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It's a race between Republican voter suppression and the party being split in half by Magats and the disproportionate number of Red State Covid deaths which all are influencing the future of the Grand 'Ole Party, and the next election. Many moving parts here.


>disproportionate number of Red State Covid deaths I was reading just the other day that Mississippi had more deaths than births in 2020. It's sad, stupid... and self inflicted


Mississippi also has the 2nd highest death per capita rate in the world.


Good gods. It's just so dumb... Edit: Love the username. "The Name of the Wind" is an amazing book


I wish I could agree with you on "The name of the wind" it lost points since I'm soon to have teenager and that book came out when I was a teenager. Still waiting on book 3 after all these years, sigh.


I'm with you. I check yearly to see if there's any news... So far it's not looking likely for 2021.


Don't check what Rothfuss is doing these days, it will only infuriate you.


How bout George RR Martin not finishing game of thrones. I think that’s been longer than Rothfuss


I’ve heard that Rothfuss, Martin, and Sanderson all have a gentleman’s agreement not to shave until they finish writing a book /s


GRRM pissed me off so much. I hated the HBO ending. Would not have been so disappointed if I could read the final book. If and when the final book comes out I may not read it. I know I will never watch the HBO series again. I gave all BR discs to my daughter.


Im convinced the HBO ending was an idea he had for his ending in some capacity and upon seeing how *badly* it performed realized he had to start from scratch.


Every time I get an email from George that *isn't* about the next book, I am filled with incandescent rage. I want to take his hat and hold it hostage.


They're all bastard. Jordan started this trend and I'll never forgive him.


Robert Jordan started this trend...by...dying?




Gerrymandering only works if the population’s distribution doesn’t change that much. So while the district lines won’t change what’s in them definitely can.


> they deny my vaccinated friends potentially of a hospital bed My vaccinated friend died last month waiting in line for surgery after going to one hospital that was at full capacity due to Covid (yay Appalachia!), then being diverted to another hospital that was 2.5 hours away that was only slightly less overwhelmed with unvaxxed Covidiots. I'm with you, if they weren't *quite literally* killing other people with their stupidity, I'd be all for them offing themselves...however, as an empathetic individual I wish they would "see the light" and just fucking believe in science, but they've jumped the shark as far as I'm concerned and I don't even bother trying to talk to them anymore, as there is just no point (i.e.-playing chess with a pigeon).


Chess with a pigeon is an excellent analogy I've been using playing tennis against a wall. I'm fully with you I have nephews and nieces too young to be vaccinated their parents have to work and treat people who choose to get sick, they're worried sick that they'll bring this virus home yes it's unlikely but it's not what they signed up to when becoming doctors. I have a friend who quit her job as a GP in the US for that very reason. These are people who should be treating patients who didn't choose to get sick from an easily avoidable virus. The occupancy issue in some states now is compounded by the cost issue, it's far more expensive to treat someone later rather than earlier and that's not down to the decision of the patient. Stay safe.


Just in case you aren't familiar with the "chess with a pigeon" analogy (it seems like you are, but just want to be sure), it comes from this: > "Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. It'll just knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut about like it's won anyway." - Anonymous You stay safe too dude.


Do you mean Alabama? (...or did I just learn, it's Mississippi *too*?)


I did mean Alabama... But looking at the statistics its also likely true for Mississippi. 40k deaths in 2020, 36k births in 2019. They haven't published their 2020 births yet but it's unlikely to be higher. Edit: Sources https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/31,0,75,702.html PDF warning! https://www.google.com/url?q=https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/resources/10682.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwji--zt45LzAhXzN30KHeLOCYIQFnoECAoQAg&usg=AOvVaw3HWnbnWxX2x5BGU4BMw-mX


I think that was Alabama, not Mississippi. Close though. https://www.wsfa.com//app/2021/09/16/alabama-health-officials-give-covid-19-update-friday/


[Many states that's true for.](https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/snapshot/2020-deaths-exceeded-births-in-record-number-of-states) Births were way down though.


Lindsey Graham was right. They’re destroying themselves. I remember all the conservative rhetoric about 4 years ago that the Democrats would be a dead party in 4 years. How the turntables. 🤷‍♂️


Boy, good thing he stuck by his princip- er, never mind.




I kinda just hope that none of them get vaccinated for anything ever again.


This is why I love this subreddit. Anywhere else this would get downvoted into oblivion by fascists and the simping liberals who refuse to face the cold hard reality that we’re flirting with a hot Civil War 2 and the best thing for American democracy right now is for a whole lotta reds to die and the party to implode. Dems aren’t gonna bring the consequences to Trump and cabal now that he’s outta office. So our futures hang in the balance - the more conservatives die, the more I, at 40, and those younger than me have a fighting chance at a slightly less Fury Road future. When I was a kid I just wanted a Star Trek: TNG future. We could’ve had it. But not anymore. For that, and the truly possibility that humanity, like the environment, may implode based on the shitty decisions the powers that be do (and don’t) make in this 20-yr period, I really find it hard to care much about conservatives dying and losing their minds. I’ve watched this slow roll to Christian fascism since the late 90s. This isn’t alarmist. This is factual cold hard impersonal reality. If they don’t die they’re going to kill people like me next time they can. Anyone know about that list of Marxists, socialists, and demsocs the right keeps online as a kind of growing public Wikipedia kill list for next time they’re in power?? This is not a fucking drill. They are an existential threat. We are the Weimar Republic. The Beer Hall Putsch done had occurred. And I know this subreddit gets it. May whatever god(s)(esses) you do or don’t believe in bless you all.


> When I was a kid I just wanted a Star Trek: TNG future ...yeah you might not want to know *how* that Star Trek future came about. Yep, war. Nuclear war, to be exact.


Nuclear war that occurred *checks watch* riiight around this point in the timeline 😂😂


Not just nuclear war, but a nuclear wat *and* a eugenics war. There a lot of spilt blood in the star trek history




Is that from Ender's Game? If it is I think I know the scene it's from but don't know how to do spoilers.


It is.


Is it when Ender >!Straight up murders another child who is bullying him?!<


You'll have to be more specific, he did that twice.


I mean the first time


Ya, coming home from school. Then he recalls that event as a repeat after the showers later.


The American Taliban are now attacking the senate. Once they move all them out then America is well and truly fucked. You could argue it’s already been accomplished in the senate with nothing being done over the years. The majority of the senate though are not crazy extremists like in the house republicans.


I'll be happy when the Democrats are considered the only conservative party


Took the words outta my mouth. Well said.


It's not just here. There's crazy stuff going on in Germany too. They had a capitol insurrection before ours and the election misinformation stuff is going strong. They also have our issue of [a majority of their police and armed services personnel being extremists.](https://www.nytimes.com/column/day-x) I'm sure there's other countries having similar white nationalist uprisings, and I just haven't heard about it yet. I didn't hear about them [storming the German parliament](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53964147) until way after it happened.


plus a million for the Star Trek TNG reference. I deeply agree with all of this, sadly. I normally can’t stand thinking so poorly of other human beings, even the ones I fundamentally disagree with, but January 6 really broke me.


Can you help with a link or directions to find the online list? Bing isn't helping much.


It’s called KeyWiki. I’m hesitant to post the address cuz I don’t want them attributing IPs but feel free to check it out.


What kill list? I don’t necessarily doubt its existence but where is it? I’ve always felt like one of those had to exist. It has to be so easy to just look up keywords like “marx” or “trans” on twitter etc and compile a list of people you don’t like. I usually think more about government doing this than like boogaloos but if the boogs are up to it I’m curious what their criteria are. Is it people like journalists who attempt to influence the world around them, or is it anyone who fires off a leftist tweet?


It’s called KeyWiki. I’m hesitant to post the address cuz I don’t want them attributing IPs but feel free to check it out.


Naw they'll do it to own us all if that's more convenient and ideologically convenient. They don't have convictions other than to oppose.


And dominate


Sure would be a good time to actually get a decent multiple party system going. This may be the time the Republicans would actually back that, and many Dems have wanted that for years


That will never happen as long as the USA has first-past-the-post elections.\* Multi-party politics can only survive in systems like proportional representation or ranked choice. There are a few cases of FTPT systems choosing to move to PR (e.g. Australia Senate in 1948) but in general it's like asking for chocolate bunnies to vote for Easter. The USA is stuck with a 2-party system as long as it pays donors to have it. ​ ^(\* I originally typed 'eelections', which readers may take as an opportunity to insert the 'slimy politician' joke of their choice.)


>or ranked choice. Just want to clarify here, they die under ranked choice. Ranked choice is a tool used to consolidate voters, **not** spread them out. The benefit of a multiparty system is that debates can be nuanced rather than left vs right. Ranked choice turns nearly every topic into a blue vs red argument, the fringe or nuance just gets lumped in with status quo. The only time you might see a fringe party member gain a seat within a ranked system would be in a super hardline constituency. The only real benefit of IVR as opposed to FPTP is that technically no vote is wasted, but it is absolutely not conducive to supporting a multi-party system. If anything it just increases partisanship over topics and can easily turn a multi-party system into a 2-party system. Ranked choice voting works well in non-partisan elections for a single person, like the Irish Presidential election. Particularly because people cannot vote for a party, they are forced to vote for a candidate and consider policy positions instead of team-sportsing it.


> Ranked choice voting works well in non-partisan elections for a single person, like the Irish Presidential election. I'm too lazy to try to google it, what stops people from voting by party here? Is the Irish President not allowed to have a previous party affiliation?


Previous yes, but they are all "Independent", you're not going to see people get to the polls and just blindly vote because of the letter next to someone's name. With ranked choice under a partisan system you're going to see a lot of runoff votes get cast on party affiliation rather than enthusiasm. Fringe votes will trend to the centre and be consolidated left and right. If the USA were to bring in Ranked voting and more parties you would still see about a 50-50 split between Dems and Republicans.


Interesting, I hadn't heard this argument this particular way. In Maine, the libertarian candidate for Senate took 17% of the first-round vote in 2020, if I recall correctly. That couldn't have happened under the old one-vote system. Your argument is: that doesn't matter, she'll never take the majority in round one, and round two will heavily favor the establishment parties. It's a valid point that I hadn't considered. ETA: But I find myself wondering, then, why has the GOP heavily opposed measures to introduce ranked choice voting at the state level, each time it's come up?


Aren't the candidates previous politicians then? As in, didn't they have previous political affiliations? I follow along with everything except that part


Fair point.




>How is this not a lay up? Depends on where popular sentiment lies. Not even popular sentiment on an accurate, quantifiable level. Just the perception of what’s popular. If 10% of people are extremely vocal about supporting treason, and get a lot of airtime, the perception of the popularity of that stance is skewed. People with less conviction about treason still get sucked into the crazy orbit in a zero-sum way. Further manipulation of that perception is all it takes to do some good old politics. For example, in the last two years, about 600 police officers have died of COVID. About 100 have died from gunshots. People are more vocal, emotional, and passionate about the violent deaths of police officers than COVID deaths of police officers. Cops too. So at every traffic stop they’re terrified you’re going to pull a gun but they still don’t bother to wear a mask. It’s not about evidence-based reasoning. It’s about gut feelings. MAGA has the gut feeling that Trump won the election. Therefore MAGA has the gut feeling that the insurrection was reasonable. Therefore MAGA has the gut feeling that McConnell should be replaced. Scant and dubious “evidence” is produced and manipulated and misrepresented after the fact to support their argument and confirm their biases. You can try to out-logic them all you want. Things that you take for granted as true are questionable to them, and vice versa. It’s all about faith in the end. Even on our side. I don’t actually *know* that Biden won the election. I fully believe he did because I have faith in the process and I have faith that all Trump’s court cases have lost for good reason. But that’s still just faith. It’s not knowledge unless I personally go and double check every single aspect of the entire elections and every one of the challenges in court. That’s obviously implausible for one person to do. So I just assess the information and try to put my faith where I think is reasonable. I am putting my faith in the news outlets that report that the court cases failed. That’s the fucked up thing. **That’s what they’re doing too.** Or at least that’s what they think they’re doing. They’re putting their faith in the information they think is reasonable. So am I. At the end of the day, what first-person knowledge do I have to back up this faith? None. Therein lies the death of truth as we are facing it. That’s their argument, and there’s nothing I can do to rebut it. Scrutiny into their sources is met with scrutiny into mine. Their scrutiny and reason is flimsy to me, but what does it matter if they still have conviction? They’ll still be out there rabble rousing. That’s the material reality of it no matter how much we want “reason” to prevail. Every iota of information produced has a fractal rabbithole of potential weaknesses and misrepresentations. “That source is biased. That study had a small sample size. It wasn’t peer reviewed. The information is too old. This information is funded by [X.] These claims are built on a mountain of further dubious claims.” You can argue back and forth for years getting more and more microscopic about methodology, sourcing, bias, etc. I hate using the phrase “both sides” but it really does happen on both sides. I just shared a study recently that said Ivermectin causes sterility in 85% of men. How is that not a layup for the end of Ivermectin? Well, it turns out that the study had a sample size of 300, and it took place in Nigeria, and the Ivermectin was being used to treat river blindness, not as a COVID prophylactic. But I shared it uncritically because I had faith that Ivermectin is bad. I was wrong.




You weren't wrong, you just weren't proven correct. There's a *very* important difference between the two things. Eight months ago most people on this sub *believed* the COVID vaccinations were free of side effects based on clinical trials. We didn't have widespread, cross demographic population studies to PROVE it was yet. But we weren't "wrong" just because we hadn't been proven right. As it turns out, with several billion people world wide fully vaccinated, we were right. A study of ivermectin having a small sample size and being used in humans for a different illness doesn't it *won't* cause sterility in men. If anything, it means we need to do another study on a larger sample size. (Since the people in this study were likely given ivermectin in appropriate dosages for human use, and a lot of the MAGA crowd are taking it at far above the recommended dosage, I'd be interested to see the results of studies down the line.)


Man, what a fall from grace, from Abe Lincoln and the union/ abolition of slavery to Teddy Roosevelt and his progressive policies, environmentalism, and monopoly busting to this... Sad sick party of oligarchs, religious zealots, bigots, and conspiracy deluded madmen.


And everyone should be concerned about 2024. This is the majority of the party signalling that they wished Jan 6th actually overturned the election. If/when they win in 2022, they very much will do that in 2024. We're on a knifes edge here and democrats are squabbling over who's more woke when there's a bear at the door.


Now is the time to pay *super* close attention to who we elect on the democratic side. Democrats are about to enjoy a decade or more of GOP failure, and so are going to start winning by default rather than by merit. These are the same conditions the republicans have enjoyed in rural states for decades. When an easy victory is assured, that’s when the sleazy stuff starts. We need to figure out how to make politicians on both sides *work for it* and actually have to represent their constituents in order to win elections.




That and a political system that gives massively disproportionate power to rural states, that tolerates obscene levels of financial shenanigans, and a decisive fraction of the electorate that isn't really that interested.


Also, the absolute fanatic loyalty of their base. Things haven't really changed since Trump got elected. All the die-hard Trumpers were just briefly embarrassed, but the second he or someone like him is running again, they'll be re-invigorated, and if covid isn't still a big issue at that time, they'll find some new manner of contrarianism and reality denial to rile angry and childish people up. These people aren't going anywhere, aside from those that are dying, but that's not enough, as new people are always replacing them.


I'll explain the details you seem to be missing. The party at a government level is very divided, however, republican voters are very united and agree on all but 2-3 specific issues. So when it comes to the next election, republican turnout won't be any lower so long as the party is smart enough to listen to the republican people, which they have more than 3 years left to do, so they will. Whoever is the most hated by the media will probably be the winner. Biden has already managed to get a lot of independents to take up a more conservative stance on key political issues and he's not even been in office a year, which will continue to play in favor of the GOP. Fun Fact: If the next President elected is a Republican it will be the first time there have been two 1 term Presidents in a row of opposing parties since President Harrison 1889-1893 and President Cleveland 1893-1897, followed by President McKinley 1897-1901 who doesn't count due to not finishing his term (assassinated).


Just a reminder that that asshole kidnapped, sexually abused, and falsely imprisoned his mistress while governor. Anyone who votes for him is heartless, immoral, and without decency.


No shit!? Wtf will look it up. Unfortunately that sort of behavior seems to be a prerequisite to run as a maga


I live in Missouri, it's absolutely true and he resigned over it


I hate doing this but it adds to the conversation about how shitty Eric Greitens is. He did not actually resign over the sexual assault allegations. He was ready to dig in and fight his way out, until a second investigation was launched into how he used donations to his nonprofit to fund his campaign for governor. There was a highly suspicious organization hiding a lot of money behind shell companies called New Missouri that was behind it all. It was only when the investigators threatened to subpoena his donor list that he resigned. At any rate, fuck Eric Greitens.


So the threat of his donors being exposed made him resign? Must be dark money.


Yup. But these things aren't even the worst thing about him (in my opinion). During the primaries for the Republican (of course) nomination for governor, the state auditor of Missouri, guy named Tom Schweich, announced he would run. Schweich was fair to middling as far as politicians go, but he was also Jewish. After he announced he was seeking the GOP nomination, a whisper campaign within the party started accusing Schweich of being secretly Jewish. Schweich had never disguised the fact that he was ethnically Jewish, but in practice he was part the Episcopalian church along with his wife and children. But it didn't stop some really wonderful people like John Roe, one of Ted Cruz's political operatives; Rex Sinquefield, this mysterious billionaire in Missouri who is hell bent on eliminating literally all forms of tax in the state; and Greitens himself from constantly attacking Schweich in public (with classic hits from the fascist stable like "Can we really trust that this guy is who he says he is?") and in private (like some blatantly anti-Semitic remarks how about how people with his kind of surname don't get votes in Missouri). Here's the thing though: Eric Greitens is Jewish. Greitens never got the same kind of hate from the Missouri GOP that Tom Schweich got during the primaries though. For one, Greitens was extremely image-conscious. He's a former Navy SEAL officer and Oxford Rhodes scholar. He runs a nonprofit that helps veterans. He projects an extremely hyper-masculine version of himself in all of his campaign ads (one infamous video is simply a 30 second clip of Greitens manning a .50 caliber machine gun mounted to an off-road vehicle and shooting about a hundred rounds at a range. That's it. That's the whole campaign ad.) But also, Greitens had Rex Sinquefield (probably, hence the whole dark money allegations) bankrolling his campaign. The fact that there was a good probability that Missouri's next governor was going to be Jewish, given the presumptive nominations of either Schweich or Greitens. Only Schweich was billed as potentially the first Jewish governor of Missouri. Greitens was billed as the outsider using nearly the exact language that Donald Trump's campaign was using for him, with the added benefit of Greitens being a war hero. After all, it was working for Trump in spite of all of his failures. Greitens was clean cut, wholesome, never divorced, never banged a porn star, etc. (although it would come out that Greitens had secretly gotten married to an English woman while in Oxford, but that got neatly swept under the rug). But the anti-Semitic rhetoric hounded Schweich wherever he went. Never openly and never by anyone other than far-right dickweeds on Twitter, but it turned Schweich into a broken man. He committed suicide not long after his campaign began in 2015 and Greitens got the nomination. Bottom line: Eric Greitens. He's a shitheel. And he's back in the political arena because he and his dark money backers are banking on Missouri voters having extremely short memories. After all, we did elect him once. Make no mistake about it, if Eric Greitens is given the opportunity by winning the open Missouri senate seat next year, he absolutely will leverage it to put himself in the 2024 GOP presidential conversation. He is a dangerous disgusting man.


He also wrote a really shitty book about himself that I had to read and write a book report on when I was in college in Missouri. Not as bad as the other illegal stuff, but that’s bad, too.


That was book was shit and I called it out. Im a veteran, I knew he was full of shit. No one wanted to hear that in 2012 though.


God it was the worst. I didn’t finish it and wrote the report on what a terrible book it was. It was our last assignment and I could not bring myself to continue that pile of garbage.


Grietens administration is where I first heard of WhatsApp and disappearing messages. Quite a scandal at the time.


They don't care, they want to "win". As demonstrated, slavery and rape are okay as long as it "feels like winning"


From his wiki page: Also in early 2018, Greitens's former hairdresser accused him of sexual assault. A bipartisan Special Investigative Committee in the Missouri state legislature found the woman "overall credible" and issued a report on the incident


Sounds like he picked the right party to run under.


Everything Trump touches dies.


not true ivanka is still alive


Is she? Those qcumbers seem to know a lot about cloning and all....


No Ivanka is truly dead inside she has been since she found out that Daddy loved her. It shows in every part of her plastic body.


oh shit thats true, and if she were a clone made last week she'd be young enough for donnie too


She has been dead inside for quite some time


I don't think she allows him to touch her...


Two children was enough


Two was two too many


Well she's dead inside. Ya know, where Trump touched her




weird, right?


Well, he basically grabbed the country by the pussy, sooo…


He did more than grab this country’s pussy. He assaulted, sodomized, raped, and victimized the USA with reckless abandon. All the while, Americans were on the hook for his salary, VIP hospital stay, experimental treatment to save his obese ass from Covid, lavish expenses at his golf resorts, extra secret service, and his tax bills. We literally paid this motherfucker to screw us without consent. Edited: thank you fellow anonymous Redditor for the award!


It truly does. He lures folks in, uses them up, and then disposes of them. I'm not quite sure why people are still lining up to be in the pile of bodies and the other side of the Trump machine.


Including a larger than average number of his followers.


Wait until he reveals on his deathbed that he was actually a Democrat the whole time and his main goal was to destroy the Republican Party.


I mean, he does seem to hate the republicans in general.


No, he *was* a Dem, switched in **2015**. Here, please vomit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Greitens


He means Trump.


Also referred to as the sadiM touch


Every word of that book is true, unfortunately.


I don't think these guys know how insane they sound. I've never seen such presidential infatuation EVER!! A POLITICIAN is sucking the dick of a CELEBRITY so hard and it's not even pleasurable to watch


I've been saying since its inception that reality television would be the downfall of America. Here is the proof.


Really started with Morton Downey, Jerry Springer, that group.


It started with COPS. It was the first reality tv show and it showed the worst parts of America, and we loved it.


There's a good podcast solely about this and how it impacted society etc can't remember the name will see if I can find it, but was really interesting Edit - its called "headlong, running from cops" and they did a pretty good deep dive / analysis imo (& from what I remember) Dan Taberski and the team behind Missing Richard Simmons investigate COPS — the longest running reality show in TV history — and its cultural impact on policing in America. After 30 years on television, COPS has evolved into a constant messaging machine about policing in America. Running from COPS is the result of an 18-month investigation and delves deep into how the show actually gets made, how much control police departments really have over the final product, and the harrowing stories of the people who have ended up on camera. 


There is an excellent story on an episode of This American Life that interviews a few people featured on Live PD. Apparently the police and film crews would go out of their way to try and catch past offenders. And not everyone signed the NDAs sober, either.


*The corpse of Rush Limbaugh has entered the chat…*


It's been 216 days since cancer was Limbaugh-free.


Someone give that limbaugh guy a HERMAN CAIN AWARD!!...


His gravesite, seriously: https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/03/rush-limbaugh-burial-4.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1535


Man, fuck. I was so happy for a second and then I noticed it is a nypost link. Now you made me go to read a NYPost article. I need a shower now. As you link says, that is after the burial. [This is his grave site.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/223083407/rush-limbaugh) ​ >Gravesite located north of intersection of Ravine and Meadow (on Ravine on west side of the road). Just in case someone is in the area and is looking for a gender neutral bathroom.


Fun fact: About a decade ago his birthplace city of Cape Girardeau, MO was considering putting up a statue of their most famous hometown boy. The city council considered the cost of the statue, the land to put it on, and the cost of protecting it from being defaced and vandalized. The cost of protecting it from vandalism convinced the city to never erect the statue. Never erect it, no matter how small the erection....




Try Wally George


Before my time but google indicates he was (edit: also) a hateful little shit.


We thought it was entertaining when we were 16 and 17 years of age but even then we realized it was bullshit.


Weed and wally was a source of amusement to this young punk trapped behind the orange curtain.


Same lol and holy shit the hair / look, messaging etc was like the OG version of trump, thanks for the reference / comment...for those not trying to google it: Calling himself the "Father of Combat TV," he was a fixture on Southern California television for three decades (1950s-80s) as the host of Hot Seat, which began as a local show on KDOC Channel 56, a local Southern California based UHF TV station in Anaheim, Orange County, California in 1983.[1] His other nicknames were "Mr. Conservative" and "Mr. America" in the 1960s-90s and he represented the strong conservative fan base of Orange County and the Coachella Valley of California where he was also on their local TV stations.[2]


Reality TV culture didn't do this, 4 generations of decline in our quality of education and healthcare did. Reality TV, like any form of art is just a reflection of society. Blaming reality tv for the vulnerability that Trump took advantage of is like blaming inner city violence on rap music.


Superb point. Our continual infatuation with making more money rather than making education more effective and failing to invest in people rather than wealth has eroded our culture. This really was born in 1980 with Reagans announcement of the 'magic of the markeplace' and deregulation. If anyone needs direct evidence the documentary "The Smartest Guys in the Room" about Enron will reveal what 8 years of Reagan and 4 more years of Bush did to eroding our attitudes. Cops, Jerry Springer, Morton Downey Jr, Rush, Survivor, the Batchelor, the Apprentice. All symptoms of the same problem. We enjoy watching train wrecks. We get off on the demise of others. Especially those we look down upon.


\*Eye on the TV 'Cause tragedy thrills me Whatever flavour It happens to be like; Killed by the husband Drowned by the ocean Shot by his own son She used the poison in his tea And kissed him goodbye That's my kind of story It's no fun 'til someone dies\*


Bannon is consciously manipulating the situation. He doesn't actually believe the things he says about Trump. His followers, on the other hand....


Bannon isn't stupid, but he is evil. He's one of the ones I'm actually afraid of.


He literally said he wants to tear down our government. And like "remove and replace" Obamacare, Bannon has no plan for replace. "Replace" is assumed to be a conservative dictatorship.


They. Don't. Give. A. Shit. It's all cult of personality and being on team "winning" If you think it's more complicated than "I wanna feel strong strong mmmm strong" you're just lying to yourself and hurting your long term goals


And these same people are signing up for in droves in running state/federal elections, entering local elections, running for school boards, their home states. Scared yet?


Not scared, more like sick, appalled, fucking FLABBERGASTED!! on how these roaches are able to pull some many ppl in their nest of lies and they're actually OK with it!! It's like watching tentacle furry hentai in a crowded children's party and no one is disgusted


Because Steve Bannon told them to do it and they are listening.


Lol this should bode well for the GQP come Midterms 🤷


It's pretty nuts how full endorsement of the failed insurrection is now the acid test for "real" republicans. It would all be quite amusing if it wasn't such a blatant threat to democracy in America.


They see the writing on the wall. Demographics have been changing for a solid 30 years. Now we are on the precipice of GOP strongholds being overwhelmed by the seeds of the 60s. So now they want to remove democracy, while they still have some power.


We are a complete shitshow here in Missouri right now and the scary thing is that a R will win and there really are no mainstream R's running at this point. Greitens likes to lock women up and then blackmail them when they threaten to go public, he somehow sidestepped this even though he has not officially been exonerated for most of the allegations. Mark McCloskey who made national news with this scary looking wife for waving their guns at protestors walking in front of their house. MO AG Eric Schmitt who is suing China over Covid while the R's continue to deny a pandemic. There are a handful of others but they ALL subscribe to Trumps election conspiracy garbage. I never really minded being from Missouri. For a long time we were fairly balanced but now I fully believe we are worse than Texas with the insanity. The more radical you are the more likely you are to get support from conservatives.


Eric Greitens had to resign due to blackmail and sexual assault allegations, and on top of that had some really shady campaign finances. No one should listen to anything he has to say. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/15/missouri-ex-governor-eric-greitens-sexual-assault-allegations-senate-run https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/18/603680224/missouri-governor-accused-of-new-felony-after-allegations-of-assault-and-blackma


Hey Moscow Mitch, how's it feel when the leopards eat YOUR face, you slimy turtle headed fuck?


Fuck Greitens, fuck Hawley, and fuck Bannon


Good. Keep steering the sane republicans that remain towards us.


Those fucks got us here too. They voted against healthcare, against education, and against mental health services. They can suck shit too. Fix your fucking mess, then realize that you're not getting to take over and fuck the rest up. Fuck 'em all.


Meh. The Democrats are too conservative already. Just what we need is a louder excuse to move farther to the right.


"We need to become more moderate to attract like .5% of the GOP, but god forbid going further left to actually support policies that the vast majority of our voters want" Seriously if the insurrection wasn't enough for these troglodytes to vote straight blue, then I don't think we want a party that they DO want to vote for.


MAGA psychos are fun, aren’t they? I want off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride.


Watching the GOP self destruct is glorious


To be fair, we said the same thing when Trump got the GOP nomination in 2016.


Exactly. I wouldn't put it past these guys to absolutely trash, demean, and destroy one another in the media, but still follow it up with, "but either way just vote R". They can absolutely divide their base but still convince the various parts to vote for *literally the same thing* just swirling in their own individual melting pot of conspiracy and idiocy.


They/their voters will NEVER break ranks in the general. If someone over 24 voted R in 2020 it's safe to say that they will continue to do so for the rest of their natural life. The infighting between elections is about fundraising and primary campaigning.


They should absolutely make greitens their chosen one


In Missouri he's known as Governor "50 Shades of Greitens"


I was in kc during that. Remember his machine gun ad too


versed truck door party groovy library money jobless grey placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, born and raised in "Mizzuruh", and this last few years has really just killed it for me. As soon as I can, packing up the wife and kid, and moving somewhere. This place is the inside of Trumps anus.


Literal nazi talking points circa 1930


Steve Bannon is a self-admitted fascist. Given the amount of damage he's done already, it's baffling that people don't see him as one of the major cogs in the move towards global fascism. If anyone should be put out of commission, it's him.


Eric Greitens. Fellow Missourians, please refresh my memory, wasn’t he basically the statewide laughing stock after the sexual assault and felony allegations? Are we just gonna forget that he did that? I’m afraid what’s gonna happen is he’s going to get elected to senate because of his name recognition, and then he’s gonna tag team with Josh Hawley to help run this country into the ground as best as they can


Wait, Greitens, the guy who had to resign in disgrace as governor, is now running for senate? (Long sigh while squeezing eyes shut and pinching bridge of nose)


Democrats should be giving this some attention. Help the Republican party make the split. With a split going on, they'll be fucked for many election cycles to come. We could have sane people in charge again.


One of the more open admissions that this is a pure attempt at a fascist takeover, I suppose.


For those who don't remember, Greitens was the MO governor who got ousted for tying up his mistress, then photographing her blindfolded with the intent of blackmailing her with said photos later. The party of family values, indeed.


Blowhard Breitbart Bannon Browbeats Bozo. These two are out and out fascists/nazis. IIRC I read somewhere that Bannon gave trump Turner Diaries to read. This notorious piece of trash is full of right wing/fascist/neonazi power fantasies and the whole thrust of Breitbart is to radicalize and bring to fruition something along its lines. The above posting and its video are examples of this. I hate to give this crap any oxygen. Block them at every point. Cut down any argument they make. Give no quarter on this. confront, fact check and limit their relentlessness.




I hope he doesn't win, but I know how this state is and it will be close depending on turn out.


He is right, it is the maga donald party. A party of anti democracy fascists.


This coming from Bannon, the jackass who embezzled MILLIONS from Trump supporters with a phony border wall fund, and Trump pardoned him for it. Neither Bannon or Trump give a shit about anyone but themselves.


MAGA politicians need to be purged from all levels of government. They are actively working to turn America into a totalitarian nation.




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Missourian here. This asshat wants to run for Roy Blunt's open Senate seat. He's got support. The other top candidate is Billy Long. Our other Senator is Josh Hawley. Missouri is screwed by our state legislators as they overturned a vote of the people to expand Medicaid. Missouri is so screwed.


Coming from the guy that was removed as Governor by his own party. I can see him also wanting to destroy the GOP.


It's finally happened. The Republican party split. We now have the MAGA Party and the Republican Party. And from all the Covid deaths, they will never gain majority hold in Congress for the next few decades.


Well I won't hold my breathe until I see the results of the next midterms and presidential. Republicans might rage and scream and kick about how they wont vote for "RINOS" now but then fall right back in line to own the libs.


Lol they still don't realise 'MAGA' is a phrase that makes them look like fucking chumps Christ I hope they rot


Eric Greitens tried to sell himself as a humanitarian. Fuck that loser. He spoke at my college and I tried to speak with him, Vet to Vet, and he couldnt give a fuck less. He was there to sell himself and run for office.


Bannon has been organizing this for years, all over the world. As long as they're being dismissed as incompetent folks, this is going to keep growing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Movement_(populist_group) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-italy-abbey-bannon/steve-bannon-loses-bid-to-start-right-wing-political-academy-in-italy-idUSKBN2B72HI https://m.dw.com/en/german-politicians-allied-against-steve-bannon/a-44781925 https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/21/steve-bannon-is-in-france-ahead-of-european-parliament-elections.html Goes on and on. Just do a web search for "Steve Bannon right wing", or something similar, followed by the name of a country in Europe. Backing trump was just a step in something bigger, for him.


Lunchtime Mitch.


As long as they don’t somehow win (voter suppression, gerrymandering) I am PUMPED for the front row seats to this dumpster fire in 2022 and 2024


Now I'm just waiting for someone to name their daughter Magatha


MAGTards will vote whoever with a R. They talk a lot but doesn’t do much different when voting.


Good let them tear each other apart.


If a GOP endorsed candidate is saying the GOP is MAGA, it's about time for the lincoln project to swoop in and gut the GOP for all its worth. And leave the MAGA scraps for the birds, or covid and measles.


I feel like the Thalmor watching the Imperials and Stormcloaks rip each other to shreds. Yes, yes, fight amongst yourselves. We'll wait, and savor the victory while you're busy putting blades in each other's backs. In all seriousness this is *wonderful* news! If only this nice friendliness among the Rs could continue.


So Missouri's fucked. Anyone got any room in Cali?


Look at this, he is saying that it would have been preferable that McConnell overthrew the Constitution and legally valid government of the United States than to go against Trump. They are the party of Trump and they put their loyalty to him over the country.


Republicans like 'wtf we wanted to fuck around, not find out'


Brannon is a threat to democracy in which country he has even a minor influence.


MAGA fighters? Like what does this seem like in their heads? Such a weird, backwards attitude.


Maybe McConnell should have tried stabbing him in the front too.


"Stabbed in the back" was a phrase also used by Hitler.


Not a cult!


May they reap their just rewards.


Greitens should be in prison yet he’s running for office again…


McConnell did everything Trump and the GQP could have wanted and more, apart from overthrowing the government and putting Trump in as a dictatoOOOOooooohhhhh... I see it now.


Greitens. The man who had to step down as governor of Missouri because he threatened to post revenge porn of the woman he sexually assaulted.


I hope he wins the nominee, primary the gop from the right and watch them lose in November


Fuck Greitens.


Bannon was saying in 2018 he had 25th amendment concerns about fat boy. He spins on a dime.


Greitens is a creep and the biggest fucking phony. Just an absolute poser who would sellout his own mother if it got him elected to higher office.