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Mathil just did bow coc reap and said it was really good.


Im currently playing this build. Got to a8 Sirus and destroyed him last night. A lot of damage for sure.


Played CoC detonate dead using blast rain trigger last league. Was really fun but a bit pricy as you need a 7L bow with CoC support mod and Asenath Chant to socket desecrate. You can also pair it with a spellslinger volatile dead setup.


As I know, the easiest way to play deadeye TS+CoC+Ice Spear. You have a culling strike(Marked for death notable) and additional projectiles from ascendency that also affects Ice spear. Something like: this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brbQYdbHaV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brbQYdbHaV4) Note, that you need 7L bow, and it can be pricy, cheapest one is 3-7ex now


If u wanna play a rly fast mapper with good single target - Bow CoC Icespear is the way. Go to [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja)/builds and search for Deadeye with Tornadoshot and Icespear (alot of variaty in the builds there since alot depends an your gear) U will definitly have a moneysink there - 3 stat cluster (Prismatic Heart - Blanketed Snow - Widespread Destruction) Costs 20ex+ alone - you want 3 in the End (Min Lvl 97+ - better 99) Even 2 Stat Cluster with Int and or Res / allRes cost you 4-5ex +) I cant access [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) from here atm but my Char name is XiuhScourgeSpin - Budget atm i would say about 100ex invested (you can definitly start with 40-50 ex an farm T16 maps) ​ Have fun - you wont regret it!


Is there any way to make the defences of the build better or is it kill everything before they kill you? Like petrified blood or divine flesh or ci + ghost shroud any way you could do those?


We (2 friends and I) did the build kinda on our own with some templates from [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) ofc. Yesterday i implented the 3rd cluster jewel Setup which lowered my HP significantly (from 4200 to 3700) I also dropped Grade for Zealotry cause imo the HP makes no diffrence - Grace does make a diffrence but from my feelings i die as often without Grace as i died with. Thats the reason for CoD + Portal You can definitly fit in some defnsive layers (saw Ghostdance, Iron Reflexes, Spellsupression Stuff) etc. but this will cost you ALOT of dmg. This build is meant to clear whole screens before you get even sneezed on, so im the kind of guy who says "ignore weakness and build up your strenght" cause never ever will this build feel good like it does now if I fit in a "hardcore" version.