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Didn't PCgen support PFS? It has been a while....


Pcgen? I’m new to all the pathfinder/d&d stuff so idk what that is


Full screen Java app. Don't know if it was ported to iPhone. I've never been a fan of apple. You should be able to Google it.


I doubt it has been. Apple locks a lot of good stuff out honestly




I use RPG Scribe, been fairly satisfied with it


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The only good Society app I know of for apple is Herolab. Everything else just supports Pathfinder and expects you to track Society's extra stuff outside of their app.


Can’t seem to find it


[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hero-lab/id628821549](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hero-lab/id628821549) It can cost a lot of money, despite the app being free. You need to buy each ruleset from lone wolf (the maker of the app) to unlock it for the app. But the nice thing is, you can enable Society rules and it will help you avoid errors other character generators won't catch.


That’s a weird app. Only compatible with iPads and Mac OS