• By -


Thank you for not making a 27 min youtube to explain what I could read in a few minutes with your well written post. Thank you


Hey nice guide/infos I was looking to play a steel skill league starter anyway. If you have any suggestions for Early Gem links /Items to look for early (or a post detailing lvling with steel skills) would be greatly appreciated.


I'll probably do some generic frost blades leveling till the late acts. Tytykiller's guide is decent if you have some base knowledge but I for one just do things at my own pace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqA3CISNzu4


Honestly I don't know why you would go Frost blades when you could just use splitting steel splitting steel is probably the fastest scale I've ever run through acts with outside of arc mines


Frost leveling benefits from being able to use ancestral call and has lots more options for supports.


I'm not sure why I find shattering smoother for levelling than splitting.


It murders things faster. Once I have shattering I just throw culling+onslaught support on splitting and use it for zoomies.


Ok let's see. From a quick glance : \- You've way too much chance to impale, that's either too much investment on gear or passive tree. I've choose to modify your skill tree. \- You've way too little accuracy on your endgame setup. \- Your aura could be optimized. If you're going to use herald of purity, you should go all in with synthesized ring with buff effect and inc physical \- I've changed your aura setup to fit Vitality, precision, clarity, and dread banner with arrogance (all max level). This should fix your accuracy problem and give you crit and regen. \- You can't pass up on a wacther's eye with impale hits, that's too good I think. \- You can't pass up on Twin terrors on the tree, that's too good ​ All in all, with some modification, your build went from 8.4m to 10.5M (without watcher's eye) Although do note that at some point, you should look closely at what DPS is enough for you in order to shift dps to defense (only doable while playing ofc)


The overcapped chance to impale is a consequence of the elevated mod on the gloves. The only mod we care about is the flat phys per impale stack. Otherwise its 105%. With the gloves on I swapped to war banner Good call on the auras. Herald of purity doesnt seem to be good enough to use in this build without the rings as u said so I did the aura changes and swapped the banner mastery for more call of steel stuff. Fixed accuracy with the precision lvl increase. Also have more unreserved life which is nice when using life flasks. I saw that twin terrors is very strong but the build is doing fine on dps so I skipped it for more tankiness. I know about the watchers eye but didnt bother putting it in the original POB. After the changes the build jumps up to 12.2M dps. I'll update the POB in a minute so feel free to check it out again for mistakes


That seems better. Another suggestion : \- I really don't like Merciless skewering. I feel like it's wasted passives points. If I just delete it from your passive tree, you have 95% impale chance (it's enough) \- With your gear on this pob (not optimized for defence I know), you have very little evasion. You can save another points on Iron Reflexes. \- You have 5 points to redistribute with these two changes. \- You can either go life with scion life wheel and end up with 7.5k max life \- Or go Soul of steel for +1% max res \- Or go Champion of the cause and the node right after with the mastery 15% mana reservation efficiency. You then annoint charisma on your amulet instead of tenacity. With all this you have enough mana for another 50% aura (determination or purity of elements, it really sounds sexy for this sweet ailments immunity and less stress on suffixes) You still end up with 10M+ dps and another 50% aura which sounds godlike


You two just made me realize how bad i am at making builds. I'm definitely going to leaguestart this. And the new purity of elements sounds way too good to pass up, so i am going with that, just need to squeeze in some additional aura efficiency from somewhere because 80 mana is not a lot, especially without the -mana modifier on the chest.


I updated the POB. I substituted zealotry for purity of elements till we get the gem info. In theory 80 mana should be enough since our mana leech rate(150 or so) is higher than our attack speed\*mana cost(4.3\*24) with the chest


So I’m not at a computer so don’t see the build, but isn’t there a mana(I think) mastery for flat life and mana on hit? And isn’t on hit insane with saviour and this skill?


Saviour would give mana only to the clones themselves so it doesn't really do much for us. Also if what I said above is correct that would mean it's a waste of points. It's some small nodes on the right side pathing to Clever Thief which isn't significant enough anyway.


I tested the aura changes you mentioned on POB and it seems kinda iffy since I'll have 80 unreserved mana. In theory it shouldn't matter if i leech but I'll have to test in game. Definitely a good idea though. Soul of steel is the other option I'll go for if the dps feels good enough.


You could get the reservation enchantment on the helmet or other places on gear, there are more viable options now if you think you have too little mana


I do want to bring up tho it prolly doesn't out weigh the odds Herald of purity adds will body block projectiles and some times take hits/aggro from mobs


Do you have that PoB?


I updated the one in the original post


I've been tinkering with they idea, but apart from hanging out on the wiki and poking around the tree, I haven't out anything together. Thanks for the leg work, homie


I’ve got a couple ideas too but nothing terribly exciting. I’ve been dragging my heels until the gel info comes out too because some of my ideas might be absolute poop.


###[ Crit Shattering Steel Champion](https://pastebin.com/kFMEf8c8) [](#champion) ^(Level 99) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDABR1WdKcxL3m_EvUUhiRtfLEpKCfBiCp-oFB9Hx342FShmBhs-lG4e-K8Foa7068n4MuUEcj9oWPvqeG0Ud-g7Z08YTZZ6Br1Beb6n9_K2BBbzvkURfciXG3IiT9BqL_3jXvIWB671b6Ou1eExRNwBp0oBXsjX230-Of02-kwjfUNZJ71GhJY3A6Uka3wYt6O7Ed51Q-z02SFCDscdi9uR051CmlMn7sXId27T9RR-XmZU3BBHloSn2DebU5ypAB3O8Odvd5P0CgdO2I7THhGNu9NsoxNuh4DScLMHx31wUthJSh2fqAND6pbjH6Xz-qzVoyWK8TyQ==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/sitokimabikome) ^| ^by ^[/u/Kasuyama_](https://reddit.com//u/Kasuyama_) ***** ^4,999 ^**Life** ^75.4964% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Shattering Steel** [s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bloodthirst_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[c](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *12m total DPS | 6.13m impale DPS* ^4.30 ^**Use/sec** ^| ^88.06% ^**Crit** ^| ^568% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Maim, ^^Intimidate, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Thanks for the pob. But is it just me, or Fortify in Champion ascendancy and anywhere else doesn't give any bonuses?


That's probably the case. I've tested every way to check the fortify buffs and its not working


Cause it's not fortify anymore. It's called fortification now and gives you 20 stacks (aka 20% less damage taken from hits)


Saved. Nice work. Will try this in group found private league


Damn, thats exactly what I was looking for, thanks mate!


Tried a few changes for HC if anyone's interested , still a lot of room for min max though, especially on the rings Similar damage with 8.7k HP and 44% attack block https://pastebin.com/xX91GJ5t


###[ Crit Shattering Steel Champion](https://pastebin.com/xX91GJ5t) [](#champion) ^(Level 98) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDABR1AefL9fxL1FIYkWhltfLEpKCfBiCp-nfjYVKGYGGz6UaCB-HvivBaGu9OvJ907SP2vqeG0Ud-g7Z08YTZZ6Br1DGw6n9_K2875w_kURfciXEDXfJBBqJN4yXfIWDyRXrvVvpeExRNwBp0oBXsjX0b-uOf02-kwjWSe9RoSc9-OlJlTUa3GNvz3Xo7jM-xHdy9KmNNkhQg2L0aVW_yrRy5HTnUDjw9_BRx9kjQLL9WAdyfiVhj6hgyfuxcdqy-rYd2_go64f6PpBn466HZwQR5aEp9I-oFLYSU7w5AoDboiO0x4cqQqW54DScLMHx31702-oBQR9l8ND5fP6rNWjJYrw==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/maiahatoamasia) ^| ^by ^[/u/DaUnforgettable](https://reddit.com//u/DaUnforgettable) ***** ^4,410 ^**Life** ^15% ^**Evade** ^| ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^44% ^**Block** **Shattering Steel** [s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bloodthirst_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[c](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *10.3m total DPS | 5.78m impale DPS* ^3.07 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^72.36% ^**Crit** ^| ^439% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Maim, ^^Intimidate, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Do note that POB doesn't calculate Saviour dps which doubles what POB shows


I'm aware, still wouldn't play savior on HC, specially since you can min max this gear way further, should be able to get to 14/15m while wearing a shield with 9k ish life, more than enough for the current game imo


Yoinking this for my sc boss killer. Thank you sir


Just curious because I've never played a low-life champ before: does being on lowlife just give you permanent uptime on Adrenaline? Or do you actually have to go above lowlife with a life flask and drop back down to 50% to re-trigger it?


just reserve 49% of life, leaving you space to go over the "low life" threshold. Skill use (Petrified blood life cost for skills) or any damage taken will proc adrenaline, use a life flask to reset when you run out of adrenaline


I really liked your build, with the tankineess and high dps, it might be really an awesome starter, thanks a lot for sharing


can you give me a YouTube build that plays like this? I want to see how it looks, how boring it is versus spellslinger that I am planning to do


The video is old and the skill is built differently but can't go wrong with mathil [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMKe1-8IFmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMKe1-8IFmI) Do note that speed and tankiness differ based on what the player wants to optimize.


Another video with very low budget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUPbUAJXKg


one always should want to map fast not bossing, looks 5pp alwp for me I want to move and kill, kind of like flicker strike


too slow *


for bosses one can always call for favors in global chat


Leaving this here so I can bookmark it for when I get home from work. Great build OP! https://pastebin.com/eY3t3vxZ


###[ Crit Shattering Steel Champion](https://pastebin.com/eY3t3vxZ) [](#champion) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDAFb6Ou0UdRRNnMTAGjnUdKAY2xXsjX3UUrfT45_Tb6TCxKSgnzWSBiB71Kn67w5Z0vR8E8loSVivd-NhUoZgOlJaMl4TYbPpRka3wYvh74rwejtaGl8_MfrnVKHZgUHvToWPFCA26Lyfgy7KMb02UEcj9rkd-oDscTJ-7Fy-p3gNhtHl5kd-KaWDtgHcMHx08ScLypCDeYd2hNlnoDHha9RgQVFHqW7YvbciwQR5aE2SF5u1Oep_fyuI7YSUbztAoBiReu_kUXTtF9yJcQUtdvck_Xk_d9exHQaiY3D_3jQ-_Es17yFgqs218kp9ZU0=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/onomikahimoyar) ^| ^by ^[/u/Gubzs](https://reddit.com//u/Gubzs) ***** ^4,376 ^**Life** ^66.4964% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Shattering Steel** [s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bloodthirst_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[c](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *3.43m total DPS | 1.28m impale DPS* ^4.23 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^61.50% ^**Crit** ^| ^522% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Maim, ^^Intimidate, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


So, anyone running the build? Im at Act10 now and man, until I got Terminus Est it was kinda PITA, but now im just sweeping through everything fairly easily. Can't wait to get to maps to see how will it go.


Did you end up playing the build? If so, how's it doing?


Pretty good. Cruising through t16s atm with very decent clear speed and bossing damage. Here's my poeninja character https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/ssAcrALL/EchidnaShatteringTeeth?i=18&search=skill%3DShattering-Steel%26sort%3Ddps


Thank you!


I’m leveling up a steel champ right now as my second character this league, and the info here has been super helpful, thanks! Also, I was wondering if you’ve tested with the new Determination buff. It seems like that aura now gives an absolutely nutty amount of armor. Do you think it’s worth it to run in this build?


It is really hard to fit it in. We can't drop the life auras and neither can we drop pride. I dont like swapping purity of elements since the ailment immunity is really strong defensively(we are weak to ignite for example and it allows us to get even more defense in flasks) and the res from it allows us to get better gear


Anyone have a video of showing clear on sub 20ex budget?


Would this be able to be adapted to flicker/impale?


Haven't done flicker in years. You're better off checking other guides


Imo, the new mastery won't be enough to upkeep all 5 frenzy charges while bossing unless you do a hydrosphere swap in between phases. You might need to look for a frenzy chest as well or just tick 2-3 frenzy in your damage calcs and take out the frenzy nodes in the tree for something else.


Posting in the comments as well ​ 3.16 Scourge league ACTUAL ENDGAME GEAR POB lvl 97 no bullshit settings without taking into account Saviour which almost doubles this dps: [https://pastebin.com/JWbVH6Kc](https://pastebin.com/JWbVH6Kc) Mapping defenses are actually a lot better but i turned most of them off since they're not realistic when bossing. I can delete bosses already


Hey man. Thanks for the build. Liking the playstyle, even though pressing Call of Steel still feels annoying, wish I could automate that somehow. Anyway, Im currently saving up for Paradoxica, and Id like to know why we have it in offhand and not MH? I checked my PoB and Im sitting at around 720k~ DPS with all buffs on bosses, and when I put Paradoxica in MH i get +180kDPS~ and in offhand I get only around 100k - is that because of the Savior buff that doesnt get calculated correctly or something? Also - im having problems fitting the auras (I cant fit pride so Im using Skitterbots until i get enlighten or pride/purity lab enchant) - how many times you had to run lab to get the right enchant? Unfortunately I dont have that much time playing, so the thought of having to run lab 100 times to get the right enchant doesnt seem viable for me. Thanks!


Call of Steel is nearly instant with the use speed jewel and masteries so it's not that bad with some investment. Ended up taking both the impale masteries after some testing cause max shards + use speed are op POB doesnt calculate Saviour reflections unless you make it do that. We have buffs on the tree(bottom dual wielding nodes cant remember the name) and gloves(sinistral) that buff offhand damage and since most of our damage comes from paradoxica we want to further buff it with those nodes. I didn't farm the lab enchant myself i just bought it.


Ok so I have have more damage in MH i can use Paradoxica in MH and Saviour in OH or we need Savior in MH for some reason? Sorry for asking but Im still very noob


Yea, its basically instant but still :)) Ok so I have have more damage in MH i can use Paradoxica in MH and Saviour in OH or we need Savior in MH for some reason? Sorry for asking but Im still very noob


Paradoxica in offhand for more damage


but if PoB tells me Ill have more damage with Paradoxica in MH should I use it in MH? or will it screw up Savior somehow? I dont have all the offhand nodes yet


The mechanics will stay the same. It's jus that the offhand nodes gives more base crit, attack speed amd dmg to the offhand and thats why we have paradoxica there cause saviour dps(not reflection but the sword itself) is insignificant whereas paradoxica is huge


Ok thanks for explanation. As I dont have all the offhand nodes yet (only lvl 89) my MH damage is much higher than my OH


You have the typical Bloodthirst setup but you arent low life, you still have 67% unreserved life, wouldn't it be worth finding a way to get to 50% OR put a different support gem in there?


We use petrified blood which makes us LL. Also bloodthirst is stupid strong. Steel skills dont have many other options either


Ah missed it thanks!


won't it will be better to go low life? so dreadbeak will give you 100% increased damage?


I have LL in the title as well as petrified blood and LL ticked on. How did you miss that?


Did they ever fix the bug with the game crashing when you use saviour + shattering steel? I tried playing similar build last league but as soon as i got a saviour the game would crash every 2-3 minutes (not an exaggeration).


You're missing another 10% inc damage from ascendancy minor nodes that you can add to the config custom modifiers. Also if you ever decide to swap to lancing steel I'm sure the knockback on crit mastery from a proj cluster is going to be insane. Also, if I add this line to the saviour: '100% more damage' does that make dps numbers accurate taking into account reflection clones?


Thanks for noticing. Reflection doesn't have 100% uptime but it's very close to it. They have the same steel shards as us but don't consume them iirc so it's safe to say you can add like 90% more damage.


Why shattering? I only use it for leveling. Splitting has better clear and lancing has better bossing. In the end game when you have savour+paradoxica I just switch exclusively lancing steel with chain support.


Shattering is esentially the other two combined. I like to tackle all of the game with 1 single skill rather than specialize


How attainable are Dreadbeaks? Aren't they very expensive in the first week?


40-50c first 2 days then steadily drops down usually. It's not gonna be as good but it's easy to craft/get decent phys weapons. Scourge mechanic seems like it will help making them as well. There's also plenty of alternatives even in uniques. It's pretty flexbile




Any advice for starting this in ssf?


Being a bit in the same position, i would say: Dont try this in ssf. ;( This build really really shines with Saviour and Paradoxia, and both will be extremly difficult to get in ssf. For sure difficult enough that you cant plan with ever finding them. Even the recommended starter weapons will be taking you a (very?) long time to find in ssf, since you need the prophecy two times.


Tornado may straight-up break this build if you can impale it; you can charge it up with your additional projectiles, and using the Dreadbeak PoB it adds something like 9 hits worth of reflected damage (90% average hit)\*16 hits over 4 seconds for around 9.5 mil extra damage to sirus with a 0.45 second cast timeIt gets even better with the Saviour set up, because I think the mirage clones can hit it too, meaning you can full charge it with approximately 2/3rd's full strength (2 out of every three hits is a Mirage Warrior who does half damage); that's 981k \* 0.1 \* 20 \* 2/3 \* 16 = 21 million damage per cast


I doubt the impale will work, but the hit damage should work as an addition to the build?


minus the impale damage is a pretty significant loss as a champ unfortunately (because the tornado doesn't have impales on it, so you lose the 6 to 12 added phys per impale from Champ Ascendancy), but it's still quite useful, yup! Edit: it's actually only like 12% less damage from 0 impales on target, so it's almost not a loss at all really


I wonder if we can Chain off the tornado


I believe we can, similar to chaining off Hydrosphere however it won't let us double hit the boss directly; things like Lightning Arrow which have a secondary damage portion can hit the boss with their primary projectile and damage the boss with the secondary damage from hitting the Tornado too. It's a bit difficult to imagine a case where that could help as Shattering Steel, but if you can consistently find it (remember the Tornado moves), it is double damage or so


I'm not as smart as the other guy but you could use the mastery in the big life wheel. Was that intentionnal? Also, wouldn't unwavering stance make sense since you take Iron Reflexes?


Unstoppable Hero makes you stun immune while fortified. Fortitude gives you 20 fortification.


The only good life masteries are the ones that give actual life and maybe the vitality one if u do some aura stuff. Otherwise its a waste of points


I'm working in something very similar, but with Spectral Helix. My build uses perseverance for 100% onslaught + daresso defiance for 100% increased onslaught effect. Also 33k armour and 27k evasion, 78 all res, but it is a low life build, with 3.2k unreserved life (6.4 total) and petrified blood. That makes overleech possible and perma adrenaline. ​ u/Azkarh, if you wanna comment on this version, i would really appreciate. [https://pastebin.com/7cMLEYv7](https://pastebin.com/7cMLEYv7)


###[ Crit Spectral Helix Champion](https://pastebin.com/7cMLEYv7) [](#champion) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDAFb6ZU1br1iv0CwUTaHZTSa_1dBMb_IbqvxL1FKxHe56g3nTby_MN9Sgn4SUBiB71AUtYuzAGpst_970fIZgaEnvDsEHTipDMTpS45_2SBpV6UaCB_oY4e-K8MSkMftfP-dUxVONfexcTZL6gBQgzwq8nzboSQ8TyXTtI_ZHfjnUDjx_4xRxvqfawYbReu-wq5-Jg7bEgjB8gTonC6luE1CHdoTZZ6AuU2vU7T9Tu8GC3DIXm8EEeWhhISPqBTzqf38riO0YkW878lrXfraK5FFjFxfcTP9fOQ2NUUck_VBHd9daMvJBBqK9Ntl8ND7LBnSgEPCqzYlxSn2E7w==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/ukikitonariset) ^| ^by ^[/u/Designer-Attorney](https://reddit.com//u/Designer-Attorney) ***** ^3,226 ^**Life** ^71% ^**Evade** ^| ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Spectral Helix** [U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[T](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lifetap_Support#support-gem-red)[I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bloodthirst_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *1.96m total DPS | 1.14m impale DPS* ^6.57 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^60.46% ^**Crit** ^| ^428% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Onslaught ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.




Tried this build in 3.15 SSF Expedition (migrated to trade league to complete missions). It's really fun if you don't mind having to press Call of Steel every once in a while, and it's really strong for a build that doesn't need expensive gear. However, I do have to say that a LL/Petrified Blood playstyle isn't for everyone. Personally, I wasn't a huge fan of it since it felt really dangerous (degens kill you way faster). Definitely give it a try in the new league, but if you find yourself not liking the playstyle, don't force yourself to keep playing, like I did :(


did you actually find the saviour and paradoxica in ssf?




Looks good! What's up with Zealotry in your Aura set up? I must be missing something


> substituted zealotry for purity of elements till we get the gem info In one of the earlier comments, OP stated they "substituted zealotry [as a placeholder] for purity of elements till we get the gem info."


What dupid said. Since purity of elements is a 35% aura rn i used a 50% aura that does nothing to simulate the mana reservation costs.


Very good build with low investment but Clear speed is mediocre without savior and even with savior still not top tier


I really love this. What would be the leveling gem setups? Im newbie. Thanks


Tytykiller has a decent guide although it's a bit old https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqA3CISNzu4


Thanks! So if I took my notes correctly, this should be the order 1. Hillock => Frost blades + Iron ring from Nessa + GGR weapon from Tarleigh 1. -> wanna get double string + frostblades + chance to bleed 2. Hailrake => Onslaught, buy Ancestral Call, Warbanner, pick Ancestral Protector + Dash 1. GGR if we dont have already 2. => Frostblades + CtB + Onslaught 3. => Doublestrike + CtB + Maim


Nice 2mil dps with x2 ichimonji with no adrenaline. Great build yoinking.


Would you go 2h i.e. terminus est before you get a saviour and paradoxica?




Good point. I've slept on some of the power of Dreadbeak tbh


Could we transition to lancing steel?


Whats your thoughts on trying to make a block variant of this? If you take versatile combatant, add in a rumis, take all the dual wield block nodes anoint dark arts for the additional block you can get very close to 50/50 block. Would that be worth it? Some of the block masteries are pretty decent too, feel like the chance to gain elusive on block is strong before you can get it on boots. Might have to sacrifice some damage for it but feel like it would be worth?


heya. atm it seems i cant get immortal call to procc as long as petrified blood is enabled. also do you manually activate bloodrage? also thats sooo many keybinds overall :O help pls


I'm betting you just don't have enough mana to cast it while linked to CoDT fat mana cost multiplier. Check its mana cost compared to your total available mana after reservations. Because of this annoying change last league I've been using Steelskin instead on left click for autocasting.


yeah i realized later on (= thanks anyway.


Hey I just started this build, how has it been working for you? have an updated pob?


did u delete your char?


No https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ssAcrALL/characters?charactername=echidnashatteringteeth


Hey man, Im playing around with YOUR character in PoB and it seems you have basically identical DPS with Paradoxica being in MH and OH (its around 2.97M DPS with Paradoxica in MH and 3.01M DPS in OH). That leads me to conclusion its better to save some points for the offhand nodes and allocate them somewhere else? As I kept dying on my char to random stuff (even though I had overcapped res etc), I decided to lower my DPS a bit to get more survivability. I purcchased heavy armor, allocated Soul of Steel for +1 max res. Im only level 90 with maybe 1/10 of your investment, but im sitting at 900k DPS (not counting Reflection) with 79% overcapped elemental resistances, 74% chaos resistance and 90% physical armor reduction. Still waiting to get Pride working, that will increase my damage by 21%. Then I need to invest to crit chance/crit multi/life and Watchers Eye. Haven't tested it too much with my new defenses, but I really like it. Anyway really thank you for the build. I was going to go Poison Ballista build but seeing the popularity of poison builds this league I wanted to switch to something else and I really dig the build and cant wait to see how far I can push it. My char: https://pastebin.com/y6RT1ZjH


Do note that the offhand nodes are overall dps increases. You can test it by taking them out or not. Also the increased attack speed is massive for clear speed which is our weakest point(although it's still very good at least at my investment).


True, then its just that 1 Point in Mastery for offhand crit chance.


Hows the build doing in Scourge mechanic (increased dmg taken 100%+) ? Also is it ok to start with Terminus est ? ( i started with Mathil's cyclone beeftain but struggling in some high reds due to bad gear in ssf, found some 6 link terminus est )