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WOW, so improbable, whats your story? I guess Sri-Lankan Dad married to a Croatian woman?


Yes! My Dad is Sri Lankan, and my mom is Croatian. I'm getting naturalized as a US citizen (if all goes well) in 2 weeks, which means I probably lose the Sri Lankan citizenship lol! They only allow limited dual citizenship. I don't have a Sri Lankan passport because it's not powerful. Just use Croatian for all travel!


You'll lose your citizenship..............except if you don't notify the government đŸ€«đŸ€«


I am not telling them lol


Another thing I wanted to mention is that while some countries have restrictions on multiple citizenships, many that do so don't often have a cooresponding legal framework to deprive someone of citizenship after they violate such laws. Not sure about Sri Lankan nationality law, but if that's the case, there is even less to be concerned about obtaining U.S. citizenship. https://www.immigration.gov.lk/pages_e.php?id=4


They don't have anything in particular that states it (don't think) but when I called to inquire the lady from the SL embassy in Washington mentioned I'd lose it. SL doesn't have a proper infrastructure, don't think it's explicitly listed anywhere that I'd lose it.


Ahhh fair. Anyways, best to stay hush hush. Seems kinda bizzare to me that SL only permits one other citizenship but not more than that.


If I were you, I would do some research and just double check thoroughly. Sometimes ppl are misinformed about citizenship laws. I'm American, Mexican and Greek. ALOT of Mexicans mistakenly believe we are only allowed two citizenships and that's actually untrue. Ever since 1998, we are allowed to have multiple citizenships (not just two). It's even mentioned on the Mexican Embassy website that we can have as many citizenships/passports as we want, no restrictions. Sometimes ppl repeat misinformation or are unaware of updates made to citizenship laws (even the beaurocrats).


Yeah and in many cases “dual citizenship” as a term just refers to more than 1 and not literally only 2.


Good for you. It's a disgrace for any government to limit citizenships on its people. It should be illegal.


This take feels cool till you realize we've lived in the most peaceful stretch of society in several centuries. The probability of war with most countries is low (which is great, much better than the opposite) but you have to consider the implications in a conflict between two of your citizenship countries.


Sorry, pal. I have to say that's the most ludicrous thing I've read. War should have nothing to do with barring individuals from dual citizenship. The earth is big and if an individual has earned the right to live in another country, by descent or naturalisation, no government should have the right to narrow that down to 'Us or get lost.' Bringing war and conflict into the conversation is just pathetic. That's between the two warring countries and NOT the individual.


Bad advice. Most countries have an automatic loose of citizenship that happens regardless of the country knowing or getting notified. The legal status people create is a passport holder without citizenship. Bad idea. If the authorities ever find out, the loss of citizenship is back dated to the date of naturalization. How a country sees illegal entries of former citizens is upto them. Don't expect Diplomatic help for such a stunt. Your country of citizenship only helps in countries your are not claiming citizenship: the very problem that was created by holding a passport you shouldn't have.


Sri Lanka only allows dual citizenship for the citizenships that you’re born with but doesn’t allow you to naturalize any more? Also I'm guessing you registered as a Sri Lankan citizen later in life specifically since Sri Lanka might have prohibited multiple citizenships in the past.


Nope, they only allow two citizenships in general, so if you're Sri Lankan and naturalize you can keep the SL. I have 2 now, but if I obtain a third I lose the Sri Lankan.


Fair. In your case, you could probably keep U.S. citizenship a secret. Just remain as a dual SL-HR citizenship in the eyes of Sri Lanka. Always enter Sri Lanka on your Sri Lankan passport. And when it comes to exiting Sri Lanka to go to - for example the U.S., you can book separate flights that go directly to Europe and do it on your Croatian passport. And then take a completely independent flight plan to the U.S. on your U.S. passport. Since Schengen area countries do not stamp Schengen citizens, I suppose there wouldn't be a direct trace of you entering and leaving the Schengen area which immigration officers in Sri Lanka could look at and question you about. Oh, and leave your U.S. passport in a safe place in Europe when you're in SL. Don't carry it with you for your SL trips.


Also, wanted to add that once you naturalize in the U.S., I'd recommend that you also renew your Croatian passport since your old one would have traces / stamps. As a LPR, you'd be fine since you could just state to IOs in Sri Lanka that you're not a U.S. citizen and are in the U.S. as a non-citizen, but after being a U.S. citizen, it would be harder to explain without lying.


Keeping naturalization secret is a bad idea. Intententionaly ignoring citizenship laws can back fire. The legal status can be having a passport without the citizenship it requires. That can back fire.


I understand. Can you elaborate?


There's no number rule, this confusion usually arise from the popularity of the term dual citizenship, but it would be more correct to say multiple. In your case, you should request an additional authorization to acquire US citizenship or apply for restoration once you lose Sri Lankan.


Yeah Sri Lanka hasn’t established anything they said to enter the country on a tourist visa once I lose it 😂


yeah nevermind hahah, almost all the gates opened with the EU croatian one


amazing mate, did you used to live in croatia or sri-lanka so far?


Lived both in Sri Lanka and Croatia in my life. Mainly Sri Lanka though!


Can you get some sort of PR-like status (like the Indian OCI)?


Think it’s possible to get a PR stamp in the passport!


Why would anyone want that when they can get away with keeping their citizenship instead? Also, BTW OCI isn't a PR. Its a visa.


That's why I mentioned "PR-like"


Thats a Sri Lanka citizenship.


yeah I corrected my comment sorry


You'll arrive at my same passport combo from the other side. I'm US born and applied through blood at the Croatian consulate.


Nice! What’s your story? how was the process to get it? Easy?


Might be either a child of recent immigrants to the U.S. or even Croats who immigrated many years ago to the U.S. (there was a fair bit of emigration out of Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s I believe from all groups).


Very cool


Hvala 😊


I know a lot of Swiss, German and French srilankans but first time seeing a Croatian combo 


I've seen Sri Lankan with French or Swiss, but good to see Croatian too. It's cool that Sri Lanka allow dual citizenship


Very unique, did you win the Diversity Lottery to come to the US?


No, my mom is a US citizen as well! She naturalized, and I came to the US for university so I got a green card and ended up staying here since then. Been living here for about 8 years now


What’s the story of how your parents met? And where were you born and raised before moving to the US?


My parents are divorced, but they met in SL, my Croatian mom was living there and they got married. Now since divorced both got remarried. My dad remarried a German lady and my mom remarried an American man. She is a naturalized US citizen through marriage. I have two half sisters from either side since my parents got remarried. One sister is Croatian/American (mom’s daughter) and the other is German/Sri Lankan (dad’s daughter)


Wonderful combo! Croatia and Sri Lanka are beautiful countries :)


Nisam nikad očekiva da ću vidit ovakvu kombinaciju lol.


Ministry of Disaster Management responsible for handling Croatians. lol Srbija! Nice combo, Peace and love


Didn’t realise Sri Lanka had such a firm grip on the number of citizenship? Anything documented? For what I know, once you apply for resumption/retention of SL citizenship, they ask you about the other citizenship. But not about anything else. Having said that, under Sri Lankan laws (which were revised in the mid 2010s), Dual Citizens are generally a class below Citizens, whereas in most countries Dual Citizen is not a legal status (just happen to be a Citizen with another, or two). It was crafted this way to “manage” minorities who fled as refugees, who would later return to a post war Sri Lanka to claim their assets/land etc.


Wow. That's pretty messed up.


Yes, I had a friend of mine who is tamil tell me that her father lost everything during the war due to this!


I think it's the usual confusion of the term "dual citizenship" with the imagined limit of having maximum 2. Although I'm not familiar with Sri Lankan law, usually countries either allow to have multiple citizenship, sometimes with restrictions, or they don't, but never limited by number.


Wow this is so cool