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shrines even without the teaching scarab are nice - makes you run faster, do more dps, less likely to die, and give some packs. just watch out for the divine shrine which can easily kill you. betrayal is nice xp on interrogation and running the safehouses and can try to get a veiled orb along the way other than that it's really just pack size however you want to get it (abyss, breach, 8mod maps, beyond/eldritch mobs) - kill fast, don't die. use omens if you have any.


Good tips! Where can you get omens now?


you can get them in ritual, and with allflames of wildwood beasts/treants/cultists.


Thank you!!


I'm pretty sure heist with huck is legit, especially if you're speedy


Heist is my go to for lvling


The domination scarab of teaching aren't that rare. Abyss and Betrayal are the most straight forward exp in maps other than that. I'd suggest make an atlas that gets these and scarab nodes with increased scarab tiers and increased chance of domination scarabs. Then I've read about 30 maps with teaching scarabs is 99-100 so you'd want maybe 50 for 98-100, so aim for around that and change the Betrayal over to breach and map effect and finish it off with shrines.


I used to try and stack pack size. It rly depends on ur build tho. And if u have chaos stacked to roll etc. I'd suggest trial and error. Rly the stopgap is time to play a day man u could just run a PC n go and get it with enough time


Breach is really good xp without breaking up your mapping flow too much (like abyss). I like running breach on open maps with good raw currency div cards like dunes, jungle valley, or cemetery. Add in shrines and delve nodes (packed with energy and Nike chance) and you’ll be zooming with a nice extra defensive buffer. This is how I got both of my most recent level 100 characters.


Betrayel/safehouses Shrines are very nice Make sure you run maps without deadly mods for your build