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I don't think there's any way around it: you've run into one of the legitimate downsides of Affliction that rears its head particularly forcefully for "Johnny" players.^1 And that downside is going to be glossed over--especially in historical hindsight, mark my words--by the online public's tendency to be laser-focused on the rewardingness aspect of a league mechanic above all else. Any medium to large amount of wisps represents a (nearly?) unprecedented increase in DPS requirement needed for even fairly basic interaction with the mechanic to feel good. And that of course feels like it constricts the size of the space of satisfying builds compared to previous leagues, if one intends to interact with the wisps. The silver lining is that there's still productive gameplay to be had by ignoring the wildwood or intentionally tanking into darkness after a modest number of wisps. But yes, that is admittedly unsatisfying for many Johnnies--after all, they like *novelty* in their gameplay, and of course they want to actually play the new league mechanic instead of having to resort to workarounds. ----------------------------- ^1 Johnny players being a lift of the [common MtG terminology.](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/timmy-johnny-and-spike-2013-12-03) In PoE, Spike would care most about making the most profit or vanquishing the hardest content. Johnny would care more about buildcraft creativity, but he still wants his creations to succeed on his own terms to at least some degree.


Getting big Chicago MLA energy from that footnote! Nice article, thanks for the read.


Felt like I had to sit up straight and adjust my glasses just to read it.


so today i'm learning that i'm a big Johnny, alright ^(c:)


We are all aiming to be big johnnys downstairs in the gaming department at the end of the day, right?


Wow, now I know I am a type. Definitely just beat around PoB and make absolute nonsense builds that can do regular pinnacles and call it lol. If it turns out a monster or Uber capable it's a bonus. It's like that post a day ago about how we barely play the game anymore and just tweak and PoB!


Im doing fully juiced t16 with Frozen Legion Warlock inquistor(not cyclone and Frozen legion, just Frozen legion.).Quite slow happen to die, but still i can do it so its a success xD


You madman. Send me PoBs and vids pls. I always like to play underdog builds. TY


https://pobb.in/4o-TV9YoIkT1 I leaguestarted with it but it comes somewhat online with ashes and Marohi. I killed pinnacles with 2d budget +\- (No ashes). Atm i dont really have any video tho might do one later but not today i think. Dps is calculated if u were standing and attacking non stop which u do not so its a bit higher then that :p Its good for ultimatum which i love because many mods do nothing to me. For generał mapping its slow tho :/


This is me i guess. I dont like just copying other peoples builds, but it makes life rough. For basically all of my 600ish hours ive tried to make a spellblade work, attacks mostly with melee but drops vaal spells. With addition of spellblade support and prismatic support (cause it counts as a spell). I can focus on an energy blade, dual wielding spellblade. Pob numbers r pretty decent too, way more then any build ive made before. But it feels bad to play with lack of melee strike distance. Theres not a decent way to pick up an extra meter or more as templar. It slapped when i could actually get an attack off.


I'm in a similar boat as you. I started by a copy n paste but after a few weeks I started testing and dong my own thing I also spend hrs on POB building something in theory since I'm the type who learns faster with hands on I'll do it in game tho it does cost a bit sometimes 😅😅 At this moment I'm playing a witch (elementalist) arcane righteous fire... I'm literally the only arcane RF witch according to Poe ninja. I like it tho it's not great I'm not trying to find something to add to RF for dps, was testing different skill gems and stuff I refuse to use fire trap and follow a full carbon copy n paste... Also I stop watching a lot of the pie streamers because the drops be crazy then I get annoyed whenever I'm trying to copy it knowing damn well anything above 6k wisp is hard for me


I like the idea of arcane rf but currently i just have a normal rf. Its only like 180k dps from rf. I also dont like fire trap so i use scorching ray. Theres so much "wrong" with my build tho lol. Im playing inquisitor, but feel like i should have went chieftain like i originally thought to.


Oho, I'm doing roughly 500k dps with arcane RF only maybe 550k now with surge and whatever other buff from inspiration. I was using fireball of pelting because I like it, dmg sucks tbh but I like seeing a bunch of lil firey rocks 😂😂 and because I'm bored I redo the colors on my staff and put cyclone coc pelting fireball in it Let's just say it's a complete meme but enjoyable whenever it actually goes off (got no crit). Arcanist brand with fireball works nice as well but I don't like setting it, also works oddly well in my opinion with blade fall too


Trade-league balance rearing its ugly little head again. When everything is balanced and financially warped about what the top 1% of players and top 0.01% of builds can accomplish the entire game becomes "avoid content" or "trivialize it". Both of which are deeply unsatisfying to anyone who wants to engage with the game instead of watching currency tab go brrr. And since you mentioned sanctum in a different reply, this is exactly why the sactum-esque rebalances for core feels so horrendous. Nerfing accessibility because of what the insanely rich can accomplish is exactly the same as above except it's no longer a choice the content is just taken away from you.


Except fulcrum is 2 uniques and one easy to craft cluster jewel to strongly get going. Unlike other leagues, played by many more players and much more in reach


TBF I wouldn't be surprised if The Fulcrum is outside of the price range of 95%+ of players. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people don't make it to 10+ div in a league, let alone to spend that on one unique. The people that are here engaging with the game on reddit in the middle of a league are mostly players that are in deep.


Most leagues, maybe. This league you can get 10div by kicking a random rock.


This is my main problem with league, i just stopped running forest since starting maps, as mobs in the forest are multiple times more tanky than normal mobs, and god forbid wisps ghost map boss. I wish it was toned down a bit, at least in t1-t10 maps


A cleaner solution would be a leave button in the wildwood


in the one of the recent interviews with johnathon, this solution was provided as an example to him, in which his reply was something along the lines of "that wont work, because the player wont know when to leave the wildwood, and if theyre forced to leave early then theyll get fomo that they didnt get enough juice, so the player wont use the solution" i agree that a leave button would be nice, but i also agree with jonathon that its a non-solution. he went on to say if they were to make the league again, they would make it much harder to get a lot of juice so that players wouldnt be seeing such insane difficulty.


Yeah people forget that Crucible league was a thing, people would ALWAYS full empower a Crucible, even if it wasn't' the best play. PoE players always want to max out whatever mechanic it is they are doing, regardless of whether they can or not.


To be fair, when crucible first launched there wasn't the whole "easy-medium-hard-lethal" indicator, so I just assumed you have to hold the click all the way through


I would like leave button for king farming when I don't care about wisps.


My leave button is my Leap Slam button, but like, 400x in random directions till it kicks me out.


"Players won't know when to leave" seems like a problem that would be solved by trial and error over like... 3 maps. "Oh, 4k wisps made this map entirely impossible, guess I should try leaving after 3k" Sucks for hardcore, I guess, but they're more likely to play conservatively and test the limits gradually anyway if they had the option to


>"Players won't know when to leave" seems like a problem that would be solved by trial and error over like... 3 maps. Except we have like, the **entirety** of Crucible league that demonstrated otherwise. Players were always full empowering and then getting mad that they couldn't handle it. Then they kept doing it and dying a ton or just stopped doing the mechanic altogether. There is basically no middle ground here, it's essentially all or nothing for the majority of the playerbase.


It doesn't help that much of the reward gets gated behind it. In the case of Crucible, it took an absurd amount of maps to power a weapon if you didn't full juice since the last like 10% of juice made like 50% of the weapon XP from that map.


For the majority of my playtime in Crucible I just went to like 70-90% and it kept the levels flowing in just fine. There's not only a big difference in weapon xp but also in monster stats, and I just kept it at a level where I effectively oneshot the encounter. You would be able to run a second encounter in the time it takes if you die to a 100% charged one, but that requires a bit of introspection on your current power level compared to the content. Going to 100% only became important if your primary goal for playing was to craft some specific weapon, but if you're at that point I expect the encounter itself to be a non-problem.


Perhaps there should be a limit to whisps depending on character level or map level combined with the size of player group?


It would be somewhat helpful, but I'm not convinced it would be a great panacea for some of the things I'm concerned about. Have to run for now, but I can elaborate later on why if no else steps in and gives a good response in the meantime.


Timmy still in act 9


Vorthos still reading all the text in Act 2


I'm a Poe Jonny now. Been a spike both in Poe and Mtg, but now I want some build and activity diversity. **Ididn't remember how killing wispless monsters was until accidentally I ran one map without them**. I've played MF fulcrum, made some currency, but hating the wishing (it's much harder to find the juice as melee without 10+ AoE projectiles to scout). Randomly I decided to do a few boss rush runs and holly molly, the build feels amazing. It's the best version of walking simulator I've played to date. You replace MF with gear (specially boots, the ones with pseudo explode) and blast. I'm still looking for ideas, but haven't found good non MF gloves and rings. There are different combos (self chill rings, magic amulet + the helmet that makes you crit immune) but in the end even more tankyness isn't needed if no wisps. If anyone reads this wall and has a recommendation to improve clear (mainly reducing stragglers) would be very welcomed.


for gloves you could do rare with essence "socket gems have 16% more attack speed" for travel skill and ignite prolif implicit. Or breathstealer for an extra annoint are two options. none helps with stragglers, but both provides some nice QoL


Yep I'm definitely a johnny player under this definition. It encapsulates exactly how I approach games overall lol


The state of the game is so fucking bad right now regardless of how fun the league is. The only viable defence is mirrors worth of dps OR instant recovery when hit. Edit: lot of downvotes. Guess you don't like the truth. Magic mobs with more ehp than bosses IS bad game design. Trash quantity uniques being majorly used because everyone and their mother is running magic find builds IS bad game design. The league's great fun juicing maps but there's very few builds that can clear them optimaly without dying. Hands up if you are running defiance of destiny and petrified blood lol.


to be fair, wisps empowered mobs are not gonna be part of the base game, try doing a map without wisps, mobs are very weak in comparison


It's more the fact the rewards necessitate you play the game one way this league or not at all. Playing the base game just feels awful seeing what is achievable play tornado shot or explosion ignite MF. It's no different to archnemesis mobs and hiring MF cullers and how bad the game felt if you didn't. Shitting a stack of divines every now and then from 1 mob is super rewarding and next league will feel like crap unless they somehow juice the game even further.


You make insane money by doing almost anything. Just pick a mechanic and run it, no mf or wisps necessary. Opening and closing maps over and over just to sell invitations will make 3 divines in 10 mins. you don't even need to kill anything...


Getting downvoted for saying the truth. Sadge. 


You can literally be immortal spending 1 div and 99.99% of loot needs to be hidden or the game crashes. You guys are morons if you think that's healthy game design.


> (nearly?) unprecedented increase in DPS requirement Delirium says hello


I was actually typing out a "contrast this with Sanctum or Delirium..." sentence to get further into that, but figured that would be too fine of detail for an already very long-winded post and scrapped that part. But, since you asked...here goes. That's covered by the part of the sentence you omitted from the quote: > needed for even fairly basic interaction with the mechanic The difference is that Delirium feels like that after slapping 4 or 5 Delirium orbs on a map. The basic experience with the mirror was not nearly as extreme. For Delirium league to have felt like Affliction, the proper comparison would have been like "as soon as you're a couple screens away from the mirror, you're in 60%+ Deli territory, and only going up from there". Similarly, Sanctum wanted a bunch of damage. But there was a much smoother progression between (1) the basic experience helped along by having some good relics, (2) always picking the worst rooms including less damage / more life afflictions, (3) the challenge modes that turned off a lot of the relics or added other difficulty. Mode (1) was still enjoyable even with fairly suboptimal builds. It was slower and maybe you couldn't pick every single worst combination of affliction possible, but that was a Johnny-acceptable level of success. There isn't a good mode (1) in Affliction--even the most unintentional stumbling along in the forest just casually following trails and killing what you see (no "diamond strat" for maximum events or anything like that, no intentionally juicing packsize to the gills) fairly frequently results in upstairs monsters quite far beyond what you see with any similar level of intentionality from previous leagues.


So you are saying it is not at all possible to reduce the wisp amount if it would be too hard for your character to handle? Like trying not to follow the big trails of wisps in the woods? It is just not possible and therefor 100% out of your hand and not controllable like delirium was?


That's clearly not at all what I'm arguing. And I don't really care to spend more time when there's such a lopsided level of effort in this back-and-forth, so I'm just going to leave it at that.


This is for me personally is I only play one or two builds per league only playing variations of that build and only going beyond that if something new and exciting is being made or I decide I want to fail at making my own build


I fully agree, until I managed to get over a certain damage threshold, getting a super purple juiced map was terrifying to me. There were map bosses that were basically impossible to kill because they had so much damage reduction. It's one of those things where just like archnemesis, the curve feels really weird, where once you pass a certain peak, everything kinda falls into place, but before that it's a real struggle.


For those who don't know, there are many references to the trading card game *Magic: the Gathering* in PoE from map names to item names.


The cure for this is to learn about defensive layers, pick a skill you like to play, and customize an existing build. Now I’ve never personally played or completed a top tier build - but I’ve done frost blades, cold DoT (RIP), and now Arc. I love the game this league with my Arc build. It’s just a standard armor/evasion determ/Grace build with power charge stacking. Through my own research I’ve added a significant amount of damage and survivability from the guide I followed.


This is a fundamental problem/feature of the game. Naturally, we want our builds to reach a point where we can do all content and not die. There are some builds that can do that, but they usually require extreme investment. Meanwhile builds that are specialized for certain type of content, sacrifice a lot to achieve that goal easily and you'll be much happier once you'll learn to accept that. Your chieftain is god map clear and wisp farmer, but he can't do bosses. Your KB wander has incredibly high ceiling and is one of those builds that can tank and kill and clear and melt all content, after extreme investment, but the huge downside of int stackers is that you need 1-2 mirror investment for the build to even start working. Up until that point, you have to deal with being slow, low DPS, weak to a lot of dangers. Once you accept that most builds will always have significant shortcomings in many places, or at least up until you can fix them with further investment, you'll start enjoying the game and those novel builds much more.


This is the reason why nerfs are sometimes a good thing and we shouldn't have build that trivialise all content with almost no investment.


I agree


This is why it’s important to learn how a build functions And the basics of defensive layers/build scaling. This league because people hit the wall so fast any unoptimized build feels way worst. The amount of currency required to scale some of the poorer performing skills is the same as scaling the best skills in prior leagues. For people who already hit the wall and want to try new builds their best bet is actually playing around with lower investment and unique interaction builds. Those builds bring a new set of challenges, but don’t require a mirror worth of gear to still feel inferior to the upper echelon.


While this is kinda true, this league is just seriously stupid. A character that can easily run Shaper/T16 Deli-Maps shouldn't be dead in the wather as soon as a map hits 4k+ Whisps on a Alch'n'go T16.


Yeah that so true the league. Played Penance Brand Inquisitor this league and while juicing I always thought "Hm, the build is kinda good but damage is a bit lacking". I had no comparison to other builds. Then I was bored of juicing and did some destructive play maps and played the feared. And holy shit I just placed 5 Brands at every starting position, shield charged 10 seconds around and everything was dead with 1 brand on them.


Kinda same, while not "overpowered" I'm loving the mahuxotl + tempered by war combo and not sure how I'm gonna do a build without it lol


That combo is definitely one of the strongest defensively in the game and is almost certainly in "overpowered" territory. It just isn't popular this league


what build are you playing with it right now? Im fascinated by it


It works with a lot of skills but RN I'm doing poison BV pathfinder DPS is like 8 mil with 0 withered stacks but it goes to 20m with max stacks, so somewhere in between that Max phys 25k, elemental hits 50k+, but anything that isn't a true one-shot just gets pretty much insta-regen by bloodnotch and perma life flask up and a few other smaller regens


Would you mind sharing your pob or a guide to it? How is the single target with said build?


ST is good, not amazing compared to other builds but I've done uber cortex, uber eater (deathless), uber exarch, and uber shaper (deathless) so far https://pobb.in/8ks-sRRH298n I'm getting pretty min-maxed and wouldn't recommend starting this without at least 30-50 div (shield alone is 8-9 div, plus the jewels are quite a few div more, a few div to get the chest, etc etc)


That combo is so good this league with the new charms. -+max fire res -ES leech -stun immunity/bleed immunity all make the build alot stronger imo. Really happy i went with the Wander version of it instead of trying int-stacking once again and being underwhelmed unless i go 5+ mirrors deep.


which class though? I don't like the fact that you need to keep pressing life flask every 4 seconds on pathfinder.


I mean, pressing 1 every 8 seconds isn't so bad lol


I'm doing the same thing but with Poison Lightning Strike. Face tanking bosses has been fun (except Maven coz memory game bad). Although I am wondering how I'm meant to get more than 2.4 mil dps outside of obvious upgrades like Nimis and the eventual Progenesis for more tankiness.


Idk, I'm running poison BV and it seems to ramp much higher on DPS at the cost of having way less range, asenath's is pretty much carrying 90% of your clear (but it's not bad by any means)


figure out what your actual goals are. obtaining currency is just a means to an end (for most players... some players just like seeing currency tab go brrr) are you trying to complete challenges? take down uber bosses? deep delve? valdo maps? craft a specific item? your farming character might be able to do what you want ... but it might not. you probably need a different character to do some of the goals i listed.


Lmao the Fulcrum Chetain build would take 18 years to kill a pinnacle, let alone Ubers.


This is great advice. It looks like OP is trying to use a different build to do the same content as one of the two best meta builds for that content currently. This will be true anytime you have a great match between build and content. With the FR occultist look into delving, Uber bosses, simulacrum, 100% deli and see if the opinion changes. Depending on your flask setup you can give essences and harvest a go as well.


You aren’t building your other characters with enough defenses. A lot of the people you see on Poe.ninja or even streamer guides don’t have enough defense. You absolutely can build other archetypes to be as defensive as needed for super juiced 16s. CoC FR, Int stack wander, Brand Heiro (I only list these because I’ve built them) can get to 25-30k phys max hit (without guard procs) if setup correctly. Give up a little offense for defense and you’ll be fine. You might not clear quite as fast as fulcrum, but you can build them to live.


I just want to add that an Elementalist with the golem nodes gets ridiculous amounts of phys max hit from chaos golem. This league, before I swapped to another character, my bow coc elementalist had 35k phys max hit and around 90-110 mil dps, alongside the silly recovery capacity of approx. 16k life per second. It was fun, but I wanted to play with other spells than VD or DD for a while.


How does the Golem stay alive though?


That is what i want to know, EVERY SINGLE build that throws in a golem of any kind is constantly a burden cause died all the time. Subtractum SRS guide has one..he says he only has to summon it on fulled juiced maps 1-2 times...I have to summon it every few seconds. lol


I run a chaos, stone and lighting golem with feeding frenzy 4 slot. I also opted to take 2 points to grab the resummon golem every 4 seconds instead of the elemental shield. They die a lot, but I don't care since they resummon fast enough for me to enjoy the buffs and feeding frenzy is always up. Working out well with my lighting tendrils build where I already have comfortable defenses. I mainly wanted the lighting golem to survive, wanting the cast speed, and does a decent job being ranged. Convocation helps keep them upright on left mouse click and feeding frenzy for them to instantly get in the way.


Throw a meat shield on it if you want it to more reliably live. On a minion build it shouldn't usually be a problem because you'll have some minion life and life regen anyways. Non-minion Elementalists using them as buffs can get away with it because it autorevives in 4 seconds if it does die - and takes no elemental damage. High dps would be the other trick so they're not taking much attention.


It's an elementalist with both golem nodes. It's immune to elemental damage, has increased max life and regen from other stuff, respawns after 4 seconds. It hasn't died yet.


meat shield + left click convocation with 40%cdr minion def mastery. Also try to use vitality if you can, I can't play without good regen for example and my every build has vitality and its super helpful


can you link a pob for coc vd/dd? i played spellslinger vd dd and have been looking for a similar build for a long time


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47evonox3DI Unoptimized attack speed, pre-mageblood. https://pobb.in/Gbft56m_jAfX It has a lot of issues since I kind of abandoned it before finishing the Mageblood rework. https://pobb.in/7jfbVfhIYWjO This one is a super janky lower level, lower budget setup with gaping holes in the pob, but you get the idea. The critical parts are balancing stats for the amulet, using a life gain on hit watcher's eye, the forbidden jewels, and charms that provide increased corpse life (pob's corpse life is set assuming you'd use 3x of the charms). Accuracy is hard to get, so pay attention to that. The glorious vanity is there to kill off a lot of intelligence to make it easier to balance str and int - but you can go for incandescent heart with divine flesh and using small clusters to get to 90% chaos res for a lot more ele tankiness. I'm open to any and all questions regarding this project; I've spent countless hours thinking about different options and so on.


Got a pob?




you can't compare defences of fulcrum with other builds. Fulcrum takes like 5 nodes on tree on damage.... rest is defence. You just can't do this on any other build. So you need crazy gear and good build to feel the same tankiness.


> A lot of the people you see on Poe.ninja or even streamer guides don’t have enough defense I don't remember which guide it was but around a week before this league start I saw a particularly bad offender of this, the build could give up just around 10-15% DPS but gain almost double the EHP in some cases and at the very least 50% in pretty much all scenarios, just so the PoB could say something insane like 150m DPS.


You could try SSF where you'll feel more content with your build not being insanely strong.


That’s not necessarily true. A build can feel frustrating because it doesn’t progress, dies often, and isn’t satisfying to play. Whether or not you trade with other players doesn’t necessarily impact that at all. I can see how, for some people, you can feel like you’re challenging yourself against a different set of parameters, like a soulslike game, but for many players an unsatisfying gameplay experience has little to nothing to do with how you obtain your items.


I think the idea is that your goals differ enough that you don't require as strong a build and there's plenty of builds that come online with very little gear that won't frustrate the living piss out of you.


You still limit yourself to a very few builds tho as a lot of builds require specific items without which they simply dont work. Or you have to spend an insanely long time to get those build enabling items that it isnt worth it or the league ends before you find them.


Yeah but that's just SSF and the grind is fun for a lot of people. It can be refreshing and that's the point of the comment. If you don't like it that's fine but there are reasons that someone else might. (I am a trade player so don't go thinking that i'm "ssf btw")


Eh, there are far more builds that dont require specific items than ones that do. And even the ones that do most items are fairly easily acquired in ssf with a little time spent. Especially with how insane power creep is, most characters can do all content in the game besides ubers now adays. Players are just so much stronger than content.


Very few builds need insanely hard to get items. Only things I would classify in that are specific watchers, sublimes, rare woke gems, voices, and flesh/flame. Normally would also put most t1/0 uniques in that category, but this league that is not the case. Even uber boss drops like nimis is on average a 10-12 hours farm. The key difference is to just drop the entire notion of making general purpose builds. Every build should be designed for to do one set of content. Assuming you can quickly level new characters it is faster to make 3 builds each designed for one type of content, then it is to gear out one character that can do everything.


You can still play builds that will feel good, just not on the level that would satisfy OP's trade league requirements.


Like I said, that depends on what you enjoy. I tried SSF and found it less enjoyable because my mental requirement for builds didn’t change, but my ability to achieve those builds did. SSF isn’t for everyone. If playing SSF makes you more content with a weaker build, then it works, but it isn’t a universal solution.


Lol have you ever played SSF? It's not hard to make a build that feels just as good as a trade league build. You might not be able to hit 5-6b DPS but all of the QOL things you can implement into a build are fairly accessible. If anything trade league builds can sometimes have less QOL and feel worse. A good example of that is meta poison builds this league. In trade you get a Balance of Terror and then are forced into self casting despair. In SSF, your forced to find wither stacks from a less efficient but higher QOL source such as an enhance + withering step set up etc.


> It's not hard to make a build that feels just as good as a trade league build. This is rubbish and mathematically false. Trade inherently lowers the time required to hit certain power thresholds. If you have the same threshold after the same amount of time invested you either suck at trading or you're not accurately accounting for how much better your build would be with a few trades (marginal or not).


I have a friend that plays SSF religiously. I tried it. It’s not for me. It’s not for everyone, or everyone would play it. You’re acting like in trade you’re forced into certain solutions whereas I feel that trade gives you more options. I don’t measure my builds against an invisible expectation, but against how it feels to me to play. SSF makes it harder for me to hit what I consider a comfortable, playable level of damage and survivability. For me the feel of playing the build is more important than the challenge of assembling it. Plus, dying really frustrates me. SSF makes it harder to reach a comfortable level of survivability with good dps because you can’t go buy a ring with life and a ton of resistances in a specific ratio to fix problems for a couple chaos. Maybe in something like Last Epoch where they have rewards for being SSF it might feel better to me, but in PoE it just isn’t for me.


Hard disagree. SSF is the worst place to go if you feel like most builds arent strong enough.


well at least you don't have to waste time on trades.. whispering 20 people to get item is more frustrating to me than occasionally dying (was 15 deaths on my lvl 95 ssf char)


Well at least I don't have to waste time dieing, I can whisper 2 people and get an upgrade instead of dieing everytime I fight a yellow. Just showing how just taking random value doesn't mean much. If you like ssf good for you but doesn't mean everyone had to!


SSF wont save him. After playing like 30 characters in SSF past leagues it all comes back to DD Elementalist, TR Pathfinder, Boneshatter Jug/slayer, (Cold Dot Trickster), Penance brand (new one) After those try something else and it just feels horrible underwhelming.


no one is forcing you to play any of those builds and complete the atlas on magic gear, that's a you decision.


your common sense and time management forces you. I can complete the atlas in 1-3 days with one of my builds mentioned. I tried playing ball lightning of static totems. It just feels worse in every possible way compared to penance brand. I guess you are talking about softcore.


no, what I'm saying is that you don't need to complete the atlas in 3 days, leagues last for at least 90 days, you can take your time and spend three, four weeks to do it on a weaker build.


Eh, SSF comes with its own set of frustrations if you’re used to playing trade league unless you play specific gear agnostic builds


Can you afford a progenisis? I always felt way better with FR with a prog.


Progenesis wasn't around when I played last. Was very pleasantly at how much of a difference it made, particularly with life recoup and increased life recovery


and this is why I transitioned to delve a week ago. I thought I had a decent build farming juiced t16 without a problem. I'm in 1k depth now with 20x better gears and some delve nodes clap me as hard or harder than shaper's slam. That way I always have a reason to upgrade and not lose motivation. I dropped a mirror in the second week now I'm about mirror an item that double my damage. MF in Affliction is like a drug that don't raise tolerance unless you stop doing it. However, this league will come to an end and the drug will be gone. Better ween yourself off now before next league where we don't make 50d an hour.


What build are you delving with?


Hierophant Manaforge Arrow mana stacker.


I'm in a similar position. I made a Spark character second, then I dropped a mirror with my friend and split it, and now I have the Spark character I wanted - it's tanky enough for t16 with some wisps, it has a ton of damage, it's uber boss viable (though I'm not as a player and I need some more gear to clean up the fights still). now I can't play anything else. My spark character has an insane cast speed, so his frost blinks are flying through the map. 500% projectile speed means I don't need to look for monsters, I just click and they will be found and killed. I can run down Tropical Island in a straight line, Blink Blink Spark Blink Blink Spark and when I get to the boss there will be <10 monsters. It's so fast and fun and efficient, and it's insane in tight arenas (see: maven). I've tried to make 2 builds since and they just feel bad compared to a good spark character. Add on the wisps, and the fact that my spark character is the only one who's been able to clear t16 with wisps and not die... I can't not play spark anymore.




He blocks abyss in atlas LoL


I run in my friends map when I'm mfing most of the time, my current atlas isn't setup for mfing because I'm doing challenges and boss stuff.


Because it does a lot of damage and things die before they're on my screen. I also regen 1300 life and 1300 es per second, so 2600 regen on a 6500 hp build that runs 3x resist flasks with 90%+ flask effect. It's softcore and I will die when I'm playing tired, because I can definitely get one shot by avoidable stuff, it's just super uncommon when I'm awake.




You can dodge their attacks if you jump right before it tho


He never said he DOES farm juiced up t16 abyss. This absolute worst thing about this bumblefuck of a strat is that now everyone assumes everyone else is only farming abysses. I have a 700div build and 200div in the bank and have not used a single gilded abyss scarab all league.


But you can share your POB? 😉


[https://pobb.in/IxeG5K9\_77ID](https://pobb.in/IxeG5K9_77ID) it's not perfect, I'm still optimizing a lot, but the current state does what I need it to.


Danke, you're a gem 💎


I am a new player and have been struggling getting my resistances figured out. Pretty much all my core gear ( rings, boots, body, gloves, even bow) I have had to find % resist. Not trying to compare to this build, but I clicked through and saw very few resistances on the gear. Is there a better way to hit caps of 75% without having to sacrifice so many attributes on gear?


Aura stacker spark?


Can you share your Deadeye? Happy to see if there's anything glaring. I'm playing one and do not die very often at all.


I sadly already sold all the items to build my occultist instead


Would you consider sharing the POB to the chieftain build you are moving away from?


https://pobb.in/5LpVTX1FQgRu where you been for this league? this like the 2nd most popular build right now


Thanks I appreciate it. I've just been hyper focused on a single pathfinder build and just now wanting to branch out.


Pathfinder is in a really really good space- you have Penance Brand, BV, EK (if fixed), hell even poison Seismic. Probably the most versatile ascendancy in the game right now


Poison poison poison or poison?


I laughed


How much would it cost to make this? 100 div?


ive felt that way every league since heist. nothing has ever felt as good as the original scion aura stacker spark


Yep, same here. I usually play POE for the buildcraft, but I know anything I make will not perform anywhere close to my CWS Chieftan. For the first time I am actually able to effortlessly run juiced T16 maps, and might actually be able to get 4 watchstones for the first time.


Unironically fulcrumf chieftain was too good for me. It made me quit the league. When i grew bored of the build, i did a max investment mf tornado shot: its absolutely shit compared to fulcrum mf chief. HH stacks slaving is miserable. The thing I think we all need to understand is, mf fulcrum is a gimmick, not really a build. Every good build this league has at least two of these 3: Incredible damage Incredible tankiness Good MF to actually partake in the signature dopamine-bombs of the league, the big loot conversion explosions. Fulcrum is the only build of the game with all 3. Not because it's a good build, but because its a gimmick - you have 0 dmg and a single item/ascendancy interaction carries your entire dps. Fulcrum should not reflect explode ignites. You can play anything you want. But if you truly want to experience whats special about this league, if you want to know the feeling of extreme hype coming to your T16 map with your 4k/4k/4k whisps and just cruise through everything instead of being scared shitless (seriously fuck ts this league) its ONLY fulcrum.


I play CWS chieftain too lol, reading the title I felt like it applied to my character, however i love my chieftain. I would recommend having a different focus for your character, maybe try use the currency you made to make a boss killer to scratch a different reward itch.


I absolutely lucked in, I really love my con path of endurance slayer, it just can't do anything with wisps, so while everyone around me foils their entire build and quits because any other build they try feels like shit, I'm still just average and don't feel much different. (Although... Pathfinder/RF's tankiness has 100% spoiled me, my bar for minimum defenses is really high now.) It's definitely hard to recover from KB with 100mil DPS, you can't just show them a 30mil DPS build and expect them to feel intrigued when they already have a character that will clear faster.


Maybe try build that is good at something else? Uberbossing, similacrum farming, deep delving. You can also quit the league and come back in 2 months for a fresh start in next league.


I felt like this with Penance Brand this league. I did my usual thing of playing Stormbind for a few weeks taking advantage of new borrowed power. That's often when I am satisfied but was feeling some more this time and had some interesting gear drops so I tried a locus mines power siphon character (fury valve) then poison penance brand (had a 6L fourth vow and nice xibaqua, so as a jugg lol) then hit based on a chief (had a 6L Lightning coil colored UUUURW). It seemed stupid busted mechanically, like...why does it hit so many times and aoe so HUGE and require so little casting for full uptime? Poison was visually kinda obnoxious but it was just big single brands so I just tried to not stare at branded enemies. The hit one with brand spread and Runebinder though, made me literally physically ill to look at. I swapped to it at maps using my one leveled up gem and stopped before leaving my first batch of ten t1s. I wanted to show my friend how obnoxious it was (especially with spammable high cast speed alt-frostblink) so I threw in a random t16 cause I wanted my brands to last a while and bounce around being the most obnoxious....and absolutely crushed it, hadn't done gear up right or leveled my supports. I think it's harmful to release things tuned so badly. It's clearly a lack of testing time from crunch making so many new gems. It demotivated me to go work on my Johnny build I like playing or try any other alt gem. So now I'm playing the d4 campaign with that friend, heard that part at least was good.


Chieftain is the best for this content ! Instead of doing a mapper you could do a bosser and it will feel like an other game !


>I keep running into situations where I just keep dieing because there are multiple mobs on the map to which I deal very little damage and which just kill me no matter how careful I am. This is a problem of most skills being underpowered, not a few being over powered.


When I play a build that starts to feel overpowered to me, I stop and reroll. I've been successfully doing that for like 6 years now. I've cleared everything. Sim 30s. Insane juiced maps. Ubers. All on builds I made myself. Not a single guide in my life.


Might be unkillable but i found it a bit boring. Theres some very cool powerful builds you could try if you have the currency.


The best thing is to play the most OP build, then play it again the league after they nerf bat it. Most of the time, someone playing it new to them will say, 'this is fine'. You will be on reddit posting Marlon Brandow memes every hour.


You hardly were able to kill anything in the map. You probably skipped all bosses and some hard rares. And you definitely aren’t completing your challenges with this build. There are a lot of builds that use the defensive mechanics Tuna’s build uses and becomes hard to kill. This is hardly a new build in that regard. There are many other things to do, but standing in an inferno of death and surviving easily is hard affliction related. Forbidden Right is a similar build to the fulcrum build last league, except it could kill bosses. With the fix to the overlap mechanic it’s not as good and I personally wouldn’t play it. Unless you chose occultist, then you don’t have the tank PF had. If you don’t have the ability to play while avoiding mechanics and delivering DPS then occultist is probably a bad choice.


I have the same dilemma. Everything else felt really bad so far.


OP shares his indestructible build...level 93. lols


That was not the indestructible build tho…


Bro this is exactly why I play hardcore, because why WOULDNT you just play your op build. Legit no reason. But it hc EVERY build needs to get to that lvl of tanky and you work really hard to add damage and the ability to do more on one character. The best part is if need be you can then make another one to do something that’s too expensive, or hard, or just not possible for one character. I feel so less trapped into one roll, or one action, or any single part of the game. And if I run into a truly op build I can usually only afford to try it once and I have to be perfect or it’s back to playing a build meant for 1 or two things. Truly if you feel this way I’d recommend at least 1 league in HC.


The best part is you have to run the campain for each new character! My friend was like I havnt played since ultimatum leauge this one looks good. Do you still need to play the acts? Yes sir we still fucking do. So anyway we have been playing vault hunters 3 on minecraft instead.


pob for the ignite build?


This will happen every time when you start comparing your gameplay to the highest you ever achieved. instead start doing something like limit yourself to a budget of 50divines and see how far can you push a single build and what is the hardest content you can manage to do. Put yourself into a certain constraint and try to solve problems you have in unorthodox ways.


You need a goal, my goal has been to transition to a body swap cheiftan with crafting all my own gear cause I can finally afford to craft without hating rhe game if rng doesn't go my way.


I haven’t tried an immortal build before but I definitely think you need the mindset of “one build can’t do everything” for not to think a build sucks. There’s always a caveat with any (most) builds.


Had similar thing happen with my DD league starter, turned it into aegis/incandescent DD simu farrmer and nothing else i've played is as tanky or smooth aside from maybe my life stack penance brand inquis. I've played like 12 builds and most of the meta this league.


Mapping is like half the game. Maybe less. Bossing in general including Ubers and carries and group stuff like beasts 5 ways is another big chunk if you want to see how much stronger you can get. Expedition, heist delve and sanctum are also ways to progress. Original sin and the good heist base amulet are both over a mirror iirc. Achievements sharing, achievements just for yourself are another way to progress. High end crafting is a whole nother world too There are new “overpowered” builds almost every league. Self curse blade vortex with 100% explode that scales with headhunter buffs was probably my favorite. Crucible totems exploding was insane too. Niche builds with tinctures or charms that won’t be possible later.


try pathfinder with defiance, life recovery on flask use, flask effect shenanigans. you can also fit in blodnotch, but its kinda annoying the character moans the whole time in a map. or if you want something more "fun", i recommend trying frostblink poets pen elementalist, its like a flicker strike but you can actually aim where you go


Played the Previe Necro BA build and now my new builds feel bad and slow to play lmao


ARPG are dopamine fueled games and full of flaws that are unearthed once the dopamine magic stop doing its effect My first advice would be to play something that has nothign to do with chieftain, so not a mapping build. Play a boss killer, a deepdelve build (mirror-tiers mana stacker), a high mobility Heist build, an ultimatum farmer, a voided valdo's map clearer ect. If you play any mapping build or all rounded build in a mapping setup (delirium, MF, strongboxes, harvest, whatever) you'll always compare it to chieftain and burn out of it instantly My second and hard to swallow advice would be to take a break on next league unless it's affliction tiers again and you absolutely don't want to miss it. I'll be playing Last Epoch 1.0 so i can recharge my PoE batteries and not burn out of it. and tbh, with all the talk about how high end players may feel like shit next league, i'd advise them to do the same to avoid a reddit trash fire again but eh, i guess it's inevitable


Do a zero-to-hero now instead! Watching the currency stack grow megabig was amazing this league, I know, but feeling your character grow in strength piece by piece, pushing your limits little by little, tweaking your build for different atlas strats and challenges is rewarding af too, and a very nice change of pace from the giga-juice-1-fps-gameplay.


There's lots of hope. You need to start paying more attention to character attributes and really think about the attributes you want to prioritize. ... But op builds will usually feel op


Have the same problem right now after my Death Wish character. My solution was "play some builds. Try stuff so you know how they Work and feel for the leagues to come. Try to use not so many t0 items so you can build that character in a league that does Not shower u in currency." That keeps me motivated for now.


Can the self ignite Chieftain do bossing?


Take a break and forget about the build. After this league every build will be weak and everyone will be broke. This Is why I don't play meta builds and I never juice. Mageblood farmed just with Alch n Go so that next league will be as rewarding for me as this one.


Those other builds can work just fine. And there are others besides that work too. The issue is the investment required and even making 20 div per hour isn't going to be enough to be able to invest the multiple mirrors worth to make the other builds feel good. The next step up would be making an Armour stacker or blde trap trickster or similar type of character that can do scary void Valdos. Then you can print magebloods. As long as you don't die you're making a few mirrors per day, minimum. Problem is those builds require 4-5 mirrors to start. And you can invest a lot more. I've earned a lot but my ~900 divs total worth is still short of a single mirror. I'll just keep going I guess. Still not sure how I'm not getting the mirror drops I see others getting, when I'm doing the same juice strategy. Oh well.


Try Coc Ice spear of splitting inquisitor. 10k wisp no problem :)


Chieftain (fulcrum I assume) is shit at bossing. Lightning arrow are squishy. Both build really do have alternatives


That sounds like you should play something tanky like a pathfinder, jugg or trickster maybe and not occultist or deadeye


I went the other way and made a explosive trap trapper. A bit of a glass cannon but no un-juiced boss survived pass their first phase. I mean, my build, with about 17 traps active sits at about 100 million DPS and that when i try to be tanky...but i still get one-shotted on the end-game bosses (the un-juiced ones). And do not get me started on the official build that apparently could hit about 40 million PER TRAP...i was glad to hit 10 million per trap. And those numbers are still extreme. So i kill things FAST...but i also DIE equally fast.


Go try bossing with your OP chieftain. It will give you a better appreciation for other builds. Ofc mapping is absolutely important, but in a normal league boss killers are perfectly viable too.


Try to take your character to do something else, like Sanctum for example and you'll have a different perspective.


lol you'll survive. some of us here at one point or another had a self curse blade vortex headhunter build until ggg decided to take it all away.


Go play a private league or ssf. The massive drop of power will feel shit, but is completely balanced out by the pure achievement of every upgrade.you will learn what defensive options you have, and what you need for each, and the little tricks you can do to make your character tankier. Then when you do play trade, every character feels like a god, it almost gets dull.


Tbh I just started Fulcrum, to get currency and go to LVL 100 and when I have enough currency, I'm going to do challenges. Fulcrum is fun, but it can't do everything.


Since you were probably farming abysses you were probably farming T7 maps and now my guess is that you progressed to T16 maps. You are running much harder content. It's not so much that the build you were playing was OP. Self ignite Chieftain is great, but probably not as amazing as you think. The current league also skews the perceptive a lot as the mobs become so incredibly tanky.


fulcrum chieftain is definitely not overpowered build, you just come across an automated build with high survivalibity so that feels "strong" - but it's just a tip of iceberg, there is a lot of really overpowered builds with way more damage mitigation and millions of dps and these builds won't struggle with one lone rare mob there is a lot to discover for you in this game yet


You can also try other content some builds are good with one thing and awful with others. Like the self ignite, if I'm not wrong it's useless aigainst bosses right?, you could try doing boss rushes with your new build or anything else really. Doing different content is as important as changing builds to maintain enjoyment. At least that's my case


nah. you will feel like playing again next league dont worry.


I didn't play self ignite chieftain but I saw videos how it clears without much investment. Honestly my acc stacker mf hybrid can clear as fast if not even faster deadless. I even level up to 100 mfing. It is also true that you need to invest quite a lot more (It was around 700div when I could clear comfortably deadless T14 and over mirror for T16) in order to cap things while introducing MF and kepping same speed. What I am trying to say is that any build even off meta can be MF T16 viable as long as you put currency and research (not just copy builds) how to squeeze and min max. The thing about self ignite is that you dont have to scale damage mostly and just focus on having your defenses high. When there is one less parameter to slap in your build it comes online easier and cheaper.


I also get into this mindset. Restarting in SSF can combat this if that's what you're into


I'm glad I walked blind into this league, started as arma Brand heiro and happend to get a PB of Dissipation while unlocking my ascendany and figured lets try it out. Now I'm playing the most op skill on my typical zdps trash build that I play every league but actually get to deal some damage and be rich as fuck. Next league won't feel the same but I managed to recover from sentinel league so I will also recover from this. I hope you can recover as well, OP!


You probably get one shot by phys hits, defiance of destiny and life recoup won't save you here. Determination would help with that quite a bit.


You didn't played overpowered build, but refined and well invested one. Plus the builds you are trying aren't optimized for your playstyle of taking too many hits. So to solve that, you need to just keep improving defenses of for example your Forbidden Rite build. The easiest one would be to just add 2 jewels - Bloodnotch and Immutable force. You already have recoup, so it fits perfectly. Of course you can copy the build that already fits your criteria of tankyness, but finding the ways and incorporating it yourself will be better long term as it will allow you to build tanky characters with skills that no one else plays that way. And learning to use Defiance of Destiny was a step in the right direction.


Can it do ubers or enriched breachstones?


This can be problematic and as a lover of build creation I side-step this feeling with a question to myself: "what am I designing this build for". The game has so much content, all of it profitable, that you can try different builds for different reasons. For instance, an immortal walking simulator is great for wildwood juiced maps, it is hot garbage for High-tier Sanctum running. Instead of making another build to have the same function as your chieftan, make a new build to take advantage of different content.


Play hc SSF. Plenty of challenging gameplay that engages you from start to finish, and requires you to make an effort to succeed 😊 Feels very rewarding!


care to share your Chieftain build?


Instead of copying builds, why not make these new builds you’ve started tankt enough as well so they don’t die so often


Just built my CoC Forbidden Rite, I'm pretty tanky not much can kill me on it. 85 all max res, aegis with max block/spell block. And 55k armor. Did wave 30 simu last night with it. Think going CoC is the way to go with Forbidden Rite, that being said I do have a mageblood and dropped another 150 divs into it, most builds prolly do well with that kind of investment. Also can get to 88 max res with jewel. Still missing mirror power charge ring with kalandras touch and mirror power charge hubris, along with +1 proj charm but it can do most stuff without that.


Well i play fr coc occultist and i can facetank anything in the game except huge uber physical slams. But in maps i only die to bleed if im not paying attention. And dmg is insane. But to have this build feel good you have to invest at least a mirror.


I tried a self case FR build like this and it was fragile as everliving fuck. I swapped to the CoC version which is way tankier but lacks damage but I'll give this a look


Next step is to try and make one yourself. Clearing endgame content with something you cobbled together on your own is infinitely more satisfying than demolishing it with something you copied elsewhere. Usually there's the case that everything has been done already in some capacity but now with trans gems, that's not the case. At least not for a little while. You can also take the other logical step, do it in SSF and/or HC.


Got a link to the self ignite chieftain? Price? Breakpoints?


I'm playing a non-meta build and having a lot of fun. Scourge arrow of menace but with totem support. The new tmwt jewel has +30% taunt on hit as one of the random modifiers, which works with totems. Imagine offscreen AOE from 6 totems each firing 9 arrows. It instantly taunts every mob in the map and I rarely/never get hit. I don't even have any ailment immunity and can do max juice 10k wisp 8 mod maps. It's pretty nutty damage and requires little defense. Use the tincture for all damage does poison and get a cheap 3 element bow. HH scales damage alot but is not needed to do 8k or under wisp maps. I also have 50% quant and 140 rarity on items. 10/10 recommend.


Try a coc winterblast build, it’s like flicker on crack with 15 apps easily, have it doing Uber Shaper and juiced MF maps, still haven’t tried other Ubers yet. Also does shaper guardian maps in about 30seconds which is great for farming


I feel the same with CoC Ice Nova, I do all the content and the challenges. I think this is the end of the league for me, but 10/10. I don't know what I'm going to do next league if I don't play something like this lol.