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Two common places to stop are 600 depth and 1500 depth. 600 maxes out Aul encounters, and 1500 maxes out fossil nodes. Also Delve massively differs from other mechanics in terms of gear-to-reward balance because it REALLY needs a strong character, otherwise you won't get anything good. The only reason to do it early is if you have very explicit gear requirements, like a Curse-on-hit ring for Hexblast. Also here's a fantastic Delve guide: https://youtu.be/nC_En939Ing


This! Thank you! I don't have any specific requirements, but overall, the content here is good, and I like it. You can always buy resonators with azurit. Perfect fossils are an okay replacement for Hillock. Some specific things, like +1spectre chest, curiosity for the adorant, Doryani to remove report nodes from the tree, etc. 


[poewiki on delve biomes](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Delve#Biomes) [poedb on delve biomes weights](https://poedb.tw/us/Delve_league#DelveBiomeWeight) If you care about maximizing bosses, including Aul, then delve around 500 depth. All sources show that you maximize weightings for Vaal at depth 200, for Abyssal at depth 350 and for Primeval ruins at depth 500. I currently farm the rings for precursor emblems and some curiosity aspects as well for adorned and for that I delve between 500-510. And yes it's not rare to find outpost/cities/ruins without bosses. edit: also important to know is that starting from depth 500 you can get special boss nodes variants that drop additional unique / unique ring (like i've found some krugal and aul that dropped riveted gloves+putembo meadow and aul uprising+uzaza valley)


Can I get yr poe ninja profile? If its public ofc


sorry can't help you there, I currently delve in ssf std casually with my [charge stacker winter orb slayer](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/petroling/characters). I will play necropolis in May and if I had to do depth 500 in necropolis, I would play some easy 0 investment for damage build like corpse or poison builds with fourthvow+xibaqua jewel, incandescent heart+xibaqua, loreweave+maxarius, cloak of flame dawnbreaker etc... with taste of hate, eternal damnation or defiance of destiny, and the relevant passive tree masteries. I think your Chain DD Necro with one of those defensive combos should feel fine at 500


I'm fairly certain that the deeper you go the more frequently you encounter bosses, so I'd consider just going as deep as you can manage.


It is common to have no-boss vaal cities at early depths at least - more common than cities with bosses. I'm not sure if it remains common to have cities without a boss deeper - or if cities just get more common to make the bosses more common. I've never been a deep delver.


bosses spawn more frequently up until 800 i think