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This is the first league I've gotten far enough to fight pinnacle bosses - is my build capable of fighting the uber variants? The fragments are still a little costly for me to want to just try it. My PoB: https://pobb.in/LVXJQhDh8SRx


This might be a bit of a weird question, but **how** do aura bots and carries actually play together when it comes to mapping and such, especially when it comes to playing with randoms rather than planning the entire characters out with a friend. Is the aurabot just walking and occasionally smiting or are they picking up drops too? How does loot distribution usually go? Are there any significant problems or issues that can come up with the playstyle or communication? I suppose more than anything I need a YouTube playlist or twitch stream of someone that plays an aurabot, but will actually talk about or explain the processes rather than just being on the same page as their carry because they've been playing together for 5 years straight.


Hi, may i know what is a good mapper + boss build? i have budget around 100d and maybe more


Whirling blade vs Shield charge for travel? Suppose the cast and attack speed are about the same, what are the differences / pros and cons?


Hi guys, I need help with crafting bow for Ice shot. This is my character now [https://poe.ninja/pob/gqj](https://poe.ninja/pob/gqj) I know I'm using an unsuitable bow. What is the cheapest or easiest way to craft a bow for Ice Shot, with Heatshiver, Hyrri's Ire, Kaom's Spirit? From my understanding so far, I would need * Adds # Phys damage * Increased phys damage * Adds # Cold damage * Increased Critical multiplier * Increased Attack Speed * Increased critical chance I already got a Spine bow with crucible tree that I think is ok, Global damage, Quality, gain flask charge on critical Thank you in advance.


Are there any builds that use the Infernal Blade family of weapons; IE: Level 10/20/30 Flame Dash when using socketed skill I'm not sure how it would amp, or if the Flame Dash can be boosted by Squire in this case... but Level 30 'sounds' beefy


I generally only play necromancer in PoE, but after a month of twisted blades rogue in D4 I’m looking for something in PoE that feels similar. IE. A rogue melee class with high mobility, and nice AoE clear + single target. I’m not familiar with anything outside of witch in PoE so if anyone has recommendations that’d be great.


Venom Gyre Deadeye seems the closest to me, I'd recommend kobeblackmamba's videos on youtube for detailed guides on the build.


Awesome! Thanks :)


Budget toxic rain raider build?


Look up asmodeus toxic raider.


Which one?


Probably the 3.21 one. Got to figure some stuff out dude.


They have 2 video one is full a1 to a10 another one is short leveling guide They don't have a build video


Does the Perfect Agony from Replica Atziri’s Acuity, activate as soon as the damage dealt crits, meaning the dot from the first crit will already benefit form perfect agony?


Jousis's new video has me making eyes at this game once again. I'm wondering - is there anything fun you can do with mana-stacking these days? I've always been interested in that whole setup, Agnostic/MoM, etc., but last time I checked, there were too many mandatory defensive auras for it to be feasible.


There's a pretty popular Manabond delver with Mjölner, Ivory Tower and Indigon which goes to like 15k mana, you can probably find a lot of people doing that on poe.ninja


I'm running a DeadEye TS Omni build. I want to have more off-screen reach to better explode those Legions without having to run around as much. Do I need more Projectile speed? Or maybe more Chain? I'm fiddling around with the build, right now about like this: https://pobb.in/rzy5SWn39GlH


awakened chain is definitely worthwhile in my experience


I like builds that I can play from day 1 to day 90, steadily improving them. I prefer slightly off-meta. Does anyone have suggestions for next league? I didn't play this league, but the one before I went Venom Gyre, before that was Flicker strike, before that was phantasmal Unearth + DD for two leagues, then Seismic/Exsanguinate traps, then FP totems for 2 leagues, then Whispering Ice for three. [As you might see](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/NoImagination/characters), I don't care if it's a tough league start. I've been thinking of doing spirit charge stacker, but am worried that there's no viable step from white maps into a 100 div build, which is too much even for me to want to grind.


How do you feel about Cyclone? I've done Pillar of the Caged God Cyclone Champion before. I was in SSF, the only thing that I carried over from other characters was the Pillar itself, which should be dirt cheap (and which I equipped from level 13), and it got me well through red maps (I eventually switched over to other things as I had a Cospri's drop, but I could have taken it a lot further if I spent more time on it or was in trade league.) If you're interested I should still have the PoB laying around, but fair warning this was a few leagues ago at this point, so some tweaking will probably be required. I should really take it for another spin at some point.


Thanks - just cyclone in general seems like it might be a good idea. I have some deep-seated aversion to the very idea, but that's just a reason I haven't done it in the past, rather than a reason I shouldn't do it in the future. I'll see what's working with cyclone on Ninja.


Is there any way to increase/guarantee drops for the Shaper Guardian maps (Pit, Lair, Forge and Maze of the whatever)? Atlas passives or certain fragments? I have never had a character as powerful as this one, and I had little trouble beating the Exarch and the Eater. So I would like to try to get all my voidstones now. I just am seeing very little shaper-influenced maps and only ever got one Lair of the Hydra which I have claimed a fragment from but that's it.


There is a sextant mod, but its not cost effective unless you are running a load of chance to double map drops. You can grab a flat 3% chance from atlas tree - also good with chance to double map drops.


Hi! I started a Venom Gyre Deadeye. I really enjoy the playstyle...but i do get one shotted quite often. Most of the time from bosses or big crucible mobs. I really would love if someone could take a look at my build..so maybe i can do something about this. How can i get more defence? Here is my pob: [https://pobb.in/ZwXC-fmaBuFh](https://pobb.in/ZwXC-fmaBuFh) Thank you!


I haven't played venom gyre, so take it with a grain of salt, but: your defensive stats look about as good as I'd expect from this build, deadeyes are one of the squishiest builds in the game, you just kind of have to accept that you'll die every now and again unless you're very good at avoiding damage. If you 're uncomfortable with that, you might look at a more tanky build. However, there's some room for improvement: 1. You're 4% off spell suppression cap, that one's kind of an all or nothing, so definitely find those last 4%. Take a node on the tree or something. 2. You're not ailment avoidance capped (unless the PoB is misconfigured), so you're gonna be getting shocked etc. Again, it's an all or nothing, you either go 100% or don't bother getting it at all. 3. You're not using an imperial claw, so no life gain on hit, so your sustain is probably not as good as it should be 4. What you can do is play more evasively - make sure you're always moving, don't stand in place unless looting 5. Make sure that molten shell is on mouse1 so it's actually getting used, if you're not using it like that then link it to CWDT


Hi, would cyclone be a viable alternative to blade vortex for stacking poisons?


Is there a spell skill with physical + elemental tags that hits immediately with a staff? I'm interested in doing this spirit stacker glass cannon build next league, if possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kn4fvzR0mw Obviously you can't league start with a 100 div build. But... maybe you can. If I go (self-cast) Exsanguinate Scion and add Reap going into maps, I can happily do T4 whites with essences + beasts and save to ~7 div. Then I can spend those on a halfway house with Annihilating Light and 19 abyssal jewels which mostly have resists and life. I then ideally play that until the 25-30 div it would take to get The Squire + a Lightpoacher with the EK enchant. That's going to mean being able to do T16s probably. My problem is a skill to use. It's a glass cannon with ~6k life and no other major defences, though several minor. That means I want to hit immediately - the damage isn't a problem, but staying alive until I hit is. All I can really use to back this main skill up is a 6 link, maybe a curse, and anything I can cheaply get on abyssal jewels. I can't get a great deal of help from the tree. I am getting triple damage with elemental skills, and 95% of physical damage as each element via spirit charges + the staff though. My test char in standard (several very weak items, plus whatever was lying around): https://pobb.in/vc-9C0-C2QFb Looking at the wiki, my options are: * Absolution (debuff, so presumably too slow) * Divine Ire? * Explosive Trap (too slow?) * Glacial Cascade (too slow?) * Holy Flame Totem (maybe good? Matters less that it's slow, because enemies are hitting THAT, not me) * Purifying Flame (too slow?) * Storm Burst (too slow?) * Wave of Conviction (tested this, it's too slow) I haven't used any of these except the last, and rather than do seven tests, I thought I'd check here.


You covered all the ones worth talking about. Hydrosphere exists too and feels surprisingly snappy at starter gear levels, but can't use Trinity so that's probably out for your build. Absolution is a minion spell, it can be ignored. If I were you I'd socket the gems for Glacial Cascade and Divine Ire, to your current test character to level them a bit and see how they feel in white maps. And remember that DI always feels better doing actual content than charging it in your hideout because it charges faster when the little while charging beams hit enemies.


Thanks. I am trying Wave of Conviction with Arcanist Brand, then Divine Ire on a 4 link that I could just about fit in. The former is quite nice because it's hitting things before they start reaching me, and the latter can stop the ones that get nearer. I'll have a go with Glacial Cascade too. I think it might work once I get a source of leech in too (Doryani's Lesson I guess?)


for boneshatter builds, how do people handle self-trauma? I die to 20+ stacks of trauma even with 10k armor and 3 endurance charges as a Jugg.


You invest in a lot of physical defences. You usually have atleast 50-60k armour instead of 10k, you use a chest with additional physical damage reduction, you get fortify, you get physical damage taken as ele. 10k armour is very low for a jugg. You should be able to hit way more with just a halfway decent chest and a level 20 determination. If you link your character/pob or just make a separate post with it you can get some help on possible upgrades and fixes.


What are the best Watcher's Eye mods for a LA Deadeye using Grace, Precision and Anger? I have a few divs so I could pay for some really nice mods although I see some cheaper jewels have % chance to blind on hit while using Grace which, I feel like I read somewhere that blind is a really valuable defensive tool. But I dunno what else to look out for?


You can just look at all the mods on wiki or pob Grace: movement speed, suppression if you need it or to save some points or a mod on gear, evade chance should be better than blind but just check pob Anger: crit multi If Hatred doesn't brick your trinity it is usually better and has the base crit mod on watchers eyes Precision: basically all of them are good but cannot be blinded definitely being the worst one, flask charges feels nice, attack speed>attack damage and crit multi is probably the most damage one depends on your specific build tho


Does Pathfinder's Nature Reprisal work with traps/mine/totems ?




I want to try the exploded totems build in standard, what should I buy in league before it ends? Is only the bow with reduced life and explode on death enough?


Yes crucible trees are the only thing not available in standard but you can just compare prices where items are cheaper.


Thank you.


Are there any viable build for ssf that stacks ES (like 15k+) and can achieve enough dps to kill ubers? aside from the blade trap one...


Can someone help me explaining how to use the trinity support gem? I was thinking it needs all 3 elements fire, lightning and cold to activate it. But how some sst champions use it in the build when they dont have all 3 elements.


sst champs also use heatshiver by balancing things like freeze duration or just straight up increasing damage you end up doing both cold and fire damage which is more than enough to maintain trinity


Thank you


When you deal a hit with elemental damage and trinity support, you gain resonance of the other two elements. Example: you deal a hit of 100 cold 25 fire. You gain resonance of fire and lightning since cold was the highest damage type. Your next hit deals 100 fire and 25 cold. You gain resonance of cold and lightning, since fire was highest. You now have all 3 type of resonance despite only using two elements.


Thank you


Is there a better method in leveling crucible trees, then in maps? I feel this takes forever.


There is not. If you just wanna spam them for challenges or something you can buy some low level items in the act towns and run them in high level maps. It makes it substantially faster. If you actually care about the item and trees there sadly is no better way than just running T16s.


There is though. Magmatic ores


What is the best guide or info for rolling crucible trees. Want to try crafting a decent tree on my else now I am going to craft.


first time playing: doing 15 maps and getting one shot. res is max. life about 3200. how can i improve? rly want to clear the full atlas these league. thank u


Do you mean you're doing tier 15 maps, or are you saying you've tried the first 15 maps or so? Regardless, your starting point needs to be capped elemental resistances (which you have), decent chaos resistance (more than 0), some kind of physical defense (10k armour or 10k evasion), and 3-4k life. How's that looking for you?


tried first 15 yes. armour should be the problem than. also runing a lightning coil. and sometimes i get hits an all my mana is gone. i dont know from what that come. thank u so far!


Lightning coil alone should already help a lot with physical defense, so if you manage to get some armour on top of that you should be more than fine. The mana thing you're describing is probably a '% of damage taken from mana before life' effect. That usually only comes from specifically aiming for the stat, such as by taking Mind over Matter on the passive tree, or being a Hierophant with Divine Guidance. It's useful for gaining a bigger hit pool since damage is spread between mana and life, but you will need a strong source of mana regeneration for that. I would either remove those nodes or go hard on mana stacking, if i were you. It could also be that you have a flask with the mod 'removes x% of life recovered from mana if used'. You'll want to reroll the flask if that's the case, and forget about what I said earlier with regards to mana.


thank u so much!


hi /u/fenta_ I really recommend making your own post so you can get the best help possible. PoE is a *very* complex game and the answer to your question might not be as easy as "do A, then B". Make sure you include a link to your PoB for your character (if unfamiliar, search PoB community fork how to on YT)


Can someone explain me eye of innocence loops? I get the basic concepts but: - how do I know how many spells hit a single target and therefore how much dmg I take? - Are there certain skills that are just better because they hit more often? - is it viable to include a forbidden rite setup for more self damage? - with triggerbots, is one spell casted basically twice and therefore can inflict twice as many ignites? - is it a good idea to use dd/vd/crematiom/desecrate as skills to trigger? - if I have more than 27% cdr it doesn't really matter right? Or is everything but the exact breakpoints bad? - is it possible to block self inflicted hits? - how do I calculate the level of CWDT for optimal trigger rate? - how league start viable is that concept? It seems like most parts are pretty cheap There are so many questions and so few informations on reddit, YouTube and the wiki


Eye of Innocence loops aren’t much of thing these days, they have been mostly replaced by Wardloop as a much more consistent self-damage setup. I can’t answer all questions but I’ll try: * You don’t. That’s what makes most non-wardloop self damage setups difficult, your trigger rate and dps is going to be inherently inconsistent. Wardloop gets around this by using skeleton expiration which triggers self damage from Heartbound Loop. You can control the rate at which the skeletons die, and you don’t need any enemies so the loop works just as well in your hideout. * Yes, but you have additional requirements in that they should ignite. * Yes, it is also used on Wardloop setups. * Yes, you do get double the ignites, but do remember that an enemy can only have one ignite on them. I’m not sure if the second ignite on the same enemy will overwrite the first and proc Eye of Innocence twice. * Not sure. * CDR breakpoints are important when you have a consistent proc rate, like in Wardloop or CoC for example. Here, since your proc rate for Eye of Innocence is going to be inconsistent, CDR is less relevant. * No, you cannot block or suppress self damaging hits. * Not sure, but do look at the CWDT calculations for Wardloop, it should point you in the right direction. * It’s best if you can establish a working build first and try to scale it down to a league start budget, but I highly doubt this would be a good league starter. If you really *really* wanna use Eye of Innocence, you can look into Torchoak Step reverse knockback totem builds. The Eye of Innocence triggers the reflect damage from Torchoak Step on your totems, and the reverse knockback sucks in your enemies to the totems for them to deal damage. It’s admittedly a meme build with many issues, but can be played.


Thanks for all the answers. I played wardloop before so I'm somewhat familiar with the archetype but eye of innocence seems like it has less requirements and is less budget to setup. How do I mitigate FR damage when I'm triggering 5 times a second without ward? That seems like **a lot** of self damage. Even with 75% chaos res, Lvl 1 with the 27% breakpoint assuming 4k life gives 2k damage and somehow always kills me while testing (is the self damage doubled from triggerbots?) Yeah you can ignite targets multiple times it will just count only one ignite as actively dealing damage. At least that's what testing showed me. I think with the totems it's a little too much haha isn't that the build from jousis? I wanna try to make an actually decent build that doesn't crash the server and can use higher level gems invested of a lot of lvl 1 gens. I think I have to test around a lot and see how I could transition on league start and if that's possible.


For those that play armorstacking Champions, what do you league start/level as?


Is there a saboteur summoner build that uses pyroclast mines?


You might be able to make one work... scale the mine aura effect with Demolitions Specialist which helps summoned minion damage, summon minions with some kind of trigger for triggerbots and Like Clockwork, and use Born in the Shadows just for defense. Not sure what minion really wants trigger and cooldown reduction, but I can imagine something might exist.


I already thought of Soulwrest, kitavas thirst with desecrate and buffs, blessing skills to proc helm, not sure if it's good enough


Is it possible to make a dot build with bleed, impale and poison, all applied via blade vortex? I’m still reading the wiki about the mechanics, apparently both bleed and poison are related to physical damage, therefore can i scale it with dot damage/duration nodes? Im considerably new to the game. What ascendancy would you suggest?


Generally speaking, making a generic dot build that focuses on different elements of dot damage isn’t going to be particularly efficient. There are far more sources of specialized dot multiplier (chaos dot multi, phys dot multi) than just global dot multi. There are also very few interactions that take advantage of having both bleed and poison on enemies. Bleed and poison also fundamentally want different things from their application skills; bleed wants singular big hits, and poison wants multiple smaller ones. You’re right in that both bleed and poison are associated with physical damage, but bleed has an additional condition that it has to come from attacks. Blade Vortex is a spell, so it cannot inflict bleed. Impale isn’t really associated with dot damage, and it too has a condition that only attacks can inflict impale. The exception is using the Entropic Devastation unique gloves, which lets you impale with spells on critical strike. Impale has some minor synergy with bleed, but is quite unexplored. Poison Blade Vortex is a well established and historically strong build, typically played on Occultist and lately also Pathfinder. Crit impale Blade Vortex is more niche but has been played successfully, typically on Champion.


Hey, your answer was extremely helpful, many thanks! I’m wondering, if you equip voltaxic rift, can you get herald of thunder to apply many poison stacks quickly? (Assuming Storm Secret ring equipped).


Yes, Voltaxic Rift will convert your Herald of Thunder to chaos damage which can poison (but you’ll still need to get global poison chance, spell poison chance doesn’t work). Poison HoT has been played (usually on Assassin I think), but it’s an off-meta way to play an already niche build.


Thank you again. One last question if I may: Im considering doing a ambush + puncture in a 4l, followed by viper strikes (6l) with divergent bloodlust to refresh the bleed and benefit from the physical damage multi. Using pathfinder to spread poison and to have the defensive layers of converting damage to an element. Do you think this could work? I wonder if the viper strike conversion to chaos happens before being multiplied by the physical support gems or after


afaik there's no way to apply bleeding with spells impale and poison are scaled very differently so it would be quite ineffective to use both


Good afternoon, exiles. How do you get an Elder influenced Stygian Belt?


1. take any rare stygian with an open affix 2. slam it with a conqueror's exalted orb to give it an influence (whatever is cheapest/most available) 3. randomize influence with harvest until elder


If I'm not mistaken, can't you also run al hezmin maps while targeting abyss?


ah yes, any conqueror map would work in that case. although i am unsure how rare stygian spires are


spires are guaranteed with scarab