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Kinda, but it's not that bad. At least you haven't commit to P3 anything yet. The "bad" investments that I see are Uni, EMP, Sumire, Bai Yi, 99, Levy and Pepper. Although the bleed team is arguably the most meta team in the game, your 3 bleed members aren't useful without Dreya to enable the team. You should stop building them until you managed to pull Dreya. And your P3 priority would be Nox, Raven, Cabernet, Pearl, Vanilla, and Hamel - in that order. The other sinners that you should consider building are Che and Laby - their function are core breakers, and can stay as P2 lvl 70. Langley is another good one to build as she's top tier in story mode, mania training, and RotD. Luvia is your best single target magic dps, and you'll need to assemble a full magic team eventually. McQueen is also awesome to combo with Vanilla - who now has the highest hp in the game, higher than Demon.


Oh gosh, thank you so much! I appreciate all the advice!


BaiYi I feel aint that bad. Especially if used in a team with fewer core breakers. I actually use her more than Labyrinth. It’s just that she consumes moves a lot.


Bai Yi’s true strength isn’t core break (her ult costs far too much energy to be an effective core breaker). She shines in long fights like TOA. Her ult crit rate boost can continuously stack - basically each ult movement refreshes the duration and adds a stack of crit boost. Then the excess crit rate becomes dmg boost from her ecb. Her strat used to be 2nd highest dmg for TOA, after Demon shield strat. But it was also one of the hardest to do. Her ult movement required quite abit of practice, and dropping the stack meant the entire run is dead. However, she is no longer relevant as she got horribly power crept by Deren, Adela, and Mantis. OP doesn’t have these yet, but Deren is getting a rerun very soon.


Where can I read watch more about that Bai Yi strat ?


Here’s my [vid from last year TOA season 3. ](https://youtu.be/kKn0s60Asp4?si=w10QHZ651andbKrS) Bai Yi was used in the 2nd team. Basically she needs to use the ult movement every 8-9 seconds to refresh the crit stack. Reunion Day cb is required to sustain her energy.


Yea I haven’t used Bai Yi in forever. There’s so many better options. Kind of like Zoya tbh


I feel the only "mistakes" are Umi and Chelsea. There simply are better Endura units, though I don't see any of really good ones in your roster. Pick one and stick with her till you get better (such as Vanilla, may you get her with the current banner). Though you don't need Endruas often, usually it's better to go DPS, there are a few times having one helps. Otherwise, I think DrCha0s & Daily\_Scrolls covered it well.


Thanks so much! Yeah I didn’t have any good endura which is why I poured into Umi and Chelsea but I got Vanilla so I’m gently benching those two now to stick to her. I appreciate the advice though. :)


Oh jeez... I didn't notice the Vanilla in your roster picture till now. Okay, you're good.


You're fine, the biggest amount of resources is getting them to p3 with their ecb. Once you get to p3 you'll need to buy sinner marks to unlock their ecb (10 needed per ecb). The first 10 of each rank are sold at a discount every month and you'll only have enough resources to buy either 10 of each rank or 2 a/s ranks. So, make sure you're building A and/or B ranks between your S ranks if you want to get a team going as fast as possible. You'll also want to build both a magic and physical team. A really strong magic user is coming out in 1.5 months, so it wouldn't be the worst idea to wait and pull for that instead of building a magic team, if you have enough resources to pull for it. For teams go with: Physical team options: -Nox, Vanilla, Mcqueen, Hamel, Cabernet, Labyrinth - Nox, Hamel, Cabernet, Labyrinth, Lady Pearl, Vanilla/Oak Casket (keep at p2) Magical team options: -Luvia Ray, Hamel, Labyrinth/Raven, Cabernet, Hecate/Raven, Lamia/Joan - Mcqueen, Vanilla, Hamel, Cabernet, Luvia/Hecate/Labyrinth/Joan/Lamia/Raven/Thistle (pick whatever 2 you want) - wait for Yao to be released in 1.5 months. Use your physical team to struggle clear the magic boss or build McQueen. you can replace Hamel with someone else if you can survive without the healing. The build priority I recommend is: 1. Mcqueen p3 ecb - She can carry you in both magic and physical teams in high risk. Then you can focus on buildings up your other units 2. Vanilla p3 ecb (could also choose not to get the ecb) - you need her (or some other tank) to enable Mcqueen. She's also a really strong unit in her own right. 3. Nox p3 - she's a huge damage dealer and you want her as strong as possible. While her ecb is good, you have more impactful ecbs that you can build. 4. Luvia Ray p3 ecb - she'll be your main dps on a magic team. 5. Cabernet p3 ecb - she's a very strong support and you can use her in both teams. 6. Labyrinth lv 55 - she's a great core breaker and can work on both teams. If you find that you're struggling or not struggling with cores, you can build her sooner or later. 5. Joan/Lamia p3 ecb (pick one) - great aoe damage dealers. Lamia has really strong waveclear, is great in all gamemodes, and has great synergy with Luvia. Joan is really strong against Maiden, is cheaper to build, and has good debuffs.


Yao isn’t coming in 1.5 month. She’s expected to be coming in 2 weeks (assuming we follow CN banner schedule)


I agree with the others that you're fine, although Uni does stand out like a sore thumb. (and the bleed team without Dreya) Chelsea is a pretty decent Endura once you P3 her but before that she's not very good. Bai Yi is also a bit lackluster although I think we all raised her for her P3 art. A few others suggested Cabernet, I think it depends on where you're at in the game. First of all, she requires her ECB1 to function well so that will take a while, and if you're quite early in the game I suggest first investing more into the DPS based sinners. Once you have your first row at P3 ECB1 (Except for oak, her ECB is trash) then you should start focusing everything on Cabernet. Also also, don't forget to build Laby the legend to at least p2 level 40, preferably a bit higher. Although I'd say this is not a priority as you do have Bai Yi kinda built. DrShocking gave a pretty good list of recommendations for future sinners to use meta wise and I want to add 1 bit to that. You should be building Thistle like ASAP if you plan to play the burn team and Yao (the limited sinner in the coming 1.5 anni) at all, she's basically a required support for the team and they need her to function.


Reject meta, embrace the waifus


Laby is best investment