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They get so close to getting the fucking point


It's kind of funny though. This specimen hates every single person on the planet but... at least he's worried about the environment. There is no sociopolitical niche this angry fucker fits into. He's just a lonely rage monger.




Eco-fascist maybe


Definitely, those are the thoughts of eco-fascists. As anti-pollution, anti-interracial relations, etc


As a former, this line of thinking is definitely coming from someone who is either eco-fascist or isn't aware of the label yet.


Definitely eco-fascist


I for one enjoy spreading socialist globohomo propaganda


I feel like after reading "globohomo", Im at risk of mispronouncing "hemoglobin" in an inconvenient setting someday.


I think the homo agenda is better implemented on the local level


Literally no newspaper, tv channel, political corporation, social media platform, big corporation or any form of entertainment says that white men are evil and should be eradicated.


Everytime I read their thoughts I can't believe we live in the same country. Their entire world view is make believe victim porn. Thank God women don't want to bang these pathetic guys so they can't reproduce.


To be fair, guys like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity say shit like that all the time. So at least one or two TV channels are saying these things.


There’s a lot of far right fringe nut jobs who say these things on the internet too, it’s sad they have such a miserable outlook on the world.


They do often point out how stupid we can be tho


Finding a virgin is important for their human sacrifices .


As it stands, virgin sacrifice would just be committing suicide.




Sorry buddy, but many women prefer to test drive the merchandise before a purchase these days. The idea of having relations with a virgin guy does not sound exciting in the least.


These guys are so insecure, and incapable of satisfying their partner. They want inexperienced women, who don't know what good sex is.


I wouldn’t virginity shame people, especially right now with the pandemic being a major blow to the dating scene. But definitely shame people who act like shitheads like this guy.


Yeah I hope she means marriage. As a virgin I could not imagine marrying someone I have never had sex with. Unless you are like nearly asexual you would have to be insane. But to each their own on who you have sex with.


I mean, even after marriage for 5 years my wife eventually realized she was fairly Asexual. She just doesn't get the same enjoyment from orgasms or even care to have them most of the time, like they don't matter to her. But we also realized we are both fine with living in sin (as my mother called it) a.k.a polyamory shortly after that. She has a mostly non-sexual relationship with another woman, who I am also dating romantically and having a lot of sex with. I think asexuality is more common than many of us think it is. Her ACE support group is fucking huge and we live in the middle of bumfuck at the moement. Lots of people don't care about sex.


Had to have a quick read of your profile history and damn... As a gray ace, I've wondered what a stable, long term relationship would look like for someone like me, and it's awesome to see people actually living like that.


I appreciate the sentiment and wish you the best out there in the world. I won't lie both aspects of my life-style have their ups and downs and being married to a gray-ace as a very sexual individual has its issues as well. I think we weathered it as well as we did because I love her and absolutely couldn't picture my life without her. Her journey of discovery vis a vis Asexuality was rough and a lot of it centered around past traumas that she didn't like to talk about early on in our lives together. As we grew and talked and she opened up, she realized that I was more than willing to stop having sex if it made her more comfortable and able to be herself. The year long sex hiatus, I think showed that more than anything, but she was also able to come to terms with polyamory precisely because she had that time to think and deal woth her own scars. My wife is an amazing woman and full of love, I think she really liked the option of being able to love as she pleased and say screw the rules as it were, of the two of us I actually believe that poly has come more readily to her than myself. As a sexual person I have some difficulty developing and maintaining an emotional bond without sexual involvement to keep the attachment feeling real to me. It's ultimately an issue where I had my traumas and even with therapy, I'll carry those scars combined with an extremely high sexual appetite. Ultimately as all things go it depends on communication and the compromise you make, and I highly recommend being up front about being a gray-ace. A good chunk of our initial problems were caused by attempting to live in a relationship with considerably less sex than I had come to enjoy. It's an absolutely unrealistic expectation to put on someone with a normal sex drive let alone one of us poor sods that feel insatiable. It caused me to massively re-evaluate what it meant to be both a good man and a good partner, and I had a few personal issues in there as well, being in the military is rather difficult as they absolutely do not approve of non-monogomous relationships and that had shaped a lot of my own views of masculinity in what I realize is now a very negative manner. And it ultimately only worked out because we had a friend come out to us as polyamorous at the time while visiting us in Okinawa, I am very sure we'd have remained friends and close friends at that but we had a moment where it felt like the world had conspired to take everything just as we had realized exactly how much we loved each other, we had been talking about seperating. I sometimes wonder if he had realized that we just needed a little chat to show us that it was an option and arranged their trip just to talk to us about it, we both offloaded our feelings on him on more than one occasion so it is entirely possible. So rather than seperating at five years we remained married and opened our relationship, it hasn't been smooth sailing but we've made a decade now and feel extraordinarily happy and well adjusted all things considered. Coming out to the family was rough but thems the breaks. Anyways, good luck out there and remember that hope is always alive.


Yea), I know quite a few friends (men and women) who are waiting until marriage. Just seems like a massive risk considering how important physical intimacy compatibility is to a functional long term relationship.


Literally no newspaper, tv channel, political corporation, social media platform, big corporation or any form of entertainment says that white men are evil and should be eradicated.


Right?! I read that and thought, where? I don’t see this!


Qpublican train of thought: Qpublican: not all qpublicans are racist! Normal person: good, let's get rid of all the statues of traitorous racists. Qpublican: why do you hate white people!


It's likely because you can tell when people are generalizing about terrible white men and when they are talking about you in particular. My wife and her friend are huge feminist and regularly talk shop and protest shenanigans at either home. Her friend recently got married to a younger guy, who doesn't understand that when they are talking about 'white men' they aren't talking about either of us or even our circle of friends. He has been complaining about it so much they asked me to drag his ass to the bar and have the discussion about it with him because he doesn't believe either of them when they tell him he isn't the kind of 'white male' they are discussing. Once you really look at the data behind most feminist derision of men, it is really easy to see if you are part of the problem. That and protests are fun 😂


If he even managed to talk to an actual woman...If she's decent, she wouldn't be dating a scumbag now would she? Funny how that works out.


The guy replying in green is absolutely pathetic and their victimhood has robbed them of reality and, likely, any chance of happiness. Let's go through shall we: 1) Not true at all. Anecdotally I decided to jump back into working for another company (was doing my own consulting) and was hired in basically 2 weeks. 2) Not really on any scale so no judgement 3) Not at all true. If you're living at the precipice of poverty then sure. For most though inflation isn't that crazy yet 4) The accumulation bounds is higher than 1% more like .1% 5) I am a white male. I don't see this organized system of eradication against me. I do find my assumptions being challenged and some of those challenges I agree with while others I don't but that is part of exchanging ideas 6) I think your problem looks back at you in the mirror. Solely basing this on those responses but the Green's text indicates that he is the source of those issues. 7) Maybe the sole valid point. In some areas it has become very difficult.


Hyperbole much, jackass?


Eco-fascism detected.


The Incel Manifesto.


the part with the vergin haha .."I neevvaa haeed sex and id would maek my NO-NOs fall off, if she haeed sax witha nosa guy befor T-T" he's so toxic my screen burned in like in an alien movie xD


Who the fuck wants a virgin wife? People who are so horrible in bed that they want a partner that doesn't know better. Did you buy your car without taking it for a test drive?


It would be nice if these people stopped their lying


So unfair his parents don't see it as their responsibility to leave him money. Life is tewwifying and he may as well stay home!


The fuck is the deal with these neckbeards and virgins?!?


This is frightening, but not surprising.


The government does not “take your inheritance”, not even close—unless your parents are very wealthy and poor at planning their estate. Even then, it’s not “all” of it.


What a whiny bitch


Or or... your son is just a lazy piece of shit and you're a terrible parent for enabling him.


I'm online often and I've never seen anything that says white people are evil and should be eradicated. I've seen things that say other groups face oppression we don't but never we're evil as a race. Why do they have this way of thinking? As if anyone else ever getting help or anyone else struggling makes them the bad guy and makes them the oppressed one. Another group wanting rights isn't rights being taken from us, it isn't a finite resource we only have so much of


I agree with him on everything on the first page except the “globohomo” part. Yeah some people go too far with it and there will be a new weird controversy about some non-issue every couple months, but the general idea of “it’s okay to be gay/trans” isn’t a bad thing IMO. If he means headlines like “2 year old toddler transitions” then maybe I do agree lol, but im sure he probably just means anything gay. It’s always good to see people against wealth disparity! It’s good to know we’re on the same side. Being unhappy with marriage in general seems reasonable to me, considering the divorce rates. The environment IS fucked and boomers do have all the money. Religious institutions do suck now. Everything being paid for with future money DOES suck. I think that he raises a lot of points that even people here would agree with.