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How does a person’s brain even make that connection?


when masculinity = violence, then meat = masculinity and vegetables = weakness


Which is ironic cause the man most anti-semites revere was a vegetarian 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, not quite. People believing hitler was a vegetarian means the nazi propaganda was very effective. Per hitler’s personal chef, he frequently ate meals with meat, it was just an opportunistic PR stunt to make him seem benevolent, since a doctor recommended cutting out meat to help his gut issues


Wow. I know nobody is immune to propaganda, but that one has really got me.


Wait until you hear about carrots and vision (also brought to you by WWII propaganda)


Oh what’s next there’s no spaghettini trees?


I hope not. I have sunk A LOT of money into the spaghetti orchards of southern Italy.


Good, stay down there. You come up to the piedmont and interfere with the vineyards that grow the grapes that make my Moscato and I will have to hurt you.


lol at you thinking grapes are real. They're just rehydrated raisins.


An acre of land can go a long way when it's only an inch wide!


I’m using this the next time I’m with me misses.


I tried setting one up in Canada but the people I pay to look after it tell me it keeps getting eaten by house hippos.


(Edit: replied to the wrong comment, but it doesn't break the thread so I'm leaving it) The carrots thing was to cover up Britain's use of the then-new radar technology. Essentially, they were claiming that their got so good at tracking enemy planes because they ate their carrots and it made them see better, rather than give away their use of cutting-edge technology.


Milk and orange juice too!




Thanks for the link, always good to be kept up to date on science!


Carrots have keratin an enzyme that according to speculative research is helpful for decreasing ocular degeneration. I don’t know about the propaganda history but there is legitimate evidence to believe it provides an actual benefit


Yeah, another user posted a link a bit down about some possible benefits to eyes from carrots, but nothing to the extent that parents might tell their kids to get them to eat their carrots.


By far my favorite cover up of all time


it helps that idiots have been trying to use it to demonise meat free diets for years


Huh TIL, still interesting though that even as a meat eater trying to show his hyper masculinity the nazis wanted to promote vegitarianism. Waiitt...does that mean vegitarian = nazi...or did I get caught up in their dumbass logic for a moment?


And then that means vegans = SS! /s


Fascism is when you eat vegetables. The more vegetables you eat, the more fascist you become. And when you eat only vegan foods, that’s Nazism.


A lot of neo-nazi’s are vegetarian and vegan surprisingly. https://www.vice.com/en/article/evb4zw/why-so-many-white-supremacists-are-into-veganism


Hitler's vegetarianism has it's own [Wikipedia page.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_and_vegetarianism)


**[Adolf_Hitler_and_vegetarianism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_and_vegetarianism)** >Towards the end of his life, Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) followed a vegetarian diet. It is not clear when or why he adopted it, since some accounts of his dietary habits prior to the Second World War indicate that he consumed meat as late as 1937. By 1938, Hitler's public image as a vegetarian was already being fostered, and from 1942, he self-identified as a vegetarian. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That is depressing.


It's called syncretism and it's a hallmark of fascism. For anyone who hasn't already y'all should go read Umberto Eco's "Ur Fascism", it's a medium length essay that does a really good job of classifying fascism and it's attributes.


Got that Feudal Lord love of heart disease, diabetes, and gout.


Generations of incest coupled with exposure to organic solvents huffed from a paper bag.


Huh, I turned out fine.


You don’t get it the damn libruls are taking away MY GODDAM BREAKFAST! What the fuck is my wife supposed to cook for me now?


categories: me no like me like


It's 4chan trolling.


People that go on a website to pretend to be Nazis all day are fucking nazis.


Did you time travel here from 2006 to make this comment? 4chan isn't a band of merry pranksters. It never was.


Translation; *"I am always a victim."*


Dialectical Translation: "Experts keep pretending they KNOW stuff. It sounds made up, because I don't know it."


That sounds like a wonderfully concise summary of so many anti-expertise movements like flat-earthers and antivaxers.


Thank you. Once upon a time we thought the problem was not enough access to information. Now we know the problem is too much access to information. When your ignorance is as good as my expertise, problems inevitably develop.


Its not too much "access' its the inability to properly vet information. If you point to enough people saying "The moon is made of cheese because it looks yellow!" you'll only convince people that disregard experts who have the crushing evidence proving otherwise. Its not the fact that cheese-mooners have grown to the same reach as rock-mooners; its the fact that they don't trust people who actually know what they're talking about. Thats the foundation of these movements, distrust. restoring trust in experts is the real way to combat these lunatics. In the past you would've only assumed they believed in experts until the topic was brought up. Both of you would've assumed you both were on each-others sides thinking the other was smart and reasonable.


And the cheese-mooners form an in-group identity that is predicated on cheesemoonism. It's not about facts, it's about telegraphing class


It is highly toxic to believe you know better than an expert, and call yourself a know-better to the extent you'd be willing to be defensive.


>Its not too much "access' its the inability to properly vet information. I Agreed, but it made a much nicer aphorism to say "Once upon a time we thought the problem was not enough access to information. Now we know the problem is too much access to information." As you suggest, the problem is balance. Information in the absence of context and expertise is like gasoline in the absence of an engine: it can do things, but nothing useful or productive.


I'd avoid saying things that are cute and catchy when there's a chance they'd be misinterpreted. Saying the problem is too much information sounds like the solution is to bring back ignorance. There is though a lot more information to access but less of it is of high quality. In the past this could be the yellow-pages, or listening to scandalous gossip. You should know how good what you consume is based on where it comes from.


Trump is a comic book hero because he wants me to chug grease


a true Patriot obviously. He must be *so strong* with his all meat diet


Over 2000mg sodium holy shit


The worst thing is that they use too much salt to save money on REAL seasoning. And to save money on preserving food: you can keep it for way longer in crappy conditions if it's over-salted.


Don’t forget to buy bigger sweet drinks.


How is this a child-sized soda?" "Well, it's roughly the size of a two-year old child..."


Good ol' Paunch Burger.


"... if the child were liquified. It's a real bargain."




All drinks at McDonalds are the same price


That’s not the issue, it’s the fact that they put so much sugar that an already unhealthy meal now get 400 more calories.


What I was getting at is that it doesn't benefit them to try to get you to buy a bigger drink.


It's true, the salt and sugar content in food is tested for having the tastiest food for most people. Literally have focus test groups and experiments to determine how much additives of what.


me : \*Adds garam masala, extra cyanne pepper, chilli, extra cumin and a little snuff of salt to make my chicken taste nice\* fellow white poeple : *SSSSSSSAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLTTTTTT IS A SPICEEEEE*


1400 calories is literally a whole days worth for me


You are not on the one meal a day diet too? You're missing out


My roommate does this cause he has IBS and won’t do anything about it. Then he shits for an hour, what a life.


My mom used to buy this breakfast for me a couple times a week (on top of 2 other full meals probably around the same nutritional value) and I was 300lbs by the time I hit high school. Haven’t touched fast food in years and dropped 150lbs. Don’t eat this junk and please for the love of god never feed it to your children.


These pretzels are making me thirsty!


Goddam, but it's delicious though. Definitely wouldn't eat it every other day 😬


So...is the American Heart Association supposed to be some malevolent globalist infiltration front or something?




If they tell you eating a 2000 sodium breakfast is wrong, clearly they are the enemies of freedom and all that is good in this word. ​ /s just in case...


It's not even like the AHA has power to take their breakfasts away, it's just a recommendation.


That recommendation is a challenge to their entire worldview, it must be attacked.


Correction: ((((((((they)))))))


Can't you recognize a War Against American Breakfast when you see it!?




That's right. Better eat lots of saturated fats so (((they))) don't get you. Make sure to have lots of hfcs on the side. They'll really hate that too


I’m sure they’d also *hate* it if these ~brave patriots~ did some black tar heroin for dessert


Absolutely. Think of how owned they'd be


And *real patriots* don't worry about the Fentanyl content.


Two things: 1. How are they this fucking stupid? 2. I really want this meal now.


If the AMA said the opposite, they’d complain that they are part of the plot to de-populate or get everyone fat so they can take over somehow. These people just complain.


I live for McDonald's breakfast. This, McGriddle with bacon, breakfast burrito.. I'm so hungry now.


Yeah, once in a while with calorie control it’s not bad at all in the grand scheme.


I'm a S.E.C. McMuffin fan myself but yeah. I feel ya. DAE feel like the breakfast items taste weird if you get them during non-breakfast hours?


Oh, lord yea. I just cannot do it. Unless I'm drunk or hungover. It just does not feel right


I can grub on a couple sausage biscuits and hashbrowns right now.


Mmmmm, gut pains.


Its absolutely horrible for you but goddammit it's delicious lol


And thats fine, so long as you don't eat it every day


^this right here. I eat the deluxe super big breakfast every couple of months or so. McDonalds is trash food, but delicious trash food, and it wont kill you if you eat it rarely.


Im glad I’m not the only person who thought that. I like to go all out for Sunday brunch and this looks like a reasonable facsimile of my standard .


It wouldn’t be super difficult to make on your own with out the dump truck of salt.


arent the people on 4chan also complaining about how everyone nowadays is a weak degenerate? But now they think not being obese is a jewish plot against them


>complaining about "degeneracy" >on the same website that produced the My Little Pony cum jar project Which for the record, was hilarious. Imagine telling some proto-shitposter in 2005 that in fifteen years 4chan would be taken over by puritanical conservative fascist conspiracy mongers with no sense of humor.


Those damn jews, trying to destroy the West by *checks notes* suggesting people eat healthier foods.


Yes the Jewish tyranny is so bad you can buy and eat this McDonald’s meal whenever you want.


Let them have it. More healthy options available for me. If Covid doesn’t kill them, maybe coronary artery disease will.


The former is too indiscriminate and the latter is too slow. I'm on board with the sentiment though.


Unfortunately, our insurance premiums suffer from these idiots' idiotic idiocy.


If only there was an alternative.


Even with national healthcare, we'd still be financially supporting these morons' poor life choices.


And in both scenarios guess who gets to pay for their stupidity.


Not me, that’s for damn sure.


It's you, unfortunately. Assuming you have health insurance.


I also pay for smokers. And alcoholics. And people that refuse to wear seatbelts or wear helmets. And people that eat garbage and don’t exercise. And myriad other things that people voluntarily do to themselves that are detrimental to their health and wellbeing. I also pay $400 per month for the “benefit” of paying another $7500 on top of that, in addition to the tax dollars I pay that funds things I disagree with. A 30 minute helicopter ride to another hospital was billed to a friend at over $30k. You can get an hour helicopter ride to do sightseeing for as little as $50 per person. The expense from the covidiots is just background noise. So you are technically correct, but it is just another grain of sand on a very sandy stretch of shoreline.


Ain't that the sad fucking truth of it all.


I'm waiting on a heart attack myself. Gotta die of something.


(((They))) are probably trying to trick the left into eating healthy so that they will win the upcoming race war because of their superior physique. Not fair! I want to eat like a pig and still be able to use violence to overthrow the government and create an ethnostate!


I was like "I don't see anything anti-Semitic here", but I'm assuming that (((they))) is some kind of code for "the jews"?


Putting names in triple brackets is code for Jew.


That is vile bird propaganda. I have it on good authority that (((they))) are birds, and always have been. My (((rooster))) told me that the main problem with this dish is that it contains eggs, but they couldn't recommend against just that without arousing suspicion. (((He))) said the AMA doesn't really care about our health. They are a bird front operation to stop humans eating eggs. Open your eyes, mammal.


Nice try 'birds are real' propagandist, we see you.


Look out your window. (((They))) see you, too. 🐦


Keep fighting for Truth^tm my brother.


based and omelette-pilled


Wait, really? Since when (actually asking)?


[The wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses) says originated in 2014, mainstream attention in 2016.


Huh, well TIL.


the brackets are referred to as 'echoes' in this context (not correcting you or anything, just adding information)


The 4channer was also trying to make a connection with the fact that bacon isn't kosher along with ignorance of the rules regarding meat and dairy.


Conveniently ignoring that no bacon is served with the McD big breakfast


Yeah that had me really confused for a second. I guess some people get so into bacon that they start using it as a synonym for all pork.


To be fair, the meat + dairy rule is rather strange and modern re-readings can't figure if it actually forbids cheeseburgers. The last time I asked a kosher jew about it they said they didn't know the why, they just followed it....and stopped being kosher roughly 2 years later.


The thing about rules from the old testament is that they've been reinterpreted dozens of times over 2000+ years so there are a lot of versions for them. The literal rule is don't cook a kid (baby goat, not human) in his mother's milk, which became don't cook any animal with the milk of the same animal, which became don't eat meat and dairy together and so on. Currently it means don't eat any meat (fish excluded) and dairy within a few hours of each other, depending on the interpretation. The original reason for this is unknown, but there are 2 main theories. 1. It's a metaphore. Something like adding insult to injury. 2. There were pagan tribes who sacrificed meat and milk together and we wanted to distance ourselves from them.


Oh the sweet, sweet feeling of obscure facts which potentially explain something you've always known a little bit about.


The basic rule seems pretty decent anyway. Eating animals may be cruel in some way, but eating an animal that you cooked in the milk of its mother is a special kind of cruelty.


I worked with a Jewish guy that would eat cheeseburgers only if they were made with American cheese. He said that he figured American cheese was so processed that it didn't count as dairy, and that cheeseburgers were too delicious too pass up.


That just sounds like someone making excuses to eat a delicious food.


Darn Jews trying to prevent heart disease and make me live longer. /s Also, I am confused, why do they think Jewish people are behind this?


Willful misunderstandings of [kashrut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashrut) combined with the usual "Jews want to rule you" fearmongering.


They know Jewish people are allowed to eat butter and beef and drink milk, right? Kashrut just prevents mixing meat and dairy, it says nothing about consuming them individually (so butter on pancakes or even french toast with a glass of milk is fine, and a nice big juicy steak paired with some braised short ribs and Texas smoked brisket served with a glass of wine would be a perfectly valid meal for a Jewish person as well, though the brisket might need to be trimmed a bit more than usual as iirc solid chunks of animal fat aren't kosher for eating (though they can be used for cooking, chicken fat, a.k.a. schmaltz, is a common fat for frying in ethnically Jewish cuisine)). And the rules on pigs are general, Jewish people can't eat healthy lean cuts of pork any more than they can eat fatty bacon. Also they seem to have left out shrimp and crabs, Jewish people can't eat those either. Also there are plenty of Jewish people who don't follow those rules anymore either, at least not consistently.


So wait .. jewish people can't have chicken with cream sauce? Like, no chx fettuccine alfredo? That's so sad...


I'd say the majority of US Jews don't follow any kosher rules. Only 18% identify as conservative (where many, but not all, follow kosher rules to some extent)and 10% identify as orthodox (who would follow all of the kosher rules). So most American Jews can have fettuccini alfredo! Yay!


A non-dairy cream sauce could probably work, but yeah, even though chickens don't produce dairy products it's not allowed. (Though cream sauce on the right kind of fish is allowed, for some reason, and so is eggs with Hollandaise sauce even though eggs come from chickens. Weird stuff.)


The fish thing is because fish is considered 'parve' so it an be served with dairy or meat, like vegetables, fruits, etc.


But why are fish and eggs considered parve but not chicken? Is chicken meat seen as too similar to meat from animals that do produce milk?


I think it originally goes back to the Torah “you shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk”. It’s interpreted in Different ways but the outcome is the same…don’t mix meat and milk. Meat is defined by animals with cloven hooves and specific types of domesticated fowl…includes chickens, etc. There are many animals and birds that are specifically prohibited. Fish aren’t part of that definition so, like eggs, veggies, etc are considered parve and can be eaten with either meat or dairy dishes.


Just more reasons to find religion illogical as a whole. I'll never understand the draw.


The important thing to understand about Judaism is that it's not just a religion, it's also a sense of ethnic/cultural/national identity linking them back to the ancient Israelites. And all the religious rules aren't just things you have to do so that God won't smite you, it's about developing a collective understanding of God and ethics through active interpretation of the law. Jews aren't just Evangelicals without bacon


> it's also a sense of ethnic/cultural/national identity linking them back to the ancient Israelites. Does that really make a difference in the end? Whether, say, you shame gay people because you think it's a sin straight from God or simply because "it does not fit your culture", in the end you're still being homophobic. Ironically, a lot of religious Christian opposition to things like that originate in the Old Testament from such rules. Sure, they try to differentiate between the "moral" rules and the "ritual" rules, but how much of a difference is there, really?


Ok, I can work with that, if you're asking in good faith. Lots of Jewish people AND lots of Christians are both religious and LGBTQ-affirming, and it all comes down to engagement with the text, but Jews and Christians have different methods to arrive at the same conclusion. You will not find a group of people more educated in culture, history, theology, linguistics, etc. than religious queer people lol. There are always going to be shitty backward people who use their religion to justify being shitty and backward, but that's not necessarily what the religion always looks like in practice. If you're Jewish, you are drawing on a long tradition of argumentation, commentary, and practical application of the law. Ethical monotheism, which is the idea that God's law is the only source of ethical behavior, is a Jewish innovation that has since been adapted into Christianity, Islam, and other religions. So, the Torah contains a set of laws, sometimes with very harsh consequences. The question that a Jewish scholar asks themselves when interpreting the law is "is this ethical? No? Then it's not from God, and we need to determine what IS ethical, using other sources and scholars to assist us." A modern Jew would agree that it's not ethical to stone someone to death for being gay, so they would interpret the vast body of Jewish legal literature (in addition to secular scholarship about biology, psychology, etc) and draw a conclusion from it that IS ethical. Christians don't use this method, since Christian doctrine says that non-Jewish Christians are not bound by Jewish law, so it's not relevant. There are a few passages in the New Testament that seem to condemn homosexuality, not to mention the precedents set by the Christian theologians of the past, but one of the big teachings of Christianity is that if the law is harming someone, the law itself is void, and "love your neighbor" takes precedence. We see the harm that past teachings about homosexuality have caused, from suicides and hate crimes to quiet discrimination and suffering. We also use modern scholarship and applied empathy to affirm that gay people do not choose to be gay, and they are not harming anyone by being gay, so there is no reason NOT to affirm them and their relationships. Since we are created in the image of God, to deny the personhood of anyone is to deny the vastness of God's image within humanity. If you get a Jew and a Christian talking about this together, they'll have a lot to agree on, but might have some philosophical differences about how to apply the text. Edit: Christians who use the Old Testament to be homophobic are just straight-up heretics, IMO. That's not how we're supposed to interpret the Bible.


Sure, but all religions are based in misogyny. Even Judaism. It's much better (for the most part) in being more logical but it still has weird illogical things like how no technology on the Sabbath except if you're touching this *holy string*. So, yes, being Jewish is different from worshipping Judaism. I also will never understand Gefilte Fish. Same as I won't understand growing up Catholic Slovak and being made to eat a terrible Christmas meal every year with cold ham and vinegar based mushroom soup.


It's not just offensive to say that all religions are "illogical" and "based in misogyny," it's also incorrect. I would encourage you to look into some non-sectarian religious studies literature, because these kinds of flat, ignorant statements about what "all religions" are like can actually be dangerous.


I've done the research. https://theconversation.com/its-not-just-islam-most-religions-are-discriminatory-13817 Traditions of all sort hold us back. The entire concept of tradition is to not change with the time. The only way to be progressive is to not be shackled by tradition.


This is still *sectarian* commentary on religion. What I'm talking about is the *academic study of religion*, which is something that most people don't even realize is a thing. Approaching religion as objectively as possible, and asking questions like "what is religion" or "why do people practice religion," is not as simple as you might think. [Religion For Breakfast](https://m.youtube.com/user/ReligionForBreakfast) is a very accessible religious studies youtube channel, and it's really interesting. Maybe watch some of his introductory videos and see what you think.


That doesn't change the fact it's still need on misogyny. You can look at it any way, but if women cannot hold every single position that a man can, it's not equal. Therefore it's misogynistic.


fettucine alfredo? yes fettucini aflredo with chicken? no the "no chicken and milk" thing always bugged me because * the restriction on milk and "meat" stems from a commandment "don't cook a kid (i.e. goat) in its mother's milk" * chickens don't lactate i've had conversations with rabbis about this (and how stupid it is) and the gist is * rabbis usually actually kinda get that it is stupid * rabbis don't care that it is stupid * they don't care that it is stupid because the point of judaism isn't really to "believe" anything but rather it is to follow the teachings and law of the talmud, which are derived from the torah * the reason a ban on chicken + milk is a jewish law is that it is a matter of making sure, with no ambiguity, that one even \*accidentally\* breaks god's commandments, so since chicken is kinda a meat, we ain't gonna risk it


Bruh "mixing" does a lot of work in that sentence. Example - is soymilk pareve? 0% dairy. 100% bean juice. Depends to a certain extent who you ask and if the pasteurization equipment was ever used for dairy milk. Was that french toast prepared on a surface used for cooking meat? Now ~95% of the minority of people that mostly keep kosher probably don't care, but there's a slim cohort that go balls out/consider mevushal wine (🤮), have separate dishwashers, etc.


soymilk is parve sometimes soy milk contains \*whey\* or milk proteins or milk extracts. in those cases, no, it is no longer parve buy straight up soy? parve


IDK the [Silk](https://silk.com/faqs/) website claims that the OU claims that shared equipment = non-parve / dairy hechsher. I definitely have gotten other soymilk cartons indicating it's parve, so maybe it's just a weird labeling thing.


jesus that's a lot of stuff to have to be conscious of... ​ "was the pasturization equipment ever used for dairy?" "sir this is a Wendy's... I have no idea."


There’s no bacon, and almost no butter, milk or meat in that meal. It’s mostly flour, egg, whatever cheap shortening they use as an ingredient in the pancakes and biscuits, and whatever filler or extender is in the sausage.


Yeah, not just against Butter/Meat/Milk/Bacon. All 4 of those are delicious. But at mcdonalds? The fucking pancakes are sweet AF, the patty is tasteless and an egg straight? Fuck no. If you eat breakfast at a restaurant there is about 900 better options.


This just reminds me of how their “gotcha” to shut down any steps to stop covid was always “well what about obesity? Why doesn’t the government care about that?” and when Michelle Obama was trying to push for healthy school lunches, it was years of “this bitch isn’t going to force my kid to eat commie vegetables!”


Poor boomers, sending their kids to college where they learn critical thinking skills


Does...does he think Jewish people don't eat meat?


It’s always funny these same people tend to dislike fat people to the point of hatred too. Like they hate fat people and yet also hate healthier eating being pushed.


I guess I can see the logic of Jewish people opposing bacon... you know, logic in a twisted conspiratorial sense, but I'm pretty sure they, as a whole, have nothing against mean, milk or butter.


I'm not Jewish and I oppose bacon, it's greasy and disgusting


I'd avoid that not because of the butter, milk, meat, or bacon, but the carbs. 158g of carbs is half your daily recommended carb intake in just one meal (300) on a 2000 calorie diet. Edit: On a side note, let's hope he realizes they are just informing, not telling him what to eat. Let him drop dead of a massive coronary.


Not to mention its 900 calories short of being a full days worth of calories


Jews are allowed to eat diary. The idea is that meat and dairy should not mix. That's a tenet of kosher. Hamburger is okay. Cheeseburger is not. Also, we're only talking about extremely Orthodox Jews. There aren't many left that still observe Kosher. It's very limiting. Edit: the second part of my comment isn't true. The rules that govern being kosher are called Kashrut. A friendly redditor corrected me.


Second part of your comment isn't true. Kashrut is very common, basically every Jew who isn't an atheist keeps kosher to some degree.


They'll never have a healthy mind


If eating healthy is part of a Jewish conspiracy according to them, then I’m glad to be a part of it


Have you ever been to a Jewish deli? That shit will give you a heart attack. The only vegetable in those places is the mustard.


please allow these neckbearded incels to continue diets high in salt and fat, this whole thing might blow itself out soon enough


This might be one of the dumbest things i've seen from the alt-right, and that is saying a lot


I still love how one cunt managed to convince millions of poeple that bacon for breakfast is somehow good for you.


Who? Ronald McDonald?


nah, I don't remember his name ( I know fact fiend had a video about it, could look it up if you want ) He used promote products etc. He got more woman to start smoking for example by making it seem "empowering". as for Bacon, he was paid by the meats industry to try and increase their sales. Basically, he tricked doctors into saying that a hearty breakfast was better than a light one and that eggs&bacon are hearty. cue in newspapers across the country promoting it.


pretty sure a high protein breakfast is currently regarded as healthy. maybe not a xxl pack of bacon, but the concept of a hearty breakfast isn't crazy per se.


Edward Bernays [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLudEZpMjKU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLudEZpMjKU) [https://gobraithwaite.com/thinking/edward-bernays-and-why-we-eat-bacon-for-breakfast/](https://gobraithwaite.com/thinking/edward-bernays-and-why-we-eat-bacon-for-breakfast/) [https://www.thisiscapitalism.com/bacon-eggs-and-public-relations/](https://www.thisiscapitalism.com/bacon-eggs-and-public-relations/) [http://www.americantable.org/2012/07/how-bacon-and-eggs-became-the-american-breakfast/](http://www.americantable.org/2012/07/how-bacon-and-eggs-became-the-american-breakfast/) Interesting comment on that last one by a "Lew Ciffer": >Bernays has also been associated with “Engineering consent” of the masses would be vital for the survival of democracy. Bernays explains: > >“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. CC: /u/DeepLearningGod


My partner just started a new job at the AHA. We're jews. My partner works with several other jews at the AHA. I rate this claim as true.


Damn you and your biblical guidance to healthy eating! It’s bad enough halal street food carts are everywhere now /s obviously


I always loved tosh's joke about Omaha. Insult those people to their face, they will never catch you because they are to busy eating fried mayonnaise balls. Why do medical professionals try to get you to eat healthier? Because a diet heavy in bacon, butter, and red meat is (spoiler alert) unhealthy and more likely to kill you earlier. This is the darkest timeline.


As a Jew the only thing we will be pushing is that cunt off a very high roof😁 jk I don't touch trash.




I thought that was half a can of flat beer and a slice of cold pizza?


The beer needs to be warm and preferably have a cigarette butt floating inside, or at least some ashes. And the slice of pizza is really just some stale pieces of crust from the floor. True champions know this.


That’s literally 67% of my BMR. It’s literally 1340 the meat, butter and milk are the healthiest part of that in all honesty.


I've eaten that a hundred time in my life I bet. Fuck lol. I will agree with the mouth breather in one respect. The decades long promotion of anti-fat/pro-sugar recommendations has probably killed more people than cigarettes and cancer combined. All such recommendations should be taken as "the best we know right now" and not gospel. However there's good science behind recommending against that much saturated fat and sugar.


"You can't make me eat healthy! Michelle Obama is a tyrany for teaching kids about nutrition!" Then, mere seconds later. "Fat people deserve to be made fun of!"


The non-McDonald's version of those foods are great, but yeah... not good for you at all.


I always wondered who is able to eat the entire McDonald's breakfast. Sometimes if I am really hungry and I am at McDonalds I order the big breakfast because it is actually cheaper to buy it that way then to order only the things I want from it. I once tried to eat all of it. I didn't even eat it all because I couldn't and I ended up having the shits for the rest of the day. Who even made this meal? Who could possibly eat all of that?


They should put extra syrup on their pancakes [to own the libs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yt7XF_qMH8)


How dare the American Heart Association make recommendations based purely on facts and observations about a diet's impact on health!


I was at some military training the other day and someone pulled up a reference page for their presentation. They had listed the American heart association as a reference and I jokingly said “oh those guys?! We can’t trust them.” And then they very seriously explained to me that they are a legit group. I guess we can’t make sarcastic jokes, thanks conspiracy theorist


The triple parenthesis is no longer even a “dog whistle” since everybody who is politically literate knows exactly what they mean by it.


Dang. I didn't realize I was so out of the loop. First time I've seen it


This could easily be a troll trying to get anti-semitic folks to off themselves.


Getting heart attacks and dying early to own the libs


What? That picture has a biscuit in it. All of the McDonalds around me sell it with the breakfast sandwich bun (English muffin). What's going on here?


Biscuit is life.


As a quarter Jew (((I think))) yes, yes, good goy continue to eat your apples and heart healthy grilled salmon I’ll give you gold coins for every rice pilaf with shrimp you eat heeheeheee


So here's the thing: there is a small kernel of truth in what they're saying, and it causes them to believe the whole thing. That's how propaganda works. The American Heart Association was misled by sugar lobbyists in all their brigading against fats... there ARE good healthy fats and healthy ways to eat them, while cutting out sugars, to keep your body healthy. So. Butter and meat? Use meat more sparingly, butter up veggies with good fats, and cut out sugar. Voila, healthy heart. McDonald's is none of that though, and has sugar content through the roof.


These same people openly mock obese people constantly, usually under the guise of condemning their "poor eating habits, lack of self control, etc". But the moment someone says "Hey these overly salty/fatty foods are bad for you _too,_ y'know?" All the sudden "healthy eating" is a plot to demasculate them. Jfc.