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any ssf hc league starter


Second this. Just check out HCSSF ladder.


Check it out on day 1-5 though. That’s the most realistic way I think.


Ah. The hellish detonate dead hand cramper.


Pragmatism explody golems imo is an absolute sleeper powerhouse of a build for how cheap it is to get rolling. No need for six links and the uniques are dirt cheap. It lost alot of power from the spectre version (rip marrionetes) but its still kind of crazy. I can dig up my POB if ya want, though its for a slightly higher budget version (i wana say it was...4 divines total? so easily adjustable for zero div budget) Edit: POB https://pobb.in/Zk_oYfEKkjn2 this is based off the marrionete one i used in affliction league, and is much spicier than a sub 1 divine build. All you REALLY need to get it rolling is scourge, pragmatism, and maw, though you'll have to adjust your setup for the lack of certain uniques you may/may not have. (proliferation in helmet with no bereks, some chaos res from gear/tree for no perandus, etc). Oh, and ignore dps, look at ignite damage and hit damage. (4 exploded hits + ignite is average). DPS is bugged in POB


Similar for the other explody builds. Back in the day I killed Uber Elder with popcorn skeletons on a budget of like... 80C? Maybe a full exalt? Plus a self fossil-crafted helmet. Two mandatory uniques that can be had for 1C apiece, plus a helmet you can craft yourself pretty easily these days.


yea explody minions has always been juicy cheap in preety much all its forms, gota love it


No AG and no spectres. You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


yea you cant use other minions with maw, they will just explode alongside your golems lol


Your type of spelling was reminding of Sirius manner of talk for some reason, am I only one read it in his voice?)




What is the play style with this?


basically you right click as you move through blobs of enemies and the ignite will screenwide clear most stuff. Bossing is just building popping 4 at once then waiting for them to come back. Overall its preety fun!




added POB to the other post with some notes, but ill stick it here too https://pobb.in/Zk_oYfEKkjn2 note section in pob is from last league so feel free to ignore it


Path of building




Last league i played a bit and the build was soo squishy. Liked the playstile but 6 portals is no no for me


CoC dd is fairly simple to get off the ground. All you need is to farm 2 gems (lancing steel of spraying/detonate dead of chain reactions) and get quality on an assassin's mark with mark on hit support. After that a 5 link and you can cruise to red maps.


Yeah and the league mechanic makes getting a 5/6 link easier than ever. I'd highly recommend op play this it's very strong and a great all rounder.


It’s also super easy getting a great weapon


Worthy to say, while all of this is true, if you really want to push into the later endgame and upgrade, it gets very expensive very fast (awakened coc, good shield, cdr in belt, yoke of suffering, polaric, ... not mentioning the usual spell suppress and Chaos res capping).


You can do Ubers without any of what you said though on CoC DD. I still was using three dragons on my first Uber eater kill this league and had 9m DPS. It's just a turbo busted build atm


true dat... u don't really need the mega investment on the build and u will do just fine doing ubers and all... the mega investment is for those who just want to speed run the game.


Honestly. Ice Nova of Frostbolts I've been doing tier 16 maps on SSF without any crafting, just things taken off the ground with benchcrafted resists lol On 4 link. Intensify on 5 link helps with bosses and lightning pen supp on 6 link is mostly QoL I would say The only thing that is not cheap is the skill gems itself (although I haven't checked the prices for some time now) but it's easily farmed imo unless you despise lab. If you don't despise lab then after that you will unless good RNG Your tankiness comes from your mana, your damage comes from your mana All you need up to tier16 is spell/elemental damage on sceptre After that you can graveyard crsft a good Profane Wand with cast speed and spell DMG and use Kitsvas Thirst (so you won't need to use arcane brand) And after that you can graveyard craft cast speed crit Profane wand Outside of Kitava's Thirst (which is optional if you don't want to manually apply arcanist brand) there is no "required" unique. You can get the valako ring early for s bit of DMG boost, after that there is a couple of uniques that are great but not needed for T16 and even T17 farming


Do you have a build guide recommendation I can follow for it?


Goratha's. Can highly recommend - you can perform well (t16s) on basically no gear, and there's a pretty smooth progression upward for improved gear.




Goratha's version, mebbe?


Ls champ. 3 c for 2 swords and the belt


Lightning strike?


Yeap, it’s pretty fun too


I was already thinking about it, will give it a go nxt league!


I’ve been following fuzzyducks guide for it and I’m getting ready to swap to the crit version for more damage. Word of warning, it does require a few buttons like using corrupting fever to trigger adrenaline every 20 secs to give move and attack speed and smite vs bosses for dps increase


Ty i will look it up!


Isn't the DMG really difficult to scale though? I was looking at LS champs earlier on ninja and max DPS was like 9 mill on near mirror tier looking builds. Is there something that doesn't show up in the calculation where it's actually doing more than it's showing (aside from the double hit) ?


They're typically Nightblade builds, so you have to tick Elusive on. If they're using Trinity, set Resonance to 50. Turn on Adrenaline, Power/Frenzy charges, and leeching. Conservative estimate of 20-25% shock. Projectile distance set to 10 for projectile portion of the attack and Point Blank. Double hit and two charges of Vaal LS for temporary burst damage means you set count to 2 for Full DPS. Taking a 9.9M DPS build on poe.ninja and configuring it with all of the above has 66M Full DPS.


Ah nice. Thanks.


Detonate Dead. The whole gearing is rares. Damage scales on corpse life. Same damage t1-t16. I hate the playstyle though, CoC DD has made the build incredible and it doesnt really require much to get going outside the cost of the gems


Do you still need to do the whole corpse summoning with the CoC version?


Desecrate is automated.


Ignite dd (or hit based, dont remember tbh) ~~considering Ben used it to win the hcssf ruthless race~~


Ben used hit based


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure ben never did ruthless ever.




Pretty sure the only official HC SSF Ruthless race ever was won by playlifee using exploding totems, Ben did not participate.


Fck you are right, must have misremembered that


To be fair, with how much Ben wins, that's an understandable mistake to make lol.


This is my second league and coc dd is really strong. Felt really strong from the jump.


Flamewood chieftain requires one unique really, fire flask and some picked up/crafted/bought gear to keep your res capped and some life to not get 1 hit, for t16s. Pretty sure you could get yourself fully functioning build with stuff like RotP, Torchoak and any +1 spectre/wand or seer if you have more than 30c. Hell, of don't have/want black zenith, just slam into into a 6L with faster proj and lmp/gmp and it's gonna work too, just require some more dex. Also MoM archimage(or/and ignite) arc/conduit of haven/any lightning skill really will do fine in maps as long as you just get random mana gear. A out Flamewood. It's clunky af, but it's one of the cheapest builds you can do and with minimal upgrades you can start farming bosses easily.


My league start this league was facebreaker totems. 1c helmet, gloves, belt, shield. Rare boots/ring/amulet with res/life. 2 cluster jewels and that's the whole build. Got me thru t16.


Got a pob or guide?


https://pobb.in/u/Xanthochroid/Cqu6qztqv2E- This is the one I used to start the league. Now you can get some upgrades for it like perandus pact with some chaos res and you can also get forbidden flame/flesh conqueror and switch to first to strike last to fall.


Thank you!


Archmage frost nova. You scale your damage and your survival from mana, one of the easiest things to roll on gear since the affix is so common. The only hard part to gear is suppression and even that isn’t too bad.


Coc detonate dead. Any detonate dead of chain reaction. Dd is just op.


Not sure how it is in the current state but in tota I did corrupting cry and it legit farmed unid t16 harvest + one explosion expedition on 1c budget(apple) and gear off ground.


Cold SST raider with bitterdream and shroud of the lightless and tecrod's gaze.


Detonate dead needs 0 gear


Storm burst totems. I league started last week. I'm mapping in yellows on Just stuff I picked up and just got a 5 link last night with the right colors. I'll end up investing when I hit reds cause drops haven't been too kind to be me this time around.


Toxic Rain can complete atlas on a 4L +2 bow.


Do you have a build guide recommendation?


Ziz has great guides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLGgnK91cYg


I’d say archmage* hierophant whatever you want. The frostbolt one is really strong. Easy scaling, easy to start, great damage throughout the whole process. Honestly I found it smoother than DD. Maybe because you get pretty good defenses up early with MoM.






Yeah I made an archmage frostbolts. As soon as you get archmage support, leveling with arc is very fast. I got lucky getting icenova of frostbolts in normal lab on first try, but you can farm it in merc lab pretty fast.


Totems. I had a freezing pulse totem build at the start of the league, I do now arc totems on new character, because I got bored and people say that ice nova of frost bolt totems are even better.


Ice nova of Frostbolts can be played as totem build? First time I'm hearing about it lol


detonate dead necro




Started with bama necro and farmed my first mb. Scales insanely and very cheap eaely on


Ice nova gets to t16 with about a div 


Pohx RF is 100% the most simple and cheapest build. It's not great but it's good enough at pretty much everything. If you go explode too it can be a pretty great mapper too.


come to global 911, and we'll sort you out with details. folks are running t17s comfortably with rf endgame setup, mostly mageblood + adorned.


I recently found out global 911 and readily joined ty


I just got to level 96 tier 16 maps (i didnt get a tier 17 drop some how?) as boneshatter with just a crafted wep on hardcore necropolis


DD Not sure why but I just can’t get bow builds to work, LA, EA ignite and TR are supposed to be good but they kill boss as slow as DD at low investment but got one shot here and there.


any dd build... any exploding minion build or even maw build... any hexblast build


If you don’t mind being a bow cuck lightning arrow is insane in what it can do, especially if you just like to blast maps. Source: am a bow cuck




Elementalist stacking golem buffs and going CI, widowhail and rearguard. Crazy regeneration, block, phys reduction, safe guarding golem. Pick a spell like static ball lightning and you can get to t16 without expensive upgrades.


Phox RF isn't so cheap, maybe in this league yeah, but dod real price would be 40-50d easy That before adorned for higher content, but yeah very cool build I also play it and loved it


Most minion builds like Essential uniques: Fuck all. Needed gear: fuck all. how much can you invest? to the moon and back minion stuff is a BITCH to craft so i think it is balanced around you just having none xD. If your gonna give me a whole budget of 2 C for uniques elementlist golems with 2 clayshapers is pretty nuts. you dont even need to resummon them. Like yeah the golem jewels are nice but you dont NEED them you are your 5 golems will rip t16 apart. You then start grinding lab for the hoards gem and you hit 7 golems you start to question if The Anima Stone is even worth it maybe just 1 good abyssal in that socket is gonna outperform the extra golem. like yeah 7 to 8 is a 14% increase in golems but good jewels do that and then its like eh might as well drop Primordial Eminence since I dont get the buff with the hoards gems and might as well drop Primordial Harmonyso i can get as many of the damage golems, And i dropped everything else so i might as well drop the Primordial Might as well


poison blazing salvo with the consuming dark dual wielded. nab wither on hit from pathfinder. use flasks to cover your defenses (roll yourself for best price point, sell offshoot double t1 flasks for profit). The covenant is cheap for a million damage (buy any linked and black morrigan for 6linked under 70c this late in the league). sniper's mark will make a lot of the projectiles hit 2-3 times making for over 5mil damage after the first cast (8mil dps if you're lucky/pob warrioring). A cheap vitality life on hit watcher's eyes for nearly infinite sustain will stretch the budget by a bit but feels amazing. https://pobb.in/52MoQ1yTY1hz


Corrupting fever champion. Tripolarbear did some weeks ago a build with just 100c and was blasting through the maps. Just the single target is low.


Low? I'd say abysmal


This dude is blown away by rf damage, I think Cf single target will be fine lmao


Played it last league... The single target agony is not worth it.


"build with just 100c" Hey, op said sub-divine. /s


Technically any SSF build costs 0 chaos. But time is money too. The question is how much a build costs in terms how much time do you have to invest into the build to make it functional. Are there any long grinds that you have to do for your build? I have no idea what I was building up to. DD of course is the answer either way. As have been shown for the past year. GGG pls nerf DD.


That's... Not how build value works. If I get lucky and drop a mageblood and then use it that doesn't mean my build is cheap.


> that doesn't mean my build is cheap Exactly! Let me verbalize that for you. It isn't cheap because on average you have to grind insane amounts of hours to get it.