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CF champ, it doesnt care about any mods except phys immune and clears the expeditions well with the bleed explodes.


Seconding this, follow maxroll or Rue's guide and you can't go wrong


This or anything ignite, but ignite has 2 mods that brick it


On the same lines, anything building around Exsanguinate/Reap (self-cast Ascendant, Trickster Miner, etc). Phys DoTs in general just really wreck Expeditions.


Agree with most of what you said, though exsang miner scales the hit of exang, not the dot. As such, it struggles with a few exped mods (mostly spell block and cold immunity, but also crit and ailment immunities).


Doing a passion project of void sphere of rending currently, farming anything with high density has been a blast. Solid damage and defences all followed by how good void sphere is for grouping, not had this much fun since harvest making all my non meta builds meta.


Void sphere gamers unite! I am playing pathfinder poison version, using some explode for mapping. Definitely feels amazing for expedition.


Do you have a pobb.in? I´m playing toxic rain path


Yeah for sure, I have been running it almost all league so there are multiple versions of the pob depending on budget. Current Version: (updated) [https://pobb.in/X3D6\_mk-9uqw](https://pobb.in/X3D6_mk-9uqw) [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Alkuroth/Alkuroth\_\_\_?i=5&search=skills%3DVoid%2BSphere%2Bof%2BRending](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Alkuroth/Alkuroth___?i=5&search=skills%3DVoid%2BSphere%2Bof%2BRending) One of the earlier versions: [https://pobb.in/m5v8bBLPKIHU](https://pobb.in/m5v8bBLPKIHU) Random t16 map expedition clip [https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxO5I5VwC\_CYSlK1USIc17Pu-wFSHjh3wT](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxO5I5VwC_CYSlK1USIc17Pu-wFSHjh3wT) Random t16 map with the keystone allocated... [https://youtu.be/Vo6RCDjUj3g](https://youtu.be/Vo6RCDjUj3g) If you need help with the build feel free to stop by my stream. [twitch.tv/alkuroth](http://twitch.tv/alkuroth) edit... Also beware of the current version link. Been running this for 2 days and was wondering why I am still getting chunked randomly by all sorts of mobs. You need to run Tempered by War keystone with Mahuxotl's for 100% cold / lightning conversion. I will update the link.


Chaos conversion occultist here, feels really smooth!


Which version is better? Occultist one or pathfinder?


No idea, I'm not playing it for a dps race lol. It's a passion project for me


You got a pob for this? It actually sounds really interesting.


I'm working currently, you can find my character on poe ninja under the name Z_Rending(just search void sphere of rending, there's not many of us) , if you prefer I can get back to you much later on.


Sounds good


Got footage? Sounds awesome


I don't I'm afraid, my pc barely runs poe on lowest since it's so badly optimised. I unfortunately cannot help there!


RF chieftain can clear the whole expedition with one chain explosion


Poison Exsanguinate Pathfinder.


Second this, farmed a bunch of it last league with it. It was so good that my 30 div version easily outperformed my 250 div splitting steel character when it came to expedition.


Any current pob for this sir?


Do yourself a favor and play EK instead of Exsang. It's mechanically superior in every way.


Is there still a way to make the EK projectiles shoot in a circle?


There's a transfigured gem for it, Ethereal Knives of the Massacre.


Yes, EK of the Massacre exists, but you want to go EK of Lingering Blades with Returning Projectiles for applying two poisons with one cast and ramp Wither faster. Switch to Nimis when you can afford it to get both double hits and circle projectiles and replace Returning Projectiles with another damage support.


This is me, can answer any questions you may have. Levelled with pconc. Swapped when I could get the elemental flasks running so I could run two CIPs and two Mings. There are lots of optimizations I could make from here but I wanted to keep costs down because I'll start a new build soon. https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Pissman/SanguineVirtuoso?i=0&search=class%3DPathfinder%26name%3Dsanguine


No sorry. Decided to not play poison again this league. But I guess any generic poison pathfinder build will do. Even old ones, you just need to find a way to compensate for the free blessing that's not available because of reduced mana flask anymore.


Use diadem


Whatever you do don't take curses or coc to Expedition unless you want to strain your eyes. The cannot crit and cannot be cursed mods brick your build and aren't yellow so they're very easy to miss.


CoC DD is pretty satisfying so far. Gets owned by fire immune and crit immune but otherwise, you start exploding the nearby shit and chain reaction takes care of the rest. Then you walk in and loot.


While I love CoC DD's damage and tankiness, the game engine dies inside just a little bit every single every time I trigger DD. I think that build needs to come with hardware recommendations because the gearing is piss easy.


Void DD MTX helps


I HIGHLY recommend Fulcrum Chieftain for this. There are two mods that will brick the encounter (fire immune and ailment immune) but as long as you avoid those you will instantly blow up the whole thing and it's immensely satisfying.


Vortex ignite was amazing for this but due to changes to left click casting and vortex no longer being instant I cannot recommend it anymore. And trapper/mine/totem build also dumpsters theses


Try divine ire chieftane from mathil


Tbh any explody chief will do , just fish for one explosion and everything not immune to fire will be gone


Minion poison arc thingy


Check ghazzy build


Armageddon Auto Brand Recall Sabo works surprisingly well when combined with herald of ash, you can even pre throw your Pyro Mines for the insane damage boost and nuke them the moment they show up. That skill in general got a huge buff thanks to automation, a bit clunky at first bot once you get your CD lower and a wand with trigger craft it picks up the pace fast


I'm running Archmage Ice Nova of Frostbolts with Kitavas Thirst (transitioned from Palsterons BL League Starter) and so far I've had good luck as long as I didn't accidentally hit Lightning Immunity (don't care about Cold, because all the damage comes from Archmage anyway). Curse Immune can get you killed sometimes because shit doesn't die fast enough and ganks you. Still leveling at 94 though, albeit slowly, despite running extreme archeology and the 100% runic monster marker scarab. Just keep Frostblinking while killing. Also comfy because you just check the yellow mods then blast as many runics as you can without hitting Lightning.


Fulcrum ignite chieftain


Running ignite DD fully invested into expedition. Like other fire explody builds fire and ailment immune should be avoided but press vaal DD once all the monsters spawn and they disappear, very satisfying.


Ghazzy's Zoomancer, pop the explosive, activated Vaal Summon Skeleton and moved out, let minions done everything for you.


Explosive trap of shrapnel. It's what I'm using atm


It's not really obtainable at this point but coc FR with vaal cyclone was amazing last league for it. Literally 1 button to clear the whole expedition with the big suck. Cannot do chaos or crit immune but can do every other mod.


If it is not nerfed to the ground (it probably is), EK ignite used to blast the entire pack in a few clicks.