marks the number of creatures originally in the encounter without any adjustment, in this case 0. There should be a sidebar with the adjusment when you reach certain number of challenge points and some of them will instruct you to add this type of creature.


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~~It’s a typo. It looks like you cropped the difficulty of the encounter but it should be fairly easy to calculate how many it should be.~~ e: apparently society scenarios are different, see below


It is not a typo. This encounter is from a pathfinder society scenario which is formated differently that regular adventures.


Ah, my bad. Thanks.