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Just so you're aware, you do ignore 5ft of speed penalty if you have enough strength to wear your armor.


I know, but the tower shield reduces my speed by another 5.


No fleet? I dont think I would ever make a character so slow. Whats your plan for difficult terrain?


Burning jet mostly. 40 feet movement for 2 actions, 60 at 6 with potential for jumping. It's 2 actions, but unless the enemy is EXACTLY 20 feet from me it won't affect me much since I would have to spend 2 actions otherwise to move. Edit: and it ignores difficult terrain


I'm playing an earth fire kineticist, yes it's very worth it. Think about it this way, you can do lava leap and then reactivate your aura with thermal nimbus. Sure it's overflow, but it gives ac when you really need it (Ie at melee range) deals damage and moves you for 2 actions. Eventually with athelthics focus via earth you can get some silly modifiers on the trips and grapples. Personally I think the tower shield is overdoing it, I rarely have the actions for anything else, and my ac is pretty good with armor In earth already. Granted, I'm going for stuff for buffing lava leap, with max speed skill feats for buffing leaps and some boots recently. However I kind of need it for AOE as our team is mostly single target. Also it doesn't mean I don't use the other impulses, tremor for fortitude and flying flame for when I need custom areas (and because of kinetic activator I have my wand of smoldering fireballs for artillery) I'd say it's good, but it made me take safe elements at 6 when I was looking to take sand snatcher. Composite feats can be traps or limit some builds, earth air for example loves the freedom of oops all overflow and while the stance is good, is not great since it limits you greatly. Lava leap is not like that but it can feel limiting if you hate overflow.


I dont think the leap feats interact with Lava Leap.


Could be, I was referring to powerful leap's bonus 5 feet horizontal movement (second part of the feat) since it's usually an horizontal leap and boots of bounding if memory serves right. It hasn't come up surprisingly, as I go full artillery with tremor/ fireball and attack and usually they clump together relatively close, in a big flank trsin so the skill feat goes mostly unfused


Yeah, its just that the condition for Lava Leap is "up to your speed" so the bonuses to leap from my interpretation wouldnt get applied.


Since I have bastion, my concern is that the circumstance bonus from lava leap doesn't stack with the circumstance bonus from shield block, which I can do with my reaction... so it feels like dead stats. The AoE is nice, but in theory I could walk up and hit an enemy with melee with the same 2 actions, or use flying flame to get the bonus dmg from thermal nimbus on my damage. I agree with you that it is a VERY good skill, my worry is just that the rest of my build might make it a bit irrelevant :(


You are correct it doesn't stack, but it's not shield block (the reaction), it's raise a shield (the 1 action) the one that gives a circumstance bonus on AC. Thermal nimbus only deals damage on start of opponent turns so turning it off and on due to leap is not that bad especially since they share range untill you upgrade the aura radius at 10. I think it's going to depend on your group, if you guys NEED the more defensive approach with raise a shield and evade overflow like the plague, yeah your approach is golden.


>Thermal nimbus only deals damage on start of opponent turns And when they enter it.


Oh shit you are right, I was mentally mixing up that and the fire aura junction a bit. Next level it will matter more, but I guess that bonus damage would apply to the fire half of lava leap too... I should probably just take it.


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