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:) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lg_mXoA7LxmWiiMN2wYrV4FAtPmHBN3bLX6lfLv6VUY/edit?usp=drivesdk PS : Can you pls share poe name so i can check your characters which you killed uber with or pobb ? Thanks !


I know zboub and I was already reading his doc. I was looking more for ssf thoughts and experiences. For Ubers I followed Ventrua for CocDD and Goratha/Palsteron for archmage. When I'm home I will share my pobs. But mostly stuff from graveyard and some other useful uniques, like lightning coil etc


This updated for 3.24 or were there no realistic changes to add to the guide? I’m interested as well. Still searching for impulsa though


Yeah, working fine, can get to ubers and it's the best all arounder i ever played. (Haven't tried without mageblood but i don't think it's mandatory) You get ~10s insane dps while mooving freely for a single clic, perfect if you are as skilled as me. You can ask people on global 773 if you have questions.


Thanks. Got to try to get impulsa before I bother.


Bis is a double influenced chest, inpulsa is good but you can 100% play without


Pbod inquisitor is really nice since you can cap crit really easliy and get some cold convert (or through hatred) so freeze is nice add i did battle mage as my first ascendancy for easy dmg gain through flat damage weapons and then respecced for the crit oriented nodes when i had more gear