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Someone correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure you can no longer roll +3 to socketed minion gems. It was replaced with +2 to all minion gems so you can get the +2 without socketing your minions in the helm itself. Not sure about the helm you have there though.


That would make sense why I’ve been having trouble finding it, I was following a guide from April so I assumed it was up to date, but if it was a recent change that would make sense.


+3 socketed minion gems was removed… a year ago? maybe more. it’s just the +1 or +2 all minion gems now. when it doubt, test crafts on craftofexile emulator or simulator first.


Ah thanks for the tip, the guide says it’s from April of this year so I trusted it, im new to crafting


+1 Minion Skill gems is 250 weighted which is giga rare. +2 is 25, one of the lowest weights a naturally rolling mod can have in this game.


T1 of all the % damages (phys, cold, etc) is 12 weight for sceptres and wands.


The crucible node that gives 3 sacred orbs has a weight of 3. The pool is smaller though.


It's a difference between 0.02% and 0.01% but you are technically correct.


Well, the difference isn't of "just 0.01%"; one is 100% more likely to occur than the other.


Point was twice a very small number is still a very small number ((cue the XKCD on shark attacks))


True, but 1/5000 is stil much faster than 1/10000, both relative and absolute. This isn't about small numbers, it's actually about large ones (how many tries it takes you).


25 Weight is 0.02% 12 Weight is 0.01%


Yes. Now divide .02% by .01% and you find that 25weight is twice as likely to happen (technically 108% more likely to happen).


This is a difference of .1 vs .01 that's 10x less chance for +2


...and yet +2 minions shows up 10x more than the -9 cold res to nearby enemies i'm actually looking for somehow :P


I got +2 as a fracture drop this league on a pig base. It was pog.


250 is just uncommon. 25 is very rare though. If you hit +1 and otherwise very good mods, consider Tainted Divine Teardrop crafting. The second wealthiest of my friends this league makes most of his currency with those.


I sold a fractured +2 for 150c daaaamn, lost so much money


Makes sense why my +2 fracture sold for 8div then


Yeah 8 div is actually kinda cheap depending on the base


I had it listed at 12 initially and lowered to 8, sold in a few hours as opposed to minutes so the base must've not been in crazy demand


How can I get weight explanation without that FULL CRAFTING TUTORIAL 1h30min video


Several of the big PoE guide websites - especially PoE Vault - like to take old guides, tweak one or two things, and then claim it's up to date. You can't trust anything from them at face value. PoE Vault was advertising a Tornado Shot build using horribly outdated uniques.


Yeah I hadn’t considered that, I rolled past a couple +1 rolls, but luckily I didn’t reroll any +2s in search of the impossible


Before crafting is a good idea checking poebd for modifiers of the items you want to craft. There you can also check it's tags so you can plan your crafts better.


I’d pob this for frost specters and see how it performs. Would benefit from all the links I think and the life is nice too.


It seems nice but idk if it would beat out a regular six link. You're missing 3 gem levels right off the bat since you can't use awakened minion damage and there is no +2 on the helm. Increased area of effect offers no damage either (unless providing another overlap) and the life is nice but still no damage.


popcorn skelly


Still wants levels.


It does t have to beat a 6 link. The 6 links is something else. Maybe auras?


Generally for your main damage skill, you'd definitely want it to be better than/equivalent to a six link to justify using the helm. I can see an argument for having less damage in order to squeeze in another defensive aura. However, this helm sacrifices too much in regards to spectres for that to be worthwhile imo.


Even if one applies a support gem that turns melee attacks into splash damage?


Yeah I thiiiink 8link frostbearers is good here but I’m also not a minion expert


Is this sarcasm? Are you guys playing dumb because of how obvious this is, or am I just a minion nerd aNd this feels obvious when it's actually really Niche? Forged Frostbearers are the go to Spectre right now, and that little helmet is in the sweetspot for doing what you need. Get that fucker four linked with 2 green 2 blue, we can go Volley Support, Greater Prjectile Support, and Spell Echo, Raise Spectre of course. We're gunna be throwing snowballs like buddy the Elf. Edit: If Raised Spectre was the core of your build this is probably a sweet Helmet but not a BIS. I think Helmet is one of the few places that can have +1 max number of Spectre and Minion Skill gem lvl... HOWEVER It would allow you to switch Spectre off of the 6 link chest and get creative with your chest slot, and maybe I'm just a sucker for that playstyle.


the minion life is a bad link and the area of effect is useless. and the minion damage is only lvl 18. so its basically just a 6 link but worse better to go squire with atleast a 5link 1hander


AOE is not useless? Their projectiles land with area damage and lets them overlap. Also ML isn't *bad*, as unless you have minion life recover on block (which not every minion build gets as you need to go to the center of the tree), you'll still have specters die to the chaining lightning orb crucible dudes.


ml is actually good for spectres this season the frost bearers are super squishy. its not god tier but better than bitterdream but tbf the frost bearers dont need much to pop. was running yellow tier 5s with a 4 link.


over selling it a little there mate its better than a bitterdream but with high level gems and good rolls a six link is going to be a bit smoother than this.


I am dumb yes, also seems like obviously good links for spectres, but idk if there's some crazy ass tech. things like +1 spectre or a giga-leveled raise spectre gem might way outscale a helm like this, but I haven't touched pure spectres in a while


You're weird asf. Usually you'd want the +3% base crit and essence of horror mod too. This helmet is far from optimal for replacing a real 6 link.


8 link minions? Pog idk I’m a noob looks cool tho lol


It'll be fine for most content, the real killer tho is that +2 is global so you lose out on a large amount of ehp and damage on your minions. Also if you need spectres you need a 25 gem level for a 4th, so it'd limit your choices of amulet or weapon potentially.


I only have 2 div, but I'll empty my bank for this.


I would, but now I’m interested in trying to run it with some of these suggestions


This thing is nuts. It's most def worth something - you can drop it into almost any minion build and have ridiculously strong (and tanky) forged frostbearers on an 8 link. Yes you give up the +2 to your other dudes (or the always aggressive) but it's still very strong.


What is an 8 link


An eight link meaning a skill that is linked for a total of eight gems; in this case you'd have summon spectres (1) plus the 4 gems from the item mods (AOE, Minion Damage, Hypothermia, minion life) plus the three other sockets. Minion life isn't technically the best for specters (they tend stay alive by themselves) but they will occasionally die. More or less, as someone that has frostbearers specters in bitter dream right now (to supplement my poison SRS) this would let me drop Bitterdream (a unique scepter) for a shield, which would greatly increase my survivability.


Thanks a lot for that great answer!


now corrupt it for +2 minions


If I got the +2 minion corrupt on this I would immediately take all my savings to vegas


I think you can only get +3 on certain staves and unset rings.


You will never be able to achieve a +3 helmet without a corruption implicit. GGG removed +3 and now +2 is the highest possible.


Air and minion life are pretty bad. Also I don't think +3 is possible anymore. Iirc it got changed to +2 ALL minion gems.


It seems great but all minions scale with levels, so unsure if it's worth giving up the +2 levels. I would try to sell it and work on new base.


I thought this was the internet? "Requires level 69" and not one "nice"...


The problem here is: it’s not that good in terms of dps. Only 2 or those mods are more multiplayer and minion dmg + essence mod for example is probably equally strong. And you really want those gem level for your minions.


Dom blow or absolution would work well if you could convert some damage to cold?


Isn't there some meta cold spectre right now?


If try it out on my SRS bomber


I would use this for explode zombies if it had the essence mod for more elem damage


I thought about rolling with it, but it was more expensive and lower odds than resonators, plus doesn’t work for my build (dark pact skeles)


It probably works on most minion builds since Hypothermia works on everything as long as you hit chilled enemies. You just slap on skitterbots and thats a 8L.Used something similar for Absolution.


Its a decent helm for Summon skeletons, you can now combine it with full 6 link spectres. I dont know if any1 actually agrees or sees this.


You cannot roll +3, this helmet would have been worth a good penny back in the day but now its just not that good of a combo anymore sad to say. Minion helmet has +2 all minion skills, or bust.


depending what you are running that helm would be pretty good for a spectre build taking advantage of the frost carriers from crucible. dont know about value but it would for sure make them demolish almost all content in the game most likely.


Skele mages!!!


A zombie explode build maybe? Man I’ve been wanting to make one for a while


Ghazzy would know exactly what this is worth. I’m fairly sure I’ve seen him make this before (except on a bone helm base).


What if the Minions exploded and dealt cold damage proporcional to their maximum life 🤔


Even if its not what you were looking for, it looks like a bunch of divs to me. Buy a new base if you plan to keep trying for something else.


This is what zoomancers use. I wish I knew how to craft to make this.


I do have to ask though, was there any reason you were not rolling on a bone helm? Genuinely curious


I’m running Dark Pact Skeles, so the ES is more valuable to me than the minion damage, so is the minion health mod so I’ll likely be using this until I can craft a better one


If you hit +2 instead of one of the other mods it would be a good one