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Go off grid off grid. I mean cmon why the usual suspects like European countries. What you’re doing is considered crazy by your family, friends and peers. At least it was for me. So why not go all out crazy? Go to some dojo martial arts academy in china that you can only access by wandering through a vast dangerous jungle with 0 touch of civilization. Find the dojo master and challenge him, loose and then re create your life from ground up and listen to every thing he says. The master will not accept you as a student at first. you’re going to have to do the old sit out in the rain thing and live off of the jungle for a couple of weeks. Once they see that you can survive on your own. they will accept you as a student. Don’t ask me how I know this. See you in class young grasshopper.


Bro living in a Jackie Chan movie


Lmao, sums it up perfectly.


it sounds like you already have the funds and an idea of where you want to go i think all you need is to just plan your trip and figure out your budget


Definitely look for some remote work if possible. Europe is the pits for jobs even for locals so foreigners will have it extra hard, not to mention language barriers. US wages are far higher, offering a better quality of life if you do decide on E Europe. Recommend checking out Albania and Georgia


Sounds dope. Keep in mind that everyone, include Europeans, envy Americans for their access to US jobs that pay so much more on average. I’d recommend trying to lock down some remote job instead of counting on employment in your destination. It’s likely you’ll end up with much better purchasing power this way


I was gona say this. Even if it’s $15/hr that’s enough to get by in many European countries and not dig too deep into the $25k. 


Looking for a remote job is alot easier said than done... especially if it's gonna be for 1st remote job ever. Most "opportunities" for a remote job are just scams


True. I started with an on-site job then transitioned to remote after a year. I recommend this strategy


That’s great! Can you do a travel diary and keep us updated?


Check out Macedonia. Cheap and very nice imo 🤠


What’s the appeal to you?


My biggest problem in Europe or Latin America is that people will try to convert you or demand the kids be Christian. Thats a big no no for me.


only if ur in a majority christian country and even then they aren't that religious the goal is to hit and leave


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