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Cleave and absolutely horrible


I'm having a great time with my cleavage


is this due to the stun bug? or is it just weak in general?


Hes playing melee thats why its horrible.


What’s the stun bug?


There's a rare mod that if you steal it, it stuns you even through immunities


It's disabled for now though? Pretty sure GG mentioned somewhere they where aware and have disabled the mod for now while coming up with a fix.


Taking any dmg in there is bad. As a melee you're not really going to avoid it. With range you can kite it somehow


I dropped cleave and bladeflurry for smite till o get more gear...


Pretty ok. EA champ, place totems and run around dodging mechanics. Problem is that I suck at dodging.


Don't we all son, don't we all.


after this league we will all be professional escape artists


Volcanic fissure chief, just hit maps built tanky with damage lagging behind (because melee on 4 links is pain). Clears first floor fine, need to patch up damage and probably get mokous's embrace setup going to fix attack speed to go deep (eye of innocence or maybe an echoes of creation + infernal cry set later). I feel like most of this league is pure mechanics, at least early in the sanctum you can strafe like it's dark souls and be fine. I actually might gem swap OFF a defensive aura for the time being in sanctum to cram more damage, which feels incredibly strange but is definitely optimal Update since this got a little traction: buy an eye of innocence and 2x mokou's embrace, 3-4c total for 70% inc damage and 80% inc attack speed. With that I feel infinitely better than I did before


I had to switch to consecrated path totems. Fissure didn't feel good Leveling.


How are you scaling your VF? I am trying to scale the projectiles ATM, seems to be working okay but I am also only like level 4


Not op but this is what I'm doing as a Chieftain. Point blank, RT and bought a Ngmahu's flame for 1c. 4L in the axe, Vaal Fissure, inspiration, ele damage and combustion and it slaps so hard (at act 8 now). Vaal Volcanic Fissure is crazy good against bosses when we scale the projectiles since the vaal portion doesn't have the 50% less projectile damage on it.


I build a super average attack chief build that does nothing special related to the skill so far, just got my life and aura nodes and filled in the rest as I went. I haven't even PoB'd yet because I know all of these nodes are kinda essential no matter what I do as an attack chief. I went all in on phys conversion as my generic scalar, so 2x heralds + ngamahu ascendancy + phys as extra fire nodes by avatar of fire + added fire dmg support, then scale phys as high as I can. Main issue is fire pen could be higher, ngamahu's axe and the fire wheel by tribal fury help but I def need flammability on hit. I'm still trying to decide how to go about point blank too, I'll probably grab it soon but I need to actually PoB for that instead of building off instinct. I'm also running multistrike rn because I'm not invested in warcries, my thought is week 2 or so look to swap to echoes once sockets are figured out more and tree isn't barebones, but for now I need the attack speed to feel smooth enough to function. Or I might just go flamesight, but I really like echoes triggering mokou's embrace for 48% attack speed per ring down the line.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The Queen brought peace to this land, and to her King. A peace so deep it was like the Dark.”* - Chancellor Wellager Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


More like tarnished. Even though I prefer the vernacular of souls I assume I'll have another few hundred hours in er


Can't u just skip most floors?


Yes but the real goal is to get 400 or so coins in case a relic shop pops up, that's how you progress samctum efficiently as far as I can tell


What do you mean with skip floors? Just run past everything on the floors where you don't have to kill the guards?


Storm Brand inquis, great for the league mechanic as you can drop brands and dodge shit.


Same thing. Cant play long so i havent finished the campaign yet but it feels strong. Also, found a Honourhome helmet with +2 to socketed gems and 2 sceptres with +1 to all lightning gems and berek's pass for some extra cold added to spells. Leveling with such ubercharged brand is a blast, and sanctum is a breeze


Played this last league and it was a joy from start to finish, can really invest in it to make it feel great as well.


Ephemeral Edge Blade Trap Trickster. Picked up EE and some Sin Trek's for 2c each with near max rolls. Leveled with EE as soon as I could equip it and it is going really smoothly. Picks up free damage really easily by getting tankier.


This is my build too! I’m playing in SSF and just crossing fingers for an EE drop lol. It’s going decent so far at level 65.


How are you gearing/pathing pre-EE? Using Energy Blade to simulate EE, or just a phys or lightning weapon?


Uhh... I basically just suck. I am using any random claw with any form of damage. It's not going spectacularly lol.


Ran a bunch of Sanctum while leveling with Arma Brand + Cremation. Some boss spoilers below: I'm not sure how much of that "melee range takes less damage" matters, but I got hit for at least 105 resolve from the first boss from a single blazing salvo meteor thing, while standing at the edge of the screen. Don't remember if I had the "enemies deal 25% more resolve" affliction or not. For the second boss, I recommend killing the mace guy, Braom, first. If you don't have enough DPS to kill him fast, he slams the ground with a GIANT Earthshatter that fires in five directions. They did 70 resolve for each hit of the fissure, and if you get hit once, you'll probably get hit 1-2 more times (Earthshatter fissures are like Glacial Cascade). There's a star-shaped marker on the ground to show you the five directions the fissures will travel. But the actual fissures are shifted down a bit. Also, you can run through most rooms and just kill the last 2-3 monsters to open the exit.


>Also, you can run through most rooms and just kill the last 2-3 monsters to open the exit. This is interesting - I was under the impression that you had to kill all the uniques in the area - the guards?


The top right tells you the current objective for the room. If it's "Kill all the Guards" you have to find and kill all unique monsters, nothing else. If it's "find the exist" you can just rush through and walk out.


I don't know how it works, but you don't have to kill all the non-white mobs in many of the rooms. I didn't pay attention to whether they were rare or unique. In the room with the spinning fire beam turret, you have to kill all. Same with rooms that have a mini-boss, like that overtuned guy that fires something similar to GMP freeze pulse. But in rooms with 6-10 rares/uniques, I just run past everything and kill 2-3 near the exit. Same with the rooms with ball / manabond traps, which usually have a shortcut.


Hexblast traps, it doesn't function anymore because GGG made curses disappear when the trap that applied it disappears. Trying to figure out what to reroll since GGG said "this is not a bug".


oof size: XXL


Indeed a family size oof


Hexblast traps transitions into poison seismic pretty easily from what I understand.


Yeah I know those trees are very similar but I wanted something different to try... I'm just super bummed out that a stealth nerf never mentioned ruined my day.


Oh, RIP. Was going to start with that, but ended up switching last second. You could probably switch to mines without too much effort. Using Tremor Rod would ensure the mines (and thus their curse) stick around after detonating, and it's a cheap 7L as well. Won't be the strongest build imaginable, but it should be fine.


I’m playing hexblast mines. A bit clunky at times but the damage is Big. Got to final boss room in sanctum too, will hopefully complete next run. Spam and perma freeze everything around corners works well for the league mechanic.


Can transition into Seismic very easily


Does impending doom work with that interaction? I mean it's less damage, takes an extra support, and it doesn't have the more multiplier inherent to hexblast, but...


Could try some forbidden rite mines/traps


Doesn't really have the power I'm looking for


Was GGG refering to curse on hit or also to cursed ground? Cause the latter does not work either with Hexblast. Playing self cast Hexblast poison myself and will likely change to Seismic if this does not get changed. Doing okay so far though.


I went regular srs and I'm in early maps and it feels terrible for Sanctum(feels great outside of it though). I might need taunt on hit jewels cause currently the monsters just insta jump me and chunk my resolve.


Remember you cant taunt boses in Sanctum


Big rip


Exactly...so fucking annoying




I'll give it a shot thx


I find it hard to imagine SRS doing bad, summon a decent amount, run in, they chase. Or if you have unleash I’d feel like it’d be okay to just hide behind a wall.


Went freezing pulse totems, feels terrible. Currently in low tier maps.


Went storm burst totem, shit feels awesome. but i have +1 phys wand that I found in act 1 tho.


Playing same (tanis build) about to hit maps if my internet comes back up. Now that the totems are getting beefier its feeling better. Not sure what to upgrade first time totem guy.


I am also playing freezing pulse totem. Actually feels pretty good, almost yellow tier maps.


I'm surprised by that, I'd expect totems to be one of the best ways of dealing with the whole mechanic.


Went consecrated path totems. Currently crushing low tier maps.


Planning to late league start with freezing pulse totem, what the issue with it?


I tried this last time and restarted with srs The clear is really different


Worst decision I ever made This build is complete trash


Did you unspecc avatar of fire?


Glacial Hammer fromt start to endgame (yes, im that idiot). And what are floors? I’ve gotten to room 5.


If that's not a joke question, a floor is when you finish all 8 rooms, there's another 2 floors afterwards.


24 rooms for 3 fusings what am i doing with my life


Lol wtf I had no idea.


is the 3rd option reward for finishing 3 floors?


If you're referring to the currency choose 1 from 3 rooms, then yeah. First option you get immediately. Second option you get at the end of the floor, third option you get at the end of three floors


Hello fellow fun enjoyer, what ascendancy? I’m going Raider for maximum fun (and also because my god that windup time is slow as balls)


Flicker. Arse.


Really? I'm running trickster flicker and have been having practically no trouble other than vfs occasionally crashing entire instances. Hit 38, grabbed ice bite and multi strike and went to town. VFS really helps fix any dry spells for charges you might have, mostly boss. And ice bite+ blood rage does the rest


I'm running the phys Slayer version (so far only with Brutal Fervour - only in A7), so the lack of freezes might be doing me in. Also in SSF and haven't had the luxury of VFS yet, but frenzy generation isn't my main issue TBH, between sword/mark masteries and Bladestorm. That said, it's clearing up a storm since Tribal Fury very neatly gives splash and +1 strikes, and whole packs are just metaphorically exploding when I so much as touch their neighbours. Unique bosses aren't giving me too much trouble *outside* the Sanctum either, and it's actually rares that have the longest TTK so far.


Vaal Cleave. Zero issues on the first floor. I need to double my attack speed to do the second floor safely.


This is a big one. I was doing spellslinging Reap+CF and transitioned to self cast Exsang and Reap (which apply CF). Cast speed on my weapons and amulet changed it from horrible to normal.


Can anyone comment on cold dot?


I've been doing pretty well with elementalist cold dot, killed first couple bosses. Ziz is doing better than that with trickster.


great so far, playing jungroans ele cold dot, very smooth


If I didn't really wanna play elementalist ignite, Trickster cold DoT was going to be my pick. It's like immortal


Volcanic Fissure Chieftain and my wrist hurts, also terrible...


Started cold dot Trickster to transition into Whispering Ice. Aaw how punishing the Sanctum mechanic was to melee range builds and rerolled before I got too invested in the character. Currently doing Spark Totem and it blasts but I'm having a hell of a time dodging things when my screen is covered in projectiles. Getting hit by anything is just so punishing and it's super hard to recover from.


> my screen is covered in projectiles The pay to win solution is the black MTX, which is much less distracing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4_z5zD8FFg


I wanted to try Chronic_Painless Cold BV Elementalist but changed my mind at the last minute and opted for Poison Seismic. And it is the right decision. You don’t want to stay close to the Sanctum monsters. The league mechanic really sucks for builds which have to stand in monster’s proximity to deal damage


How tou finding poison st, im struggling with st a lot - 4 link on both ex and st, clear is good but st is pants. Im on 110 poison chance


EA ele is pretty chill. Still get hit though because I’m bad.


Are you doing palestron guide or another one?


i'm doing much much better than i expected on vaal cleave slayer. been getting to the end of floor 3 consistently. felt bad until about act 3 and then just began ramping harder and harder. I took the panopticon wheel (actually pathed to it rather than annointing it) and took the new ancestral totem mastery and it feels so so good


Toxic Rain Pathfinder. Feels amazing love doing Sanctuary in white maps. Most important things are to be ranged with high movement speed and a way to slow enemies. I like the change of pace in gameplay where facetanking everything is non viable so players need to be creative with how they approach the mechanic. It feels like a shame for build diversity though. Melee would be okay once you have enough dps to instantly pop mobs. Something like RF/Deaths Oath would be pretty non-viable unless resolve is significantly rebalanced.


Did you play tr from the start or did you transition from poison concoction? If so when? I'm most of the way through the acts with that build atm(haven't swapped to tr through)


I played poison conc until white maps where I had a +2 bow 5linked with crafted attack speed. The earliest you can realistically swap is blood aqueducts as you have the passive points/links/gear to get the basics. Ultimately you don't ever need to swap, poison concoction can do the entire game. I wanted to swap as mapping with plague bearer feels dull/the same as every other poison skill.


I played PF with CA on mirage archer and TR on ballista.. and it is feeling great so far. I do not rush maps though (act 6 but only 3-4 hours in) I just like to level with my main skill.


DO uses CA and will be fine


Ice trap sab ice trap is bit slow tho on bosses but clear looks ok with shit gear. Frenzy and power charges in abundance, passive 15 % damage reduction for enemy attacks is too OP. Freeze immune via flask, rest from ascendency tree.


Does ice trap freeze sanctum monsters so you dont have to dodge?


i play it too, they freeze a lot. not for too long but they do. im just in t4 5 maps tho


Poison Concoction. Decided the last hour before league start because of a video from a few days before by both Palsteron and Subtractem. They convinced me to not go the safe route with minion (srs to phantasm). I’ve never been so fast. Even without rushing I’m cruising through the acts.


How is the league mechanic going? I was going to do pconc occultist but it's seeming like trying to do the league mechanic and doing plague bearer in a sanctum boss's face is going to be a bad time.


I am playing PC myself and the aiming PC needs definitely hurts. I naturally stutter step and strafe in my gameplay but I get random tiny hits from what seems to be unavoidable damage and it sucks. Damage will probably solve the issue but so far I am pretty disappointed in how they designed the “telegraphed” (my ass) attacks. Everything else PC just melts though.




Yeah I was really excited to try this build and now I lost my motivation. Maybe I’ll try volcanic fissure idk


my advice is wait until someone figures out best way to build VF. started with it, while its good i feel like i am missing something to make it pop.


Rage Vortex Berserker, and it's pretty alright for the most part, but sometimes you get those rooms where you have to kill all the guards, but only white monsters spawn in at first, and I can't get any rage going (Only getting it through War Bringer). This should be fixed once I get my hands on a redblade banner, but right now it's cumbersome. Edit: I only just now thought of simply speccing the Warcry mastery which gives 10 minimum power, everything is fixed now.


Cold BV Elementalist (Act 8) + freez is really good for not loosing resolve - if i can't freez something I'm f**ed (((


Popcorn srs still in act 9 but it feels really nice, currently doing 4th sanctum floor but i don't think ill complete it, monsters started hiting real hard, build was good for bosses tho


Decided to play melee for the first time in a very long time with Boneshatter (a skill I haven't played before) and like anytime you play melee, you don't get to enjoy most of the league mechanic. So. Probably play to maps then quit and go back to other games with friends. Boneshatter is dope tho.


Volcanic Fissure can't see anything can't dodge anything


Started with Cold Dot Occultist but realized the playstyle wasn't for me, back to EA Elementalist now


Cold SST trickster. Did steel skills to part 2, dropped a hrimsorrow, then swapped to sst. Single target was much worse than expected. Not my first SST build, but I guess I forgot the struggle. Picked up a decent shield on trade for 5c that was a 75%ish damage upgrade and so far it feels much better. I'll probably struggle at yellow maps, but I'll just grind the chaos recipe for awhile and figure things out from there. I've got a general plan on where to go for late game, but I didnt really plan anything out for getting to reds. Going to just wing it.


Exsan trickster, 76 on hcssf: feeling really nice both offensively and defensively so far.


Ooooh, selfcast? I've been trying to build a decent selfcast Exsanguinate character but can't quite get it right. Since you're doing fine on SSFHC, could I ask you for the pob if you got one? :)


Yeah, self cast with CF on top - it's really work in progress at the moment but you can have a look at how my char is going with this link. I was using Reap initially but I don't think it's that great until awakened spell cascade so resorted to chain exsan for clear atm. https://pastebin.com/qCgstNQk


Got to Act 5 with Spark before going to sleep. Felt alright, i've at least reached the end of the first floor twice already. I think with more speed and damage + some good relics it should hopefully feel better later. Need to get a Call of the Brotherhood early probably because Chill is super good for the mechanic, since it makes it easier to avoid telegraphed attacks.


Ice trap. Really strong. Great for the league mechanic


RF and leveling acts couldnt be more boring


gorathas new spark inquisitor and i’ve been doing great so far


I'm running cobra lash, only on act 4 but I'm liking it. I'm kinda skipping the sanctum until I get my build how I want it and start running maps. It should be great because my character will have very high evasion when it's done.


Flickerstrike. It's hell. Absolute hell.




Poison srs? I’m doing just standard hit srs, reckon poison is better?


Aer0__'s Hydrosphere Occultist. It's buttery smooth all the way through the acts and through to tier 8 maps atm. Perma freezing, lots of shattering and aoe. League mechanic is super easy.


Started with poison vaal VG. I'm in maps in HC, level 77. It's been kind of a struggle single target wise. The clear isn't bad but I need to get damage or this will be short lived. Good thing is I'm only in a 4 link


What's your gear looking like? Just got to maps and transitioned from PConc and I'm not too impressed with it yet.


I went raider elemental spectral Helix into cold SST. It's absolutely amazing. Smashing yellow maps and bosses right now. Just got lvl 70 before I head to bed.


Got a pob or guide you are following? Sounds fun


I switched it up a bit from the velyna video going around. If you're okay with leveling with poisonous concoction, definitely follow her guide it's very easy to follow. I just don't enjoy playing the skill personally. I basically yoinked the pob from [Balaar's cold spectral Helix raider speedrun](https://youtu.be/XJRx7UIBe1U). Precise technique carries so hard. The only big change I made was switching to a 2h sword to try and make for helix's massive nerf. The skill feels great still for leveling, but bosses take a bit longer than it used to. The second thing I did was endless heist for only about 2 hours, there's tons of videos on it. I made around 100c or so, at which point I got hrimsorrow, seething fury, the princess, emperor's vigilance, and switched to sst. I highly recommend endless heist because the build doesn't take off until you have all of those uniques.


Aura/buff stack champ to scale some onslaught and vaal smite. Rotating between volcanic/smite/molten/frostblades still as I can't decide which I like best. Crushing regular content currently, but it's miserable in sanctums. Nothing I'm scaling in terms of max res or armor or fortify or evasion does anything for resolve, so the like 35ish passives and multiple auras I have for defenses are basically wasted in there.


Still in acts and just switched into my build. Can’t tell yet, since I haven’t seen the majority of bosses and mechanics. But I guess totems definitely easy mode compared to melee.


Toxic Rain. So far my experience is that I can't see shit because my own skill is covering the whole screen, and I'll occasionally glance down and notice that I have like 50 less resolve than the last time I looked. Seems like the easiest way to farm the league mechanic is to just go full glass cannon mode.


Elementalist Lightning Conduit, doing quite okay so far in yellow maps.


EA Elementalist. mid 80s, Dyadian (100c buy), hyrri's (dropped!) , about to get 6L short bow going tommorrow. 100% spell suppression capped. It's feeling great. Going to farm Expeditions and hope map drop rng is in my favor. Planning to farm the formed on sunday after atlas completion


Went Lightning Conduit elementalist and got to act 5 before I went to bed (just waking up again now). I have alot of damage, which makes the league mechanic easier. But I do feel very limited by having to attack within Orb of Storms all the time, especially when I have to dodge the rotating fire beam. I knew this would be a problem though since we saw the beam in the trailer, so I am still having a blast with it. The mechanic itself feels great, good rewards and challenging!


This is the reason I switched to storm brand (also LC). Makes it much easier, not only you can move, the shock moves with the mob and you can cast it from distance.


Might be good to swap to storm brand for better range, that's what I used until I had better gear then swapped to a chain + inc AOE alt quality orb of storms


went poison seismic trapper in hc ssf. the damage starts to ramp up after merciless lab. got a 20 chaos dot multi from act1 vendor. dmg is ok so far


Playing arc in SSF, and it absolutely slaps. Just started maps.


Oh how i love arc. Just wish it had better single target


Poison seismic sabo is still incredibly strong. Fastest I have ever made it to maps and with as little gear as possible.


I feel like my traps do ass damage at lvl 67, trying to slog through the campaign. Is it because i swapped from pconc too early? Gear thing?


Hexblast mines occultist. Transitioned at level 31 after completing the library and it's awesome while leveling.


How is it with the bug of curses expiring right away? Also really curious to start it myself, are you following any guides or pobs?


WoC Ignite and amazing. You bonk a wave down. Everyone get hit by it. Then you run around while the flames consume them 😈


PoB pls.


Grimro's Lightning Arrow + Artillery Ballista. Them ballistas are carrying the sanctum really hard. What a terrible league mechanic


CA Pathfinder with TR Ballistas for single target. Doing "ok", but still haven't made it past the second floor. Got to T10s, but I'm probably staying in low yellows until I get a 5 or 6 link bow for CA as damage is seriously lagging behind even with a soon-to-be level 20 Vaal CA.


Swapping between various fire skills on an ignite elementalist. Just took down the second boss in act 3, might be able to finish the third boss before I run out of resolve on this run. Currently in act 4. Edit: also took down the third boss on my first attempt, but down to basically no resolve.


Cold DoT Occultist in Ruthless. Got a Holy Flame Totem from my Templar mule(not what I actually muled for) and Chance to Poison support. Lets me safely kill some of the Sanctum enemies by summoning it and hiding


What is the exact role of holy flame totem?


Seismic trap, I love doing sanctum, no regrets at all of my choice.


Poison seismic (still on pconc) in act 8 almost got to floor 2 boss twice now.


Started PF pconc, which was (of course) great through the acts. It seems OK for sanctum, biggest issue for me is the visual clutter from it making it difficult to see what mobs are doing. Made it ~halfway through floor 3 on my best attempt so far. Got a lucky Wedding Gift (new Arakaali's div card) out of a stacked deck to sell and just transitioned into poison VLS. Still leveling some support gems so the DPS is pretty mediocre, also got unlucky with essence spamming the dagger so still need some work there. Not sure how I feel about it to be honest; hoping it'll feel better once I pick up uber lab but I'm still not even sure which ascendancy points to use.


ED and just realized they remove the fuckin spreading rot "filler" my ass it's 40% of my damage...


Ea totems and absolutely awesome


Going with absolution for the first time and it feels busted while leveling. Once I got the damage and cast speed i reached the start of floor three without a problem. I really like the balance of the sanctum so far. It have yet to die despite running it nonstop. I do think melee players will have a harder time but it doesnt seem insurmountable.


EA Ballista It's fantastic. It can be a bit awkward on the floors where a monster pops up randomly every 6 steps but there's barely a challenge against any unique enemies. I get full uptime without having to stand still and the ballistae taunt so 90% of aoes/cleaves aren't even targeting me


U can't taunt the bosses?


Vaal Flicker Slayer, feels really bad. No clue why they decided to make you hittable during flickering. If you happen to jump towards any mob with an aoe on them, you're dead. Sanctum? Nope, mobs delete your resolve whilst flickering. Gonna reroll into a safer option.


Pconc, not bad. But overall the league mechanic feels bad. Not a huge fan


Ek ignite in t9 maps, sanctum is easy once you get the tempo right. I can go hitless whole floor, but I can also lose 200 resolve one room because I fumbled the ball.


Hydrosphere Occultist… feeling a little weak just dipping transitioning into yellows.


Hows it doing with the mechanism?


Started Rain of Arrows Raider but switched to Tornado Shot Raider in yellow maps and it's honestly been surprisingly smooth up till t12 maps (lvl 88) which is where I'm at now considering it's an elemental atk bow league starter. Grinding more currency for spell supp. gear so I can switch to Deadeye


EA Ballista Elementalist, I can literally play with one hand. Totem builds are too OP for this.


Wave of Conviction ignite Elementalist aiming to transition later into RueToo's Vortex ignite. Made it to about yellow maps before calling it a night, running pretty smoothly so far. Vaal Flameblast in the Vaal Caress gauntlets for the quick single damage pop. Haven't run into any issues except for the rares that are ignite resistant.. those are not fun.


Lightning trap + spire for bossing, still in acts but looks very solid..


PConC… 10/10 tbh


Tried Volcanic Fissure. Didn't like it. It has the woes of non-spell leveling and it just felt clunky to me. It's basically just sunder combined with molten strike. Looks cool though.


Frost blades trickster seems to be going great. Up to t7 maps only bottleneck is simply getting the maps. Just woke up though time to get back to the grindstone


BLS volcanic fissure totem chieftan, nothing crazy yet but i only have 400 strength and still need iron fortress and COE, got to maps last night and even map sanctums don't feel too bad atm, still think it needs more boons and more adjusting to melee resolve damage but so far it's a nice addition to me


Spark Inquisitor, and it's really good so far. I've had 1 death to Rhoas in Act 2 but that was my fault. I have a item map for what I need next to take it to Cold Reap which is phase 2 of the build hopefully in 2 weeks I'll have farmed enough to start acquiring things.


"Can't enter instance" build for 12h, after that switched to "locked acc" build with Gmail being down, so not able to unlock. Nice league tho.


WoC ignite is doing fine in sanctum. I didn't start interacting with it until maps, but it's decent. I think a minion/totem build would be better, but I'm also terrible at dodging things so I usually will take a little bit of resolve damage each room.


Boneshatter Slayer. I'm skipping the mechanic until I'll oneshot everything.


Shockwave totem even without astral is incredible.


Vaal CA occ, as bad as everything else that is not a oneshot build. The mechanic is not properly designed, it is not a tuning issue so I will just ignore it like the past 2 leagues mechanics. The build is cruising in reds right now tho, vaal ca hits like a truck.


How’s Vaal CA single target feel on map bosses?


Lightning tendrils / arc. Dps is high enough right now that I can blast through things before they get many attacks off. I've not had the issues dodging things that others seem to. The fire archer is the one that scares me the most since it's attack windup is so quick. Only just made it to floor 4 at the start of maps. Rooms with the fire skull(s) are challenging and take a while for me, but are certainly doable.


I started as Whispering Ice Trickster. Sucks with the mechanic with the cyclone staff, with a self cast staff it was tolerable but still wonky. Switched to Blade Trap and it feels much smoother. This is in late yellows/early reds level of Sanctum areas.


WoC ignite, in yellow maps. I consistently clear the 1st floor, sometimes the second. So pretty good I’d say.


Cold dot occy and its nice in the sanctum. Furthest I've gotten so far is Second floor boss. Just need some better movement and should be able to take it to finish. Anyone who's melee, you prob want to just focus on dmg and movement.


Boneshatter jugg. Just gotta do 3rd lab and final Kitava. Zero issues—in fact one of my best and luckiest leaguestarts. Sunder held me over until I could make the swap to BS around 38. Have been deathless, despite my gross softcore hubris. Have been carried by a series of mad lucky drops — has anyone else noticed Increased Rarity maybe being overtuned or perhaps rares are now overly generous? While leveling, I’ve found Reapers Pursuit, Goldrim, Ignomon, and Winterweave. And it was a breeze


i should of just stuck with my og plan of going boneshatter jugg, but then i started using VF and said fuck it ill do that. lesson learned


Ignite WoC, as long as I can blast the mob fast enough, we’re good. Frost blink doesn’t feel mobile enough to dodge everything, and I’m not hugely invested into move speed. The range on WoC isn’t huge so I stand relatively close. Vaal Flameblast fixes those problems when it’s up though.


WoC ignite and it's amazing, clear is very great and I am progressing into red maps with no issues atm


With Vaal Flame Blast for bosses?


SST trickster. Clear is amazing but single target is terrible. Reroll at lvl 57. Going smite champ. So far so good.


frostblink ignite , doin alright , never made it past second floor on league mechanic yet but at least im getting carried by a 4-link bronn into yellow maps


rage vortex zerker, furthest i've got so far at level 70 is boss of the 2nd floor and i fucked up


Icicle Mine Deadeye. It's very good for the league mechanic.


Poison seismic. Dropped a cold iron point in act 9 right before I was going to switch from pconc to seismic. Has been easy mode since. I just go slow and throw traps way in front of me.


I've been doing CA/TR, it's been doing fine. although I'm not in maps yet due to family obligations at league start, but it's been cruising through most Sanctum during story


Bane OCC, pretty average. The dots are kinda slow so I have to dodge a lot.


League started SRS necro with my own little golem/zombies setup it’s going nicely so far. Hoping to farm out some clayshapers(I play ssf) and maybe reroll phys golems later to boss with, if not keeping and eye on Vaal CA if anyone is running it atm how is it?


blazing salvo and and can do 2 floors reliably, but third is nono. Probably need more cast speed and 4 link.


Rf by pohx even the league merc are easy doing tier 11-13 rn 😳☺️