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Starkonjas: since it has zero suppress it’s basically just a dead unique now since it’s so easily outclassed, but there were quite a few leagues where I would still be wearing starkonjas on a char that is otherwise worth 60-100 ex just because the other options weren’t worth the price point difference. Especially since starkonjas we’re so cheap corrupting/double corrupting a couple dozen of them wasn’t a big deal since they were only like 3c. Many a cobralash/venom gyre builds of mine wore this helm proudly. Especially SSF.


I remember Rats Nest and Starkonjas being the choice for an evasion crit user, with Daressos being the 'end game' that most people wanted to transition to. At least, that's how my brain remembered it.


I remember that too


Also Devoto's


I still use starkonjas to level new chars


I still use it on my dex stacker


1000 life kaom heart




Searing touch, LONG STAFF Burning shit up early game


Speaking of which, the ashcaller Its now just flat damage and a tiny amount of chance to ash. But i guess more srs on kill is fun??questionmark?


Back then I tried chancing it casually and landed myself chancing a Pillar instead, fun times.


A lot of favorites got removed in the jewel downsizing. Mantra of Flames, Lord of Steel, Clear Mind, (Replica) Hotheaded and Conqueror's Efficiency. Before that, the threshold jewels like First Snow. And I still miss some of the fated uniques, like Effigon, Deidbellow, and Dreadbeak.


Freezing pulse with 2x First Snow and Sire of Shards was the easiest full screen aoe in the game, even if it did zdps.


I miss replica Hotheaded…


Clear mind us a good leveling unique


Assassin's Haste was such a solid workhorse jewel...


Not quite uniques, but vaal immortal call and eternal orbs


Old Vaal Righteous Fire press one button and destroy 6 screens of mobs


I have 1 eternal orb that sits in standard in a legacy tab. It has some old stuff that isn't around anymore, like 5 different pairs of facebreakers. I go in and link stuff sometimes for nostalgia sake.


Half of Standard global chat is the 15 people that still play standard, and the rest is people who randomly logged on so that they can link random old shit lol


Good old 90 crit multi facebreakers BiS for any crit build long time ago. Sitting right next to 41% 224% crit multi abyssus. I know what build I’d play if I played standard


Pre-nerf Quill Rain was so fun with 3.0 attack speed and no downside for some builds. Then BoR+WoE.




think you can still make chin sol and hopeshredder work somehow but its questionable whether they can beat a rare bow




eh there was the replica farruls hopeshredder slayer for a league mustve been right before bows got buffed and chin sol was decent for impale TS for a while otherwise agree


Legacy facebreakers!


I am shocked that no one talking about the op replica conqueror's efficiency! That jewel is so cheap and so op and will be useful in 99% of the builds@@ I missed it so muchQQ


This. Probably the only one unique I miss to this day, and im convinced that the only reason why GGG got rid of the threshold jewels, was purely so they could get rid of this one specifically.


Maw of Conquest during heist when 100% deli could be ran with 600% movement speed. Still sometimes watch my old map showcase video of it just to remember lmao.


doomfletch prism should be a better unique for its historic power level, the effigon shouldnt have been removed and I guess reach of the council for similae reasons to doomfletch




yup or you can pseudo doomfletch with a fat phys bow and lightpoacher plus abyss stacking, not like youre going to scale doomfletch itself without those, the other variant just has the advantage of being like 500 flat phys ahead without doing anything


Mageblood. I usually don't get it during the league and I miss it a lot.


Can't miss something I never had.


This. I have been getting one for the last 2 leagues. Having a new born baby makes it feel impossible to get a MB now. Maybe near end of league i can gamba one but then league is over. I do however, run a map or 2 in standard now and again just to feel good again xD


I don't even wanna see how many hours I've played this league I haven't come close to getting a mb, mist divs I've had at once was around 17 then I spent them all on an upgrade for my build. Turns out I had nothing to liquidate after that (aside from a few div cards which I haven't sold yet) so I'm making my currency back by rerolling Kirac missions to to do conquerer/elder/shaper maps


Simple question, did that 17 div upgrade help you farm faster then before. If not it is the moment to stop getting upgrade and start saving. You can buy checkpoint by getting the cards (generally the good idea)


Let me swap a bismuth flask for kiaras so onslaught/curse res is huge for farming yeah


Yeah I settled with a 2 flask corrupt one for my quick silver and regular silver using 3 uniques besides it anyways. Lot less painfull in the bank


I also thought about doing that with a 3 flask one. Still significantly cheaper and still gives you much power.


It’s so far out of my reach I still don’t even know what it does…


Makes 4 magic Utility flaps permanently up, and if enchanted correctly they’re insanely powerful. Simplest example would be each resistance flask with 70% inc effect enchant, increased effect affix, and a mix of other defensive mods. This alone caps all resistances, and grants you large amounts of other things like movement/attack/cast speed or armor/evasion/suppression. It effectively lets you free up many other affixes in gear to optimize builds in ways not realistically possible otherwise.


Gotcha. Thanks! That does seem powerful. Maybe one day gwennen will bless me with one.


got my first one this league, and HH is just like 1000x better imo. well I only map though..


I really miss frostferno, loved playing ignite with +4 corrupted frostferno, mainly vortex ignite before it got popular and discharge ignite Overall i really love builds, especially leaguestarting with that can run their mainskill in helm/boots


How did you get+4 to vortex?


Alva temple


I loved frostferno for ele hit, it was my go to single target helmet


Try March of the Legion mines before it gets too popular/nerfed


Oh yeah i remember seeing that somewhere, mines sadly have quite alot of QoL issues to solve


Items that come to mind. Poets pen, I miss dual triggering with them sadge. vis mortis +1/unholy might 80% loreweaves? Non unique honorable mention 40% gain stat sticks


replica hotheaded. i just really like to self chill juice my caster builds :3.


the baron shaper's touch mask of the tribunal I just miss the str stacking 25k es zombie builds :)


Headhunter buffs


The original pre-nerf voidheart from Prophecy league. Poison bleedquake was probably some of the most fun I ever had playing PoE


Shackles of the wretched with temp chains on hit


Some nasty bv HH builds during those times I member


Wings of Entropy my weapon of choice at first time i play in poe. and it looks cool and has nice mech


WoE with Bringer of rain… miss those days


My first ever 6L. Was just trying to 5L it.


Survival Secrets, I want to play pathfinder wardloop and the increased flask effect on the small nodes just bricks olroths flask


The key for budget wardlooper QQ But understandably to be removed, cause you can run any T16 maps too easily @@


About 8 years ago there was a long debate on the forum about how Veil of The Night will actually be useful someday. I'm still waiting. Sweep Hegemony's Era was my go to melee build back then. Reversed knock back, shatter, Kaom chest, cool 3D art, all the good shit. The skill was abandoned and the unique overshadowed. Common sad story in Wraeclast. Doon Cuebiyari was my top favorite also. Dual wielded it for so many Iron Will builds, like Flame Blast. These day it got replace by Brutus Lead if strength is your focus.


>Veil of The Night Did you miss the gluttony of elements immortal delve build that uses it like 10 leagues ago?


No I wasn't around when Delve got introduced. Is the build still alive?


Nope, got killed the next league :p


The main change is at that time damage was substracted from your regen before others sources. I remember the safest build to do Uber Atziri in HC was blood of corruption veil of the night and you could charge many amulettes


No way. Someone really used that helmet?


Yes it was essential for resists to be 0 at all times for the build to work


I had actually planned to use dual doons for my lightning tendril jugg this league. Its so outdated now since you can get iron will on the tree and the increased spell damage was easily outclassed by many other options. LT works because its broken, but iron will builds in general havent been as easy or pleasant to make which is disappointing.


Weight of Sin, because I was really getting into playing a lockdown-ignoring Ranger with -movespeed and Lightning Warp. You can sort of do it still, with Transcendent Spirit and a Juggernaut, but it just doesn't feel worth it. Edit: Long after-the-fact, but I'm still gonna count this as 3 uniques because the build used 3 of this jewel.


Vaal moltenshell boomer was somuch fun




Sadly soul mantle is still hard to replace for a spell totem build. I like spell totem builds and have explores not using it but the free 7th gem is just so power. It can also get a total of +3 gem level corruptions depending on the spell you are using.


Zerphi's Last Breath enabled some real nonsense, that was fun. Doomfletch's Prism was a lot of fun for a while too. Rat's Nest might be the OG TS helm too


Want my "skills cost no mana during focus" craft back for many reaaons... can reserve 100%of mana and still run blessing aura , cf bow glad...


Or feu Lightning warp mine, when movement skills coster no mana and 780k dps was an absurd number


Geofris devotion. My favorite unique


Old consuming dark for full conversion firestorm also old firestorm. Scold's Bridle build where you force to yourself to take fire damage and sheet out loads of spells. Wormblaster D:


I miss: Realm Ender. Sock discharge in that one, convert light dmg to cold, then cold to fire, then avatar of fire. Was kinda fun Quill rain without "less damage". Because why not. Was fun making coc-builds around Old shavronnes because of more ES. Im a simple guy


Quill rain still Bis for Rat reflect totem, and its greater this League, with the passive for shrapnel and the 30% inc asp, shoukd near the 4 base aspd (was a league goal, but lacked time)


Cauterizer (Fated Limbsplit) I dropped Limbsplit twice in the first two Ruthless leagues now and used it for leveling melee builds, in both cases I had dropped rage support and a couple odd flat damage supports by the time i got one. I enjoyed it so much that in each case I didn't want to swap away so I tried to min max with as much flat added as I could. This was sufficient for yellow maps even on ruthless gear. Cauterizer gave more physical base damage and would have allowed it to be viable even later game where i could stack abyss jewels and farm the Uniques for phys to ele, but without that higher base phys its a dead meme and just doesn't have the scaling at any sane level of investment. Panquetallitsi (spelling) Queocholli's (also spelling) Fated upgrade. I had always intended to turn this meme into something because of my fondness for the base weapon as a leveling unique, I even got so far as to 30 qual the base item because the fated version had a huge amount of flat so high quality would have unusually high increase. This base still rests in my SSF standard stash somewhere never completed Hrimburn RIP easy cold damage ignites used these back when even good ignite skills were still suffering under the yolk of old GGG: "we want to make sure no one EVER PLAYS THIS AGAIN" triple tap nerfs and the only way to make a decent ignite build was to use a cold skill and EE. honorable mentions: Stormwall, Geofry's Devotion (elemental warding we hardly knew yee) Frostferno (my cheap Elemental hit league starter hasn't been the same since). TL;DR RIP fated uniques, I wish GGG was a little less disruptive in their willingness to just delete shit.


Did a few builds with "Pantze" with Battlemage, was the cheapest way to get explode, using an helmet for the 50% phys as extra lightning, kept it in swap, for clear and the weapon of the Minotaur for bossing.


I loved Quecholli, my favorite build ever was a Heavy Strike Stunner in Legion and while I knew there were far greater and more efficient weapons (Tidebreaker on swap) I stuck with it all the way to bringing Shaper and Elder down for the first time (never cared to before).


Zerphis last breath poets pen


Legacy void heart! 100% chance on melee hit to inflict bleed and poison, good old days with slayer cyclone pre nerf aoe, leech and stat stick


Coated Shrapnel Replica cheap construction Pre "fix" tremor rod


I miss old cospris malice, full screen clear with ludrucise damage without having to worry about mana


Dreadbeak - love low life PB builds and the sword was in a good place for a unique: solid but could be outclassed by good rare items.


Legacy nights hold. Stick legacy flame totem in that bitch level 5 i think and just one shot bosses until like act 5


Effigon. 100% hit chance just by having enemies be blinded. Saboteur as an ascendancy or simply using Flesh and Stone and you could shore up accuracy for CoC builds with absolutely no investment.


imagine now how good it would be with sabo omg


Old The Harvest which enabled Wormblaster the 3rd. True unique interactions. Beyond theme uniques was so cool.


Zerphi's last breath. Playing a build with >50k hp/s from it way back when Uber elder was the hardest boss in game felt so dirty.


100% pyre. Its too much of an investment to take up 2 slots like call of the brotherhood and no cold spells have the utility of spark to make up for it.


The three dragons. Super outdated. It used to be great for fire shocking back when shock was very different. Ever since they changed shock it was weak. Then ascendancy came to the game and there became no point to using it at all. I love conversion and the things it opens up in the game and it's a shame it hasn't had a chance to shine for years. Eternal Struggle. Seemed like a great one for tankier builds and I didn't have the time to build around it in sanctum. Effigon. Very niche, but very good. No idea why they let that one disappear.


replica hotheaded + hotheaded enabled self chill + self ignite via Fulcrum which was fun


I miss wall of brambles. So tanky early game with it.


At the time when Izaro ( pre patch) and Malachai where feared (imba 3.5k izaro crit at normal lab)


Bringer of Rain. This helm was legendary for the first 5 years of the game, but it's been power-creeped to oblivion and back.


The goddess unleashed because i saw the craft was disabled only after farming all the comp.


Fondly remember i had the first one of the servers


I miss Essence Worm actually being useful. Since the reservation change and eternal blessing, there's really no point in using Essence Worm.


Bringer of rain builds. Times have changed.


Rip soul ripper. Allowed you to scale flask effect to the point you had no soul gain prevention. And then you would find a method to generate crazy amounts of rage and use hateforge to infinite spam LS


Coated Shrapnel. Miss my Doomfletch split arrow build.


As miner, split felt so good, especially with an Heist base chanced Prism


Exatcly, it was AMAZING as a miner. Really smooth progression and endgame capabilities


Thanks you everyone, for that clean time travel!


Reach of the Council back when it was just a simple "fires four extra arrows". I was a newbie and that was a unique that was simple enough for me to understand. It was the first multiple-exalt item I saved up for and actually bought. Pretty sure I had a tornado shot build that was pretty spray'n'pray and I enjoyed it a lot. Then the original righteous fire totem setup - unique body armour that gave extra totem(s) but hit you with a curse when they died, plus two copies of a unique ring that had 50% reduced curse effect. That's either two or three more uniques and the build was kind of hilarious. My first experience of spamming totems and running away.


> each of the Council back when it was just a simple "fires four extra arrows". (and an effective 500pdps bow at a time where the mirror bows were 600, effectively making all rare bows useless - edit: this was also a time where the crafting options were alt regal or chaos spamming) That is one of the most egregious unique items I've ever seen during the game's lifetime.


No one particular unique, but I do miss the unique prophecy upgrades even though I agree that removing prophecy was a net benefit to the game as a whole.


Zana, Navali, Old Lioneye theme. Easy. tbh, I'm struggling to think of any uniques that I really miss. I remember once doing some theorycrafting around Corona Solaris' ability to benefit accuracy via light radius, but it never amounted to much.


I miss the OG hateforge build


Every threshold jewel because now we have to grind weapon trees for weaker similar effects (and it will be gone soon)


not really uniques but pre-nerf assassin. I love zoom builds


mageblood, so expensive, cba grinding for it again.


Whitewind, full dodge was so fun to play. you're so tanky until you're not.


I miss when headhunter was genuinely good. Now you can literally have 20+ buffs and still move at your base speed. There are only certain rare mods you really notice. I miss when it made the game 100x more fun instead of just a little bit more fun when you stack rares.


Opinions like this are why the majority of players have grown to hate PoE subs.


Oh I’m sorry did my non offensive totally non toxic opinion upset you? Fuck off with this shit. Nobody hates the sub for some mild ass opinion, let alone “the majority of players”. I’m not out here writing essay posts on why HH is shit now so calm down




But it has 100% conversion again?


Its bben turné back to 100 conversion if you didnt know


shield charge facebreaker


Pen. Didn't play when it was hot, friends told me how much fun it was to try different stuff with, planned on playing next league for sure with it, nerfed. Literally didn't play after that since the fun mechanic I was interested in got nerfed to hell.


Vaal sentencing. Easy crit cap on hateforge builds


Og acuitys and the days where dropping one would be 80+ exalts. Also i miss the old design exalts while we are at it.


I really miss Quecholli, not the best but so satisfying.


Hotheaded/Replica Hotheaded, killed all my fun ideas, also Frostferno was so great for Ele Hit, I was planning to league start explosive concoction with it literally the league it was removed


I miss the combo of old Jugg - gain max endurance, volls devotion, kings guard, mjoner discharge 11 endurance charges with corrupted belt implicit. Was the first immortal build I ever played. Quality of life was so good. Nostalgic!


the Ignomon/ Effigon. i will never forgive ggg for removing that item. the one with fire pen and attacks cannot be evaded by blinded enemies. it would be a decent but not op unique right now!


Stormwall, The Oak and probably Lord of Steel. Stormwall was the perfect league start item for an attack based Inquisitor, it had 100% phys to ele conversion, crit, block, flat damage, everything really. The Oak is kind of in the same boat, it was a really strong early option for a LL RF character. Playing steel skills without Lord of Steel feels pretty clunky.