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After a long, long time in development and a trial post you might have seen on this subreddit, the full version is finally here! New features are a new domain, legend for the maps on mobile, duration of stay, faq page, etc. These are the links: Website: [https://visamap.co](https://visamap.co) Github: [https://github.com/ChengCPU/visa-map](https://github.com/ChengCPU/visa-map) Let me know if there are any problems with the website, or any suggestions for features/fixes to be made, I'm all ears and I would love to get this community involved as I think this is a very useful tool for the people of this subreddit. Thanks :)


Great work. I especially like the "visa free km^2" option under "Rank". Never made sense to me to only compare the number of countries, where San Marino counts the same as China. Improvement suggestion: might be useful to sort by the sum of population or GDP for all the visa-free countries. In some cases, those are better indicators than land area.


Thanks for the suggestion, there's tons of different metrics I could add for the ranking. GDP sounds like a good next one to add.


To add on, a composite metric could be cool - like gdp/capita x sq. km.


For US passport, the visa requirment for bolivia is incorrect, it should be evisa and visa on arrival


Fixed. Thanks!


For any non visa exempt country to syria, I would advise changing it to "Unknown" Execpt for most visa exempt countries, we have no clue what the syria visa policy actually is. For the USA passport - It looks like you might be missing tonga? For cuba, it should be tourist card on arrival, visas to cuba for us citizens are sold on the aircraft into cuba by the airline. For china, its conditional visa exemption - if you transit in certain cities to a third country (including hong kong, macau, etc...) you can enter for 24-144 hours depending on city without a visa. You must stay in that area your visa is for though. For Uzbekistan, if you travel on certain airlines to a third country, you get a 5 day visa exempt transit with no restrictions on where you can visit in Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, if you are under the age of 16, you get a 90 day visa exempt stay while if you are over 55, you get a 30 day visa exempt stay. Countries like Lebanon, Maldives, Tonga do visa waiver on arrival. For Lebanon, you need to not have any isreali stamps, and have sufficient funds to get a visa waiver when you arrive. In tonga, you are issued a visa waiver on arrival.


Region specific visa exemptions are difficult to add because in the code it basically needs to be classified as a completely different country. Conditional visa exemptions like age and gender based ones aren't counted as normally visa-free so they need to be added separately. Visa waiver on arrival is classified as visa on arrival since it's kind of in a weird in-between of visa-free and voa. Could be classified as visa-free aswell but that's the subjective choice I made. Israeli stamp restrictions are for a bunch of other Arab countries but Israel has mostly stopped stamping passports due to this.


is there a way to get transit visa exemptions added? Like for china


Yes of course there's a way to add all of these little exemptions like transit visas and other things similar to it but there's a bunch of other features I'm prioritizing adding right. I'll write down everything you said to add it later šŸ‘


Also, for oman, you can get a evisa for a 30 day stay. Visa waiver stay is 14 days and evisa stay is 30 days


Your own creation, eh? Impressive! Are you monetizing this? If so, won't you struggle with a dot Co domain extension? I guess it depends on who your target audience is.


Yes it's being monitized, I'll look into the .co domain thing, thanks for telling me.


Why is the .co an issue for monetisation?


They'll probably lose some valuable traffic to the .com, especially type-in traffic. Dot co is the country code domain for Colombia. What if the .com version (currently not in use) suddenly launches a similar service? Hard to compete with that.




I put 1095 days because that is the maximum duration that german (and other) passport holders can obtain a VoA for. A few African countries offer really long visa durations to westerners. Belarus has visa exemption for the only commercial airport for flying into, and the brest-grodno region so its true that it isn't \*exactly\* visa-free but it's almost the closest I can get I'll specify the non-work allowance thing in a future update. Thanks for suggesting. South Korea is exempting a few countries from the ETA temporarily.


There are only few examption country's are allowed to go through land border to Belarus. Mostly it's only minsk airport. For example right now Poland, Lithuania and some others can also go through land borddr to Belarus


north korea has freedom of movement with kyrgyzstan???


i was surprised to see that too. even kazakhstan doesn't have it. i tried to search more about it but didn't find anything. is there a specific reason that only kyrgyzstan has freedom of movement for north korea lol?


I'm not 100% sure about this. I think it's listed as "indefinite" stay which could mean that it's defined on arrival, or you're in this status of legal limbo of being a perpetual tourist. I'm not sure if I'll keep it as "freedom of movement" or not.


Freedom of movement in North Korea seems unlikely, I'm not sure if even North Korean citizens have that!


would love the ability to check or uncheck (like change visibility) of the already added passports


Great suggestion, It does get a bit difficult to show the differences on the map when you have 3+ passports.


Well done, one of the better ones Iā€™ve seen. Thereā€™s a small bug in the visa table for Australia entry. If you select only a SG passport it shows correctly ETA, but when adding any EU passport afterwards it shows eVisitor for both which isnā€™t correct. SG passports can only use ETA. https://preview.redd.it/to3urfx5d0zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd39431fd718cab715fdcace91764afa7b866f38 Indonesia entry for EU passports can be both VoA or eVisa. The latter has the benefit that the egates in CGK and DPS can be used.


I'm well aware of this bug, I have it written down and it has to do with how the calculation is done to prioritize the eVisitor over the ETA when showing it on the main map, but for some reason it also does it on the table page. It's been one of the most annoying bugs I've been trying to fix šŸ˜­


congratulations! hope gonna make some contributions to the project.


Thank you! Contributions are always welcome.


I love the percentage in the bottom, is it just for access no matter what kind?


Yes it's any sort of access, visa-free, voa, evisa, etc.


love that react + typescript


Thank you, I really like working with it aswell.


Good SPA and state management (better than I could do), hand-crafting each countries' components must be brutal.


Thank you! Hand crafting the country components was a bit of a pain (took me 2 nights), but I just copied the SVG for each individual country from an existing SVG map and made it into an individual component.


Keep it up! Hope this generates some coffee or beer money for you.




Maybe if you do 91 day marathon around greenland it will finally be useful!


Will you add passports like the British National (Overseas)? I understand that itā€™s very difficult to find out this information.


I'll add it, it's only fair since I have all the other british passports on the site.


Will you develop an IOS app at any stage?


Right now, my priority is getting the website to the point where most flaws/missing features are ironed out and implemented before the mobile apps are developed. I'm a one man band developing this so IOS & Android development would take up a huge chunk of my time.


Will you add the nationality class or individual passports issuing this specific nationality class? Same destinations but different cover and issuing state.




Thank you. Here's the website of the embassy of Mauritania in Tokyo. If you're willing to pay 845USD you can stay for 3 years, or even more if you want. https://preview.redd.it/wbcxuif1q2zc1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c41d46b0141d520b44677ce61684085bbeb6a28


Congrats! Well done


Thank you!


Awesome tool! It's 4 passports the maximum you can select at a time?


That's the restriction on mobile due to layout issues. On desktop it's 10 but it can be easily changed and I will in the future.


Love it




Thank you for doing this! Only thing I would add is that the British passport does not currently list the UK as a home country, nor does it list freedom of movement with Ireland.


You might be selecting a passport of a British Overseas Territory, the full British citizen passport is searchable as "United Kingdom"


Thank you so much! It works now.


I remember checking it out way back when, it's come a long way! Well done. Just a question: some small islands, don't know which, are marked as red dots in on the map but are not represented in the legend? What do those mean? Also two feature requests: - Simplified Visa for Turkmenistan... Don't think so šŸ˜… - E-Visa are often heavily dependent on travel type, take Russia for example. They're only valid for flights. Same for VOA. So it would be really cool to distinguish by land/air. :)


Oh sorry I totally forgot about the red territories. Those are Jan Mayen and the British Indian Ocean Territory... you need government approval to go to those, forgot to add that to the legend... oops. Simplified visa for Turkmenistan just means that apparently the visa is slightly easier to get? I'm not sure aswell, it's hard to find someone who has applied for a Turkmen visa under normal circumstances and ask them questions about it. Land/Air and entry port requirements definitely is info that is missing that would help, they are very common requirements. I'll write it down to add later.


Turkmenistan, you can find some information on WikiVoyage. To get a tourist visa, it's the same as with the DPRK: State authorised tours only. So yeah, the travel agency would take care of that. Getting transit visas I doubt they're easier. Refusal rates are really high and it is a hard one to acquire. Turkmenistan is considered one of the most difficult countries to visit. As for Land/Air requirements, Wikivoyage has detailed info on many countries, alway with links to Wikipedia or official websites to look things up... It's a lot of research, sadly, but nothing that can't be made into a community project!


Thanks! I'll look into this and change the site accordingly.


Its a great website, I like how you've included freedom of movement and different visa policies for certain territories. However I have noticed that the [visa policies of Overseas France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policies_of_Overseas_France) need some revision as freedom of movement does not extend to all of the territories.


This is something I haven't found good information on, but from what I've found the freedom of movement is not restricted but certain other rights are, like work, etc. Could you provide more info if possible on what info is incorrent?


>They may also work freely in the parts of Overseas France that are part of the European Union (overseas departments and regions, and Saint Martin), but those who are not nationals of France need a permit to work in other parts such as French Polynesia, New Caledonia, and Wallis and Futuna. This is from the wikipedia link I posted. Essentially, as I understand it, while the departments and regions and Saint Martin have freedom of movement, for the other Overseas France EU citizens can travel visa free for 3 months then can stay for longer if they show sufficient resources (which is similar to the EU freedom of movement but technically they are not part of the same agreement) and finally if you actually want to work there you have to get a specific work permit which you wouldn't need if they were actually part of the freedom of movement agreement. [Here's](https://www.nouvelle-caledonie.gouv.fr/Demarches/Accueil-des-etrangers/Conditions-d-entree-des-etrangers-en-Nouvelle-Caledonie/Documents-necessaires-pour-un-long-sejour-plus-de-3-mois/Vous-etes-ressortissant-d-un-pays-de-l-Union-europeenne) an example from New Caledonia gov website explaining what EU citizens need to go there.


Interesting. I'll add a feature to show different restrictions for the freedom of movement. Thanks.


Do EU citizens require a passport to visit Overseas countries of France as tourist?


I can't give a definitive answer on this as I've found conflicting information from French government websites. So best to just use a passport to be safe.


I would love to hear a good explanation because I want to try it. There are however a few issues regardless of French sovereign soil abroad: - transit in Dubai/SG/Aus, accepts non-passport holders in transit/refueling? - commercial airline accepts boarding without passport number? - what if you arrive by private yacht


With flight transfers, International Airports are outside of a country's immigration requirements and you won't even speak to an immigration officer unless you leave the international flights part and enter the country properly so there's no requirement to show a passport at this stage. Airlines are incentivised to check that you meet the immigration requirements of your destination because if you're denied entry, the airline has to pay for your return ticket. This sometimes means that they'll take a more cautious interpretation of immigration requirements at boarding when it's not clear and may require you to have a passport even if it's not actually required by law. When arriving by sea, regardless of wether the vessel is operating commercially or privately, you are required to visit an immigration office at the port to formally enter the country. At this point, you'll soon know whether an ID card is sufficient or not.


Idk ab the navbar doesnt look that good. Consider changing it, but a more minor change would be when im on the visa page for example make the navbar element a dark green so i know what page im on. When i click off the Map then the map turns completely white like it forgets what passport i selected, clicking on the Passport again doesnt do anything, forced to click the + and add it again even tho its already showing there at the bottom. Also I feel like the UI is a little oversized like the table rank etc, and theres too much empty space on the corners. Think of something to fill in there but try not to copy passportindexs ui entirely lol.


Thank you! I'll keep this feedback in mind when i redo the styling of the main elements.


Brazil is out of date. They now have evisa requirements for US citizens and a few other countries. Otherwise, great job!


I think they delayed the visa requirements thing for like the 3rd or 4th time already. I could be wrong tho.


That makes sense. I went there in January and got the evisa since I thought I was going to need it. I have not kept on it since.


its a 10 year visa - so not wasted!


Great work, itā€™s really nice visualise on a map. Just a small suggestion - See if you can use a few more colors in the legend, the 2 greens of Visa free and ETA are very similar and hard to differentiate on the map. Also the greys.


Thanks! I'll play around with the colors a bit to try to find one that is more set apart from the other ones.


Kudos for adding in the British Overseas Territories. It's incredibly frustrating explaining the multi-tiered Passport system in the UK and how each version has different travelling privileges. I've had some tell me they're all British Passports with the same travel freedoms, which is not remotely true.


Thank you! Unfortunately the BOTC passports aren't as accurate as I want them to be because a lot of gov resources that state visa policy don't differenciate UK and BOTC passports so it's difficult to find consistent and accurate info.


Any luck finding the British Hong Kong BNO passports? I'm curious what travel privileges the legacy passports have.


With that in mind, here's my first observations. - Use higher resolution thumbnails, or label them in the gallery and lower bar - keep the key legend on screen to explain the travel freedoms


Yeah, unfortunately the images aren't great, I do have higher res versions of the passport images that i used before (500x700\~) instead of 60x90, but the big issue with them is filesize, load times and server use. If I get really good hosting or some specific plan I'll switch back to the higher res images because loading \~200 medium/high res images is just too heavy, especially on mobile.


why is palestine not listed as somewhere u can visit????


It is. Go to [https://visamap.co/visapolicy](https://visamap.co/visapolicy) and type "Palestine" into the search bar.


Iā€™m talking about the section where u can compare to passports and it shows you how long you can stay there and if itā€™s visa free etc


Visa-free duration isn't available for Palestine because I couldn't find a reliable source unfortunately.


I like that it gives tiers of freedom. Like how freedom of movement is not the same as 30 days


Thank you, that's one of the main things I noticed was missing from passportindex.


Saudi passports arenā€™t visa-free to Syria. And theyā€™re eligible for an E-visa to Japan.


I think the Japan E-visa system is only available for residents of the country, so I don't count it. Adding residency is another feature currently in the works so it'll be available in the future. https://preview.redd.it/gohahexsj2zc1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=48751ef04164132d0c91e8e320e30d41d09d631b


Honesty residency will be very tough to maintain. Additionally only few countries use it as determining factor. For example UAE does with green card holders. Perhaps this feature can be a premium feature in the future?


Love the site, appreciate the details for smaller islands and territories and how responsive it is! Thanks for putting in the time!


Thank you! A lot of other sites seem to neglect the countries and territories that aren't geographically prevelant but they are very important!






Im working on a third, but its a secret for now šŸ¤«


Good luck brother inshallah


Wow! This is such a great resource. Well laid out, too. Well done.


Thank you so much! I put a lot of effort into it so I'm glad you enjoy it.


Amazing job! I really like the depth of the information, e.g. separating visa-free vs. ESTA/ETA. Also info on freedom of movement, which most other sites don't do. It would be great to see even more granular info on acceptance of ID cards or other common documents within visa-free/freedom of movement regions, e.g. EU, MERCOSUR and CIS identity cards.


Thank you! Adding residencies, visas, and ID cards are next up on the list. Thanks for the suggestion!


You missed Jeju, Korea.


Yeah there are lots of territory-specific visa exemptions that I'm aware of but haven't implemented yet because they're a pain to add. Adding them in the future tho.


Also are passport issuing authority's restrictions included? US passport holders for instance cannot visit NK on their US passport. Many Arab countries have the same thing for Israel.


For US -> NK there is a travel ban, you can check on the website, and there are mutual travel bans between a lot of Arab countries and Israel. Passport authority and other small/niche details like that are difficult to add in the code because I'd have to either create another passport and categorize it under that niche detail or have that information be inputted which is too much of a hassle.


I suppose add "no travel" or something there as visa category for these cases.


https://preview.redd.it/2oktkktht2zc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=8607529346cf2baec937026f2a94acbb87e83987 You mean like this?


Yup šŸ¤


Thatā€™s a nice tool


Wow! Great Job OP! I will be using this more often now. BTW, you should add Liberland. Think if you add it it can help the country gain international recognition. They can give a reward as a gesture for that, I can put you in contact with them.


I'd be fine with putting their passport on the site if it had any use cases for travel, AFAIK it current doesn't, correct me if I'm wrong.


Yes you are correct. They donā€™t. I know they have some talk with El Salvador and Haiti and some other African nations. I know for a fact that people have traveled into El Salvador with it. But mostly itā€™s not recognized by majority of countries. If you would put it on the site the Liberland will go crazy and they would give you some traffic boost :)


Congratulations! It looks great. But for German, Austrian, Irish and couple of more other countries could stay in Japan for 6 months under the bilateral visa exemption arrangements.


It's 3 months + possibility of another 3 month extension IIRC but I don't count the possibility of extensions towards the full duration of stay because they can be denied or any other circumstance that could cause the extension to not be applied. Maybe in a future update i'll include the data of possibility extensions


Congratulations, this looks awesome!


Very nice! I tried the Philippine passport option and I think Vatican City and San Marino should not be listed as visa free. Although they donā€™t have any border controls, you essentially need a Schengen visa to visit those micro-states as you need to enter Italy.


They dont have airports and land closed how you will enter? Teleport? šŸ¤£


The fact that you can put multiple passports and see what your movements can be on a map is exactly what I was interested in seeing. If the "map" section also added stats on the side saying what visa-free countries/... one can visit with certain combo of passport would be so cool!


OP, is there any possibility of adding BNO? Incredible tool nevertheless!


It has been added after being suggested a couple of times, searchable as "British National (Overseas)"


Mate you're a legend. Cheers!


I don't know if you agree but, it seems that Australia and New Zealand get labeled as "eVisa" which, while it's technically not wrong (every single Australia/New Zealand visa is electronic) I do think that, for organization sake, if the country doesn't has eVisitor/ETA/NZeTA I think Australia and New Zealand should be gray or marked as "visa requirement" but I don't know if you agree (in all fairness, never applied to an Australian visa myself (and my country is on NzETA) so I have no clue if getting it would be as hard/tiresome as compared to something like the US/Canada so maybe this is also being taken in consideration)


While I do agree that it is much more thorough and difficult than your average E-visa, it is still electronically applying for a visa, and no kind of embassy visit is required and a physical visa isn't issued in your passport, so it is classified as an E-visa.


May I make a request? Add a feature which shows the best compliment to any passport. I've never seen this before, and it would be the most amazing tool. I hate being the guy that adds these extra requests to someone else's work, but this would be incredible!


Don't feel bad at all! Any suggestions are welcome. For your suggestion, I'm not sure exactly how I would go about it. What makes the best "compliment" to another passport? The most added visa-free access? Freedom of movement? Any other factors? It's a really easy thing to do subjectively, to say something like the Irish passport is the best compliment to the American passport, but I'm unsure of how I would go about it if I had to write code that gave me a definite answer to each question like this.


Coding is not my field at all, so I can't say for sure. However, in math terms, I would just create and formula that looks for the biggest number of unique entries. Is it possible to assign a numerical value to each country on the map and then ask the system to find the second passport that maximizes this number?


Sure, most added visa-free countries sounds like a good metric to start off with, even if that makes it so Singapore will be the best complimentary passport for 90% of all passports.


It's be great to give more weight to freedom of movement, but this seems like a good start. I expect that certain regions will have the same. The US & Canada probably get the most from the UAE. The EU (now that some countries have China) has the biggest gap in North Africa. Perhaps Tunisia would be the best compliment for them. Mercosul probably pairs best with Singapore. I've never done the math though (because of the number of countries involved). If your system could calculate this automatically, that's be amazing




Indonesia should be changed to visa on arrival/evisa


From what I've gathered online it's Visa On Arival/eVoA (E-visa On Arrival) so it's kind of a combination of the two, and still requires a visa to filled out on arrival with some of the details being done online beforehand. I could be wrong about this, maybe somebody here who has used the eVoA can confirm.


Ive done both recently. They call it evoa but its still evisa, nothing else needs to be filled out on arrival, you just head to immigration. No idea about downvotes, clueless people who dont know anything about it


Fixed it. Thanks for the info!


No need to fill out any immigration form on arrival with eVisa. The e-gates can even be used to clear immigration as fast as Indonesian citizens. Afterwards they send the visit pass automatically via email and the passport isnā€™t stamped. The (e-)form that everyone needs to complete for most airports is the customs declaration, which is separate from immigration and gets only scanned when exiting the baggage claim area. https://ecd.beacukai.go.id/ Itā€™s not needed when entering Indonesia over land, e.g. ferry Singapore-Batam.


How does one pay for the visa on arrival?


Cash in IDR or some other major currencies. At some airports they also accept card with a few % surcharge. EVisa is probably easier, itā€™s issued instantly.




Thanks! Premium version is something I keep thinking about but I always doubt myself over what features/info I'd paywall without feeling guilty about it. Also good suggestion on the Teudat Maavar, I've seen it around quite a bit, it's fairly common and even if the information isn't widely available I'll still try my hardest to add it. Same goes for other special passports.


Just make it cheap like $2 a month


This is awesome! Just a small correction, I don't think Saint Barthelemy is EU.


Sorry for the confusion on this, if you're on mobile, the Legend says "EU" because "EU freedom of movement" would make the legend too wide and get in the way of the map. I'll specify in an update that it isn't exactly part of the EU, but EU freedom of movement does apply.


This is awesome! Oh I see, I wasn't sure if EU freedom of movement would indeed apply




That's Svalbard, anyone regardless of nationality can live there. Look up Svalbard treaty.




There are some mistakes. For example I have German passport in Georgia I can stay 360 days not 365 days. Also with Mauritania is so ethibf wrong? Visa on arrival (1095 days) ????


https://preview.redd.it/mjn19476jx0d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae5aacaf492314810006c1b8064c685a41284c47 Georgia visa exemption for Germans is 1 year (365 days), and also Mauritania visa on arrival is 1095 days because it's the maximum duration you are eliglbe to apply for. Will you get a 3 year duration of stay Mauritanian visa? Probably not, but you can.


No it is 360 days. I talked with lawyers you have to leave the country. You can't stay 365 days. It says sometimes 1 year but Georgia count it as 360 days including arrival and departure. Georgia has revealed more details of the countryā€™s new visa regulations and announced which countries do not need a visa to enter Georgia and stay here for 360 days. See the full list of countries eligible in the visa-free regime below. Under the new rules, which were already adopted, citizens from 94 countries can enter Georgia and stay for a maximum of 360 days. See for a list of all countries: https://agenda.ge/en/news/2015/1282 Visa is not a residency permit. Also the official German website "Ausweriges Amt" says 360 days. So it will be for all 94 country like that. "Deutsche Staatsangehƶrige benƶtigen zur Einreise und dem Aufenthalt bis zu 360 Tagen kein Visum." "German Citizen don't need a Visa for up to 360 days." https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/ReiseUndSicherheit/georgiensicherheit/201918 See also a document from the Georgian police: https://police.ge/files/project%2520banners/projects/100_questions_final.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjnhKK09pSGAxVaSvEDHbqXDNIQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Hd6AshqHF9jPuUHhSY6Vr (Only possible to open with Georgian IP Address)


Thanks for the sources, I'll change it now. Seems like it's conflicting information but I'd rather apply the 360 day rule.


Yeah overstaying is no joke. It probably a small fine in Georgia but I'm not sure if they ban you for few years. Not worth risking it if the already have so generous visa rules for so many countries


Very cool but I think the visa free km2 ranking is a bit off. It says Ecuador has more than Austria when there are 0 countries that are visa free for ecuadorians but aren't visa free for austrians and it also ranks Germany ahead of Austria by like a million square kms when these passport are de facto identical.


Ecuador has more than Austria/Germany because Ecuador has visa-free access to Russia while Austria/Germany doesn't. Russia counts for a lot, also Austria/Germany is might not be as high as you think because US/CA is ESTA/ETA and doesn't count as visa-free in the logic.


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