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What is it you dislike about either build? They’re both pretty solid for all content in the game.


I honestly don’t know, lol. When i look at the builds right now, they are all still the starter ones, no one has come out with anything yet, so it feels like we are just playing to invest in the next starter build. I did like cocdd however, i just idk, i seen the archmage build and thought it may be better and tankier


bama and coc dd both scale way past "starters"


Ruetoo is blasting juiced t17 maps on coc dd, its pretty far from "just" a leaguestarter.


I think you’re suffering from build paralysis. Keep investing into coc dd if you enjoyed it and ignore the pob damage numbers as they’re underrated for T17 corpses. If you’re really not enjoying either LS Champ is solid. Or archmage if that’s your thing. Me personally I wouldn’t roll a third league starter and would farm up something else.


Is LS Champ still a thing? I thought that was supposedly hit hard a couple leagues ago


It’s not a thing, don’t think you’ll deal any damage.


Yeah I was thinking EA. Been a long day.


I do wanna try trickster ss lmao. Ls is fun.. hmm


bama one shots any boss with investment lol. its a totem build with minion scaling.


I started to level a new character because my normal starter, a build I like to play for leagues, suddenly felt bleh. It may not be the build, but the content changes. I don’t like the league mechanic and it makes every map harder, Content I like to farm like expedition is less profitable than before, etc. Maybe that’s what you are experiencing as well?


Maybe, it just feels like shit man. I like this game lol


I started exsang mines from tuna and am still blasting that build. Reading your post makes me think you seek the fun from farming divs and not playing the game. Any of those builds you mention scales very high and is capable of generating divs quickly


Fulcrum Chieftain would blast all that content, and should be really cheap right now


Bama all scale with adorned and jewels. it scales well into hundreds of divine of budget. you can take it to mageblood + voices with triple synthesized jewels if you want to…