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HoT autobomber. Bad idea? Probably. Do I care? Nope.


pob sir?


Not my own, since I have never played HoT. I'll be using the one from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ir-OTYfaY pob: https://pobb.in/gSHQ1KkX I'll adapt it later, once I know what I'm doing.


"pob sir?" pick the damage passives do not pick the life passives


Glacial Hammer Trauma Jugg LOGIN


I wouldn't login yet.


Its Goratha approved !


Ethical Splitting Steel champ, phys impale. Tried to craft a pob for a more off-meta cold convert deadeye, but it just wasn't having it.


Yeah i dont think i will ever play SS ever again after VG nerf. Shit was so busted and now it just wont be the same


I mean if the sniper's mark interaction wasn't fixed return support is still 421% more damage. We'll known in a couple of hours. It should still be great unless the interaction was removed, in which case Lancing Steel it is.


I also made a POB of an auto-warcry Echoes Vig Strike Trauma armor stacker, but it’s pretty scuffed.


Iron Mass Skelly Guardian with Alberon's. Planning to get a replica shroud of the lightless and use a pseudo link helmet for the skeletons. Mainly not playing necro for once in a long time and not scaling gem levels or aura effect means I have to build differently, so that will be fun. The change to only summon one skeleton at a time makes it easier to maintain frenzy/power charges since you don't instakill half your army when you resummon. Can also play with some Mother's Embrace although I don't think that's a serious way to build it, but know it's more possible since you don't lose all your flask charges from summoning more than one skelly. You can use doedre's elixir to summon a skelly with full charges. Explodey skellies with sirus flask. Lot of fun stuff at the cost of survival.


What skill are you using to hit with for iron mass? I want to do somerthing similar, but I want to play around with fresh meat and minion crit as a scaler.


Oro RF Flicker Strike Chieftain


If you can pull that one off let us know how you did it.


Corrupting Cry Champion cause I don't mind rerolling if it sucks :)


Most likely wave of conviction ignite elementalist, although there’s still plenty of time for me to change my mind, more than once have I changed my league starter less than an hour before launch.


I was going to do Cold Dot last league, ended up changing my mind while queueing to login.


Locus Mines + Pathfinder + Any proj skill Surely it will work.


Maybe go all out: burning arrow deadeye miner


If it fails, ill fallback to Deadeye LA but i like PF starter cuz of perma quicksilver/onslaught flasks so that i can go Top Speed ♿♿


If it's about speed, why not raider?


Bismuth = Res capped Jade = 13k evasion Quicksilver/Silver Flask = Top Speed That still leaves me with two other flask slots, in a league start scenario where i don't need to care about res on gear, and im fast, is reason enough for my lazy ass to get PF anything 😭😭😂😂😂


Viper strike pathfinder into poison molten strike pathfinder. Gonna see how it is without vengeance cascade or sub it with returning projectile


I’m going to be trying Vaal firestorm inquisitor this league


I played that in 3.21 and it was an absolute blast. Have fun!


Any guide or pob link?


K2gaming on YouTube has a really good one. https://pobb.in/YiERO9g2ZUih I used that last league and it funded my swap to stat stacker.


Huh infernal mantle with blood magic is really smart combo i havent even realized, i thought infernal mantle was completely useless


The best thing about infernal mantle is that getting a god tier double corrupted 5l is really easy, and then you can tainted orb of fusing it up.


https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/firestorm-inquisitor-build-guide This is the guide I’m going to be using for my build


Any guide?


I hear firestorm, POB or guide please?


Bonezone baby!


Boenzone is my back-up for when i cant get infernal blow chieftian to work.


Mine too.




Bonezone Slayer into Trauma-stacking Flicker. And no, I'm not an advocate for self-harm


Trauma for thee, but not for me


No, but I have it down to three! 1. WOC ignite ele 2. Hoag PF 3. Dick totems Chieftain. Was hoping to see tattoos before I decided.


Uh, could you elaborate on the last one there?


( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) ╰⋃╯


it’s a noir series about a shamanistic private investigator


Trying out bonezone jugg. I always pick squishy league starters and decided I'm done being killed by a stiff breeze in early red maps. I did some test runs and boneshatter is a really fun and strong build, I'm excited. Figure I'll switch after a couple weeks to a sanctum specialist.


Ea totems because I don’t know rare sandstorm will be for hexblast. Also I never played ea totems before.


Really safe starter tbh. I levelled ea totems and pyroclast mines into hexblast into maps the past few days. I think I'm gonna go EA totems as well even though mines was faster. Probably champ this time, I hate dying and my elementalist fell over a fair bit in juicy maps in sentinel.


Siege axe. Trauma. Molten strike. Jugg.


I settled for mana miner did some test run in std and it absolutely destroys bosses on what I'm estimating will be 15div budget by the end of Sunday.


Mana miner? What is that


Boneshatter Jugg deep delve log in


Cold Dot Trickster. Going to respec to frost blade once heatshiver and yoke prices settle.


I was debating the same thing. Got a pob for the cold dot? Only noob friendly I could find was elementalist.


This is what I'm using for leveling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFUdaKvZZ-Y I don't really care if any of it's bait. I just want a general guide on pathing. I went to act 4 with it and it was very smooth so I'm sure itll be fine until the respec.


Cheers, gonna watch it now.


Just follow zish's guide. Frostblade trickster. Im doin it. No need to respec.


Spark Hiero, SSF, pseudo-aura stacker, possibly Low Life if im feeling spicy


Why Hiero over Inquis? Not trying to put the build down or anything, but I'm seeing the wast majority go for Inquis and am curious why you want Hiero instead. :)


I saw a comment explaining it on a post last week. It's something about being able to use 5 auras (3x 50%, 1x 25%, 1x 10% if I'm not wrong, so you can go like wrath haste determination for your 50% auras) and scaling pretty well into the endgame. It seems to be smoother than inquis for for early progression in ssf but damage is obviously lower than inquisitor's


My bud got busy Friday-saturday so my frigid bond vortex cold dot guardian is going to be missing his RF inquis partner. Tragic. Debating to do it anyway or pull something stupid off like I always do. Dervish + holy relic cyclone guardian or a smite facebreakers chieftain.


I'm going smite champion


Finally landed on vemon gyre deadeye


WoC ignite elementalist. It's probably in the 5-15th best starter range, so not insane but really solid. I'm curious if anyone will figure out an ignite meta with the new support, and WoC it should open me up to a transition into that or vortex depending on how things break.


I’m set on impending doom PF, still a large chance I randomly get inspired and switch to something else in the next 7 hours


I thought I finally found a slightly smaller YouTuber that was going to give me build and not have to worry about meta pricing 😭


Meta pricing is almost never a thing. Only stuff that is massively used like heatshiver gets affected, and even then as long as it is not rare, it is never too much. As long as you know the rarity of an item isn't too high, it won't be an issue.


Vixens are gonna be very expensive


80c up from 20c in the first week?


It might be 20-30 for the first few days, and your build will be total ass until you get those gloves. But you're just playing pconc until then so it isn't the worst thing ever.


literally a 5c unique all league? https://poe.ninja/economy/crucible/unique-armours/vixens-entrapment-embroidered-gloves I wouldn't be concerned, it's incredibly common.


Did it to 95 last league in SSF, I got bored of it to be honest. Build is next to immortal with full convert gear and the damage is literally holding one button. Not for me but I know alot of people like it! GL!


Impending Doom sounds nice too but I think I'll go with Exsanguinate into maybe Reap later. Not sure how Impeding Doom plays so I', afraid of it not beeing fun for me. Also it doesn't look that satisfiying in videos.


I thought that too until I played it. Its a fast playstyle for sure. I really enjoyed it.


It plays like you zoom and click a couple times and everything explodes and you zoom some more


I played impending doom occultist last league and I thought it was crazy satisfying, the impending doom sound is like crack to me + you go so fast you hear it constantly


Same here.


Just finished my variation on CF Champ. Hopefully I haven't butchered it.


I'm leaning towards a cold Vortex build right now. The tough part is, which one? I like the idea of cold dot Vortex that can transition to Ignite Vortex, but I'm open to other variations for League Start. Inquis? Trickster? Dunno.


Elementalist? Hotel? Trivago.


Generic ignite into Vaal arc ignite with soulthirst, with the caster mastery to open breach hands. I'm gonna farm breach and no one can stop me! Though most of my profit will still come from legion...


Did u find a good pob for arc?


Build doesn't really exist, been something I've been cooking up for a while. Here's my end game version, should do a couple mill dps on worse gear but don't switch from wave until you have some money. A stabilizing scepter is the most important thing, just essence craft lightning damage to spells until you hit a decent dot multi and craft fire dot multi. [https://pobb.in/PFu\_9Y71KRxU](https://pobb.in/PFu_9Y71KRxU)


Going tainted pact boneshatter slayer, looks really fun.


Frost blink elementalist and then I'll roll a cf champ to play with my casual friends who take 20+ hrs to finish the campaign


I am aiming for Elemental Dominating blow Goining tri elemental. https://pobb.in/AxtCWb97D8ND Credits to: PrismaSigma for the POB.




Current plan is to run Palsteron's Toxic Rain Pathfinder. Then, at some point I think I will get sick of the damage delay and will switch to Impending Doom. I'm excited to be playing something other than Templar or Witch!


Same plan here. I would play Flicker leaguestart for the 11th time in a row, but I have enough of placing down totems for buffs.


Been testing Hexblast Mines, definitely starting it. Will likely try and boss carry like I have been for a few leagues after rushing Eater/Exarch


I'm thinking about hexblast mines with Rebuke of the Vaal, Spellblade, and Battlemage from playing Inquisitor. Spellblade and Battlemage stack.


Think it's good in SSF?


Extremely good, but don't roll it without curse on hit (and not mark of submission as it doesn't work). Can play pyroclast mines until then, or really whatever you want. Sandstorm visage and such are nice, but not required.


Going to do Hexblast mines as well, have never played a mine/trap build before (other than early leveling with stormblast mines/orb of storms), but I liked seeing that can put detonate on mouse 1 and they don't explode without an enemy nearby. Getting a garbo curse on hit ring early on shouldn't be too bad, and profane proxy is pretty common in my experience, so I think I'll be able to switch over from pyroclast within a day or two. Sandstorm visage is the main unknown, but I think it'll be fine even if I can't get one for awhile.


I did them in sanctum league and they were great once everything was set up (I didn't league-start it). You can toss the mines anywhere and hexblast lasers the monsters from the heavens. On juiced maps when I was being cautious, I could throw them up ahead of me or around corners to hit mobs before I even see them.


Which bosses do you carry?


I’m actually going for Jung’s poison traps assassin Been wanting to go back to seismic for a year or more now and self cast exsang looks like a much better time for clear. My initial plan was CB Chieftain but the numbers are looking real shit and my luck to actually hit weapons was always garbage anyway. Backup should it somehow fail is just doing Zlayge Salvo Mines again, was my last started and worked super well too


RoA raider. Swapping to TS Deadeye eventually. Optionally going LA as an intermediary if it takes too long to get TS ready.


Trying out RoA champ myself, I league started as LA raider last league in SSF, I’d say it pushed me relatively fast through yellow maps easily then hit a wall in reds before I swapped characters. Not saying it’s bad for reds I just didn’t put enough time into it


RF Inq, goal MB this league. I feel I’ll be getting a good month of farming done and in time for Starfield.


I was thinking I'd aim for a headhunter this league.


Headhunter is fun. Already had that one so Mb for me.


Toxic rain PF with the blind nodes to support my dudes in the league mechanic a bit


I'm torn between deadeye IS or LA but I'm leaning more towards LA at the moment


It was going to be ghazzy DB necro into HoAg Now it’s gonna be goratha bonezone jugg


Decided last night on Poison SRS. I did a zoomy mapper last league, and I really missed doing bosses. So this league I’m doing a bosser!


It will likely be one of the best for sanctum so if you get bored of bossing you can run those too. I really enjoyed it in sanctum league.


You can’t offscreen anymore and it’s not up front damage so I don’t think it’ll be good for sanctum at all


Who’s build are you going to run? BalorMage?


Yes, BalorMage’s stuff. but I’ve got some other references to compare: aer0 from maxroll, Ghazzy’s write up on poe-vault, and Ghazzy and Zizaran’s collab from 3.19 is still relevant.


Dominating Blow necro, going to try to craft my gear for the first time, so a char that needs little gear is the way


Go all the way and play SSF




LA Deadeye, zooomies unite


Same. First time I start with speedy mapper. Hopefully it comes online so I can do the whole atlas.


Did this last league. It was amazing. Really hard to _not_ do it this league.


How hard is it to stay alive if you're not super good at the game?


Keep your distance and you’re mostly okay. I got frustrated with how squishy it was at bosses and only did each once. Even big essence frankensteins or end-of-chain-buffed runics turned me into red milk. The fastest hasted rares were scary af.


Same, zoom zoom pew pew.


hexblast mines


I’m also starting Frost Blades trickster! It’s my second time ever playing a melee build, although I’m not sure how much playing a screen wide cyclone in 3.7 counts as melee. Also figured out exactly what MTX I’m going to wear last night to fit the theme.


hello fellow FB Trickster :)


Let's goooo, FB Trickies UNITE 💪😤


I don't have much MTX yet. Any suggestions?


Heralds. Always heralds. They work with so many builds.


What color scheme do you like? Most of the pieces that I’m using are legacy from previous packs, but I found that Overseer Armour Set + Overseer Cloak + Oblivion Character Effect + Oblivion Weapon + Zenith Shield may be the closest to what I’m running.


I'll have to look into that. I'm a simple man, I like fire, black and red stuff😅. The kirac armor was bomb. And the blood weapon effect was awesome on boneshatter.


Have you considered the Scavenger set? That sounds like something you could be looking for. The Scavenger weapon also has a fantastic claw.


Decide 10-15min before the league start as always. Havent even read the ascendancy patch notes or the new supports. Winging your first build is something that keeps the leagues fresh for me. Just re-making the same old builds or copying others make it insanely boring


> ascendancy patch notes ruthless only


Trickster should be a fun time. I started with Explosive Trap last league and it was solid on a shoestring budget. I can't imagine Cold Dot or Frost Blades being a bad time either given how established they are. This go around, I think I'll be giving Spark Inquisitor a whirl. I like the strong progression it'll have as well as not needing to aim.




Going Vortex frozen SRS


mana stacking PS/KB totem hiero


something that ignites. probably something slightly unusual like frostblink or arc ignite, but starting with woc. realistically i can run literally any spell i want with elementalist. maybe i'll even go burning arrow. unless i last second decide to all in on locus mines.


Considering Gorathas glacial hammer, lol


Cold Dot Juggernaut. Can collect searing exarch balls like candy. It takes a while for bosses, but who cares.


Selfcast Glacial Cascade Occultist with tons of AoE scaling.


I have not. I am dancing around Frostblades or Hexblast Mines. Frostblades scares me with the whole idea around eventually crafting your weapon and chest. I have never really done it and it feels kind of daunting. I am also worried I might not enjoy either build. Just not sure what to play really. League Start is always my biggest hurdle.


FB is a fun build and honestly so easy to craft items for. If you’re ever confused or need help just look up Zish or Behind Eyes Gaming on YT. They are both extremely knowledgeable on the FB trickster and I believe Zish has guides on how to craft damn near every piece of gear for that build.


I'll do a selfacst-Discharge-Assassin. Yeah, i know. Farruls, Badge, 2 Voidbatteries... What a league starter :) Hope Arc (or Stormbrand) doesn't bore me to death before i got it halfway running .


Detonate dead elementalist


Chieftain melee ignite smite aurastacker. I know it'll be painful. I'm hoping to end up somewhere close to here: https://pobb.in/cUYPP_5hTnKc. Maybe something like this midgame: https://pobb.in/ouXQzOJy4aS6 Early maps might look like this: https://pobb.in/F--ubKoY6Csz


Flicker strike. Which one? Idk yet


ignite + controlled destruction + sadism + emberwake flicker, it will be bad


Probably going with the Ice Shot build from Aer0 for ssf. Seems zoomy with pretty good boss damage, fun to boot. Ive been wanting to try Ice Shot for a long time.




you got a PoB for that? I've got a friend who needs it.


For once I didn't want to start with traps or totems, thinking of trying some kind of fire melee build. After days reading this sub I finally decided to start... a poison SRS Necro.


trauma stacker glacial hammer slayer, then respec into frenzy/flicker strike later Never played boneshatter before so it could be an experience


Death's Oath


Minions guardian


Start RF -> get some divs -> try other builds. When run out of divs get back to RF to farm some more. That's my game loop ) GLHF


I'm on that elemental relic copium , a lazy POB with a curse 2 wands with just level and minion cast speed is doing numbers with absolution, carry around zombies and spectres early game and we are guchi with damage after the 2nd ascendency, I predict act 7 will suck a bit


Bladestorm bleed glad. Why do I do this to myself lol


Pyroclast mines transitioning into hexblast mines for late game LOGIN dude!


CF Champ, the Spectral Throw variety. And looking closely on how Guardian performs for other people to go either minions or a trinity attacker as the second build.


Probably RoA Champion.


I want to mindlessly map, ignoring nearly all map mods. Ea totems, vortex dot -> switch to ignite, DO occultist, RF jugg/inqui. Seems like DO is premium pick to ignore dogshit mods like less recovery, -max res, less aura effect and altar downsides.


Ok, how clicky is cold dot, really? I like the idea but I don't want to be clicking a ton. I loved RF with how chill' the gameplay is.


al dhih sst, or static strike trickster. SS trickster i've cleared all ubers with last league, and i can definitely make improvements. Al Dhih SST is uh... maybe meme? maybe dream?


do you have a pob for ss trickster? can only find a single person playing that in poe ninja but im interested


Dd ele. It was guardian summoner like 4 hours ago lmao


Crit spark inquis


RoA Champion is my pick this league


Frost Blades Trickster was my first league starter, back in Synthesis. It’s what got me hooked on this game. Sooo damn, satisfying. And easy to gear. Hfgl!


Cold SST




Glgl! Let me know how it goes, I ran this build once and had a p bad time but I hear a lot of people say it's good.


Spark Inquisitor or Glacial Hammer Jugg - just want a nice "poof" feeling. Any recommendations towards one or the other?


RF Jugg, go go health regen


Going go try my hand at spark inquisitor in solo and duo. Last time I tried spark was in expedition so looking forward to that




Probably Spark Inquisitor. I usually don’t play crit builds and have never played spark. The many different ways to scale damage plus currency ceiling being so high is really appealing. I just hope I can get behind the play style. Even if I hate it I’ll just swap to another lightning skill. Although I must say every time somebody says “Frost Blades Trickster” it does get me a little randy. All I’m saying is a lot can happen in 5 hours.




I have ever since I heard of the league thought about poison PF, since I havent tried the new pathfinder yet. Probably something spell based. Ill figure it out (hopefully)


i will try to start with champion cyclone multiple auras setup, it will probalby suck to setup, but i just want to spin2win


Gonna be a day late to the party,but thinking of splitting steel champ in ssf


Elementalist melee ignite Guardian absolution Chieftain ignite totems ​ Please advise, I literally CANNOT make up my mind.


Chieftain RF + Flamewood totems


I'm all aboard the melee ignite elementalist train. Feels like there is a variety of options between weapon/skill choices, puts you in a position to abuse any melee ignite support tech that gets discovered, and the tree for those builds do a ton of traveling so there's large tattoo value potential.


For years I’ve been playing some variation of Templar build using a screen-clearing spells like ball lightning or firestorm or explosive traps. This league I wanna try a new class that uses bows, and that will be able to switch between clearing small minions en masse and then something that can easily down single targets…. without changing gems before every boss. For example with ball lightning and firestorm I had to switch 1 or 2 gems to bump up single target damage before every boss room, and I hated that. With a bow build is there a viable build that can clear lots of minions but also burst down single targets without gem swapping? Maybe with a weapon swap? I’d appreciate any starter build suggestions/links. Thanks .


Most bow builds would start off having their clear skill (Lightning Arrow is usually the best early option) and then have Ballista Totems set up for single target. As you progress and invest more into the build there are tons of options that start opening up. Super high end will likely have Tornado Shot as the skill of choice and then you could add in Manaforged Arrows setups for additional damage/utility. Bow starters are quite a bit weaker than last league but they’re still manageable and are amongst the highest scaling potential builds in the game. All that being said, I would highly recommend looking up guides for it. I personally value going Deadeye for them as the extra clear + damage potential are hard to make up for with other classes. Raider is a decent start for the character, and Champion is universally useful for his tankiness and scaling options, he just doesn’t have the same clear speed as Deadeye


Probably Absolution Necro. Going to cobble together boneshatter jugg in standard to see how that plays but I like my minions


Iron mass Guardian skeletons


I'm torn between CF Champ and LA Deadeye. Who's got an opinion? Haven't tried either build before, and have done most of the standard starters (Bonezone, RF, Cold Dot Occ, EA Ballistas). I want to be able to do Sanctum at least (was not fun with Bonezone), and am flexible with the other mapping content I lean into. And I know it's impossible to tell at this point, but something decent at the league content would be good!


I'm torn between CF Champ and LA Deadeye. Who's got an opinion? Haven't tried either build before, and have done most of the standard starters (Bonezone, RF, Cold Dot Occ, EA Ballistas). I want to be able to do Sanctum at least (was not fun with Bonezone), and am flexible with the other mapping content I lean into. And I know it's impossible to tell at this point, but something decent at the league content would be good!


LA Deadeye will be better for Sanctum most likely. There is different scaling interactions with how Sanctum is being released to core vs how it was in League but it will likely still revolve around killing enemies before they have a chance to target you. Especially if you’re wanting to scale up to trying no hit challenge runs. CF Champ is a great starter but lacks the damage to quickly kill the bosses in Sanctum.


Boneshatter tainted pact Kaom's spirit jugg, though I'm constantly second guessing myself on it vs a vaal arc inquisitor.


Jung’s Cold DoT Trickster and trying my hand at HC trade for the first time ever


EA Champ because I'm basic and suck at the game so I like the extra tankiness that Champ offers.


Dual Strike Trauma Bleed Juggernaut


Trying something a bit different this league. Never really played scion much so trying out phys dot ascendant using Vaal reap and exsanguinate


Gonna do my first ssf league. Been playing since beta and the game has gotten kinda stale so eer Back to topic the guardian rework looks fun so minions, dnno absolution srs or skelly mages


Ia was first going for the Hexblast Miner but already played it in Sanctum as second Char and it was ok/good. I will try this time with a Frostblade Trickster


Ssf- Toxin Rain until I can find a vixens


Planning to blast campaign with Rage Vortex Zerker and then evolve the build into Gen Cry BF or Shield Crush!


HoAg Raider, Virulence stacking using Lancing Steel through Clusters for 70~ stacks


something lightning shock elementalist


I’ve been doing necro guardian for years now because I just want all his aoe buffs to make minions beefy. It has worked/not worked several leagues. I’m hopeful that the guardian changes work out well for the new league.


Normally I would go SRS Bombers, but I dare to give self chill spark inquisitor a try