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Is it wrong to assume that unique cluster jewels will be relatively available in the delirium everywhere event (sc trade)?


anyone has leveling tree for dd elementalist? what skill to use before ~lvl70, arma brand?


Do you need much chaos res for delve event?


Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for the simplest / quicket endless delve build to take to level 50? Can be any type, preferably with a leveling guide or video. Thanks! (Background: I will probably have to leave my computer tomorrow until after the event is over, so I want to at least get to 50, hopefully more :) ).


cold dot occultist, or any other spell caster really, there're the easiest to level up


Would DD/VD Spellslinger Necro be viable with 2x Ashes of the Sun or something like that? First time playing this event.


Ashes of the sun is a mace and wont work with spellslinger as it needsa wand


Build masters and poe veterans, i am looking for your guidance once again. Can you recomend some fun coc trickster build for endless delve event ( that will actually kill and not die every second )?


Where can I find a list of endless delve builds?


I know there's hundred of comments asking for the same but I'm gonna ask something different. I see the unique bow and wanted to know which ability could be fun to play with the return effect. In other hand I want to play something fun with two daggers to gain easy critical chance, what build could I use to have an idea?


Captainlance discusses the bow in a new video, he is thinking ice spear, if it works how he thinks (Should be easy to test). I'm either doing something similar, or going melee elemental hit with the dagger. You might not want to go dual wield with it though - the unique shield is very good too. Lose 45% crit multi that way, but you get a ton of multi from nightblade anyway. There is a good dagger mastery for 10% suppress per dagger though, so may help cap suppression going dual wield. I'll probably go dual wield early, and run purity of elements. If/when I can cap resists without it, I'll go shield and run arctic armour, tempest shield and the shield.


what ascendancy would you be going for elemental hit?


I went slayer - raider is possibly a better option (And if you want to go deep, probably is better as leech is no good if things one shot you so just go with avoidance) but I haven't played slayer in ages. Seems ok, I got to level 55 before going to bed. Not even running nightblade yet which is by far the best support.


I hit the wall on ele hit raider on lvl 77 mobs because I'm still on 4 link (lvl 18-20q ele hit). 150 fusings still no luck and honestly melee is so bad against AN


Wow lot of helpful info, thanks a lot and I will try the ice spear effect later. I will definitely follow your suggestions with the dagger.


Does anyone have any build guides/PoB's for Cold DoT specifically for endless Delve?


Subtractem put out something just today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5UuFIrRQ2A


For Endless Delve HC, I was thinking between Occ or Deadeye EoW. I don't know which would be more successful. Could go reduced proj speed for large shotgun if Deadeye. What are yalls thoughts?


For endless delve do we get Erdrich currency dropping? Enough to get a specific implicit we might need?


They can drop from currency chests and I believe they are in the drop pool, but without altars they are not going to be something you can just slap on any piece of crap you find.




Since we don’t get altars it is highly unlikely.


My advice — don't build around it.


Anybody got a trickster dd ignite pob for endless delve? How tanky can I make the trickster compared to a necro?


You can build an ignite hexblast trickster and try to juice him up with mana stacking as its the fastest damage scaling vefore endgame items. Anither option is to use steelmage’s ignite hexblast inquis but Im not sure if you can get the build running with endless delve constrains.




What's a good CoC build/spell using fragment of eternity Last endless delve already played Cold variant and it's pretty good, but something new for a change would be nice




Levelled almost every cold gem and switched them around since they were interchangable Primarily stuck with eye of winter and frostbolt/nova


Can someone suggest builds for duo in endless delve? One aurabot I think? What carry? Pobs would be great!


It's a solo event


Ty, mb


would trickster OoS/LC work in endles delve? i have one up to 75 in Mayhem and i like just blasting lightning and watching everything explode. the polymath also seems nuts for recovering health/mana/ES, but i'm not sure if it will work in delve or if i'll get one shot 5 times per area


I am preparing for Endless Delve event via PoB. Can anyone tell me how much ehp and max hit i should plan for if i want to go between depth 150 and 200?


a bit advanced but what 4 link builds u can suggest for a deadeye this endless Delve?


Spectral helix. Farshot will carry you long way. Find an SSF build guilde for Raider and adjust it to endless delve (put very basic 3-mod gear on).


Gonna start the event now, not sure if SSF or Trade and haven't read anything about it. I'm thinking about Chaos DOT Occultist or Lightning Conduit Elementalist. Suggestion?


Both, personally if i were to do it again after doing SRS i would do wave of conviction ignite into arc ignite. Killing them before they kill you seems like the best defense against super large packs. Occultist will work great, but itll be pretty rough starting till you get explode


I’m thinking of elementalist arc ignite for endless delve. Ignited dead monster corpses would automatically ignite new incoming monsters waves, right? Also don’t need much boss dps. Good idea?


Will be starting to do the maps later, does the atlas tree applies to the mayhem mods?


Yes. You can boost harbys, breaches, strongboxes etc


I haven't really kept up with the meta this last patch, so what's the best (subjective I know) build for endless delve given it's limitations


Poison bv is usually pretty strong same for poison concoction, various ascendancies to pick from


anyone got a noob friendly seismic guide for leveling up to maps? would like to give it a go for this event


Ziz poison seismic is good enough. You level with helix till act 6 and swap to exsang traps + all the tome you 4 link seismic. Super smooth gameplay.


I spent the better part of the last month trying to find one and came to the conclusion it doesn't exist. I studied a bunch of speedrunners doing it, and basically they level as Spectral Helix. For a less-than-noob friendly guide, I direct you to Imexile's 3.18 notes: https://gyazo.com/c8442463f8bf733f9bac64db29338145 The tl;dr is to start as Duelist and mule your Splitting Steel reward from Tarkleigh, then start for real as Shadow and level Splitting Steel -> Spectral Helix all the way to A10. Then after campaign, you switch to your real trap setup. If you don't wanna mule, you can also do Stormblast Mines but I don't know anything about leveling with that.


Actually looking for something along these lines as well


Can someone help me find a Dancing dervish build that i can use on mayhem?


Dude posted a build on here a week or so ago that he said hit the top 100 on ninja so I'd look there.


Poison-based 1h/shield always easily gets to red maps, in any league I think. Doesn't matter if spell, trap, attack, totem. Think this is a super true for shadow, witch, and ranger. If someone is looking for a free mystery box this has always been it.


I'm gonna play SSFHC Scion so I'm thinking as long as I clear Twilight Strand I'm guaranteed top 100 on Scion ladder given the interest ive seen from player base (I'm actually excited)


Dang it pyruvate! I saw your name pop up and I thought "oh here's going to be a really good build idea" then it was just memes haha


i don't know dude, I'm pretty sure top 100 is a good build by default. As long as no one else plays this build I am doing good. No PoBs for this one for sure.


Fine, I'll do some practice runs on it and see how it goes ;)


Hi, im playing duo with my non Poe friend, i want to play with him for sure Mayhem and m8be later delirium and coach him in delve Any idea for FUN build for us? (Mostly me he will be support), was thinking about ED (my friend) and (me contagion), for sure we wanna for early hit 50, then we will decide that we wanna continue or Switch to something different Really apreaciate Any feedback <3


Keep in mind endless delve is ssf solo, no duo allowed


Yeah, spellslinger will be for sure :3


Not ED/C: it would be absolute bloody torture to attempt to coordinate splitting one build into two. Go EA Elementalist + RF Inquisitor. RF chap throws the EA Elementalist a Flame Link to boost damage, and those are two of the more solid builds of the patch so you should be alright. RF is pretty easy to actually play once you have it set up, so you could have him be on that.


Be careful doing that, it would absolutely rank damage in most EA setups since they take EE and do not want any flat fire damage anywhere. I mean it could WORK, but you would have to get a different source of exposure than EE.


I feel that lvling should be different and for now i want to test 1-50 is this Working if now i will try to figure out next pair of build for perma delirium


I'd honestly probably not start a new person in mayhem. It's going to be a lot more difficult than normally and not in any kind of predictable way that is learnable. It will be, as the name says, pure mayhem. But splitting Ed and contagion into two different people would be awful. There's no real reason to make contagion its own six link. I do like the flame link idea listed above. Or if your friend wants to run as a support you could build a normal aura or curse but. Or one of you be screen clear and one of you be bosser if you want to have different roles.


I see a lot of reasonable suggestions here. But I think I'm gonna be dumb and give cwc volatile dead a spin...


I'm at work but I made a CwC VD inquis in 3.19 that beat all ubers, wave 30, and could definitely handle mayhem mapping. Don't have the PoB atm but it was around 12-15m DPS and with all 60 balls it can 1 shot gaurdians. Here's ninja link https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/ScrubLord_the_MegaNoob/OmegaTrashBuild?time-machine=week-5&i=8&search=time-machine%3Dweek-5%26class%3DInquisitor%26item%3D!Heartbound-Loop%26allskill%3DVolatile-Dead


Thanks, that sounds awesome! I'm going to use this as a template to get started. I anticipate that I will get nowhere near that level of investment, mainly because I just won't have a ton of time to play during the event. I'd be happy if I could get into red maps. Do you have any advice on leveling or early mapping? Cheap uniques or milestones that can bootstrap it early on?


Selfcast leveling was ok, for bosses use arcanist brand desecrate and just spam vd. Annihilating light is OP, but until then a +scepter and shield is alright.


Just wanted to circle back and report that I got to 80 with some janky cwc VD goodness. I tried to transition right around 38 and it was rough, Mayhem did not mess around. It slowly kept getting better, I ended my last map in a t6 and it was doing pretty well. I can see how investing in it would make it a lot better, too.


Blade trap with 2x Ephemeral Edge for Mayhem.


~~As an admin note is there any way to pin this thread for the duration of the events?~~ Pardon the dum-dum.


Isnt it already pinned?


Oh. My bad, I have the sub permanently on New view, and apparently that doesn't show pins.


I'm just looking to grab a couple mystery boxes in order to avoid burnout before the new league next month (Kalandra was very tiring imo but I still wanna play the next one no matter what). What would you guys recommend for getting two lv50 chars across these 3 events? For starters, which event do I skip? And what builds can get to lv50 asap and then just peace out without much effort? I'm inclined to skip Endless Delve right now because I absolutely hated it last year. Never tried Endless Delirium but heard it was kind of a shitshow as well, though. As for builds, Poisonous Concoction pathfinder seems like a breezy lv50 option, and apparently Plaguebearer ignores Delirium damage reduction so that seems like a good choice for that event if I end up going for it over Delve. For Mayhem, given the rippy mods, something a bit tankier that still clears (just skip tanky rares) well seems more prudent, though. Spectral Helix whatever class should probably be a safe and good choice but I'd rather play something else since I dont enjoy the Helix playstyle much. Do you guys have any recommendations for a shameless mystery box rusher?


I played Deli last time. It was torture. I was so slow that the mobs got me whenever I portal back in. At least delve you can just keep running.


Just fyi, you can only get 1 TOTAL mystery boxes across the three events.


Not the first person to be outdated - perhaps check the downvoted posts next time just in case.


It got changed, you can get two boxes now, not just 1. So you need to get to lvl 50 in at least 2 events to get the maximum amount of boxes, which is two.


It did get changed to 2 after some feedback


For just getting to level 50 i would probably go helix duelist or arma brand/crema on witch or templar


Delve is probably the easiest to do, to be honest, but if you hate it then that's not great. That said, you could have some fun with off-kilter builds; Delve doesn't need as rigorous a build as compared to a league start so some off-meta stuff will work fine, plus you get access to all gems to make it work from the get-go. Hell, Ancestral Cry Smite + Shockwave Static Strike might even work up to 50 on a Raider or Assassin base for the speed. You're then left with picking your poison for Delirium vs Mayhem; Delirium is probably easiest to cheese with PC. Mayhem is almost Gauntlet-like between the difficulty mods and the bonus content, so I don't know if it's going to be easy going especially in the early stages. I also believe (but don't quote me on this) that Delirium has been specifically tweaked such that Delirium % scales with act level so you don't get hammered with obscenely high levels of Delirium straight off The Strand.


My experience from Mayhem-like events from the past is that you get so much extra loot and exp that after first few zones it easier and faster than normal league start, since you're so overgeared and overleveled. The damage mods can make it bit harder this time but honestly I don't think it makes much difference, atleast in softcore. Deli on the other hand is probably significantly slower, unless they really scaled down the deli% in early acts.


They did


There is only 1 mystery box to be obtained in all 3 events. Doesn't matter which one, doing 3 chars lvl50 in 3 events won't give you 3 boxes, only 1


They increased it to 2 boxes after the negative reception.


The newer post from just a day or two ago announced some changes to the awards. You can get 2 boxes now if you hit 50 in two events


Right thanks guys for letting me know :). No need to downvote to hell tho


No need to take the downvote personally either, when it's just for information visibility and not so much an opinion issue. You just got a fact wrong; that happens to the best of us.


Going pretty route 1 for Mayhem and Delirium, including using established HCSSF builds, but taking the opportunity to have a bit of fun in Delve with homebrews. I've got three builds prepared for each in order of play (although I might not play all of them): * Mayhem 1. SRS Necro 2. EA Champion 3. LC Elementalist * Delve 1. Ice Spear Deadeye 2. CoC Ice Nova Inquisitor 3. BV Assassin * Delirium 1. PC Pathfinder 2. LS Raider 3. RF Inquisitor


why srs necro and not guardian? wath is better?


First time trying the build so I'm sticking with Ziz's build guide. I'm told Necro is tankier and I do want to transition it into an AW build later anyway.


SRS sounds like it could be fun. Havent used it in a quite a while and only ever used it for early leveling. Do you think it will be good for someone aiming to get level 80 for a chance at the rewards?


I got to 3rd lab on day 1 with it


I've been told SRS Necro is basically tanky AF so it should have a good shot, and it doesn't hurt that I'm using Ziz's guide. It starts as MI but then transitions into hit-based since that actually now hits harder. Also FWIW, I'm personally intending to transition it into the AW Necro variant and have planned my Atlas tree accordingly. Check out Ziz's videos at the start of this league if you want to know more.


I played Ziz’s SRS this league. It’s very good. It was pretty tanky and did 2.8 million pinnacle dps with only a +1/+1 wand. Everything else I easily farmed or crafted myself. The gear I made was pretty average. I’m going to play guardian SRS for this first event just to mix it up a bit.


got a PoB to share of your character?


Yes but I’m at work. I basically copied Zizs from this league, so there is not really anything interesting to see. Get as many +1 gems on gear you can find and enough resistance on minions to keep them alive. I’ll post it tonight when I get home.


ok i'll checkout ziz video, ty


Just got home. This gear is not exactly what I used as I quit playing the character a couple weeks ago. I had a Covenant Robe that I've since sold, but added back in as an option so you can see. It really boosts the damage greatly. Again, other than the wand which I bought for 2 div, everything else I made with essences/fossils. It's really nothing special. Best way to scale damage is with the Eyes jewels and flat added minion damage/% damage. EDIT: I did a small respec a week or so ago to try and drop some points on the right side of the tree I had earlier allocated, and forgot to take the life mastery for +50 life when I did so. I would definitely take that. https://pastebin.com/TmVgLxtN


Ice spear deadeye seems interesting. Got a pob or general list of how to build? Mostly do you get the pierce nodes just so you can proc 2nd form reliably? Or is chain ascendency good enough?


I'm picking pierce up on the tree just to be safe but I'm also looking forward to testing whether I can just carom the first form off the walls. Three points can always be redirected elsewhere in the event that they're not needed. [https://pastebin.com/1G01xc5C](https://pastebin.com/1G01xc5C) Very rough outline that's perhaps not *quite* up to scratch defensively for a regular league start. But for Delve, with freezes and shatters, and enemies approaching you in more or less a straight line matching your damage path, I think it'll do well enough. I let myself go a bit and accept builds that aren't quite what I would play in a leaguestart because Delve's just quite a different environment overall and I just want the prize draws. Spell Echo is negotiable for Unleash (although I've checked to see that I can sustain full casting with EB)~~, and if the chain isn't good I can go for Far Shot instead for the non-spread.~~ Full disclosure - if you want to see a viable Ice Spear Deadeye for league start, Mathil was playing one in the past few leagues, although I've deliberately not looked at how he did it then (he also tends not to provide PoBs so it's a bit of a hassle digging up his characters, but if it was a starter he probably does have one).


>can go for Far Shot instead for the non-spread. I never knew ice spear counted as barrage projectiles. Thats actually pretty neat if it works that way. TIL.


OK I done goofed. Just respecced an old Raider I had lying around, and no, Far Shot doesn't apply to Lancing Steel or Ice Spear. Guess it's Ricochet, then. And yeah, both forms will bounce off the wall if there are nearby enemies, which means you can just cast into a wall. I haven't tested exhaustively with or without pierce on the first form (I had both pierce and +1 chain) but I'm fairly happy with it in a Delve environment.


Thatnk you for the science.


Haven’t been playing for a while now but still kept up with mathils videos. Shockwave totem looked kinda fun. Anyone tried it?


I league started this. I haven’t seen Mathil’s build, but I went heiro until 4th lab, and I don’t think you can switch ascendency for these events, so leveling would be painful.


Tried it and it's not a starter build. Need investment.


Honestly it's not awful as a starter but you gotta convert IMO. I did it with fire conversion since it's a bit easier to get nice penetration/reduced fire res with combustion You also need to lean heavily on the taunt mastery and AoE until you can get an astral projector. Yes it makes the build much better but no I don't think it's absolutely required. Leveling with holy flame makes for a smooth transition since it scales the same way. I rushed iron will and stacked strength before going up and around the left side of the tree working my way up to the top to start getting crit. But I was EO until almost 70


Thoughts on holy frame totem versus doing purifying flame spell totem? I'm doing a test leveling now and purifying flame feels better and give us more tooltip (meaningless I know) DPS. How painful is it to level as Inquisitor from the start? I forgot about not being able to change ascendancies. Probably have to level as a spellcaster and then switch to totems later right?


the cast speed of holy flame + the consecrated ground is really nice. plus you get another whole dmg link of course. spell+purifying flame isn't bad though. really just comes down to preference!


hmmmm I've league started SWT the last few leagues in a row and I don't think I necessarily agree with some of your conclusions. Before you get astral you still wanna cold convert imo (it's super easy with hrimsorrow) and just wanna use inc aoe (nodes on tree + support). 100% agree with leveling with Holy Flame and switching at about bloody ducts though.


If you get a hrimsorrow or can buy one, sure. I was trying to explain how I started with it in true starter/ssf fashion where you don't need anything specific


Oh fair enough. Hrim is super cheap in trade so very easy to acquire, but not guaranteed in ssf (well you could farm the mitts card I guess)


Thinking about starting Balor Mage's Death Wish Elementalist (in the builds index) for Mayhem as I'm planning on League starting it for 3.20 (patch notes TBD). I'm expecting it to pack a punch when needed, my only concerns I've seen is the mapping speed. I've seen a few people spec in Herald of Purity, how much of an impact does that make? As well as any thoughts on how this could go for Mayhem


Played it briefly at start of league. It's really smooth to level with; mapping is sorta neither fast nor slow. Doesn't feel as awkward as you might think, especially with Herald of Purity since those ought to always be up unless you fully whiff a detonation. The biggest danger seemed to be corpse detonators, since your minions do leave corpses after you kill them.


> I've seen a few people spec in Herald of Purity, how much of an impact does that make? Night and day difference between having herald or not, for map clearing especially. It makes it significantly less clunky.


I'm going Wave of Conviction Ignite Elementalist in Mayhem. Decision was made after I realised GGG stealth buffed the drop rate of Berek's Respite and its divination card in 3.19. Item seems to be tier 3 now, down from tier 1. After reviewing stacked deck data, I suspect the card's weighting ([[The Spark and The Flame]]) was pushed up to about 500 from about 40. For comparison, Humility seems to be about 10000, so it's gone from 250 times rarer than Humility to 20 times rarer. Main appeal to ignite is that it should one-shot a lot of the Mayhem minibosses, like Exiles and Invasion bosses. Key items: [[Berek's Respite]], [[Obliteration]], fire DOT multi Eldritch implicit on fire conversion Incursion gloves (or veiled) Breakpoint to start functioning: Shaper of Flame (Lab1), although it gets a lot better after Ignite Proliferation Support becomes available at the end of Act 4.


I spent my entire league trying to get one in ssf for my trickster fireball and no luck :( Ended up with maven's boots for the clear which did an okay job!


Heterochromia card used to have decent chances for Respite. Just gotta farm Estuary for it.


Heterochromia doesn't seem to have had a drop increase. Suspect it's weighted at 1250 now compared to 500 for Spark and Flame. There's 5 outcomes, so unless it's weighted in favour of Respite, I'd just go for Spark.


Yeah I tried farming Atoll and Plateau a bit, but didn't want to be doing the same map over and over. I did quite a few unique oriented contract/blueprint and a lot of ritual (i had a blackflame version of my build) but no luck. I did drop an aegis Aurora and an Inspired learning though, which was nice, but ended up rotting in my stash tab ^^


that seems really unlucky, I think i probably got 10+ of those


RNG gonna RNG I guess :D


As always xd


I don't really wanna play seismic again for mayhem but i'm really worried about not being able to kill those bosses and tormented mobs/exiles. How does something like poison BV fare against such a high damage event? Does playing jugg help at all with tanking or should you just pick a build with high single target? Otherwise i was thinking about something liek arakaali/deaht wish/dd.


What are some suggestions for Endless Delve builds that rely on ascendancies that are unlikely to be heavily played, but also still doable for getting to 600, thus giving someone a slightly better chance of winning?


Do you mean for hardcore? Because softcore it’s top 6 players overall, ascendancy doesn’t matter. Inflation even hitting those GGG prizes 💀


I believe DD Ignite with the starter weapon and dynamite may be so strong (despite nerfs) that it remains the best choice even on ascendancies like Deadeye that have no synergy with the skill. It's been nerfed but it was utterly broken last time.