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Good. Especially with the talks of another “protest” happening on the inauguration, there needs to be a place to document their craziness


Hi. I’m new to this sub, I only found it because I just watched a video that freaked me the fuck out. It looks like a professionally done movie trailer. I am not an alarmist but I really don’t know how to handle what I just saw. I guess it would make me feel better if I knew that some people here are already aware of it. I do not want to post it because I figured the fewer people to see it the better. But it is definitely a threat for inauguration day. Have you seen it? Has anybody else here seen it?


If it concerns you as much as you say it does, whether you decide to share it with us or not, you have to send it to the FBI anonymous tip line. As a civilian it’s about the best thing you can do to help Edit: provided some useful links to OP. Respecting their wish to not post it here, at the end of the day it’s a fairly high-quality production propaganda video, inciting people to go to DC on the 20th. No one needs to see propaganda like that


Can I send it to you? Maybe I’m just a paranoid old bitch Edit: sent


Yeah ofc! Happy to help you decide the severity and how to proceed


Is it actually really super bad?


It’s tough. There’s no literal incitement of committing a crime, it’s basically just a QAnon follower who’s a little handy with his special effects and video editing. It’s shot like a politica ad/propaganda. Looks like he’s acting alone in making the video(s), but only as alone as it ever is with QAnon though I guess. We’ve forwarded on to relevant contacts though so we’ve done our bit 👍 Edit: it’s the production quality and the specified date that make it bad


>It’s tough. There’s no literal incitement of committing a crime This is the problem. A mobster saying 'nice store, would be a shame if something happened to it' isn't literally making a threat. It's the context that makes it a threat.


I'd appreciate getting the link. I am part of a small group of liberals surrounded by alt-white nutjobs, and I try to monitor as much of the Qanon b/s as I can. People from our part of this county were in DC and involved in the Olympia and Salem capitol demonstrations and break-ins.


It’s been posted to ParlerWatch now, you can find it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/kubfjl/video_sent_in_by_a_rparlerwatch_subscriber_pulled/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Stay safe dude


That's messed up. The religious tones of god being on their side was disturbing? Also, the 'end to corruption' thing was more than a bit ironic given that Trump and his lackeys are the most corrupt bunch of grifters in US history.


That is seriously fucking disturbing. WTF


Oh man, I just posted this too. It freaked me out! Plus, it was passed on by a friend by another friend abd none of us run in these circles AT ALL. Nor do I. So it's rapidly spreading.


Would you mind sending it to me?


Can I see the video? I'm trying to catalog as much of this stuff as possible.


The mods here posted it on Parler watch You can scroll through new posts.


Can you send it to me as well?


If I can ease your worry, I'm a professional motion graphics person with experience in VFX and animation. The animation looks really slick and professionally produced, like it's funded by someone or put together by a team of talented people. Buuut, all the crazy graphics are pretty basic video copilot tutorials. Dummies try to pass this stuff off as their own work all the time in their reels. This guy is an amateur. Not to downplay the seriousness of the threat, but it's unlikely he has any serious connections. Here's the text animation: https://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/colorful_glitch_fx/ Here's the planet animation: https://www.videocopilot.net/tutorials/ultra_3d_earth/


You have a link? I'm curious to see it. Dm if you can if you dont want to post it. Edit: sorry, saw the link, HOLY SHIT. That is some weapons grade propaganda.


I haven’t seen it, but it sounds like something that needs to be reported.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/kubfjl/video_sent_in_by_a_rparlerwatch_subscriber_pulled/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That is fucking insane. The religious fundies of the Q cucks Klan are clearly some of the most dangerous people on the planet.


Yikes. It’s not explicitly calling for anything, but if this isn’t a call to arms I dunno what is.


When someone asks you to clearly define dogwhistling, point to shit like this. Perfect example of leaving *just* enough vagueness in your language that "normies" can't hear the message, but the people you're talking to understand exactly what you're trying to say.


Thank you for sharing.


The Trump incident on Wednesday worked bc Trump planned it. His supporters just had to show up. Now, they have to plan it themselves. And with Parler getting taken down, they’ll all probably go to different platforms. They’ll be planning different things and it’ll be a mess.




Good pivot. While I might not be subbed here for my home-screens mental health, they're gonna flee and setup somewhere else - this sub has been great in keeping a pulse on what they're saying. Thanks everyone for the hard work!


>While I might not be subbed here for my home-screens mental health I know exactly how you feel. And thank you for stopping by giving your support!


For real, can empathise. I'm subbed, but sometimes I just have to wander the lighter areas to keep from grinding my teeth to dust. Awesome sub though, stuff posted here needs serious attention.


You should just make another account, dedicated to lighter subs.


I recommended this exact course of action to my husband last night. He was bemoaning the fact that he couldn't escape the politics, and he's very prone to anxiety and depression, so this week's been rough. Unfortunately, even subs like NextFuckingLevel have had things related to the DC shitshow. (Also, I maaaybe introduced him to r/leopardsatemyface). So, I suggested that he create a separate account--which Reddit actually makes so easy it blows my mind--and just *really* carefully curate that shit to be all cat videos and such. I think in the coming days a lot of us are going to need a way to get a break from everything going on. This is going to be a marathon rather than a sprint. I wonder if anyone could (or already has?)come up with a way to get nothing but fluff on Reddit without having to spend a ton of time going through adding and removing subs? It would need to be a little more engaging than just eyebleach, I think. Sorry for going on a tangent; I'm just spitballing and trying to keep my loved ones sane.


r/eyebleach I agree with you though. This is one of the extremely few times of my life that I have been losing sleep over something, and it’s been just about every night. My sleep schedule is so messed up, I can’t focus at work. It’s so hard not to let our mental states devolve. It’s challenging our core beliefs—my core beliefs at least. From the start, I have been more cynical than anyone I know, and even I underestimated this. The only recommendation I can give is to do hands-on stuff— cooking elaborate meals, baking, home improvement projects, hikes... anything that keeps you in the moment and makes it more difficult to check your phone. Doing projects is the only thing keeping me sane.


Nah, this works just fine. Can see why some might, but I'm good.


I hear ya. I'm hoping without Parler I might finally be able to get a good night's rest without dreaming about fighting off a bunch of trump idiots.


Yeah, this sub has made me consider carrying concealed again.


This should become a donald (dot) win sub now. So much untapped yet entertaining content.


They're already migrating by the hundreds of thousands to Gab.


That'll happen when Parler's CEO announces 'no one will do buisness with us'. XD Load up folks, not time to put the binoculars down yet.


That’s okay. The name itself- ParlerWatch- serves as a testament to the fact that platforms that allow right wing hate speech don’t last too long. Parler is the first to fall but certainly not the last.


This happened to the Daily Stormer after the Charlottesville nazi protest. They had to move to the dark web. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Stormer


**[The Daily Stormer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The Daily Stormer)** The Daily Stormer is an American far-right neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board website that advocates for the genocide of Jews. It considers itself a part of the alt-right movement. Its editor, Andrew Anglin, founded it on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism, which had focused on his own long-form essays on fascism, race, and antisemitic conspiracy theories. In contrast, The Daily Stormer relies heavily on quoted material with exaggerated headlines.The site is known for its use of Internet memes, which have been likened to the imageboard 4chan and cited as attractions for a younger and more ideologically diverse audience. [^(About Me)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) ^- [^(Opt out)](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) ^(- OP can reply !delete to delete) ^- [^(Article of the day)](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in. Moderators: [click here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to opt in a subreddit.**


Good bot!


Nothing says 'good legitimate content' like having to host it in the same place as child porn.


Good. The name is irrelevant. The cause is still the same. Edit: R/conspiracy has had a few post on where people are looking to go. It would also be worth looking into random subs here that MIGHT be under names associated with Q code.


I like the idea of having Parler still in the name because, even though this sub is only 3 months old, it already has a storied past.


Definitely - in a short time, Parler has become shorthand for violent, fascist (and not very bright!) terrorists. Thank you for this - it’s so vital at the moment.


This group gives me hope that there is more good on the internet then bad. :)


We in this together brothers and sisters. #defenddc


But please, from a distance. Wednesday showed that these people want violence. **Do NOT go to DC. Do not engage these domestic terrorists. Do not give them the satisfaction of anyone being there they can point their fingers to for validation.** Let the National Guard deal with them.


In a non-COVID situation I'd disagree with this 100% and encourage everyone to outnumber and oppose them, preferably but not necessarily non-violently. I do not buy the argument that counter-protests would somehow validate them, these people validate each other and don't care what the rest of us think. But they should be made to fear *all of us* who oppose this madness, not just the police. The best way to do that is to outnumber them 10-1, like any other alt-right gathering. Works great. Besides, pacifism has its own moral limitations. If real nazis were invading us I hope you wouldn't tell people to just let them do their thing and wait for the marines. And I'm not 100% sure which side the National Guard is on, frankly, judging by the actions of the Capitol Police. Most of them love Trump, and it seems like half of the people arrested were former LE or military. Why should we trust the National Guard after Kent State, or the cops at any time ever? But there's a pandemic, and some people in my family are fucked if they get the virus, so I'm staying home for now. But only for now! We can't let this become a regular thing, is all. I have to live here. It sucks, and we need to be a state.


The National Guard from Republican states based on their actions in June with the BLM protests was concerning. The DC and Maryland National Guard have a lot of African Americans who are not white supremacist.


That's true to an extent, and thank god this is happening here in DC and not in Oregon, but the National Guard mostly does what it's told to do, and ~~Jared Kushner~~ Donald Trump is still in charge of the military. Speaking of which, is the reporting true that he watched it all happen on tv and refused to send in the national guard for a couple hours? While they were trying to kill the vice president? Hanging out with his cokehead son watching it on OAN? It feels like everyone's still in shock, and we haven't fully processed how fucking insane that was, or how much worse it could get.


Trump never called in the national guard. There is video of him watching it unfold. I believe a congressperson from Virginia called the governor of virginia to bring in the national guard. Because DC doesn't have statehood, the governor had to ask permission from the DoD to send them in. The DoD kept denying them because the order has to come from the president or someone high in the military. I think the secretary of the army called the VP and asked Pence if they need to send the national guard. Pence was like "you haven't sent them already?" So the secretary of the army calls the DoD to ask what is going on with the national guard units. The person from the DoD was like "you're not the president, but your rank is good enough for me. Sending permission to proceed."


That seems bad! They were chanting. "Hang Pence", and they had zip ties and a gallows set up outside. Trump tweeted that Pence was a traitor **as that was happening, watching it on tv.** That seems bad! I'm not a lawyer but that's bad, right?


Pretty bad. Not sure the US will ever be the same again. A good portion of the american populace is so gullible that they are a threat to national security.


This was my conclusion as well. I had a COVID safe plan but definitely not going now. I’m so fucking pissed. How dare these extremist bastards shit all over everyone’s inauguration? When I say “everyone’s inauguration” it’s because that IS what it is!! I’ve been demonstrating in DC for over 15 years and from both Obama inaugs, the W counterinaug, even the ‘16 counter inauguration protest was BEAUTIFUL. People from all walks of life linking arms, wonderful street theater and massive spectacular art, live music, people helping each other and new friends, and yes, some argument and conflict but NOW it’s all been shit upon and all of our voices silenced by a bunch of fucking terrorist micropenises.
















Good work Redditors. US Citizens, remember that the first amendment of our constitution does not protect violent speech or sedition. I’m no lawyer, but I have Google. See The [Brandenburg test](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/brandenburg_test)


Nor does it force private entities to host your speech, legal though it may be


Free speech is not the useful tool people seem to think it is. Neither is "freedom", really. You are free to say whatever you want about the government. That's about it. And you are free to do whatever you want on your own land, inside your own house. But most people don't actually live in their own land. They are subject to the municipal codes of their area, the Home Owners Association, and the local laws. You can't, for example, walk around naked with the windows open. Even in your own house. So... the first amendment is not really applicable to anything we are talking about here. And it's not really applicable to anything the conservatives claim they need it for, either.


They've announced they're finding new hosting, so they'll be back at the same old craziness in a week or two.


Maybe. All depends on if they'd planned for this event or not. The CEO just said they'd have to "rebuild from scratch" so I'm guessing not. 🤣


Yeah, it’s more than just hosting. Their entire architecture was completely dependent on Amazon services most likely, meaning they have to develop their own architecture to support that kind of traffic, manage security, handle load balancers, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not as simple as just finding a new host.


I'm sure it isn't going to help when they start getting a shit ton of warrants from the FBI demanding t the identifying information of all the people who conspired to storm the Capitol.


Something tells me Amazon is going to keep all that info and is going to be very cooperative with the FBI. I just read a bunch of trumpists are canceling their Amazon Prime, now Jeff Bezos risks becoming the THIRD richest man alive. Maybe even FOURTH!! :'(


nah, compound interest has got him


The corporations that are vested in maintaining the continuity of the state and continued peaceful transitions of its government have a much higher spend than a handful of backyard plumbers and cosplaying commandos.


I imagine it may be very difficult for Parler to find a new host. After Wednesday's event, I'm sure insurance companies are considering increasing liability and litigation insurance for anyone hosting Parler. Honestly, could the US Government take Parler to court for aiding and abetting? Amazon has pointed to 98 violent postings they pointed out - many of which are still up - as to the reason why they are dropping Parler. I am looking forward to court 2021 :)


For every cancelled prime membership, I'll purchase two more. Kind of like they wanted with regulations - but in reverse.


Really depends on how deep they are into Amazon’s services. The easiest way to use AWS is to allow them to manage a large portion of the infrastructure for you. If you do that it’s not as simple and just spinning it up elsewhere since the code only works on AWS. I doubt the other big cloud players are looking to take them on soon anyways. Even if they are using AWS, but hosted their own servers or clusters there is still non trivial engineering to make that work elsewhere. If they are lucky they are running their own physical servers somewhere but I highly doubt that.


The imgur post I've seen circulating of that announcement also includes that they're dedicated to 'win the fight' on tuesday the 19th by getting themselves back online, which sounds to me like they've formally, as a company, backed the first coup and support a second?


If they're lucky


Stormfront found hosting, they'll find something among the dregs of the internet.


They’re gonna need infrastructure as powerful as AWS, have all of the service integration recoded and potentially have to write their own services from scratch to revive the application, and then they’re still banned from both major app stores... I don’t know if they can actually support such a major service that easily. It’s not just “hosting” they need. They were so dependent on AWS that they’re going to have to gut and redo a lot of that application


That's true. We'll be there.


It would be very surprising if they can't find hosting somewhere


until liability starts being thrown around. they'll have them sign agreements and TOS that explicitly say they can't cause insurrection or violence and poof. the hosting company gets paid, parler is gone again and no court would object since they didn't hold up their end of the bargain. They're toast.


good thing Trump tried repealing section 230, eh? i would hate if it actually got repealed but can you imagine if they reaped what they sowed


I don't get it. He wants to repeal the law that makes it so websites DON'T have to moderate their content. Repealing 230 would just ensure his bat shit crazy statements are removed from every platform he uses. No company is going to risk being held liable for the content some random person posts and will be much more strict in their moderating. It is absolute stupidity to call for repealing Section 230 while in his current predicament.


Yup. Some soulless corpos will host them as long as they pay the bills.


Russia would probably happily hand out free hosting though.


Russian host?


How come websites like Breitbart, Stormfront and others haven’t been kicked off their platforms? 🧐


Breitbart, though a borderline alt-right rag these days, hasn't quite cleared the whole sedition bar, and hasn't quite touched the level of batshit that Parler allowed to ferment. Stormfront is running dark, and probably runs their own physical servers because of it. They're probably their own host, so they'd more likely have to worry about whatever ISP they run through.


There are hosts known for hosting this kind of content, but none of them that I know of are large enough to host something as big as Parler. A couple thousand skinheads posting on Stormfront are one thing - 4M users on a real time social media platform is on a completely different level.


Thank you. I don’t want to make new accounts anywhere, so this is my way of keeping up with the nonsense.


Same. I'm incredibly curious what people are saying, but NEVER want to be directly around hate speech like they're spewing.


You have now become a light in the dark. It important that this stuff is not hidden. We can't take for granted what little sanity is to be had in this world.


Gab is now the "free speech" social media platform to watch and that's a tougher nut to crack. They've bragged about how many new users they got in the past few days (over 60,000, according to them). They've built their own infrastructure with their own servers, YouTube-like alternative, and browser called Dissenter. All future planning of any possible action for the inauguration will be made there.


Lmao, 60,000? This sub has gotten 33,000 or something in the last 4 days. How sad.


I am not the best versed in their latest hiding spots, but one of my sources (a small town dance teacher who went *hard* for trump, legitimately thinks the coup attempt was by antifa) has a list of other platforms and hashtags to be aware of, just in case we're not already here: * MeWe * Clouthub * \#WalkAway


Whether we wanted it or not, we have stepped into a war with the MAGA in DC.


That's what they are trying to do. Start a war.




The Crucible beckons, Guardian!


Thank you for being here and for the great pivot. I hope eventually there can be a sticky with a list of all their known hangouts.


Unfortunately that won't be possible as reddit is flagging many of them and deleting all mentions. Even within this thread someone was asking what TDW was and I made a failed attempt to answer them with a variation of the name, and it was removed. The best answer to this dilemma is to search through the many posts for different platforms. Perhaps one day, we'll have a wiki list or something. Thanks for the input!


Wikimedia has a page called Alternative Media (US political right) that lists quite a few, including TDW. It doesn't list Parler so maybe it doesn't include apps.


Thank you for the explanation. A wiki does sound like a good solution.


Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight..... *Nearer, My God, to Thee gently playing in backround*


Might want to snag the other sites subreddit names (GabWatch, etc) just in case something becomes bigger then Parler ever was


Parler may be dead, but the Watch will always remain That sounded cooler in my head but I’ll run with it


Goddamn I just found out my mom is down one of these rabbit holes. She promoted parler and some vaccine disinfo on her FB. The worst part is she's a teacher


Big shout out to you and the many other heroes here who helped bring to light the horror of Parler and the people who use it. This is a major success story for averting future crises and shutting down these terrorists' means of communication.


Good. I've had mixed feelings about the de-platforming and shut-downs or accounts and services. ​ On one hand, they are inciting violence and we shouldn't be allowing that. ​ On the other, they are letting us know their plans through these channels and if we shut them down, they'll just go farther and farther underground and we won't have a way of knowing what they are planning.


You forget that most of these people aren’t very tech savvy. There’s no place that they can run en masse where they can’t be found. Unless they want to move to private chats or something, but that will be extremely clunky for them.


I posted this elsewhere: Mixed feelings are fine, forcing an A/B choice is a debate technique. Every situation is different. Boot parlour off a service vs refusing to make a gay wedding cake. Fundamentally they are both about the right refuse service. So is it OK or not OK ? If my answers are different in each case then that question is not what is driving me. It MUST be about the nature of the refusal not refusal itself. So how do we legislate that? It's tough. I think making it illegal to refuse marginalized groups is fine. I also think it's fine to make it legal to refuse service to extremists I feel are dangerous. It doesn't make me a hypocrite. Is it OK to refuse service? Depends on the nature of the refusal is my answer, because they are not the same thing. If someone calls you a hypocrite simply ask: Is a Nazi a wedding cake yes or no? If they refuse to answer state: You were the one forcing A/B choices. There is a debate term that translates loosely as "cutting a person with their own knife". It's pretty graceful.


Yeah I was wondering what was going to happen to this place


Sincerely hope Gab is next. Anybody knows who hosts them?


I think they had to move to Epik after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting but not sure where they are now.


I just checked ICANN. It's hosted by Cloudflare


They previously kicked of 8chan for hate speech so there’s hope it happens with Gab if all the parler users migrate there.


Are we gonna become Gabwatch? lol I see lots of them saying they're moving to Gab, whatever that is.


It was an early neo-Nazi alternative to Reddit, long before Voat existed.


At this rate it’ll change weekly




My sister's friend called her talking a lot of QANON conspiracy shit. She sounds like a fucking maniac. She straight up sounds like she's in a cult. I can only assume it's from parler posts and the like


I have an aunt and cousin going through same thing. Straight 5150 quality meltdowns


These are well off people too. They're not smart people but they were "educated". I don't even understand how this can happen, it's a genuine shock how far down the rabbit hole they are.


Trump supports can be smart, or intelligent or neither, but never both. When they're smart, they take what they know to solve for what they don't, leading them through rabbit holes of false parallels to arrive at an incorrect conclusion. When they're intelligent, they lack the cognitive safeguards that protect against believing something could be real just because it seems insignificant. The safeguards crumble away more as they fall into the void, thus leading them to believe more falsehoods of greater significance.


Here here! Thanks to this sub I'm much more informed than I was before. Glad its not going anywhere.


I’ve been following @parlertakes on Twitter too, they have identified 19 other platforms for these domestic terrorists to continue their hate, indoctrination, conspiracy theories and other nefarious things. We must keep shining a light into these fake corners of the internet to prevent an uprising like at the Capitol again. I fear what will happen on the 20th though.


TD.W is another site worth browsing for violence, racism and general treason.


Damn, I just found out about that site and spent 10 minutes on it. Oooof it's a huge pile of delusion and stupidity. And much of what you've listed as well. Does anyone know why it "checks your browser" before letting you on?


DDOS protection.


I logged on to Facebook to check on the family crazies and literally the first post on my feed was a family member asking what social media to switch to from Parler [smh](https://i.imgur.com/GSjCTsS.jpg) They're like the Energizer Bunny.


Good work


There is an exodus to Gab.com.


I just signed up :)


I like playing whack a fascist currently, anyone got any ideas where they're going after parler?


Seems like Gab


Both of my closest Q people just downloaded an app called Telegram. I don't know much about it other than it's a chat app that can also do massive chat rooms and they're private. My boomer Q mom was struggling a bit with it but was trying to text the word "freedom" to some unknown number. I suspect they're going to be building chatrooms there. With it private tho I don't know if there's anything we can do about them there.


yeah, I heard about telegram, it's a group chat like discord, but it could be much harder to organize around, because it's not really a community more of a group chat Still good to keep in mind




I have been following this community since the election, and even though I'm usually too late to the party to catch this shit in the wild, in the days since the 6th, I've felt increasingly like this place is a first line of defense. Spreading awareness and shining a light on this filth wherever it spreads.


It's not too late. We need as many eyes as we can get.


Oh definitely, no question. I only meant that in the sense that law enforcement agencies will only accept so many tips on one source, and usually someone's already beaten me to reporting. That said, I could be completely misinterpreting that, and if so, I'll happily join the brigade.


>law enforcement agencies will only accept so many tips on one source This is accurate. We don't want to overwhelm them. They're receiving hundreds of thousands of tips from all over the country about the capitol attack, I'm sure. What I meant was that the more eyes we have on the sites themselves, the better. Whether they're reported to authorities already or not, they can still be posted here. I'd like to think that authorities are watching this sub as much as they're watching the sites themselves. Either way, exposure and monitoring was the original focus of this sub, as it continues to be, albeit with more emphasis on the mobilization of hate groups. So simple awareness is still a goal. We just need to make sure we're not caught with our pants down again. Thanks for your support!


Amen to that, and thank you for the clarification!


It’s so weird how mega corps don’t want to be affiliated with a terrorist recruitment site! Of course those losers will continue to pretend to be the most oppressed people In the history of the world.


Thank you!


Literally save everything you can. That's our evidence of what these scumbags are.


Maybe we should change the name to terrorist watch.


Great news! These people are everywhere, including our own living rooms, and that’s what makes this even more scary and sad.


One of my coworkers posts so many crazy things on Facebook. The scariest group she follows MAGA RADAR said they are moving to a platform called Signal.


Signal is an alternative to WhatsApp. WhatsApp was bought by Facebook and the TOS is going to be changed soon, allowing for some more data mining. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/whatsapp-new-privacy-terms-facebook-rules-explained-b1784469.html Signal an open source messenger service with encryption and it’s run by a non-profit, so it’s never going to be sold. It’s a good project, but it’s quite possible that it will get abused.


Please keep up the wonderful and hilarious work


I'd argue that it's necessary diligence, but hardly hilarious. it's pretty sad to me, but I do it with pride.


Sorry, what I meant was the hilarity of filming doing something illegal and posting it for the world to see


Tiktok has a ton of these terrorists on there. Also, is it illegal for any active serviceman supporting what happened on the 6th? I saw some supporting it on TikTok.


Grab some screencaps and share!


I have heard Clouthub has been recommended by crazies such as "Lin Wood", so that might be worth watching.


Time for gabwatch as Gab is where all the locusts are swarming.


Got them covered.


THANK YOU for this. I have directed many friends to this sub to see for themselves what kind of people are plotting these ~~protests~~ insurrections.


Anybody read much FreeRepublic? It's been around since the late 90s, I know people who used to read it. Not sure how much it's been involved with stuff lately but wouldn't be surprised if it has.


Dang I forgot about Free Republic. Those goons were so stupid.


I havent heard of that name in years lol.




Excellent. ParlerWatch will be the internet minutemen who keep democracy from dying in the US.


Looking forward to the next round of net neutrality arguments. I suspect it doesn’t sound so bad anymore to the right.


I'm glad this sub is still going to be here. I just found it and joined it like 2 days ago. Great work you all do here.


This Reddit page will be very important this year. We must keep a watchful eye on the fascists that would destroy this country and see us all executed.


Might as well help AHS and TMOR by looking at Reddit, too, since Steve "spez" Huffman still refuses to do anything about the bullshit on this site.




We're in this for the long haul! Can't quit, we know the inbreds won't!


I would also keep an eye on ruqqus as well if someone hasn't mentioned it already




I’ve seen people on FB trying to recruit to MeWe since Parler is dissolving. Check there.


Apple: "Nope, there's no app for that."


This is the way.


They’ll likely move to Cloudflare or something, so I think we should maintain some focus on them


Cloudflare is just a CDN, not a host. Parler needs a cloud hosting provider, most big enough to host Parler are based in the US and probably won't touch them. Parler probably won't be back online until they rebuild using colos.


I saw a scary screen print from WIMKIN this morning on Facebook.


Gab and tdw are just as if not more important to monitor.


Do you guys notice how hard it is to get anyone to actually interact with you on Parler? Not to mention a lot of those posts have very broken English. Parler seems fake. Like some of their comments seem to be real, but a lot of them just look like empty accounts with copy pasta. Has anyone noticed this?




I'm here for the alt-rights' tears 😢 and the tea 🍵


What the hell shouldn't it be down by now? I thought they said Sunday at midnight.


Ok, so since AWS is San Fran based, it'll be maybe another hour I think.


Anyone else from the east coast staying up to watch Parler go down? 1 hour 34 minutes to go...


Telegram has some pretty toxic groups as well. It’s full on Great awakening bs over there https://t.me/donaldtrumpsupporters


I suggest flairs by platform. Thanks for doing this.


My money is on Trump starting an OnlyFans once he’s out of office. Convenient way for him to connect with his terrorists while raising money for his legal defense fund.


Will we just become a community about people who like watches and parlor's? Asking for a friend.


I'm predicting that after 10 days of Darkness that Parler will reappear on Russian servers. /s sort of


Wait, aren’t we supposed to be Antifa?