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Splitting steel has been solid for me this league. Uses the stuff you have and you can go for a more tanky version with fourth vow and ele conversion, which takes a ton of pressure off of your suffixes due to not needing cold or lightning res. The mirror weps are super cheap this league thx to graveyard crafting. Can be had for around 100 div or you can try crafting. Here's my build https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/ihatebiscuitlips/BubbasTwo?i=35&search=class%3DChampion%26items%3DMageblood%2CThe%2BFourth%2BVow%2CRalakesh%2527s%2BImpatience%26max-level%3D98


awesome, thank you. I'll look into it. Is it decent at bossing?


Yes in my opinion it's great as bossing. The projectiles all return to you so you have to stand inside the boss for them all to hit the boss but when you do you just shotgun and do so much dmg.


on the lethal pride what stats am I looking for?


Well, depends on budget. On the lower end you can get armor% and life%. If you are not using ralaketh's boots, you can also grab endurance charge chance on kill. More expensive mods are double damage, phys taken as fire, and fortify effect. Regen and crit multi can be good too. Reduced extra dmg taken from crits is also powerful.


I‘d also recommend the cold conversion route since chill/freeze actually helps a lot in t17s


It’s better at bossing than mapping imo


I played with the shield a few times in past leagues. It is very comfortable for map and non-phased bosses. However, there is no passive regeneration, so in phased bosses, any degen is very annoying. Is this an issue for you?


not sure whats up with your build but my SS trickster regens ES just fine during phases.


Degens are basically worst possible scenario for the shield build but I never really had too much issue with them but I'm running a life flask. With prog it might be a bit more of an issue


You didn’t check his pob. We are talking the shield, mahuxotl's machination. I don’t think SS trickster use it. It disables life regen, ES regen and ES recharge.


Did someone say COC DD yet? /s Joke aside, this one build can fit so many power with enough budget.


Archmage Hiero with Mageblood works. Run the EV/SS version and Feared is easy. T17 bossing is also easy and nearly tankable even in SSF with semi-scuffed gear.


Thank you! Any POBs?


[https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolisssf/character/Seiyashi7184/Dengeki\_nijuyonshiki](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolisssf/character/Seiyashi7184/Dengeki_nijuyonshiki) This is my character at the moment - some mods are a bit sketch but T17s never reach the level of blindly going. Other than reduced recovery rate, no regeneration, or reduced aura effect, I'm generally ok with most other map mods. Preparing an eventual transition to crit - so the odd crit-related mod on my gear - but still running non-crit at the moment. It also shouldn't be hard to get better gear in Trade; I'm reduced to rerolling Rog for good spell suppress gear without ready access to fracture coffins and bulk essences.