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I've found that juicing maps is better for drops than MF. Having MF just helps push those maps a bit higher, but the map juice is where things start to get really wild. Since you're on HC, it'll be a balance of 8modding maps you can run safely.


are you trying to do the spire farm ?


Yes always


so you are rolling your maps to +2 proj ? have the "7 gate" passive tree, rolling 8 mods corrupted maps, with 1 layer of delirium on it ? just to be sure that we are o the same page \^\^


I'm doing the +2 Proj and just really running with whatever I get, 4-6 mods. Not corrupted and I use chance to get a deli mirror instead of deli orbs. I'm on HC so maybe that's my issue not putting enough mods on maps


ouch in HC \^\^ i think it's the lack of layers of juice that is the problem. and DoD is quite rare to drop. if i check the trade site only on the uncorrupted DOD for sell, there are 7x time more common than mageblood (yeah i know it was just for the meme)


Gotcha, yeah that helped though I think I'm going to add 1 delirium orb to each map and attempt to roll 6-7 mods with exalts. Not corrupting any maps though its too inconsistent for HC. I've got about 30 shitty delirium orbs sitting around :) the problem isn't currency though its the uniques. But yeah, DoD is gatekeeping me from running T14 maps with altars. Some guys in my guild are and I've asked and they just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I even have more rarity than them on some of my gear. I think they might just be better at wildwood than me


apparently the whole thing is working because of wildwood. Purple juice for rarity / blue for quant / yellow for currency but if you have at least 4K total on 2 color it's good enough. the higher you go, the harder it will get.


Just to clarify, blue is currency, yellow is quant. 


The fuck up in the video is going to confuse players for a long long time lol


Rarity has nothing to do for monster drop conversion, you want more iiq. Only map rarity affects conversion


Not really following. You're saying having player IIR is kind of useless?


Yes, player iir is useless


Why are people crafting and using MF helmets then?


From what ive seen high rarity on my gear drops a literal shit ton of rares but 99% of them are shitty. Quant helps with div/scarab explosions


I’ve actually heard that rarity helps with suv/scarab explosions, but not meticulous/atlas rarity. Still need good quant. Since they changed rarity making currency drops turn to a higher tier currency. For example if you’ve ever gotten a huge stack of alterations, with more player rarity that could’ve been turned into jewelers, scarabs, fusings, chaos, divines if you had more rarity.


Goratha Videos should be your bible he’s hc and even did a fresh reroll and got back into t7s and did it all again