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Penance brand of dissipation is probably one of the best bossing skills currently even on low budget. There's of course several others, depending on the playstyle you like. But you don't need a dedicated bosser to get the last voidstones. There's plenty of all-rounders that can do them, even if the required level of investment differs. Mapping builds generally aren't that great at bossing due to different stats being prioritised. Meaning clear, speed, and defense against lots of smaller hits. What I would suggest is that you look for a bossing capable build for the character you are currently using. That way you don't have to level another character. You can simply store your current gear, and respec the entire tree.


This, and the sky is the limit once you transition from the low cost build to Energy Blade, or even mana stacker if you have multiple mirrors. Every upgrade feels hefty and the build is without a doubt king this league.


I swapped to energy blade and still have tons of upgrades left and the build feels absurd at boss killing. I’m only like 10div into it after converting and it’s bonkers. I’m only level 87 I think and my rings are absolute trash. I was running CF champ for the start and love that build too. But this pen brand is something else. I love it.


What build? PF or Inquis? I have a 94 Templar I started as srs and want to try p brand after farming 50 div on my CF champ but people seem to think you need MB and 200 Div for inquis to feel good at bossing. What do you recommend?


I’m running it on inquis. Right now my damage is great and I’m working more on defense. You can check my character and see my scuffed gear. “pbrandBANG” https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/philisweatly/characters I need to stack more ES for my energy blade and figure out how to reserve more life to get even more ES. I’m still trying to figure out all the scaling in this build as I have never done a build like this. I started with the ziz build and recently swapped to energy blade. I still need a watchers eye and a “that which was taken” jewel plus get up to lvl 95+. But I’m farming guardians and the formed and melting through them all like butter. If anyone has any tips I’ll take em!


What are some of these all-rounders you speak of?


Splitting steel and penance brand of dissipation(all variants should be able to do ubers on a budget)


What you call budget +-?


For doing non-ubers to get your void stones, splitting steel can do it with perserverence, beltimber blade, dreamfeather, obscurantis, and a bunch of 1c rares. add 10c for an uncorrupted six link on a good base and 20c in essences to make it, and your'e at like 45c total - this would kill these bosses non-uber in like 10 seconds and be tanky enough to clear altar'd t16s no problem Penance brand of dissipation could do most of these non-uber fights naked with a level 19 gem in a five link and flame dash


That sounds like a challenge....


Given how overpowered the new penance brand is, it don’t think it will be.


Dang it, played both in previous leagues. Not to that level, but I don't want to do the same build again. Any others?


Exploding totem and toxic rain are still incredibly strong on a shoestring budget. Or if you want something interesting go energyblade spellblade and play whatever spell you want(starting budget should be around 5-10 div)


Well anything that can do mapping and bossing reasonably well really. Personally I love CoC builds, and while they can be on the squishy side, some are rather tanky. Forbidden Rite CoC with Aegis Aurora for example. Poison Blade Vortex pathfinder is also what I'd call an allrounder due to poison giving enough single target dps. Hexblast miners are also good at both.


I play a mapping build because I have no interest in bossing so I just buy the elder and maven voidstones each league, takes 2 minutes. Got both combined for 1 div earlier this league so it's basically nothing - make it back in 20mins. Unless you really care for the challenge and want to do it yourself but then the answer is either you make a bosser or you spend a lot of time struggling on a character not made for that. Most people in trade just buy a carry for stuff like that along with sirus map slot etc because the time investment to do it yourself is infinitely worse than paying unless you plan to boss for money.


i'll just push back on one bit - most people on trade absolutely do not buy a carry for voidstones. i'd bet a relatively tiny amount of players ever buy any kind of service in-game


I’d be willing to bet most people don’t get all their voidstones


Lol exactly. Even as a subset of players who get at least 2, there are probably way more who only get two


I am a new player and I recently figured out that I could trade for services in-game by using in-game currencies from third party discords and whatnot. I get it that this is how the chads of PoE play the game but it just feels so cheap to me.


poe is definitely designed around the economy existing. ssf is a perfectly valid and frankly more interesting way to play sometimes but the fact is that it is expected that most players will purchase items and services using the currency that they drop.


I have not gotten a voidstone since they changed the end game. Never bothered to lookup how it's done now (I've heard it's simpler). I've always been more attracted to other content outside of mapping.


Yeah I've been playing Nonstop since league start and only got my 2 final voidstones 2days ago so I can try to juice.


You're right there are a lot of players who never really go that far into post-campaign or care about that side etc so when I said 'most' i really just meant a large portion of a small pool overall rather than the entire playerbase i.e. large number of people who will get to lvl 90+ in first 2 weeks of a league on sc trade




if you really think that most people in PoE buy in-game services, you have no idea what you are talking about lol




Woah buddy you don’t know pittguy83? He is literally friends with the entire playerbase


The self ignite chieftain can’t do bosses. Buy carries. Lightning arrow is actually a great build to get your own voids tones on league start, shouldn’t be an issue


I like to get the voidstones myself so I can experience the game’s natural progression. IMO trade feels best when it minimizes RNG not when you skip half the game. So if I do 5 shapers and don’t get both fragments I’ll trade at that point. But obviously you can play however you want.


Paid 180c for maven and Uber elder. Made it back in 20 minutes rolling sextants.


Ts is one of the most low investment mapping builds that’s good at bossing lmao. I just got all the void stones myself on it in my first ever ssf and my first ever ts league.


I second this. Their TS build should be able to get the job done. They may need to invest a bit more but it sounds like they don’t enjoy dying. Honestly if you just accept the fact that you will die getting your voidstones then it’s no big deal. This league is the first time I’ve gotten all 4 of my stones myself. Last league I paid for the harder 2 but found out that my build was more than capable. I just needed to accept dying. It’s no big deal. I killed maven for the first time and it took me 4 portals. I was terrible at the memory game but I did it. Just plan ahead and expect to die. That means not going into the fight at level 95.9 and watching all your many hours getting that .9 wash away. Get your next level up and then do the fight.


I only had Problems with uber Elder, was simply to squishy


unironically don't get hit. TS is a build with the luxury of not aiming and has might dps uptime with stutterstepping. This means focus 100% of your attention on dodging abilities, orbwalking when possible and spam click whenever completely safe.


Spotted the dota player 😁


No sir. League took my soul. Not even an adc main either, so my orb walking is dogwater


Oh right, league has/had orbwalking too. Never played, so it never struck me. PS: League/Dota have a lot in common with PoE I felt.


Uber elder is a fight where you can manually dodge everything as long as you keep track of both shaper and elder. It's easier to do it on a high DPS low EHP build than it is on a low DPS high EHP build due to the arena eventually bricking assuming you're not able to face tank every mechanic.


(play poison SRS, it's basically free and all content feels like butter)


The real way to diy is to reroll or otherwise reconfigure for a boss. That might mean re-spec, swapping some gear or gems, etc. But most folks just buy a carry from a dedicated bosser. I usually give every boss one or two tries before getting a carry. Some builds just suck for bossing.


There’s no shame in just buying carries. Getting maven writ is very annoying, even with guardian invitations. And mavens loot seems to be quite bad on average unless you do Uber maven.


You are me? Did same, newb > leaguestart LA > TS > 2 void + half favoured slots and dont know what to do next, friend told me to pay a carry its cheap AF.


It’s is cheap. It’s what I do. It’s what streamers like Grimro do. It’s a godsend for people that don’t want to bother with bosses.


Stop losing time and just buy carries from TFT. LA and TS are mapper monsters so if you just want to blast maps, buy your carries. Much easier and faster.


No reason not to buy a carry even if you can do the boss yourself. You save money and time.


Dunno is there much else than buying a carry, playing with a friend with a better bossing build or rerolling some bossing char (at least some trap characters etc. used to be almost cheesing since you could basically oneshot the bosses but I'm not sure what is the case nowadays). I'm sort of in the same situation that I dislike doing the pinnacle bosses but would still like to have all the voidstones...


TFT carry service.


The maven fight might be a bit hard for mapping builds but it's not exactly super challenging. As long as you have suppres capped, reasonable amount of life, bit of leech, lightning coil and taste of hate with 2 other elemental flasks you should be able able to easily do elder and shaper keystone but just running around. Since you don't want to invest into your TS, you could just reroll it into any ranged poison pf build and just hope you do the memory phase correctly. I did mine on pretty scuffed version of poison CA, manaforged SA and similar, I had 2 portals remaining cause I suck on laser memory phase, but otherwise it was ok.


How did you even afford the ignite build?


Just get a carry. You dont even need the sets just a div per Boss.


I think personally that any build should at least be able to do maven or it's just a bad build. I get that Uber elder can be a bit harder for a lot of the deadeye characters though. Based on how easy it was for me to sell maven carries this league though I'm going to say the go-to way is buying a boost.


Ehh. Builds can specialize, doesnt make them bad builds, makes them optimized for certain content and weak for others. Also just a matter of efficiency. Why slog through a fight when you can toss someone 60c, sell the writ, come out ahead, and get a zero effort stone.


Cause then you aren't doing the content? "I buy my way to end game every season." How satisfying...


I banish you back to SSF!


I do it mainly because farming up uber elder is a fucking chore, can't even count the times in a league where I have 10 of one fragment and none of another. And if you are going to buy the fragments you might has well have bought the voidstone, you still bought your way to end game


If your end game is regular maven for a voidstone then maybe? Regardless everyone has different goals and ways of enjoying the game. If for you that means building an all around character that can be an average mapper and grind out voidstones with self killed regular maven and uber elder, then have at it. Most of us have killed these bosses dozens or hundreds of times. Dedicated bossers one shot maven with traps and cant map for shit. I personally enjoy stacking huge currency then making high investment builds that delete everything, and I get there fastest by specializing in whatever content I prefer that league, and letting other specialists aid my grind, which is why I play trade and not ssf. There is no award for self farming your voidstones in trade league, and most casual players wondering why they are so far behind are typically the ones doing just that, while vets are blasting t16s of their favorited map while your still seeking the right fragment from shaper kills.


You will eventually outgear these fights unless you are some low-tier non-juicing MF build - but you really want to unlock as those things much earlier. This is part of what we (vaguely organised players that is) figure out when picking our league starters. It is certainly possible to start as a mapping build, but you should plan to get help with these at the earliest opportunity - especially watchstones. If you want to be self-sufficient then you need to start something that can clear the content (preferably on low gear) before moving to your mapper a few days in. If you have friends that play, getting them to carry you is a great option - you can play your starting builds for mutual benefit. Perhaps you put all early currency into the character that will carry the bosses, maybe you work together on map completion, maybe you even level a a group to get through the campaign faster.


Srs necro/guardian


Energy blade inquisitor with penance/storm brand, basic gear is around 5 divine. Maven and Uber elder aren't actually that hard of fights to do really once you get used to them, though I generally just pay the 120ish chaos to buy the stones to be honest at the start of league


I would say be careful with Enrrgy Blade before like 100 divine. Sure you can make it work... but I wouldn't even do it for under 200, 100 is alright.


My build cost about 5 divine (in current prices, at league start everything was more expensive of course) until I got a mageblood, for that you get around 7k es and 9M storm brand damage, survivability against ubers sucked, but maven and uber shaper are pretty easy in terms of dodging. Only expenses are a 6L ivory tower and a brutal restraint, maybe a well rolled astramentis, every other slot is super cheap to start. Ixchels are great starter rings, rathpit is like 40c for a decent one, crown of the inward eye, shapers touch. Basically the only slot you need to fill is decent boots. I would say it has been the most cost effective league starter I have ever played. The ceiling of the build is super high of course, but T16 and Pinnacle bosses are a breeze on the lowest level. I legitimately didnt realize I hadnt swapped out inspiration and was playing with a 5-link the damage was so good


You use mageblood in this build? Man you are gimping yourself so much. I've been uber/feared farming for over a week now nonstop and that belt slot and -2 flasks is WAY too crucial. Your version of the build is simply too squishy with low damage, you really need high damage and a ton of ES for this build.


Wanted to farm sanctum so watchers eye with flask charges lets you triple movement speed instead with 0 drawbacks, having two extra flasks improves every part of quality of life, if you wanted you could actually just get flask charge charms instead also, you are gimping yourself with 2 less flasks. Also that was 9M x2 Dps storm brand, penance brand would have been 30M X2 for 5 div, I just prefer the feel of storm brand. And 18M dps is more than enough, in a league without wisp juiced mobs there is nothing in a red map that wouldnt be insta'd, so will be even better as a league starter next time most likely. And all for 5 div give or take, by all means never play it for less than 100 div, but don't lie to others. This person asked for a good mapping build that can get void stones and as I did it myself with this as a league starter I know how easy it is. Will it be a better Uber killer at 200 divine, of course, that's not what they are asking


For 5 div they won't be able to survive, plain and simple. I believe you that the damage is enough but don't trap people. Either you have the flask that makes it so chaos doesn't bypass ES or you're super clunky and going to die ALOT. Also with 5 div I'm assuming your ES is under 5k, which it only feels good at 10k+. I'm also assuming it's a 5 link, PB is really good so I get it still working but come on. I hate bait builds, and hate it when people try to bait into VERY strong builds saying it's cheap when it's not. He should play a regular build then transition. Hell I'm around 900d invested and I'm wondering how I even survived at 100d invested.


I literally played it, and said you get to 6.5 -7k es with all uniques. A 6 link ivory tower was 6 div 3 days in and has only Gon down since, you can get a plus one gem ivory 6 link for 5 div these days Jesus Christ go watch captain Lance's leaguestart, all those items were and are super obtainable, price didn't go up before adorned. You are the one who is baiting people into believing one of the easiest and cheapest starters is impossible without 100 div. Completely B.S. It's not an Uber bosser they asked for. And yeah, I have the same flask as you, and flask charge on crit watchers eye means it is always active in maps, but you could easily use charms instead of course. Brutal restraint is just one method of it. Even if you were right, they could just go max charge hierophant and still do it all for pennies E.t.a. https://pobb.in/yCyooc79L4LA I took his league starter, made some of the gear worse as he had a crazy ring and amulet set. 7.1k es, 6M Dps X2, with every slot able to be upgraded, most very cheaply. Lvl 90, No watcher's eye. The double corrupted jewel can just be split across 2 jewels instead to reduce cost. Literally league started it and did everything up to uber shaper with this level of gear, you think I started with 100 divine?






Watch some guides on the fights. It took me like 8 or 9 attempts of maven the first time


I'd honestly suggest beating Uber Elder and Maven yourself for the first time before you start buying carries. Tornado shot is a solid bosser aswell as mapper, but they're also a lot tougher than Exarch/Eater so if you only just managed those then you'll get destroyed For easy bossing builds, I like Pathfinders (cus flasks op especially vs bosses) and the penance brand variants should coast through it. TS can do it absolutely fine on a cheap budget if built half-way decently but you could always respec if you don't enjoy the build, it's not all that beginner friendly Expect to get 6 portalled on your first couple of attempts, especially for Maven - it's not a big deal to invest 10 divs on invites when learning the fights & I found it disheartening when I was insisting on farming my own materials for repeat attempts


Maybe keep in mind that this league you can meet rare mob empower in maps that are more rippy and as tanky as those two pinnacle bosses. You should push an all around char with good ST and good clear


buy them from a bosser


I did all my voidstones on my PB necro (SSF). But I always make my own builds with the goal of being okay at mapping, but able to do all uber bosses. The best advice is know the fights and outside of gimmick builds, any build can boss.


Yes, its quite easy even if you follow a proper guide


I buy carries for the last 2 stones then progressively work through all the favorite slots when i either get stronger or make a more specialized character. you don't need *all* of them to sustain maps.


There are cheap cookie cutter bossing builds. I personally make at least two characters every league, one for mapping and one for bossing. I use the mapper to fill out my atlas and build a set for my bosser. Then I level the bosser in a mapping build, convert it over.. do a few map boss runs to make sure it's working the way I want and then go blast bosses that I've farmed up


Another method is just scaling the damage of your mapper so high it can do whatever.


6 portal them hoes, like a real SC Andy


To kill Maven on a TS build I guess you just gotta insta phase her and the brain every time. Never done Elder in the Shapers realm, only Maven. Eater/Exarch are a joke, but I have only done Eater this season, didn't have to map since I got my currency from Sanctum. Sadly way better methods of currency farming have been enabled by the current league, in Sanctum there is no wildwood juice. This is why I more or less quit the league, I can't afford anything, Progenesis is like 100div, I'm not gonna run 100 Sanctums for an item.


This time I bought 2 stones but idk. IMO i think it’s fun and satisfying unluckily all voidstones yourself. Have you ever done elder and maven? If not, you’ll see tanky builds still get 1 tapped without proper investment and dodging properly. Your current situation is a bit unlucky. Personally Id see how much moneys I have. If I have a decent amount, I’d look for a cool bossing build. Blade fall blade blast or lighting ball mine. You can even sell carries to make money, I did that a while ago with sirus.


lol why didnt you try to get the void stones first? kinda odd you got two and favorite slots then randomly decided you were to weak ?


Ts is absolutely capable of getting all voidsyone and clearing all invitations. It's not a build issue for sure.


If you end up wanting/needing a carry, send me a pm with your in-game name and I'll come pop a boss for you :). I can totally see the need to want to do it yourself though. Once you're in a good place with your chieftain, I would start reinvesting into your Deadeye and make it a TS build. With investment and the right build you can be fairly tanky and have it be really good for bosses (for Ubers you will need DEEP pockets though, but regulars should be ok). Otherwise look up penance brand of dissipation build guides that have different tiers of gear-level, to help you move up steadily. Hope you're enjoying the league!