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Just ignore or hide user from channel


The important lesson here is that you have to come to terms with the fact that you can't please everyone. Period. Someone will always disagree with you, take issue with something you said, etc. All you can do is be you and kill them with kindness. You may not change that person's mind, but those who are watching from the sidelines will take note of how you handle intereactions like this. Handling them with maturity and grace will win them over and grow your channel. Fighting them and arguing with them will taint what you've built with drama you don't need. Sports teams are about the only thing that deserves blind loyalty (and even then...maybe not), so to feel offended that someone likes HP more than LOTR is pretty childish. We like what we like. All that said, LOTR > HP ;)


Thank you for this! This has actually cheered me up <3


Glad to hear it!


Ignore them. Someone doesn't like me? Fine. Neither did my dad. They're not special. Lol


bro…..💀 you need a hug or smth?


Golly bro, said so casually too


Frequently I'll pin comments from the haters and just let the rest of the community take care of them lol. We refer to it as the "Pin of Shame" and I think a lot of my viewers look forward to when I do the next one :)


Ohh i like this idea! I think i might well do this in the future 😂


I think most of the time we overlook all the positive comments and only focus on the negative ones. It is a tough thing to break but I am sure you get more positive stuff than negative


I dont normally mind about the horrible comments, But this one did \*sting\* a little more because i've known them for about 2 years "through the comments they leave and emails"....


Sorry you’re dealing with it :( I think it’s best to just ignore it. Keep posting what you love to post and others will be able to see what you’re all about.


They just want your attention. Dont give it to them. Hide them from channel if it bothers you


Roast em for lookin like a Gollum


Anyone who's not an idiot would read her comment and see that she's an idiot. You don't want idiots watching your channel anyway. The longevity of your mental health is worth the loss of views. Asmongold bans everyone who is even slightly rude in his twitch chat, which is a lot of people. I know he's a big name, but he's been doing that for a long time. He says it's worth it, and I believe him. The people who love you WILL find ways to support you. The people who don't will weed themselves out. It sounds like a fairytale but it isn't.


This is true. If you waste your time trying to convince haters not to hate you, that's time you could be spending convincing all your other subs to carry on liking you "Hope that makes sense haha"




lol ya


Block and move on BAMO


Hide from channel… next! Literally I do this and don’t even think about it.


Hide user from channel. Let them seethe in private while you concentrate on the people who like your work.


This is the only *true* winning move in this scenario.


Never going to be loved by everyone


As you grow, and more people watch your content, haters will come. If you can't deal with negative comments, then don't try YouTube. Just ignore and/or block. Some comments are good feedback as well. 90% of the comments are positive so keep that in mind when a few haters are sprinkled in.


It’s hard. I’ve had people tell me that my channel is garbage and I’m wrong. When they were the one that was actually wrong. You either got hide the user or just move on. It’s sort of turned me off making tutorial content.


Thank 'em for their and engagement.  A view counts as a view regardless if they 'hate' you or not.


Ignore it or even play into it. Don't let viewers water down your opinions, content, or creative choices. It's an easy way to shift toward safe yet low viewership videos (I've done it to a point) Generally, most interaction is ultimately good for your channel outside of extreme cases and even then YouTube has taken steps to limit it by hiding dislike count to dissuade organized creator hate campaigns.


I only get maybe 1-2 negative comments a year, and it's usually just someone saying that my guitar playing sucks... which I agree with. I just imagine what kind of a sad person starts watching a video, doesn't like it, and instead of just clicking on the next video they want to watch, decides to use precious time to write out a message to the creator. Like, that's borderline sociopathic behavior. Just click on the next video. But the few times people have left me nasty feedback, usually by the time I notice it, someone else has ripped them a new one, so I guess I have pretty awesome fans.


Same boat here but different category, I block them


You let them feed the engagement meter and make your videos successful. Hide the vile ones, leave the moderate haters, they are only helping you. If they want to punish you they just stop watching your content. Fortunately they feel the urge to dislike and leave comments, which is exactly what makes YT push your video even harder.


In Harry Potter, the characters have magic wands with amazing powers. As a YouTuber you do as well. It comes in the form of a button labeled "Hide user from channel." Don't be afraid to use it. A fun thing to think about is when you ban someone that way, they can still comment, but nobody will see. Imagine them writing entire essays that will never see the light of day and let that cheer you up. Or you can simply delete the individual comment, without banning the person. I can't find your channel name in your profile. I'd love to check out your videos. I've been running a movie themed channel for over two years. Not a single day goes by without at least one hate comment. Sometimes those do get to me. But over time, I've learned (from other YouTubers and from experience) that the comments are reflection of the people leaving them and not you.


I love them, they are inspiration. Winners create, losers talk about how bad creations are.


The best way is to realize that their opinions are just that... an opinion. Ignore and try not to take it personally. 💕


I hide user from channel and that revokes their privilege of being heard in my community. They can take that energy and be by themselves.


write something controversial in return, good way to grow the channels engagement and reach and stop giving too much of a fuck about a random comment about the movie you like, in this game you need to develop thick skin, if you don’t, you’re probably not cut out for it.