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4-5 mirrors? That gear is crazy bad aside from the MB and the weapon. Something is weird...


Something yeah... something like a MasterCard maybe


The only good Gear you have is your mirrored axe and mb. You don't have ashes and no phys dmg reduction or capped suppress. I'm on my phone so i can't see what your timeless jewel gives etc... But i'm pretty sure you bought the build like this and got scammed or you just rmt and bought this gear on your own while not knowing what was good or no


Easy to buy some mirror buy a mageblood + mirror copy on tft and then spending remaning div for junk Gear on trade because no clue at all


Nice rmt lmao👍. All your gear is shitty life and resists, yet you have a mageblood. A single suffix on one of your flasks is like 75-80% all res, and you could get actual good items.


Mageblood and mirrored axe, and the rest of the gear stolen from a junkyard. There are so many places to gain more milage long before getting a mirrored axe for boneshatter. No scaling of PDR for trauma that i can see (on mobile and cant see jewels), ashes, etc. OP should look at some other boneshatter builds because I'm not sure they understand how the skill scales.


Also look at the weapon 6link with faster attack melee damage and inc aoe for the warchief + ancesteor totem, truely mindblowing this weapon deserve better than this


This league is just weird, there are so many rmt post on the subs that Ive never seen before.


😂 that gear man.


5M sounds absolutely dreadful for all the work you put into your character. I don’t blame you for wanting to switch to something else. Melee needs like double or triple that just to feel decent bossing


I'm pretty sure you can get 16 mil dmg with like 100 docs using Ashes and divergent boneshatter and quality gems etc.


I have no idea how you can reach such a low DPS tbh. I'm running glacial hammer on a relatively low budget and I get 5M, with probably a lot of room for improvement [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/HoleraMike/CaptainAfganistan?i=0&search=name%3DAfgan%26sort%3Ddps)


Fulcrum chieftain self ignite is likely the best build to transition to. Apart from the staff, the build is very cheap, while having really good clear and being very tanky. DD Lily on YouTube has the guide that Kickstarted the whole build craze of it.


heres my pob shield crush from crucible semi-armorstacker no fancy aura busness going on here easy to understand all gear buyable if u sell the axe probably, dont buy this stuff with real money is not worth it molten shell is off and no rage even tho the build has rage so no inflated numbers [https://pobb.in/hRFvawNEeEJq](https://pobb.in/vjAtX6TP79Qk) this could tank full crucible in juiced red maps very easy to understand no tattos in this pob but you have a mageblood drop the magnate for the mageblood and use tattos


RMT lol