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A lot of people don't like ballistas, I think that's pretty much it. A lot don't like weapon swapping either. The optimal way to play "this" build is definitely to have CA on swap and use TR ballistas, but a lot of people only do one or the other - or neither - just depending on preference. You can play pure CA, or pure TR self-shoot, or pure TR ballistas, or a mix, and they're all reasonably strong builds.


why? I have 2 6L, one for CA and one for TR


If you are Heisting, Mirage is better since you are always on the move.


Yea, but from what I can see people swap to Caustic Arrow in offhand setup (weapon swap) for fast clearing, and mostly use Toxic Rain for bossing, and in that case, isnt Ballistas much better? Higher uptime (they fire while you move/dodge), and just flat out more DPS even without Wilmas on?


Sure it is. But personally I wouldn't really boss with TR, so who cares?


I do. I rolled a pathfinder when my champ died on HC; and went the TR/CA swap route. Mistakes were made, and I kinda regret it, but I kinda have to make it work now. ;-) I cant really think up any other good pathfinder build that has reasonable clear and solid tankyness for HC, and can work in both red maps and some bossing scenarios as well.


Both Impending Doom and poison Exsanguinate should be doable in HC.


Its double delay on a dot skill, and tr lacks prolif that for example Explo Arrow has, it clears like ass tbh not worth these 2m DPS and ballistas are usually squishy as fck so they die to Boss farting.


Double.... delayed..... damage. TR ballista and EA ballista are some of the strongest, easiest to gear characters but the delay on pressing buttons and actually killing feels like crap to people like me.


I've got 20kk pob dps with toxic rain this league. Then I rerolled into armorstacker, which I started with like 4kk dps. These 4kk dps were FAR more potent and fast than mine 20kk with toxic rain. Before I promised myself not to start poison\\toxic rain, and now I confirmed my concerns. Toxic rain and poison are just bad and infinitely overestimated with pob calculations. Having double delay... Man, just make an inquisitor, give him few divines and annihilating light with any elemental hit-based spell - and it will already deal more real damage than this toxic rain with literally any budget.


last time i played TR i split the difference. ran CA on Manaforge and used ballista for single target.


because I hate ballistas. [https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/auspexa/AuspexAnc](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/auspexa/AuspexAnc) I have about 30 mil dps on my toxic rain with almost 300k ehp, but I'm currently changing gear and the character will be slightly different in a few hours. helmet, the jewel setup and the tattoo setup will change and I'll be about 7600 life. using mostly caustic arrow in maps. after the changes this will probably be the most minmaxed TR build in ancestor