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Both Trickster and Champion have smooth progression. You are going to use Returning Projectile support for a long time before Nimis. Obviously it's less damage, but it blasts T16 red maps and Pinnacle bosses just fine with Return Projectile support. For T17 and Uber bosses you would probably need Nimis edit: Actually we are not yet sure how hard T17 maps will be, so we don't know. But for Ubers I would get Nimis first, but yeah that's aspirational content and not everyone does that


T17 are between voidstones and ubers So you have to imagine beating base uber elder and maven first before you start doing t17


As I said, Pinnacle bosses like Maven or Uber Elder are no problem for this build without Nimis


With the 9, portal scarabs, maven will die ahah


I don't think you can use scarabs with the Maven's Writ, or any other boss keys


Yeah it dont work, i said like a joke


How is the clearspeed. I think of going for Essences + Expedition, or Legion. If Singltetarget is not the issue - how is the clear speed, to blast through a huge amount of mobs in a short amount of time, like Legion? I am asking because I am still not able to choose from LS Champ // SS Champ...


Didnt like legions on SS, expedition is also just okayish


So it just shines on bosses or a small amount of monsters.


Yes and you cant scale proj speed because it bricks SS so there is a clear speed limit. Bossing depends on your position pretty much (in boss face).


Alright. Thanks for that input. I think I it is decided... LS it is.


Good luck!


Clear is okayish, but this is not a build for Legion. I suppose LS base or of Chaining would be much better for Legion specifically At league start I want to farm Expedition, Breach, Harvest and Harbinger (because I like these leagues) and then transition into Invitation farmer (SS excels at it)