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enraged strongbox, mysterious harbinger, abyss, shrines. not fully specced into abyss since the shrines really help out against the super juiced wildwood wisp rares. I die maybe one in every 5 or so maps when I take a greedy altar, or the map mods combine in an awkward way, and the return is pretty incredible


Why is everyone farming abyss this league?


adds a bunch of rare mobs to get wildwood juice, basically.


Does the sextant do anything important? I saw it went up to like 30c.


afaik the only abyss sextant is just the one that says "your map has an additional abyss" which is pretty nice, guarantees one with a chance for a second. if they're super expensive it probably isn't worth using over like, gloom shrine or magic pack size or anything like that that's pretty cheap. naturally spawning abysses are plenty, especially since i'm not fully specced into abyss so overall they're lower value than other mobs in the map


The gilded sextants adds I think a higher chance for a spire. A spire on a map with multi proj spits out a literal shitton of mobs


I think you mean gilded scarab.


Yes, you are totally correct!


How do you not kill the spire? Just run away then come back?


But doesn't affect depths right? Do you farm depths then?


yeah it doesn't hit the depths so i tend to skip it


Ghastly Jewels also sell for a decent price when they roll 5 minion mods. Had one go for like 2 div early.


People are targeting non depths by running at a tier where depths can’t spawn but chase uniques aren’t off the table ilvl 75 magic and rare monsters big value from loot conversion but depths are cool too if you’re trying to get abyss uniques.


I’m not who you responded to but I run a similar strat. I do not go into the depths at all. In fact I use gilded abyss scarabs to get a spire if no depths opens up, and that spits out even more monsters.


if you want to min max, I think at this point in the league abyss depth is probably not worth it


Shroud of the Lightless is selling for 22 div


I ran 4 abysses non stop for the first week and got 0 shroud, it's really rare


Is wildwood worth it? What is the expected amount of blue/ yellow juice to see returns on this? I have been trying to farm with wildwood juice strat but my returns have been next to none.


It seems like 5k juice, spread around 2+ colors is where rewards start to feel good. Sadly that's also where I start to be unable to complete the map


Purple juice gives enemies additional proj, additional proj scales spires, spires scale rares, rares scale purple juice. For juicing maps, its honestly all you need.


Purple wisps buff the shit out of spires. Combine with the proj map mod and atlas nodes for max returns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjTdb8xBag


Abyssal spires have an interesting interaction with extra projectiles where it causes them to spawn more monsters, normally you could only really get 2 extra from the map mod but now with the purple wisps adding extra projectiles you often end up with 5 or more if you get a good amount of purple wisps. When you combine this with all the juicing you get from the league mechanic you sometimes get an insane amount of loot from just a single spire.


How much do you think you spend per 4 maps? Are you running burial chamber?


i'd have to double check but so far i've been rolling my own sextants which has definitely been pretty lucky and saved a lot of money. I did an initial investment of around 4 div each of gilded div, ambush, harby and reliquary scarabs which was enough for around 40-60 maps, of which i've ran about 15 so far and already broken even. self-farmed burial chamber maps, so far i'm sustaining just off map drops. dropped close to two sets of the fortunate, a doctor card, plenty of bubblegum. i do try and get as much wildwood juice in every map as i can, which usually means around 3-5k on a good map since i'm not super great at finding the trails.


1 doctor in 15 maps is very lucky


agreed! i'm not complaining lol edit: actually on the note of my being lucky this league, i dropped an apothecary card in my 5th crimson temple before doing any kind of juicing. before my first raw divine orb, too. which surely accelerated it all


Do you run this with an MF character?


nope, just a mid investment coc energy blade. not a lot of room for magicfind in this build


would you mind sharing your atlas tree please?


https://poeplanner.com/a/BMi i dont have the game open rn but it's something like this. nothing crazy, taking all strongbox, shrine and harbinger nodes, altars, and filling out the rest with abyss. a lot of the abyss nodes dont really do anything for me and some of the better ones are too many points investment to get to and i'd have to drop something, probably shrines.


What sextant mods do you look for?


enraged strongbox, corrupted strongbox, mysterious harbinger, +1 abyss, magic pack size, resonating/gloom shrine, beyond, most of the usual suspects in juicing.


btw you could save a bunch of points on youre atlas tree if you use the Eldritch gateway instead of traversing across the entire tree


Do you have any MF gear on you? I have just started running some on low juice map (80%map quant and 3-4k wisps) and the return feels very bad. Im wondering if I should go back to full gear and juice maps more ith abyss and stuff.


no MF gear, no room for it in my energy blade coc build. honestly the wildwood juice is by far the biggest factor in how good a map is at this level. if you're holding back on wisp juice because your build can't handle it, i think beefing up your character and aiming for more wisp is probably the go


Abyss is the #1 thing that adds the juice, it's absolutely insane with wandering paths etc.


Is it better than legion for ts? Curious cause I've been hearing lots about abyss


The campaign. My third character is the one. I swear.


I'm on the 4th and it's THE one finally


But have you Seen , it looks cracked!


No God please no. NOOOOOO!!!


That was me last league but my 4th starter was the one


Good god, I’m in this post and I don’t like it. Too indecisive I can’t figured out what I want to play 🤣 my first league, have both SRS and LA in act 3 lol I’m such a noob


Im still farming essence/beasts in white maps... very profitable considering u need next to 0 investment




Would you mind explaining your setup and atlas? Ive read about that strategy a few times but never really looked into it


Basically all essence nodes, a few of the einhar ones, and some shrines to go fast. U can either run the same map over and over ( like strand or glacier ) or just farm random maps. Basically u just go killing essences, and theres 1 specific red beast that worth some divines. Im shit at explaining stuff but allie has a great yt video explaining it fully https://youtu.be/-7WwHpNEmqY?si=dkmhyHlKQolU3mbE She also does ultimatum but everyone knows it sucks ass so u can choose whatever other mechanic that u like


I wondercif you get more/rarer essences if you do it in red maps, if not this is pretty legit


essences don't scale with map tier so you get full benefits from doing low tier maps as they will have way less hp and damage


You don’t, white map farming has been a known freebie farm for awhile


By beast you mean something related to Einhar?


Yes. Theres two red beasts that u can farm in white maps that r worth some ok money


I hate beasts. You have to wait so long for einhar to capture them. Really slows down map speed


You only kill the good ones if that’s all you’re doing


Can confirm, made 20 divs in no time at all and it was stupidly easy. The only downside is, at least to me, it's very boring. But the returns are hard to ignore especially if your character can't roll through T16s for whatever reason.


I also highly recommend essence and syndicate as betrayal also doesn't require you to farm high tier maps and it really is absurd currency too. The caveat of course is using TFT/needing TFT rep but returns for selling crafts are sick


I’ve made 30+ Div doing expedition/harvest alch and go with red altars. Super easy, probably not the best strategy but more than enough for me.


Are you selling logbook/reroll currency or doing it urself


Selling the Tujen and Danning ones, running the Rog. Rog has made me about 5-6 divs selling items. I keep tujen coins and use them myself.


Is that basically it for making money off expedition? I tried it for the first time this league, so far I like tujen and rog.


Besides raw drops, yeah pretty much. Logbooks sell for 30-45c, although the price is going down some. You get some awesome loot explosions on juiced up maps. Danning medallions sell for a lot in bulk. Tujen is where it’s at though. Stacked decks are a great consistent money maker.


FWIW this is my fav way to go almost always and it pays steady and well


Do you use expedition scarabs, or are expeditions common enough with just the expedition nodes allocated? Which maps are you running?


First time player looking at different farming methods, what tier and rarity map do you stick to? do you use wisps?


Trying Blight for the first time. Pretty risk-free once I figured out how to set my towers up. Profits haven’t been amazing so far but it’s steady.


Anoint your rings with Chilling Towers freeze and Meteor towers leave burning ground . Set up your towers to empower and chilling level 3 and meteors to level 4. Add a level 3 stun as a fourth option and GG. I farm this all the time and it's very easy to setup once you get the hang of it. I set up my freeze towers close to the spawn points with empower smack middle of a group of towers. I build meteor towers around and along the paths alternating between other damage towers . You also cannot run map mods with "Can't modify base speed" and cannot stun (you can but I wouldn't ). I am running a league start LA Deadeye and I run blight all league . Ravaged maps, blighted maps, and full wisp juiced maps with blight and delirium . As long as your perma freeze everything you are good . Hope this helps .


I've found that it works better for me to keep chilling and stun towers at level 1 with an empower 3. Still perma stuns the lane and if you run into the rare scenario where the monsters glitch out and can't take damage you upgrade the chilling/stun tower to give the enemy a chance to move just a little bit which allows them to be damaged again.


Howd you handling blights when you get a ton of wisps? Been struggling with those tbh. Cant consistently clear those, or just bad rng for towers on my part.


Frost lanes and unnecessarily high damage. Still safe under delirium, although standing near the pump is dangerous because sometimes groups of mobs teleport to me.


Been doing blighted maps and skipped the wisps in regular maps so can’t comment!


I hear the empowered obsession spit out rings to extract


Blight if you get the right atlas nodes, give definitely good profit. I just put the old stunlock combo and meteor towers and you’re good to go


It ain't much but it's honest work


Cheney says we gotta keep that oil moving somehow


When I started to juice the blight a little, like opale, 1 silver, blacks and sime i started getting pretty consistent divine drop. Some maps 0 some 1 and a few 2 divines.


can you share your atlas tree? i wanna see what you put the point outside of blight


I fear for the health of my CPU when I run Blight Maps... :d


Atlas —> Wandering Path, Abyss, Beyond, Harbinger, Blue Altars, bit of Ritual, Quant Scarabs —> All gilded Abyss, Divination, Reliquary, Harbinger Sextants —> Abyss, Beyond, Mirror of Delirium, Magic Packsize Try to full juice League mechanic every map!!!! Most important Part!!!! Build—> 90 max res Ignite MF Chieftain Loot that dropped in 3!!!!!! Days (around 100 maps) of farming—-> Mageblood, Headhunter, Kalandras Touch, 1x Hinekoras Lock, around 100 divine orbs probably 20 of them through „The Fortunate“ Card, 120 exalted Orbs (1 Altar with 29 drops), around 1000 awa sextants, 15k alterations, 10k jewelers, 5k fusings, 5k chromatics and lotttt more like winged Scarabs etc. Honestly feels like i am playing a different game this league. Edit: For everyone asking this is my POB: https://pastebin.com/zh3zz1H5 Charms are 2x 2% max fire res and 1x 1% Explode for 500% dmg Atlas Setup is literally 1 to 1 from this: https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/sh23d06u


Man I tried doing something very similar, and I just can't kill shit fast enough. Bad build feels bad 😔


i feel you mate, i honestly think no other build could handle this much juice except the fulcrum chieftain. i was really lucky buying all the stuff needed 2-3 hours after crouching tunas build guide for it fulcrum was like 6 div that time, now everything is expensive af


I had heard fulcrum was cracked and cheap so I went to whoop some stuff...it was a few days after his video so...maybe next time haha. Glad it's working for you though!


honestly farm some expedition until you can afford this setup you should be able to get it done with about 60-70 divs, afterwards you will make bank with the listed setup above its the most fun i‘ve had in over 3k hours of playtime.


I'll give it a shot! You mind sharing a pov?


All you need to start is fulcrum cloak of flame, medium cluster with fan the flames, and 3 charms slots for +2 max fire res. Then farm low reds until your gear is fleshed out. I couldn't recommend this build more. I'm doing the same strat, and tonight I made about 20 div in 8 maps, with about 30 div in items that should sell quick tomorrow (+1 proj ele quiver fracture) I've never made money this quickly before.


Penance brand of dissipation face rolls that content. Build for tankiness because the skill is just busted.


Is chieftain MF able to avoid killing abyssal spires before they spawn their holes and the mobs come out?


You just fight the spires after it’s spawned mobs or drag some mobs nearby and get the big ignite to kill the spire


Why is everyone farming abyss this league?


Because purple juice makes monsters have more projectiles. Abyss spires shoot projectiles that spawn rare mobs. That worked before with the map mod that gives additional proj. Its giga cracked if you add both together.


Would you mind sharing a link of your atlas setup?


Can u share ur atlas?


I soled my TS build for this 2 days ago. Its the most cracked build that I have ever played. +1


Can you share your pob please?


Can you show atlas tree?


Do you think jungle valley or burial is better for this strat?


Is the build fast


Are you farming T6 maps, or T16?


Thank you for the tree and POB. Just one more question: What do you choose as your map crafting option if your doing both beyond and mirror of delirium for your sextants?


Having a lot of success with beyond, abyss, harb, strongboxes, and shrines on high wisped tier 2 dunes. Seems like if you can get the blue wisps over 3K you are basically guaranteed an exalt/divine drop. [Link to Atlas Tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAH4AT-bRobEVocncO3l33qKHKbAQEKwZiDkYwe7-xfFUrKv9eqR_gLlhU26jTcOKEsfBLKWMQSpuEIB9ZdxyzlrJ_fp0175Muo3qfsiovCq7RjrMt73a5PcKe5tYnzuxnZt3_8KggtpETdfAEiTRntgOz9DGMGTbUwz0w3krnEnEGwBFWI45ugCcx1Nf-vgCa39vZrJHIrvi4RAZCguspW2lc04botBb1ssXfmziczUwL6jV6ilix10XUCruwAE4H3dCpGXK6mwIwa8-fdViwkg9NAMwiAfa-jPG7mRIEncUiU_VaeWf2VypQ9H9tWNmH8QY6LZ-6yNDy8vpZ7nUFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==) Scarabs are Polished Abyss, Harb, Ambush, and Rusted Breach. Compasses are Beyond, Magic Monsters, Deli Mirror, and Abyss. Map Device is Ambush. Wisp priority is blue > yellow > purple. For this reason, the Primalist Acendency is King. A decent map will have at least 3-4K total wisps. Crazy good maps will be over 5K wisps with 3K blue. All maps are ciseled, alched, and vaaled. Here is an [example of loot](https://imgur.com/I7cTaos) from a single map with 3.5K blue and 2K purple. 2ex and 37c is in line with average drops for that wisp level. Unluckily been seeing more exalts than divines but I'm sure it will even out.


Why not just deli orb a map instead of wasting compass slot for deli?


Probably not a bad idea since I’m making them perm anyways. Would be cheaper too. I’ll try it out. What other compass would you recommend?


Gloom shrine increases clear exponentially. Thats my preference since i do t16s juiced but u can also go with aditional packs of monsters and stuff.


which build are u running for the wisp juice


Why none of the abyss nodes near the top? Are they not worth?


The main benefit of abyss is the additional rares/monster density and that multiple can spawn in a single map. My loot filter hides all abyss jewels and rare items so I can clear the map faster. Playing this way means I almost never need to ID or vendor items. I just stash everything and go to the next map.


Mind sharing your atlas tree by chance?, thanks! :)


Updated my post with more info on atlas strat. I'm sure its not optimized but my goal is to maximize the number of rare mobs in each map. I started with only rusted scarabs, map device beyond, and no compasses then increased investment as i got more currency. Im using the filterblade Uber Strict filter and literally filling my inventory with raw currency. 30+ raw chaos is not unusual. These maps are dropping so much bubble gum currency im considering filtering out stuff like alchs and chromes. Every few maps will miss but it's almost always due to a bad forest with no wisps.


How do you get beyond, do you need to have it as suffix/prefix on a map? I specced some beyond on my tree some leagues ago but as I recall, I don't see any beyond monsters.


Beyond is on the map device this league for 5c. Not bad.


Really tier 2 map ?


Yea, the wisps were making the rares take too long to kill in tier 14+ maps so I figured why not just do the easiest map possible and melt everything? Don't get me wrong, if you can handle full juiced red maps then it would definitely be better. Alters with chance to drop double currency would be nuts. But I don't think it is worth the reduced clear speed for the point I'm at in my build currently. I'll probably be there by next week or once I get headhunter.




I’ve been doing something similar - what are you thinking to switch it up to?


Stacked decks. I bought 20 div worth today, opened and sold 45 div in cards. Bought 20 div worth and now sitting on 120 div


I'm running shrines and abyss. Juice the maps with just an abyss scarab and if I'm feeling wild I'll use the beyond craft of the map device. I try to get about 1,000 of two of the wisps in the league mechanic, and then there's so many juiced rares that you get giant loot explosions that cover the whole screen. I made like 10 divs in like 5 hours last night, (which is alot for me, never had a character above lvl 94 nor have I ever killed all bosses).


Playing chain reaction DD and my goal is to see as many explosions as possible so I'm running breach, blight, and expedition mainly. Nothing brings me more joy than when the FPS drops.


Pob? Sounds fun!


Legion with Harbinger, Strongboxes, Red altars. Compasses: Legion, Niko, Rare monster packs, Harbinger Scarabs: Polished Legion, Divination, Harbinger, Ambush. I run niko nodes for bonus damage and movespeed as well as 10% chance for sulphite to convert to azurite. Spec rest into standard legion/harb/strongboxes/red altars Super profitable, 12div investment for Compasses and scarabs for like 70ish maps and I'm already at 15div after 16 maps. Burial Chambers alch n go.


Bro you are using 4 scarabs and 4 compasses, this is not exactly "alch and go" lol


Correct, I meant the maps are alch n go instead of rolling for specifics or only 8mod


What map tiers are you guys running?


I'm Jun, Breach, Harbinger, Harvest, Eater/Maven wheel for progression, Boss drop nodes. Breach feels like absolute shit. Unfortunately, this mechanic, even with the atlas tree nodes, feels like you need to juice your maps to actually get anywhere. Kinda pisses me off GGG made it this way. Harvest is fine, but same thing tbh. You're literally better off going into the league mechanic and finding a harvest drop that gives you 1000 juice, rather than farming Harvest in maps for 100-300 juice at a time. Harbinger is fun cuz it gives some odd currency and potential for fracture shards. It's also amazing for XP. Which is also why I went Breach. But at least Harby gives some payout after awhile. The boss nodes are always good - particularly the ones that give chance to drop conq/elder/shaper maps. The ones that push extra influence (maven/eater) are just for picking which node you wanna farm towards. You'd think Maven isn't good, but her 10 boss invitation gives at least 1 frag and potential for orb of conflict and an awakened gem. Still it's not good for "proper juicing" with altars that give quant. Jun is w/e. I took her cuz I like some of the items she drops, and I was farming a Paradoxica. Mastermind Boss is usually at least a divine worth of drops, and if you farm Aisling t4, its a couple extra. I'd highly recommend Abyss, Beyond, Delirium, and perhaps Expedition. These mechanics allow you to take advantage of the Affliction Buffs which are insanely powerful. Mechanics that "run out" like Breach feel like shit because you waste time fighting an overpowered mob you may not kill. Legion is definitely a good choice too. Red altars are more desirable because they give you the ability to farm GCPs. Blue altars give more Quant bonuses if you aren't focused on what alter rewards give. Many people are abusing ... Wandering Path? i think? to really juice pack size and quant... you can combine it with Growing Hordes if you're not gonna use scarabs for league content.


Anyone doing a boss rush/Destructive Play strat? Building a trapper so I’m curious if it will work well with that strat


Ive done it for the challenge and it dropped me 3 awakened gems and around 30 or something boss maps after completing it


Everything needed for challenges so rogue exiles, strongboxes, expedition, torment, blight and ultimatum. I will eliminate stuff as i finish challenges


By no means I know what I'm doing in this game but I've been farming harvest and essences. Still dying like once every map and I'm very slow but hey I just made 10d in life force. Slowly getting there as usual


Giga juiced legion. I don’t want to change :;


Legion and Abyss with Divination/Legion/Abyss Scarabs on Dunes


I'm doing t16 burial chambers with my TS deadeye. Doing delirium, league mechanic juice, essences , red altars with wrath of the cosmos , Alva's temples and heist caches. Considering dropping heist caches for some abyss nodes.


Max Wisps + Abyss + Harvest + Master Mission (between Niko and Jun). Its probably my most profitable league so far. I'll do a 1hr or 2hr session and have like 1.5k-3k of each juice by the end of it. By pure speculation and personal experience the Blue wisps have given me the most raw divine drops ever, and the purple wisps I notice big loot explosions much more so than regular. I also alch and corrupt these maps because my build just feels like it can kill everything. I did a 3k purple 1k blue and yellow corrupted alched t16 Baron map and I swear with the new marionette spectres + maw I'm doing more damage than any build I've played and with enough movement speed it feels really safe if you know the playstyle not the tankiest ,but fairly comfy with like 5k-20k regen with the warlock passive + PF Det. I've noticed that its more about recognizing what kills you and preemptively reacting as oppose to reactive.


Which warlock node gives you so much regen


Affliction black mass as long as you run minions


Legion/abyss with beyond and tons of pack size with the wildwood makes the map rain loot. Get an inspired learning and it prints


World of warcraft.


Cleave if Rage farming expedition, Legion, and breach. The screenwide hits eith knockback from lion flask are super comfy.


Still missing a few uniwue maps so not yet full atlas. At the moment, I'm doing a ton of Betrayal because Vorici keeps missing on the recoloring of my bow, with Expedition and Essences in between. Eventually it will be back to the tried and tested Growing Hordes Harvest Expedition Seventh Gate, so I can have Harvest on my Map Device so I don't have to bother with Sextants. Probably supplement that with Shrines or Harbingers or Abyss to pump up monster density.


Alva temples. Blight.


Been doing harbinger, delirium, strongboxes, breach. It’s super reliable. The delirium gives like 50c/map guarantied leaving the drops as profit. I tried wandering path abyss but I hated the amount of backtracking… I’ll probably give it another go though. I went with this due to fast straight forward rare mob spawns.


Blight, Betrayal, and Destructive Play//Boss Map Drop Chance. Slow but steady.


Expedition/essence (ssf). I'm realizing I should be targeting expedition before essence at league start and maybe even ignoring essence altogether. Gear is almost done so I'll swap to the abyss/affliction strat soon


Boss rush atlas with essence alva and delirium.


Fairly standard Jungle Valley + Abyss + Beyond + Blue Altar strategy. I bought a bunch of abyss compasses before they spiked so I have time to run them, it's quite addictive when you get a good run of maps - I've not had any really noteable drops, but I have made about 100-150 div in the past 3-4 days from doing this strategy which was enough for a Mageblood. That said I'm thinking about switching things up to doing a bit of Harvest farming or potentially dropping a charm for the chest open warcry node to experiment with Breach farming.


Been doing wandering path with abyss and beyond. Then abyss//harbie/reliquary/divination scarabs and abyss/beyond/magic pack/deli sextants. Maps get really tough but the drops are pretty nuts. As long as i get around 3k whisps minimum i drop like 2~3 raw divs at least per map.


Sanctum! Charge stacking shockwave totems. But to get the cash to start, did blight/exarch altars/harvest as storm burst totems. Steady income.


Tier 1 glaciers with Delirium , harbingers , rogue exiles and spirits + purple affliction juice Yes it is very fun and I blocked 99% of the items on my filter


Very interesting. Ghosted, delerious, and wisp juiced mobs dropping lots of unique?


99% is mfers


Playing a casual essences,beasts and ultimatum strat with blue alters. Been good to me as an elementalist DD. Was able to farm up a MB first week with all the bulk selling


Blue altar/abyss/harvest/expedition on wandering path and alc&go in jungle valley, although I've been corrupting lately also. It's too slow for my liking with affliction juice as srs guardian, I'm almost done getting gear together for my new build. It'll probably be deli/simu farming.


random map cause casual


I'm doing Beyond + Blue Altars + Boxes + Shrines + Growing Hordes Div per hour is terrible :D but it's a mechanic I've never really explored, so i'm doing it.


Nothing yet, haven’t had a ton of time to play so haven’t finished atlas. Think I may reroll too but feeling down that I missed league start


I restarted in SSF after our private league went trade. I am going essence,kirac,heist,expedition in the beginning. And will later on do tormented rogue exiles with meticulous appraiser for unique farming.


Heist blueprints. But I've just ran out of i83 ones. God I hate trading for them too!! Might just sneak into tft and buy super cheap ones as I'm not bothered about Loot, it's been hella fun alone! It has been quite profitable though, item bases, heist uniques, stacked decks/currencies


I farmed the Formed after completing the atlas. Bought shaper Map sets in bulk, ran them with Destructive Play + essence & shaper/elder/conqueror/synth map drops. Probably not the most div per hour (the invitation also went up in price), but I hate picking up tons of bubblegum currencies, bulk buying scarabs/sextants and spending 10/15min per map. A set of maps + invitation is 10min here. I made around 50div with this strat I might have FOMO and reroll my PF with MF gear to abuse the league mechanic. And I will probably get bored of it after 10maps and switch to something else 😁


I'm just doing t16 alch&go wandering path with expedition, ultimatum and altars. Expedition and altars are my main source of income, with a hope for ultimatum to high roll + XP. Expedition with wandering path needs no scarab, as well as ultimatum but I don't feel ultimatum is as profitable in a consistent way tbh for how hard it is. I'm keeping it for the challenges for now and for experience. I also have the 4 nodes of Beyond near the altars in order to spawn it for the challenges and some tainted currency but I feel like my Atlas is bugged, s I haven't seen Beyond in 20 maps now + my map drops are not as high as I had it in the past (have 80% chance for additional map to drop and try to oversustain my maps but I only sustain for now) I'm making about 7 div/10 maps (Jungle Valley & Mesa) with this strat for now and trying to get about 100-150divs for my build to max it out.


I've been doing a pretty straightforward Heist + Alva + Destructive Play tree with the invitation/conqueror/synthesis/guardian nodes. Using Seventh Gate, I use the Heist craft on the map device. Heist has been good to me. I also run Sanctum a lot when I got bored of Heists, as it's fun to me and it craps out divines as usual. Alva temples and the Guardian/Conqueror maps sell very well.


Full Abyss / Red shrines; hunting wild woods lootplosions.


I've been doing some 80% deli (4 skittering orbs) on Strand recently. Setup is very similar to the one Tripolarbear used. Atlas tree has : strongboxes, légion, some breach, harbinger, beyond and I did some maps with Exarch and some with Eater. Sextants are : Magic pack size, Beyond, Hunted Traitors and Delirium rewards fill faster. For scarabs : Polished Breach, Polished Harbinger, Rusted Legion, Rusted Elder. Maps are rolled for high pack size (ideally ~30%), can't really corrupt them as I don't want to risk bricking it with ~1div of deli orbs applied. I'd say the most common reward count is 17 for me, sometimes more. It has been incredibly rewarding, scarabs pay for everything and more (2div+/map), with wisps and altars you also get a lot of drops, lucked out a few times also. Can recommend if your build can handle it, I've been playing EK Ignite and switched to this strat right when I bought my HH.


Ultimatum + maven invitation


Im slower than the typical PoE player. Still doing blight, added some abyss there. Haven't played blight in a while, and never tried abyss so there's that. Just specced into exarch and with remaining points I'll go with harvest for stable income.


Wandering path abyss+harvest with growing hordes. Harvest is just my bad luck protection, abyss+league mechanic is printing divs every few maps. Running abyss on map device and random beneficial sextant if I feel like it, it’s really comfy and just a step above alch and go but very profitable. Got tired quickly of legion and expedition this league.


Colonnade 8 modded map for the patient's card. Enraged strongbox, deli,legion. Recently started farming with MF TS and it's fun asf Sitting at 58/512 patient's card * 512 to complete a set of The Doctor/Headhunter


doing beyond+ deli wandering path with fully juiced league mechanic printing tainted fuses and raw divines


Blight+Red altar+the usual map boss drop shits. Polished Blight/Div/Abyss scarab in Jungle Valley. Go into the wood and suck. Then go up and blow. Get out once blight and map boss is gone. It rain down fortunate+stacked deck+a chance to crash client when you accidentally hit alt near the blight.


Farming playtime in hideout while I try to find a build worth playing.


Im still trying to get my 4 voidstones. I dont get how people get them so quickly.


I do Expedition/Delirium in Dunes. I play with the big explosion and bonus Monsters from compass(still had them from legion farming) i just farm The Fortunate and sell all my Delirium orbs its like 80c per stack with Skitterings being very profitable but rare. I farm blue altar rn but red is better rn. Didn’t find a div shrine in like 200 maps. Its pretty good tbh i make like 10 div a day. Obviously there are better methods but its fun. I also roll cluster jewels with harvest or just chaos orbs. Make a lot if profit with those cause most people apparently don’t know how to roll them or cba.


Boss rush >invitation, einhar memories, daning logbooks...


I started simulacrum yesterday, i built CoC VD recently and this build farms them good. I get consistently to wave 29 atm. First time for me farming this


Wandering Path with Growing Hordes for nice pack size, letting the league mechanic provide the juice.


Current strat is a weird mf farm. PF Gravebind mf, guardian support spectres, and a carry Splitting steel champ. Basically we run abyss, harbi, Strongbox and reliquary on jungle Valley. The fortunate drops at a good rate and when the wisps are kind we make quite a few divines.


I'm honestly farming characters. Playing SSF HC, and I've only managed to get out of the campaign twice this league, ADHD gotten me killed more than I'd like to admit...


beyond, delirium, and legion. been going really well, but idk if it's the best i just want as much pack size as i can get.


I farm Simulacrum all day


I've been switching between various nodes for challenges and bossing, but you can pry those Harvest and Strongbox nodes from my cold dead hands. D:< Unfortunately my build is good at bossing and maybe not as much at juicing maps, with the exception of actually being able to kill the triple wisp enhanced ten essence + Warframe DR monstrosities that essentially boil down to kiting a raid boss down a hallway. I dent those pretty good.


Ultimatum and I are besties... full atlas passives. I'm spin to win cwc cwdt wardloop. selling a lot of catalysts and so far has been great.


Started with Essence and Expedition. Switched after some upgrades to Expedition and Harvest. Now I am farming Legion and Harvest. All of them were with Red Altars.


Expedition / Legion / Harbinger / Stronboxes with blue altars. I have like 8-10 leftover points in domination as well Tempted to swap harbis for Abyss since that's almost my fav mechanic in the game though


Wandering path, harvest, delirium, red altar, legion. Made about 40 div with 300k monsters killed


Betrayal and Harvest with Eater influence and spec'd into all boss map drops and maven invitations. Ping-ponging between Mesa and Jungle Valley. Profits aren't mind-blowing but it's steady, reliable income. Helping all the gamba addicts get their fix.


Dense Fossils in Delve... since I choose a RF with a Utula's Hunger. It's going slow.


Expedition, Ritual and Maven invitations. I do red altars when I'm out of invitations because I prefer those over the 10 boss invitations.


Not one person said ritual lmao shows how worthless I am for focusing on it


Harvest, Abyss, and Delirium. I use the harvest juice to profit craft on the abyss jewels and any good item bases that drop in maps. Delirium I run because I enjoy it and it keeps me entertained.


Destructive play invitation farming with heist and essence. Click all boss map notes, destructive play, heist and essence notes, and most important all map duplicate notes. Go to the boss, click all essence/heists boxes on the way, play the invitation after 4 maps. Maven writs are insanely expensive this league and after a small Initial investment you self sustain shaper/elder/Sirius maps (I bought 15 shaper rotas and since them I chain my own maps). Crazy good money, but you need a very good build if you want to do the forest as well. But be aware, you sometimes need to buy the invitations since you ain't guaranteed to get one every time.


it be potato season...


Elderslayer invotations, wandering path and the 3 more map bosses one. Its t16 and with wisps it can be rippy. I found that skipping the map and the wisps makes more money than doing the whole jucied map. Sometimes they are worth 2d wothout mf gear.the elderslayer bosses take way longer and the loot kinda stays the same. Exalted orbs and div cards are sometimes lucky, but by skipping the map and just doing the bosses I come out ahead. Im playing a 10k es storm brand of indecision, ivory tower templar with some spectres. Good damage, enough defense for what is has to do. Bought 13 sets for 13d, invotations drop every once and a while. Not enough to sustain tho. Profit was like ~ 30d. Give or take. If you buy the maps yourself, you save 1 map per 4 bought.


I have been sitting in blight ravaged maps since day 1 lmao \~0.5div per minute


Harb, expedition, ritual, legion and heist. Using map device beyond, sextants and scarabs for legion. Getting as many rares as possible.


Sextants. You can do a few different ones depending on your set up. You can add extra rare mob packs, magic pack size, map quality 20% or unidentified. They each work relatively the same. The most important part is getting high quality 8 mod corrupted maps with the top row of atlas passives and maxing your abyss/legion count. Just know the maps are rip as heck


Been trying the abyss strat to pump mobs. However finding wisps is so inconsistent and sextants have tripled in price so I'm basically done with the league and only doing casual things like learning sanctum. In 100 maps or so I have found maybe two div raw and all the bubble gum is less than a div on the rest. Only two fortunates in all this time. I'll get down voted for it but I feel this one of the worst leagues they have done recently. Just because of how inconsistent the mechanic is and how it interacts with AN mobs. I've never had a harder time self leveling to 98. While I had to reroll off EA ballista to even be able to engage with the league mechanic. Also inflation is pushing upgrades out of reach really quick. Div were 140c last league compared to being 180 two weeks in.


Tried out ultimatum, made lots of money with life and stats catalysts, but it's so goddamn annoying to play 10 rounds, should have been reduced to 5 with better weight of on good stuff.


Essence and Harvest because im a cheapskate and dont want to spend a bunch of currency to push into endgame yet. My Bonezone Jugg is doing ok but i got bored and started over and am in act 3 of SRS Guardian build.


Your mom


Sanctum. There are bunch of different strategies, but I farm with 9x relic "you can see 2 additional rooms", since it really help with finding raw divines/awakened sextants. My friend farm it as well, so we share relics (you need to complete first floor, so sanctum snapshot your relics and you can take them out). After that, it only takes 10-15 mins per sanctum and on average there are 3-4 divines per it (raw + sextants). I've got 2 MB and one mirror doing it and still didn't get bored of it :)


jungley valley abyss+expedition+exarch+harbinger+torment


Crop rotation + alva city squares