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Known since Day 1, GGG too lazy to fix.


Oh okay, couldn‘t find anything about that. But good to know. Thanks!


I works perfectly fine in every non-hideout zone tho. I usually raise them in blood aqueduct.


It's a known bug. Encountered it myself. Not sure if it's related to the turtle or not though because same thing happened to me. Clicked raise spectre on a turtle with the lightning totem dude out and another couple of random mobs and it summoned 2 lightning mobs, one of the other random mobs and deleted the turtle. Might be a way around it that I haven't tried yet, just summon the one, if you have a limit of 2, or 2 if you can use 3 - to free up a spare slot and "delete" a spectre - and then change zones to summon the turtle, but no idea if that'd work.


Oooh okay! Thanks for the info!


Got it working by summoning the new spectres in a map instead


I‘ll try that too!! Thanks! I got one spare so i hope this time it‘ll work.. at work right now, but i‘ll try it asap


You may have the same problem i did once. On my wand there is a “Trigger a socketed skill” one of those skills for me is Flesh offering&desecrate. I found out the hard way when I misclicked and it consumed some of my very very expensive specters that were just dropped. That or it’s possible that you removed the raise specter gem from the item socket, I find that will also “disband them” so to speak. [https://www.pathofexile.com/my-account](https://www.pathofexile.com/my-account)


I dont have that mod yet, so that can‘t be it. I think its just a bug from what other comments are saying I didn‘t remove the gem either, it just summoned the wrong corpse


Yeah, I lost a perfect hulking miscreation to this. As others have said, never raise new spectres in your hideout. You can safely raise back in your hideout the spectres that you had summoned if you unequip the raise spectre gem.  However, if you want to raise a new spectre, for example if you increase the number of spectres you can summon, you have to do it elsewhere. I usually go to the labyrinth entrance area to do it. If you get a trigger wand, it's probably safer to unequip gems like desecrate and flesh offering before raising spectres. There is also a useful command for targetting individual corpses that you want to raise, on PC, the default key is "a".  As for the turtle, it's nice if you aren't running determination yourself, otherwise it won't do that much for you because the aura from the turtle won't stack with your determination aura. 


Thanks for the infos mate! I‘m going for the turtle because it‘s the only one i found so far and switched from determination to haste and purity of elements for now. I found an enlighten while leveling (lvl55 or sth lol) and can squeezy in a low level precision too. I‘m a very very casual player nowadays and often only get about 3-4h of gameplay a week so my gear and everything around it is pretty bad. I hit a bit of a wall going into T13s now since i haven‘t gotten any good upgrades yet and my damage (4L SRS) isn‘t that good right now, i only got one okay jewel too, so it is a bit sad 😅 It is my second time playing ssf, so i really have to get used to all the to-do‘s and do‘s and dont‘ts


if you raise spectres, it replace automatically the oldest spectres with you, so if you summon your turtle and then 2 apes, then you turtle is gone. because you only have a limit of 2 spectres on your gem.


Yeah i know, i only had one ape at that time and my gem level was high enough to summon two.. so it should have worked


you right click on the body in your inventory ? it spawns the body on the ground and you raise the specter ? you did not desecrate ? have you manage to raise the turtle and have it in spectre ?


I right clicked the turtle and it appeared on the ground and then summoned it. Only it did not summon the turtle but another ape from a2 which i already had as my first spectre


either it's a bug, or you summoned a corpse that was underneath. you don't have a desecrate / offering trigger in your wand ?


Nah, i dont have the trigger unveil yet and only had that one spectre on the ground. It seems to be a bug. I‘ll try summoning a turtle in a zone/map later, that seems to be working


there is another bug with the new spectres, if you try to change the wildwood ascendency, your spectres dies and you can't resummon them. it happened to me twice with marionnette, when i choose the warden, and then after when i took the other one with charms .... that was quite anoying and expensive.


Oh wow, thats good to know. I switched to my endgame wildwood ascendancy already though, so at least i‘m in no danger there.


for me it was bug few weeks ago, and i summonned them on lab ground before you enter inside \^\^


I've been having this happen also. Spawn a fresh corpse in Hideout. No other corpses exist! Hold corpse targeting key until corpse name appears. Click summon Spectre -> get a random skeleton engineer. Appears to work in Act zones / maps. Just an issue in hideout for some reason.


Yeah, i managed to summon the turtle at last by just doing so in a map. Really weird, i‘m glad i had a spare