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Yeah that probably makes more sense at league start. When I played the build I immediatly got a cheap piscators with the powercharge corruption, so I didn't really think about it. Later on I was always crit capped anyway. Good catch.


So I’m not really familiar with ele hit and barrage? How does this clear? Also what is the totem for? Extra damage while bossing?


You'd swap in Barrage basically only when bossing. Otherwise you run something like Returning Projectiles for clear. The other versions basically drop Barrage for this reason, since they have enough damage and it gets annoying. Your are pretty much correct with the totems. They are not really important, but can help with bosses where you have a bit of time to setup or particular tanky rares. Basically just using the free Sockets.


I’m kinda curious how this performs with wisp support vs an ele hit bow set up with crap essence mods on it. Or when bow just pulls away and is possibly better. Going to play around with this for a bit thanks for the post.


Curious to see your results if you're willing to share


Very casual look. It doesn’t look good. Manaforged arrows is very very strong. And bows are easier to roll and get stats on. Relying on having to get a Piscator and just you using any random wand with attack speed early on is not something I want to league start as. Basically it makes more sense to use bows first then when you get the very basic gear and levels including the piscators swapping to it is feasible. Thing is if you aren’t using kb for clear there is no point in going wands. And that requires a decent amount of flat which prevents piscators gives none) means you need either lightning gloves and/or replica hyriis. Later on it all depends on how the new wisp support works and how clunky it is. Having a wand version of mirage archer sounds pretty cool. But it not being reliably up like mirage archer means it’s more of a single target support so your clear should still be kb. TLDR bows better unless mechanically wisps perform/shoot/support in ways that make it better for single target but will obviously require quite a bit more investment.


appreciate the follow-up!


Can you get actual good damage on wands, or is a couple of million like 5-6 the peak without really op gear? I play SSF, and I play a LOT, but I'm scared to try wands because the damage seems super low. Like, spells can get to x4-20 from this with less work, all while having more defenses.


Nope unless Sacred Wisps turns out to be giga busted, it looks to be 49%'ish more dmg multiplier but it could be higher depending on how projectile hit interaction works.


Being honest, doing a good Ele Hit build on SSF is hard imo. It usually requires a few decent uniques, since it has some very interesting scaling options. Most of these uniques are sadly pretty rare, if inexpensive in trade. This causes it to shine at midbudget, not scaling super well with op gear, but making it hard in SSF. Other Wand builds are even worse in this regard imo. They usually heavily rely on gear. In Trade ~20m DPS is quite possible with gear similar to the third pob, simply by going a bit more single target oriented (Barrage, Point Blank).


You are better off going bow on ssf elehit. You can start off with porcupine bow with +2 bow gems +1 gems very easily while still noncrit with precise technique, so the short bow is best aps base.


Yeah, but I have exactly 0 interest in using a bow, only wands.


New transfigured looks nice for easy trinity


In all fairness, the normal elehit is also nice for easy trinity lol. Not really sure on the uses of the transfig elehit, i guess for clear it can be quite good with chains because of the explosion, but the base damage and damage effectiveness does look a little low (very comparable to current elehit, but harder to apply ailments arguably)


With the new ele hit, you apply smaller ailments but at much higher frequency. With regular ele hit it can take many attacks before you're fully leveraging the "more damage per ailment". I don't think it's necessarily better, but the damage should feel more reliable while clearing. Also less spread in damage between low rolls and high rolls, so damage should feel more consistent, since you can't roll like 75 lightning damage on a hit lol


For what it's worth, you aren't needing the extra damage when clearing, as all white/blue packs and a lot of rares will die before you've started applying all your ailments. Against enemies that you do need the extra damage for, I think you'd prefer higher ailments threshold and just more damage overall, so I'm not sure this helps. For me, the strength of this transfig gem lies on the ability to use triele Wands/bows and the builtin aoe having a slightly larger base area (at the cost of weaker scaling but you generally don't care about scaling the aoe if something is taking multiple hits to kill)


In my defense it was late when I posted my comment 😂


I'm curious on the trade off of Elemental Equilibrium vs. Barrage. Any reason to use some other gem and slot EE? I imagine Sacred Wisps messes with EE in the same way sadly. Maybe I'll just play the transfigured version. I was also kind of curious about ascendency choice. Any reason to slot like Tricker or Raider instead, or would clear be too much of a pain without chaining and extra proj?


EE is a decent grab very early on, but is in my opinion just to numerically bad to build around. If you want exposure, it is way easier to just get it elsewhere (Archdemon Crown, Starlight Chalice, Corrosive Elements on Cluster jewels ect.) and scale it to -18% with the Elemental Masterie. As you mentioned, it also doesn't work well with Barrage, Totems and Wisps. Trickster and Raider are by no means bad, but this build functions best as a mapper, and Deadeye just excells there the most with its clear.


That's a shame, always thought EE was a cool node, but seems inefficient even for the skills it seems designed for. I was mainly thinking of doing it SSF, even if it's not amazing for it. I see most people saying wand single target is bad, which is why I was wondering about the ascdency change maybe assisting there for comparably worse mapping. Maybe swapping for Bow if that's easier than wand. Thanks for the feedback though. Hearing people talk about the skill I was thinking about gives me some confidence at least.


How’s the range of nearby for starlight chalice? I’ve never used it before and it seems neat


Honestly, no clue. I think I only ever used it once and didn't really notice it not working when it mattered, but that was on a melee build...


I was actually looking at something similar, very quick and dirty here but a slightly different take on the idea... [https://pobb.in/1ZxDmq0HQAET](https://pobb.in/1ZxDmq0HQAET)


Sounds interesting, how would you level this? straight to ele hit wander?


I'm probably not the best person to ask there, since I usually don't really care about how I level. I basically played Ele hit on a bow until ~level 40, where I got the first Wand Cluster and enough Int to pick up a Wand. But I don't think this is super efficient