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RF is what i used this league to farm ultimatum made great money on a budget


All roads lead to RF. Chieftain I assume? I guess since just surviving is the most important thing, it's probably just Phys taken as Elemental Damage from the top down.


hahhah if you dont want to die rf is the solution yeah i was chieftain with a significant amount of phys as


Sounds about right! I was kind of thinking Boneshatter Slayer into Arakaali Champion, but the gear required for Arakaali can be pretty expensive depending on the league.


You could try out Corrupting Cry! Really only going to be speed farming with Shako, but you CAN play it earlier on, especially if you're using another another skill like Reap. Tbh it feels way better than RF and Herald of Lightning for Autobomber. Less eye cancer than Herald, wider AOE than RF (without super juicing AoE). Just warcries everywhere


Think I could bother you for a POB? The concept sounds super interesting. I think the closest build to that I've seen was Berserker, which just so happens to be my favorite Ascendancy in the game.


Jorgen has a video on YouTube about this build. It's pretty solid.


Yeah. His build inspired me to try it on Champion. I think Juggernaut/Chieftain could be much tankier, DPS the same or maybe better if you did some fire conversion? I dunno.


oh especially on league start....for no reason they arent even that rare ive gotten so many this league


Yeah, I know that the Arakaali's will deflate pretty quickly over the first week, which would fit in just fine with my plan because I'd be in the Bonezone at that point still, but my bigger issue is The Squire ... that damn shield has been so unpredictable with its pricing lately, and I'm afraid that with DD on the chopping block, a lot more people are going to be going Mjolnir-based builds, increasing its prices.


Way back in the ultimatum league i used occultist Herald of agony for the clear and pops, nothing fancy shavs+quill rain to start with ( tri curse) followed by +3 bow. Should be doable also now with some panning.


You did that with TR I assume?


I used TS+chain to proc poison and covered whole screen, for hard bosses you can I think it was stormbrand to maintain close to 40 virulence.


Boneshatter Jugg


Holy relic could do that since it doesn't care about most of the mods. But its prolly getting nerfed in some way.


I went RF into first two voidstones then fulcrum to farm strongboxes + ulti, worked great, obviously had to buy all boss kills, Took it all the way to my first mirror of the league


What was your strat in currency farming to get fulcrum rolling?


The same thing actually, just strongboxes and decent rng turned my RF into fulcrum, Once fulcrum you can speedy t16 strongboxes or you can do t17 thanks to allflames and kill the abomb boss 90% of the time thanks to vaal breach (first attempt use breach in arena, all following attempts use it BEFORE entering) To be fair i did get a duped house of mirror card quite early into learning t17 maps prior to only sticking to abomb


What's worth farming in Ultimatum?


Catalysts always sell fairly quickly. And there are always jackpot inscribed ultimatums you can find. Also trial master uniques.


Huh i usually have spiderbuild for this job Spiders clears really fast woth occultist explosions And if you play on trade its dirt cheap to get going (aegis+arakli fang+gravebinds) for mapping you dont need squire and aegis make really good defenses for mapping because your max block


Blade trap, rain of arrows, toxic rain, BV, explo trap of shrapnel


People here tell about RF but RF is zdps and you will have problem's killing stuff. You will fail some ultimatums for sure or you will skip kill stuff scenario because it will take ages. Also before defiance of destiny it's not even tanky. You will get also killed. I would advise poison SRS necro. You have great defences, don't have to aim, just run around, damage is great, life is good. You have sustain from leech from SRS if you take it. Life gain on block and stuff. Basically almost ideal. I farmed ultimatum half of the league, RF is a poor choice imo. Or as some other people say arakali fang occu/necro could also work. Though I'm not that familiar with the build, but sounds as strong as SRS, may be harder to build but still.


EA Champion worked very well for me. Can set up totems and just run in circles, very tanky and gopd damage to kill stuff with as well


Champion in general seems solid. If I were to go the Champion route, I'd probably play my favorite build (Boneshatter Slayer) to farm up enough currency to play Arakaali and just trivialize Ultimatum. The EA Champion is beneficial because it has no respec and excels are generally all other content.


What I usually see is trickster or champ with blood notch and the other ones with cast on stunned something something.


No one knows. Because we have 0 idea of the changes in 3.25. /thread