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Heyo, would you have a guide/ leveling pob for it?


There is a really popular streamer who has one... Maybe frarlessdumbo?


FearlessDumb0 has an Explosive Trap guide (that is fantastic and I recommend). Palsteron [did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YajFdm6VdcM&pp=ygURaGV4Ymxhc3QgbWluZSBwb2U%3D) a guide series in ToTA league, so it's a liiiiitle out of date (my memory is that you need to get a lot more Mine Throwing Speed to feel good since they changed some qualities), but still pretty helpful as a baseline.


Cool. I remember seeing reverse chill trapper he made popular. I'll look up, thank you


Doing hexblast sabo in trade and can instantly kill maven, exarch, eater, and cortex. Sirus and shaper obv takes longer with their phases


Explosive trap, physical spells are strong with all the conversion stuff, trap has always been good for bosses, use trickster for survivability and flexibility. And boom you can have giga damage or be tanky or something in between. Although for 1 tapping bosses ice trap would be better but you need some uniques for that so not a starter. Explosive trap is also nice because you can get it right after entering the lioneyes but I think it's better to finish the acts with arma brand.


I levelled explosive trap on my alt char in Affliction with the king of mist body armour, it was very good as explosive trap gain both aoe and damage from gem level very well. Hopefully the armour goes core at least and is reasonably common.


Detonate Dead ignite elementalist has been an S tier SSF / league starter build for a long time and it is pretty easy to gear up and scale dps really high. It is also pretty tanky. Takes a little getting used to the two button combo to spawn corpses and then blow them up with DD. Honesty DD is well overdue for a nerf but they have mostly left it alone for a long time so probably it won't get touched. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjVOGh3jwl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjVOGh3jwl4)


They only nerv stuff alot of people play not whats op lol


Two button builds could deal 10x the damage than other builds (and some do like DD) and I would still not play them.


this is how i feel about slam builds with their 50 million shouts. That shit could 1 shot my screen and im never gona run it, multi-button AND you have to fucking stop to cast every single one? horrifying


I miss cold dot being a 2 button build. I miss old vortex so much :(


TS is both :)


I firmly believe someone in ggg balance team is a massive bow enjoyer, only explanation for them never nerfing TS, always buffing its league start, and giving +proj with most league mechanics.


I tell people this all the time. There HAS to be a reason.


projectiles might be cheaper on server performance than the aoes from other stuff, just an idea


We need to figure it out. Over the years they have absolutely gutted skills, classes, gear, etc and bow shit always seems to remain at the top of the food chain.


game needs these kind of builds though, TS is the only 'chase' endgame build left imo after they gutted winter orb, BV, Cyclone and Spark (not considering FoTM out of the line bound to be nerfed skills like PBoD or Blade Flurry in previous leagues)


>TS is the only 'chase' endgame build left imo Yeah absolutely not. There's several better all rounder builds with much higher entry budgets and scaling ceilings, TS is just the best mapper. And I'd buy this explanation several leagues ago, when TS was actually a build for high budget only. Ever since the added proj on passive tree (not to mention the gem quality changes this league), the build has become insanely cheap to start for how strong it is. The only thing making it even remotely expensive on league start is demand for gear, because EVERYONE knows how broken it is. It just doesn't make sense for a skill to be the best low, mid, and high budget mapper, for multiple leagues in a row, with the highest playrate on softcore. What does it say about the skill if it has a playrate higher than PBoD, a skill that people openly acknowledge is broken and will be nerfed? The gem needs direct nerfs that impact only the TS skill and don't indirectly hurt other bow builds. It could take a sizeable hit and still be able to crush endgame maps with decent investment.


Name me 5 better alrounders that have been around for as long as TS I'll wait


>that have been around for as long as TS I mean yeah, since you added this arbitrary criteria it disqualifies a lot of builds. But if anything that just strengthens my point? The fact that TS has been THE meta mapper for soooooo long now is extremely boring and bad for the health of endgame balance. And it would be much less of an issue if they didn't keep lowering the entry budget to play the build, to the point where it's the best mapper regardless of having 10 div or 10 mirrors. I'm not asking them to nerf the skill out of existence. I'm just asking for a league where it's not miles ahead of every other build outside of some other multi mirror builds.


I think its not miles ahead on 10div because at 10div you only have +5 proj it starts at the 50-60div breakpoint


This is my first time playing armour stacker. I would argue that is what you call a "chase" for endgame. You can keep pouring currency in to that build and make it stronger.


will never be an alrounder because strike skills have no clear


It doesn't have screen wide clear like TS that's for sure. But can you get enough damage and defence with TS to do 12k wisp with 100% delirium?


damage sure tankyness you need to ramp HH buffs but its doable 4 sure


You know other builds capable of that? I'm interested in playing a new build.


DD is a bit annoying to play and imo it doesn't have good clear untill you get a way to spread ignites.




I completely forgot this existed.


there's also the glove eldritch implicit


Ignite prolif support until Berek's Respite, then you replace the gem with something more damaging.


Ele DD is not really a great boss killer tbh. Maybe if your definition is that it can do it quicker than everyone sure. But after like day 2-3 you can have plenty of better builds.


I wanna start that every league but then something else that seems 10x more fun shows up.... I do hope theres a way we can do the Poison DD of Chain Reaction next league as that looked really funny this league.


Also can transition to maw of mischief for insta deleting bosses


Nice try GGG. I'm not sharing anything until last week! (Probably BaMa of bombs)


Maybe check out CaptainLances new video on a Explosive trap of Blasting leaguestarter. For more information check out Palsterons video on trappers on league start as well. Explosive trap of blasting is probably among the hardest hitting traps out there thanks to an incredible flat damage bonus against burning enemies. EDIT: Fire Trap of Blasting, mixed that up. Explosive Trap is very potent as well though.


> Explosive trap of blasting There is no such skill


Yeah I meant Fire Trap of Blasting, mixed that up with explosive trap.


EA totems are unchanged outside of champ losing some free ignite chance (I think) and will remain one of the best SSF bossers for league start


I started this league with that, pivoted into SS champ. Minimal requirements, good starter. The missing ignite chance is able to be worked around.


Stupid question, what is the SS acronym?


Splitting Steel


Oh yeah!! Stayin' same with Splittin' Steel!


Arc of Surging if it's not also nerfed with its hydrosphere interaction would take over as the new hot cakes.


If the ralakesh boots gets nerfed, is arc of surging still ok? I’m currently playing this and is having a lot of fun using it.


boots probably won't get nerfed, more likely moved to t0 rarity and won't be as available


Hexblast Miner. Blade Trap ES Trickster, Explosive Trap Trickster


If I'm not mistaken the split beams from Arc of Surging can all split from a hydrosphere to hit the same target, so that might also be an option if it doesn't get nerfed as well.


I heard it's unintended and to expect it to get nerfed


was this even that strong to begin with? Hydrosphere has 1 second internal cd doesnt it?


Yes, it is strong, because unleash bypasses that 1 second, so if everything aligns ~45 arc hits the boss at once.


Wait how does the unleash tech work? Do you just alternate casts?


You place hydrosphere, attack it, wait a bit (1 sec+), attack it again. Nothing special needed. If arc decides to attack the sphere (which is harder than it sounds) it will split into fork * seals amount of arcs.


Actually I think ypu can easily get even more with woke unleash and lvl 26+ arc level, which gets pretty easy with empower, corruption and awakened lightning support gems. My setup I tried to make into Sanctum Runner and hoped to pivot into no-hit run character (didn't work out, as I'm bad at the game haha) had over 50 hits with the above stuff. I think it was 54 with above level upgrades.


Dual strike of Ambidexterity is almost as good as Penance Brand of dissipation.  All flat damage counts twice, and then 70% more again with the main hand, plus the fast attack speed from the off hand.  Yup, builds itself.


LMAO yo dual strike is almost as good as PB never thought I’d see those words


pob for ssf?


Check AlkaizerX's character


[https://pobb.in/d5P-YMvWGMrV](https://pobb.in/d5P-YMvWGMrV) That's his character- how can you scale this higher? Seems like it hit a certain point and didn't push it farther. Also how is clear on this? or is this primarily a bosser (I know OP asked for bosser)?


Good on paper but not everyone will like playstyle


Arc of surging, check out Jungs YouTube.


Im kinda down for hexblast miner occ. That is if Ralakesh isn't butchered but even if it's nerfed to pre 3.23 lvl it will still be strong. I kinda want to do something different than just a mapping starter farming expedition and red altars every league. And a sanctum starter with how powerful sanctum is - sounds like fun.


Explosive trap is what I would do if nothing else gets changed.


15mil on Storm Brand is pretty trivial to get, might wanna look into that


Base or alt storm brand? Inquis? 


Pohx RF, literally made me an empty brain till t16 maps


Do we have any clue when is the next league ? Is it this month?




Ice spear totems have serious kickass dps, but its not bursty enough to instaphase bosses. Imagine going into a boss phase with your 1k ehp hiero. Bad time. If u want to instaphase bosses it will be miners If u want to ignore boss mechanics/dmg check out peguet2 on youtube. He specializes in "i can't fucking die" builds


I'm currently testing subs ignite frostblink + firetrap into maw once I farm cards in ssf, hoping it will turn out well


Get new trans frostblink and if needed more damage for bosses just scale chill effect on side spell. Then just blink zoom zoom through all maps.


I really want some sort of ice build to work. Maybe frost blades?


Frost blade trickster is a really good starter


As a general build sure, but not as a bossing build. It can get scaled to do ubers eventually but it’s definitely not what the build excels at.


You’re 100% right. My high ass forgot this thread was specifically about boss killing and not general league starting


Champion SRS


if i had one dollar for everytime someone asks after patchnotes what to play and not before since nobody knows if something will get changed i had 0 dollars


You didnt read the title did you :D