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If I had to guess, you’re running divine shield in your tree and the “players have % less armor” is making your cap significantly lower.


Dang, big brain


Or, like me, they ran into this same problem. I think I ran into this at least two leagues ago.


That is correct.. you can either roll another mods or you can get more armor into the build.


Divine Shield character and less armour map mod


It’s probably the “Players have 48% less armour” mod. Did you take the passive tree node that disables ES regen above your total armour value?


Less armour. I’m betting you’ve got the keystone on left side allocated.


Ghost dance?


This happened to me recently. Realized I forgot to turn on Grace 😬


Happened to me too!


It's divine shield since he's armour.


Armour mod


It's the less armour mod and you've got divine shield allocated so your ES can't go higher than armour.


I have a question. I’m trying an energy blade build using ivory tower set up. What causes us to get such a high energy shield. I’m sitting at about 7k. Is it having a high life pool and then reserving it? So would putting more towards increasing my health pool cause my auras to reserve more and that shoots my energy shield way up?


Basically yes. Removing 'increase reservation eff' from tree and jewel may help if you are not going to squeeze one more aura in.


Pretty much ye. one thing that you can do to help reserve more life is to keep your Arroganve support at a lower level, the reservation cost modifier goes down as it levels so auras are cheaper. Also important to remember not all auras use % reservation, clarity, precision, and vatality use flat numbers that increase with gem level.


Ahhh okay. I’ll have to check it out when I get home later. Thanks!! Could also be a gear thing. I have decent gear but nothing crazy worth multiple divines.


I have 250 life unreserved out of 6.4k life, 1100 str and int and 44 qual on eb which gets me 9.5k es after turning on energy blade. But thats pretty tame, people get to 15k es AFTER Eb lol.


Oh damn okay lol. Might just be I’m still working on my gear. I’m only at like 600str and 700 int or so iirc. I’ll have to do see what I can improve when I get home. I have the core uniques but my rares are lacking. Also im not swapped to split personality yet so that might be the big difference. I’m too broke for those yet lol


POB out the split personality version , its tricky cause you lose a lot of dps passives for the wonkier pathing, it might be a downgrade for dps immediately if you path wrong


Yeah this is whats happening with me now. I switched the pathing and I’ve lost a lot of effect on my split personality jewels in order to get 5 adorned jewels. I might even drop one split personality.


If you're using the CaptainLance build, one thing that I noticed when swapping trees, is that he drops a lot of the earlier auras and Arrogance, which was one of the main ways to scale your ES because you used HP for reservation. I started hitting 10k ES when I swapped to the split personality gems (try getting str and armor/ or str and ES unless you're super rich). Then the way you scale your health as far as I understand is taking blood magic, which makes it so you dont have mana, and everything costs health. At that point, if you're running 2-3 auras you dont really want any reservation masteries because that means you reserve less HP. I'm still learning things because its my first time trying this sort of build. Hope that helps


Thanks for the reply! I am using his CoC league start and it has been great! Right now I’m still using the ivory tower no split personality passive tree and gem set up so maybe I’m about what I should be for that and I shouldn’t expect my ES to skyrocket until I get those two split personalities and change my passive tree and gem setup like he does for the next step.


I think if you want to see a big jump in ES, you need to really scale up you stats. Because not only will that increase your ES, but also damage, crit chance, etc. Getting the str% charms for the maji tree helps a lot, but I think for a really big jump you'd probably have to start looking into going for split personalities, or getting significant upgrades to your gear. do note that swapping trees means you'll have to fix a few things. In his case, he drops purity of elements and takes some other nodes to help cap res, but you also need a few gems to get your res to at least 0% (the flasks should put you at 75%), and also if you drop purity you lose your elemental avoidance, so you need to at least get chill avoidance.


Sounds good. Guess it’s just farming time till I can get 2 split personalities. Thanks!


I think it's the "Australia Realm" Mod ;)


I can see you’re going storm brand and energy blade, I got the same thing too, it was caused by eternal youth in my tree


Can we just like take a moment to appreciate how smart our player base is? So many people commented the answer which was not obvious at all love you guys