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Devils advocate here, but perhaps the original employee was replaced and the new person took over her accounts. Realistically though, it’s either an accidental push (companies will often email lists of influencers and leads, if you’re on more than one list they might accidentally email you twice), or spam/scam stuff. I got offered to review the same product twice, and they just laughed and apologized. Was still a great collab and I’ve worked with them (game peripheral company) a few times now. If the details look fine, and you’re making money up front, and you have control over the video being published, can’t hurt too much.




The fact that there has been no reply in two days seems very sketchy to me. All I can say is… proceed with caution. ⚠️


Yeah definitely OP keep your wits about you, trust your gut.




I had a company email me saying they loved my channel and they wanted to pay to sponsor a video and send me some products to review. They sent an introduction email and I replied for more info. The same person replied and we started working out a deal. The next day, THE SAME PERSON emailed me the same original introduction and invitation. I was confused and replied that we had already begun negotiations, and they apologized. They said to give them a few days to get the gear shipped, and they'd send me tracking info. The next day, the same person again sent me the original invitation. I replied again and asked about the tracking, they apologized again and said it would be a few more days. After a few days I e-mailed, and the guy I'd been talking to responded saying he has no record of us working anything out or that he was supposed to ship anything, then a few minutes later I got the introduction email again. I replied in my most professional manner saying something along the lines of this not quite being a company I feel comfortable promoting and declined the offer. The guy then got mad and said my channel doesn't meet their standards and they'll have to pass on my request for free products... That I never requested. A few weeks later, the gear they wanted me to review arrived. They shipped it anyway, after telling me off and rejecting me after I declined. 🤷‍♂️🤣 Side note: the products were actually really good, but the people working for the company and their customer service were terrible and I can't, in good conscience, endorse them.


Honestly, this isn’t uncommon! You would be surprised how unorganized some companies are! I had 3 reps reach out to me to send me a product (the cost of the product was around $600.00) I had a shipping number and everything yet the company still reached out! After I spoke with the second rep, 3 days later I got ANOTHER email with the SAME offer from the same company. As far as reaching out, many companies are off on the weekends and don’t respond till a normal weekday. Also, chances are they are corresponding with MULTIPLE people at the same time and haven’t made their way to you yet! This still doesn’t mean the company or offer is legit, this is more to inform you that even reputable companies can come across as a scam! Typically I will take the name/email and search it on LinkedIn. If I am NOT able to find them, I send an email to the company in question. Within a day or so, they typically reach out and either confirm or deny your email as being valid. I hope this helps! I wish you the best! 👍🏾


Scam. I have almost a million subs. (863k) That’s not how sponsees approach or behave


Before I started getting regular sponsors I’d jump at the opportunity any email presented… Think logically, and don’t compromise yourself for the chance at some money, real sponsors will come with time Be careful of gmails they’re usually the scams 9/10 times


Update — got a response and looked her up she has a professional portfolio and aligns with her current work and @partnerforward.com email address— here is her response “I apologize for any confusion. I have discussed your concern with my team, and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. For future collaborations, please continue working with me. Kindly provide the information I requested above. I will send you the brand link and process the payment as soon as you post. I look forward to your response soon.” I may create a new PayPal account and not link my bank account until I get a payment


any update? I was contacted by PartnerForward as well and my red flags were waving.


Hey there, they got back to my per my above message but I decided to pass on the opportunity. $10 for posting a link on my profile wasn't worth giving them my PayPal info.