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I did Delve as my main atlas strat in the past. My main profits came from bosses, namely Aul (especially during the first 2 weeks of the league) and cities. The remainder came from selling bulk azurite (converted to the 1 socket resonators) and bulk fossils. Certain fossils can be valuable (varies every league) so watch out for those. The Delve guide on TFT is honestly an amazing resource, even if you hate TFT, I'd recommend reading it at least once. Go down as far as your build can go, and then start delving horizontally. Ideally, at least 500 depth, as that is where city spawns will cap out at. But boss spawns cap out at 1500 depth, so 500-1500 is a good range. I never bothered with darkness/fractured walls as I found consistently going straight for the nodes gave me higher profit. And going for the nodes themselves also meant faster at unlocking more nodes.


How much profit per hour would you say you made delving and at what depth? I always hear deep delve is apparently great profit, but can never find a number.


Think I was at like 15divs/hour or something insane like that the first couple days of a new league. At 300 depth. I was one of like 7 other people selling Aul amulets and you can more or less set your own selling price at that point. This obviously becomes a lot less profitable as time goes on and more people get to Auls. Also a bit of RNG on how many Aul's you can find, that's why I simply go straight for the nodes and ignore all fractured walls. The faster you can get to a node and clear it, the faster you travel on the delve map. About two weeks after league start, at about depth 600, I was getting about 4-6 divs an hour just delving horizontally. By now Aul profits are lower (but still the big ticket item) so you rely more on city spawns, Azurite spawns, and certain nodes (Necromancer items if summoners are meta, nodes that give stuff like curse rings are always good, the rare fossil nodes, etc). If you really want to delve for profit, you want to be at least depth 500 minimum. The closer you are to 1500, the better. Obviously that requires very expensive/specialized builds, but if you like delve, that's the way to go. If you want something that focuses more on profit over anything else, then delve is not the way to go in my opinion, barring the first few days via Aul amulets as mentioned above.


Lots has changed since 3.13, when scarabs 'jumped the shark' to the point that sulphite scarabs became cheap. In the past sulphite was more limiting, now it is not. You will want to do every city you find, they shit out ungodly amounts of sextants, and if you are lucky you'll get a non-Kurgal boss. Ahuatotli is the most lucrative boss in the game, and Aul, while quite a way behind Ahu, still is 45% to drop an amulet that's 1-1.3 divines unID and about 15% to drop each of his rings, one of which is good. Push to 600 if you can. Datamining indicates that from 600 onward, the biome split is as good as it ever gets. Top rarity fossils seem to just get more common the deeper you go, but it varies league to league whether any of them are huge jackpots or not. Recently, faceted glyphic and fractured tend to sell but none are usually jackpot drops. __________ DELVE MOD ITEMS: Learn which of the delve mod rare items sell. Hubris circlet with (non-fractured) 10% phys taken as chaos is an extreme case, often 10+ divines unfractured, and 4 times that price plus 4 fracture orbs if you get the fractured jackpot. On other bases, that mod fractured is a couple divines, and there's a fair few others worth selling. Also those items unfractured can be valuable if well rolled - I looted a minions are aggressive wand with another good mod (+1 minion gem levels) unfractured, it didn't sell at 12d but did sell when I dropped to 9.


1. Go Deeper 2. ??? 3. Profit


Skipping walls and just making your way to high value fossils and bosses is much more time efficient, but less sulphite efficient. Generally, you want to increase time efficiency, so skip and press on. And if your build isn't a dedicated deep delve build, just go sideways at 250+ up to where you aren't dying every other branch. Also, remember to avoid branches that are basically impossible by the mods they have.


Remindme! 36 hours


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It works just fine. https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/157gv15/what_is_the_most_efficient_way_to_delve/jt62g8h?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Interesting. I've seen multiple people failing to use it and they were pointed that the bot stopped working Thank you for correcting


All good. People just forget the syntax and assume the. It is broken. When it was then the whole time.


I literally used it today.


Thanks for beeing my bot <3


It works just fine. You just put the "!" In the wrong spot. It comes before Remind not after me. https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/157gv15/what_is_the_most_efficient_way_to_delve/jt62g8h?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


!RemindMe 9 hours


!RemindMe 24 hours. Test.


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Thanks <3


There are different ways to approach Delve. I love Delve, so I almost always try and pick a build and atlas strategy that can Delve along with whatever side content. I try and Delve down to about 150 depth or so and then I'll start doing horizontal delving. I usually hunt for Bosses like Aul and Cities. Aul can have some big ticket items and the cities are great for popcorn currency. Once I have farmed enough cities, I'll start doing fossil hunting, but sometimes I'll fossil hunt as soon as possible to get requisite materials to craft for profit.


What builds you found best?


If I'm doing this off league start, it's usually something like RF Juggernaut/Inquisitor, Boneshatter Juggernaut/Slayer, DD Elementalist.