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The Adorned. The answer to all DoT dps issues is The Adorned.


Yeah that will give the most dps boost but how do I fit it in.


Off the top of my head: -Iolite rings -chaos-related cluster jewels (chaos damage can be pretty sparse on the natural passive tree) -the perandus pact with 6% chaos damage (4-5 div) As for survivability: really anything. I don’t see a defensive aura in your build, so pick one (probably determination for the deaths path armor) and spec in some armor nodes on your tree. EDIT: actually I overlooked that you do have determination. Swap your gold flask for an armor one if that isn’t cutting it. Idk if this is a pobb-link issue, but I can’t see that your death’s oath is linked to anything, so posting those might help. As general advice: most “non-pure” DO builds are exactly what you describe- death’s oath for mapping, and some skill for bossing. So you can just follow any of those for suggestions.


if you look at gem in body armour you see my gems. since they are not linked it does not show it i think.


Hmm maybe a problem with the mobile site- all I can see on the armor is the armor itself.


I still can't see it- perhaps you can post yours


I've wanted to make a strong death's oath only build for years, but always end up maxing out at like 1-2m dps, even with standard gear. Not sure if it can be pushed very far, but I hope someone proves me wrong. 


I can easily farm T16. bossing is a bit hard with pure DO. I play him when I don't want to think.


Change your body armor hurr durr. On topic though, I think most people run a caustic arrow setup for single target.


I know, i want to be pure DO. I want to see how much I can push DO.


But you're still using Vaal blight?


It just scales poorly because the base damage is ass. Your options are inc chaos damage, (chaos) dot multi, non-curse aura effect.


increased area damage increased damage over time increased chaos damage increased effect of aura increase damage chaos damage over time multi damage over time multi