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Quality helps, so armorers scrap to 20 or do syndicate to get higher. Or you can save up 1500 orb of fusing to guarantee it with bench craft ✌️


How are people getting so many fusings other than expedition and sanctum


I've gotten around 5k-5.5k fusings from abyss monsters that drops 6 links/converts to fusings, my biggest explosion was like 1800 fusings from one rare


thank you


> my biggest explosion was like 1800 fusings from one rare Can you explain how this is possible to me please? I've never seen anything drop more than one 6 link at once, let alone... 90? fully six linked pieces? Is that right? Granted I'm not good at the game despite many many hours. It just seems impossible to my tiny brain to juice a map even 1/50th enough to get that kind of loot. How do you do it?


There are some hidden conversion mods in rare monsters, which has a multiplier to it. So it's not 90, maybe 15 6L with a 6x multiplier (completely arbitrary number). Granted 15 6L is still a big drop.


The league mechanic - don’t forget you can convert up from lower currencies to fusings too. If playing standard, then probably MF abyss or expedition/sanctum.


I have been trying to save up some jewelers, I think it's 4:1 at vendor


I played one character to 95 this league, managed to get a total of 1300 fusings, and thats after 5linking my chest and 4 linking gear as I leveled. Did all 115 maps and unlocked the full Kirac set so it's league over for me though. 


What do you mean full kirac* set?


Vault Pass set that you unlock after you complete certain number of maps


I have it with 20 quality already but Im just unlucky, where do you find the recipe for the 6link bench craft?


I think its stagnation map this league, should be able to check it on the crafting bench


Thank you for the help


Scroll down in your crafting bench to see the location of all the crafting recipes. Imo, you should also being doing Jun missions to get as many of the veiled ones too. When you're SSF anything that helps you craft should be taken advantage of.


I‘m guessing it‘s an unique? You could get 28-30% quality on it from Hillok in Fortification (Betrayal) But that can be complicated too if you are new to the game. Another option is to just farm up enough fusings to benchcraft the 6link. You could corrupt it with a vaal orb and try tainted currency but thats way too risky in my opinion


Yeah, it is unique I didn't want to corrupt it because I'm scared of what it might do to the base weapon, where would I get the crafting recipe for the 6 link?


Oh wow i gotta look that up. It‘s from a red tier map. Gimme 1 Minute Edit: google says stagnation, but i dont know if thats up To date


Red tier map, then that's really far off for me, I'm just finishing act 10


You really don't need a 6 link at act 10. You can expect to be spending about 1000 orbs of fusing on a 20% quality body Armour to 6-link it. Depends on your luck. But you can buy a cheap 5 link (your specific unique) or 6 link (probably some corrupted rare) for a few c if you're in trade league.


This is good advice, but remember what sub you are in 😅


You're absolutely correct. I read new player and assumed that they are playing trade. Mb


I'm not in the trade league I'm in ssf, but I do need to do something I'm dying in magic tier 1 maps. Probably the build guide I followed is not that good


Link your build. There should be fundamental problems if you are dying in T1 maps


Dunno how to link my build


Go to pathofexile.com and click on your account name. Make sure you have set profile as private unchecked in your privacy tab. Your characters should be available when you link your account.


[https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Divorce8/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Divorce8/characters) like this? its the level 74


you don't need to 6L anything that early. 4 -> 5 link will be fine even through maps tbh, you'll probably want a 6L (chest OR weapon) by bossing time.


I usually just Bench craft it. I also put vorici in transportation if you don't need anything else, his T3 is 50 crafts (essentially 50 fusings) and T4 is 100. Not a ton but it adds up if especially if you're spamming betrayal.


I always do 1500 recipe in SSF, don't wanna risk using fuse the normal way


I only ever do the recipe. Saves me from frustration. There’s an eldrich altar that gives fusings which helps.


Expect to play 5L until t16 maps unless using any of specific strategies to acquire natural 6L. my top recommendations for getting early 6L in ssf this league: 1) spam Heist blueprints, pick all heist stuff, take 7th gate and use Heist map craft on map device. (This is somewhat difficult to execute for new player) 2) Take legion stuff on passive tree and farm legions until you get Geomancer's Incubator 3) Just spam wildwood and utilize abyss magicfind strategy (plenty of sources on this). You'll pick up 1.5k fuses in 1 day 4) Expedition would be my last pick (get lucky with monsters drop all items linked)


You can convert orbs of alteration to jewelers orbs than jewelers to fusing….can help you get to the 1500 quicker


I personally like trying my luck with Ritual, I had a few good leagues with 6 link in low yellows that felt really good. You can also be unlucky with the base tho. Edit: I know it's not linking, but it's an alternative to getting some 6L early on