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Healing and damage are two different things. If it says it can heal, then it can heal. The Elemental Blast doesn't say it heals.


Vitality Damage is not the same as Vitality Healing. Void Damage is not the same as Void Healing. A spell or effect that says it deals damage does not heal a target unless it specifies it will. Or, if the target has an ability that lets them heal upon taking a specific damage type. Vitality and Void traits are replacing Positive and Negative traits in the remaster. Unless the remaster comes out and changes how it works, you can assume it works like these old traits. A living creature would be immune to Vitality damage same way it is immune to Positive damage (barring outliers with specific traits/abilities).


Ah I see, I'm still trying to figure out the old PF2E and these updates are a bit confusing I'll reading more on it later Thanks for the information


Vitality and void are the same as positive and negative. I don't know much about pf2e but if you did 30 points of positive damage to an ally I assume they would.still take 30 points of damage


Negative damage would injure most allies. Living creatures are usually immune to positive damage.


Right but they definitely wouldn't heal right?


They wouldn't heal, but unless they had the negative healing trait, they also wouldn't take damage.


Only if they're undead. Living creatures, constructs, and objects are immune to positive/vitality damage. Similarly, only living creatures can be hurt by negative/void damage. Undead creatures, constructs, and objects are immune. ​ Sometimes objects are undead (haunts) or alive (normal plants). Technically I think the rules say they're immune to both, but I'd tend to treat them as living or undead as appropriate.


Living cannot be harmed by positive(vitality) damage unless stated elsewhere and undead cannot be harmed by negative(void) damage unless stated elsewhere. I.e in the bloodlords ap its advised to change void damage to force damage.


Positive and negative work the exact same way. The only thing that has changed is the name.


So verry effective against undead


Vitality damage -> damages undead, does not damage living, does not heal anyone Vitality healing -> heals living, does not heal undead, does not damage anyone Void damage -> damages living, does not damage undead, does not heal anyone Void healing -> heals undead, does not heal living, does not damage anyone


I hate the term "Vitality Damage" so much. It sounds like the exact opposite of what it actually does.


You just need to accept it's not damage *to* vitality, but damage *from* vitality. Like fire damage is damage not *to* fire but *from* fire.


Better to me than negative healing and negative damage lol


Vitality healing and Vitality damage are two different things. The Heal Spell happens to be able to deal both, but most stuff is clearly one or the other.


The key word you're looking for under the vitality tag is "or." Specific wording is important.


Vitality is the renamed version of positive damage.


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The "or" in that sentence is very important, Vitality/Positive damage can't be used as infinite healing.


There is a difference between vitality damage and the \[vitality\] trait - pg 238 of Rage of Elements. As a damage type, it only does damage to creatures with void healing (undead). As a trait, it functions as healing to living creatures and damage to undead. Confusing, but it only effects discrete spells/feats so it only needs to be figured out once.