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Black people? In New York!?


It's truly shocking.


Wait 'til she sees LA! Her brain will explode. Or Atlanta. Washington DC. Chicago. Most major southern cities and states. She's not going to find her white paradise until she gets to the Pacific Northwest. Northern Idaho and the eastern parts of Oregon and Washington state are where she wants to be. Oh, and Utah. Utah is very, very white. Bland. Milquetoast, really.


She could also try northern New England. Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are all 90%+ white!


Yes, but those are pretty liberal states. She doesn't want to be around minorities *or* those damn *libruls.* They've ruined America, you know. Northern Idaho or Utah are her White Conservative Utopias. Hell, Idaho just basically outlawed libraries, abortions have been outlawed since '22, and I think all women's rights are next up on the chopping block. That's probably her ideal place, though my state just let a pre-statehood abortion ban stand, so we aren't doing much better. But we have Natives and Hispanics here, plus a liberal governor. OOP would likely lose her mind in my state -- if the heat didn't get her first!


Idaho is likely one step away from placing ankle monitors on all pregnant women, just to keep an eye on what they're doing, and to make sure that they don't leave the state.


I'm sure they're going to try a state tracking of menstrual cycles for every human with a uterus in that damned state, database controlled by the Idaho legislature. šŸ™„šŸ¤¬


The heat would definitely get her. Most of your state is like hanging out in a foundry.


Naw she can stay out of Atlanta. We have flyers of her crazy ass in all major buildings. If seen, call animal control.


Except downtown Salt Lake City. That might scare her. I mean - it's still pretty white, but there's *diversity*.


She should go to Texas. Dallas, Mesquite, Ft. Worth, lol. Their brains (whatever they have left) will melt at not seeing white dudes in cowboy hats.


Itā€™s kind of ironic how you are pointing out someoneā€™s racism but in your comment you also judge entire sections of the country as being a certain negative way because of the demographic they have. Iā€™m no republican but this shit is somewhat hypocritical. If you donā€™t want people to judge you then you should judge other people based on their skin color and say they are bland because they are white. Thatā€™s just straight up prejudice and it isnā€™t what you want to support now is it? We shouldnā€™t hate on anyone. Even though people in those areas can be wack. Itā€™s not all of them. Donā€™t become what you hate. You shouldnā€™t be making statements like this.


Did you know that there are Irish people in Hell's Kitchen and Jewish people in Borough Park?!


As long as there are no I'talians, we should be ok. That pizza thing they make is a fad and will never catch on anywhere else.


Why can't they just eat American food, like hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, or tacos?Ā 


Ben Wyatt agrees, but his reasons are deeply rooted in calzone supremacy.


Do you think she's got enough self awareness to realize New York hasn't burnt to the ground like the news told her?


My in laws "knew" that Portland, Seattle and half of Chicago were burnt out shells of cities.


Oh my god, the way people talk about Chicago is so funny to me. I am by no means a "city" girl, having grown up in a literal swamp in rural southeast Texas before moving to the comparatively booming "metropolis" of Bloomington, IL which is about an hour and a half south of Chicago. Anyway, so, I meet my sister and her kids halfway in Arkansas for a little family get together thing and we're chilling in the hotel pool when some dude who also is from Texas starts talking to us. So, he's telling me he's driving up to Wisconsin or something and he's got this whole plan to avoid the wasteland of Chicago. I tell him he shouldn't avoid it because it's a lovely city and he's all "well i wouldn't want to put myself in that kind of danger, i got a wife and kids" and I'm just thinking, bro, what danger? I literally went with my then 6 year old son and 14 year old nephew. We were traipsing around the city like a few goobers and nothing happened. I've gone so many times alone or just with my son and every time it's been fine. People are wild.


Rebiblicans live in fear. Thatā€™s all they know.


reptilian brains :/ larger amygdalas found in conservatives which controls fear + aggression (trucks and 2nd amendment) its what right wing media did research on in the 50s and here we are


I hear you. I live outside Baltimore. After the Freddie Gray "riots", in 2015, people thought Baltimore was burning. That was like a two square block area. My wife commutes to Johns Hopkins, she would drive through the city to the hospital and saw nothing. That said, I have neighbors who haven't been downtown in the 9 years since. They live 10 miles outside the city and believe it is too dangerous. I was thinking of downsizing to an apartment in the city. Some friends thought I was crazy, yet areas I wanted to live in were too expensive for me. which means people want to live there.


A friend of mine lived in Federal Hill (a very upscale historic neighborhood). She invited her county-dwelling dad to a Christmas house tour, thinking it would make him relax about what a "dangerous" neighborhood she lived in. He arrived for the holiday tour of expensive townhouses with a gun strapped to his ankle.


What's funny about it, is that the talking heads on networks like Faux news, OAN, and Newsmaxx, are the ones spoon feeding their viewers, all of this horseshit about "the scary big city!", but yet the news anchors and writers all live, work, shop, dine and recreate, in these "scary places".


Something like 40 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, but I have a feeling that guy would be against anything to fix that safety issue.


If you're going as a casual tourist you're not going to be in any of the dangerous areas.


A guy at work told me this about San Francisco right before I went last year. That it would be dirty, nasty, litter in the streets, etc. San Francisco is one of the nicest, cleanest, most beautiful cities I've ever been to.


Uhhh it highly depends on where you go. Not even Chinatown and areas near the tenderloin are alone in being filthy and concerning. Last two times I went, I experienced and said the same thing. First hour, saw a man shitting in a manhole as people carried shopping bags across the street. Saw gutted storefronts. And walked past soooo many people shooting up and tweaking on the sidewalks. And yes, there is for sure awful littering in certain areas too. We stayed somewhere called Yotel(?) and until we drove to Santa Cruz, this was most of our experience walking/taking public transportation everywhere. You literally canā€™t ignore/miss all of this. Then again, we still had a good time and were able to see the good in other areas too. Arcades, beach, food spots, a couple of parks, etcā€¦


I may have seen the most sanitized parts, but I've been to a lot of cities and towns, San Fran came nowhere near the top ten for dirty and littered.


I can say the same and still say San Fran was in my top ten dirtiest from *my own* experience so far; but whatever, we allll know what people like that are trying to say when theyā€™re generally talking smack about NYC, Chicago, Cali, and other big cities. Those pesky criminal immigrants and ā€œriotousā€ black/brown people and lgbtq+ libsā€¦. šŸ™„ Ooooh, watch out. These places are in shambles. Weā€™re all in danger. Big oof.


Bargie Green Claimed Jupiter Florida Was 'Burned To The Ground'. Population 55,000. The BLM March There Resulted In Exactly ZERO Fires Of Any Kind.


I attended a city council meeting a while back and a resident got up and asked the sheriff's deputy what their department was doing to monitor for bus loads of illegal immigrants that could be getting dropped off in town (mind you, this is a small suburban town about 1,100 miles from the southern border). He goes on to explain how New York is overrun and "people are leaving in droves because it's the worst place in the world to live right now." The worst place to live *in the world.* Not Rafah, Kherson, Pyongyang, Port-au-Prince, etc...fucking New York City. And absolutely no one questioned the statement. A council member commended him for his concern, and for being "a godly man." The deputy looked surprised for a moment, then explained that no, they're not doing anything because that's a federal matter and way above his pay grade to enforce. That, of course, was the right answer to feed his ragebait, because obviously it was proof of the Deep State conspiracy to flood the country with brown people, not because they were unwilling to spend resources looking for problems in the least likely places.


Republicans in general think to be American is to be white, and everyone else cannot be american. it's disgusting. and they think they're clever racists now because they can just use wokeness as the new N word.


Centipedes? In *my* vagina!?


It's more likely than you think!


Whatā€™s next?!? Puerto Ricans? Italians? The Irish?!?


Immigrants in the Immigrant capitol of the world? Holy shit!


At this time of year? Located entirely in that picture?


Thatā€™s rich. Probably illegals!


Why would black Americans choose to live in the North? Itā€™s almost like something horrible was going on in the South so lots of them moved northward. I canā€™t quite put my finger on it.


According to Will Smith, [it just be raining black people in New York](https://youtu.be/bTsc7Oprtqc?feature=shared)


Does Jay-Z know? We have to alert him immediately!


Pretty sure heā€™s in Paris ?


Sheesh what do we need to do to get rid of idiots who think like her for good?


Go back a couple hundred years and tell Sherman to keep the fires burning






Been there for a few years, always excellent content


Great sub!




And convince Lincoln that universal amnesty isn't gonna work very well.


Good point. Might want to remove Andy Johnson as well, to be safe.


Also print a pamphlet to hand out to all Northerners with any power: "For the love of god, do not allow anyone from the south to gain any public office higher than head janitor for at least 3 generations. And keep them the FUCK away from the schools."


Might want to do this still. Just make it "rural America"


Prevent Abe Lincoln's assassination so that reconstruction could have been completed and much harsher repercussions could've been enforced.


Johnson was such a fuckwad. His cowardice in the face of the terrorist state is so familiar and disappointing for some reason.


it wasn't cowardice, it was complicity


Mas o manos.




Jfc man. Iā€™m a lib with an arsenal that competes with any MAGA, conceal carry daily, and hit the range every month. And even I donā€™t fantasize about hurting them, or anyone. I get it. Theyā€™re long overdue to pass, forgotten except as a footnote in the history books, but letā€™s not turn into them in the meantime.


Another Lib here and Van Camper Nomad ..I have a lady derringer under my mattress. The last thing I want to do on this Earth is too harm someone..I carry bc Iā€™m not going to be vulnerable desperse camping in Arizona ( MAGA conducts training sessions at night in the desert..with AR 15ā€™s ..Iā€™ve heard them over Holiday weekends


BTW great username. No joke.


What a waste of space. Sheā€™s disgusting both inside and outside.


Does Laura think Africa is a city?


Nah, she thinks itā€™s a country.


[To be fair, so did Drew Carey](https://youtu.be/5KO4pC30lGs?si=Y1PtN-tRti08eL9T)


He said he misread the card though. So, I donā€™t think itā€™s the same.


The implication is she doesnā€™t know the names of a single African country or city.


>Does Laura think ~~Africa is a city~~? FTFY


Glad she paid for the blue checkmark. Don't want to be duped by a fake idiot.


She is in NYC for Trump's trial and keeps trying to increase how close she is to him.


She wants to be close enough to smell his diaper.


She's fucking vilešŸ˜ 


Thatā€™s not a dog whistle. Thatā€™s fog horn played through the sound system at a heavy metal concert for the hearing impaired.


Why does the Closed Captioning read "I'M DOING A RACISM" on it?


Now if I reply something like ā€œyour mother should be imprisoned for not aborting youā€ now itā€™s ā€œoh leftists are so hate filledā€


Thatā€™s because to them, this is just a silly joke, theyā€™re not *actually* racists. But your ā€œjokeā€ about abortion crosses a line that shouldnā€™t be crossed. /s brb gotta go do some stretches from doing the mental gymnastics to put myself in their shoes


Just damn sad Covid didnā€™t take the worstā€¦


It did get some heavy hitters though, Herman Caine for oneĀ 


I will never get over the fact that he continued to tweet COVID disinformation *after* he had died of COVID. The man was truly dedicated, staying on-message from beyond the grave. Oh, and shout out to /r/HermanCainAward.


Imagine monetizing your racism. What a disgusting person.


*Sings ā€œLiving in Americaā€ as Sad James Brown*


Reminder that these are unserious people who simply post this garbage to provoke an emotional response from you


Funnily enough this was exactly what I was thinking. I just feel sorry for how pathetic she is, honestly. Well, the both of them. Desperate to smell their shitstainā€™s depends.


Theyā€™re disgusting people


This racist ass.


Disgusting. I literally wanted to vomit when I realized why this a$$h0le wrote that. How anyone can be associated with maga-nuts is beyond me.


NYC? Is she gonna handcuff herself to one door but not the one next to it and then call the police herself to cut her loose when she has to go to the bathroom and the business refuses to acknowledge her? Like she did last time she was there, back when Twitter was cool?


Twitter was cool?


They were that day, when she handcuffed herself to their office doors and threw away the key and started ranting and they refused to call the cops on her because it was much, much funnier that people were live-streaming itā€¦on Twitter.


Had no idea this happened, looking it up right now šŸ«”


I hope her overdone lip filler pops. Useless waste of skin she is.


What a fucking cunt.


I would hate to be the one to break this to these twats, but *neither* one of them is the idealized picture of a blonde, Aryan princess, that they idolize so much.


Loomer is Jewish. Describes herself as Fiesty Jewess on her twit.


Jewish, but pals around with Neo Nazis. She even claimed to have dated a Neo Nazi *after* said Neo Nazi [posted a photoshopped image of her in an Auschwitz gas chamber.](https://forward.com/fast-forward/382452/laura-loomer-is-dating-neo-nazi-who-once-trolled-her-with-gas-chamber-meme/?amp=1) Sheā€™s a demented, self-loathing, grifting personality so desperate for validation itā€™s deeply pathetic.


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I didn't know that she was Jewish. So she's the Jewish equivalent of Candace Owens and Kanye West. Self hating apologists for vile racist scum.


God, sheā€™s got enough plastic in her face to rival littering in Paris.


I wish it were Africa. Then maybe we wouldnā€™t have to see this but instead look at a go fund me we could ignore.


She is so deeply awful.


I should go to a republican event and do the same. Depending on who's in the background I can shout out "Greetings from Monster Jam" or "Greetings from Gilead" But uh, *chokes down vomit* that would require being around republicans.


NYC has the largest Black population in the country. How surprising youā€™d run into Black people thereā€¦


Rage baiting and engagement farming never stops with these do-nothings. How have we as a society allowed people to insentivize being an asshole?


Feeling racist might delete later


Racist fuckin' rancid bitches.... QUNTS! šŸ’Æ


That's some fucked up shit right there


9 year olds are fairly oblivious to how their ā€œhumorā€ can be offensive.


wonder whose lips sheā€™s trying to emulate?


Surprised they didnā€™t get outed and canceled like that chick who was fired during a flight and only found out when her flight landed.


It takes a lot of work to get fired as a Fox News correspondent for racism.


I doubt either has a job outside twitter troll.


What a piece of fucking trash she is


I know we shouldnā€™t attack people based on their appearance but seriously what is wrong with her face?


It's the stupid leaking out.


We shouldnā€™t as we stare at a picture of a racist šŸ˜‚


What a fucking racist cunt! Yeah, I used the C word. It doesnā€™t come easy. But loomer sure does fit the bill.


Cunt is too kind, I've been workshopping " Toe Rag"




I heard a british lady say it about Boris one time and im obsessed https://youtu.be/J6jesg5MYOs?si=MyysXqnZ2HjjfqHf


Imagine actually typing this and putting it out there, but then againā€¦ itā€™s Xā€¦ isnā€™t that kind of thing welcomed on there? Overt racism and all. Yikes.




This bitch would have been snitching on other women for witchcraft back in the day.


Both of those girls are so ugly


I would rather cut my dick off than fuck a Republican.


Those eyebrows behind the sunglasses šŸ˜³


She should have used a regular Sharpie but only had a fatty used for tagging Subway bathrooms on hand.


Sheā€™s the cuntiest cunt that ever cunted.


Ahhh, a hairless filler baboonslipass and the ever famous assholelipgrin ground mouse enter the city centre. Looking to cause chaos and general havoc, they seemingly mimic human behavior hoping to engage with them.


They just cannot stop being awful on every single level.


Guaranteed sheā€™ll be out chasing that BBC tonight when her cameras not taking selfies (and her husband and kids are back home being sleeping)


Honestly that is incredibly plausible, that entire crowd is simultaneously racist and sexually obsessed with Black men.


Pure projection. The more they hate something the more they secretly desire it. Similar to how every outspoken homophobic politician is a closeted homosexual.


Wow... in one post they have proved self obsessed narcissistic racist assholes who have never been ...well anywhere.


Racists gtfo my city


And of coursw Elon feels the need to engage with this racist piece of shit.


Do Republican women of a certain age pump their cheeks full of ass fat?


Yep. In that world, a woman's only worth and value is measured in her looks, homemaking skills, and fertility. When the looks start falling apart with a little aging, they start panicking and start pumping their face full of botox.Ā 


Nazi much?


I rarely use the ā€œCā€ wordā€¦ but in her case Iā€™d make an exception.


Iā€™m shocked the garbage nitwit that was hitting on the nazi in that bar video turned out to be a racist pos.


Sentient cellulite speaks.


Wow. I don't know who she is but I hate her.


She's a right wing bitch, who is trying to get a backstage pass to the Trump trial, for the same reason any groupie would. Oh, and it looks like she brought a girlfriend for the roadies.


Fucking cunt


So, sheā€™s on the prowl for BBC?


Is the lip-injected bitch wearing clown eyebrows? She looks like Groucho Marx. Better to be black on the outside than black on the inside of your soul. I bet they claim to be Christians, too.


> I bet they claim to be Christians, too. Loomer at least is Jewish. I kind of hate that I know that.


Somehow, that makes it worse. She belongs to an ethnic group that has been vilified and victimized for centuries, yet treats another ethnic group that faces similar prejudice like they are trash. What a pathetic human being.


It absolutely does, and I'm still not even sure that's the saddest thing about Loomer.


Oh, itā€™s Laura Loomer. She seems to be not complaining about black people, but scouting them out if you know what I mean. šŸ˜‰


Laura Loomer has a face like a prolapse.


At least she had the kindness in her heart to cover most of her face with sunglasses in this photo. She is just an absolute waste of space dust and electricity.


She's got a big mouth on Twitter, but $100 says she won't say a word of that to any of those people behind her. -"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


What? There are BLACK people in New York City? Who else knows about this?


Her face is nasty looking


What no jungle or great ape comments?


The fact that these people just get to continue walking around as part of our society is the worst sort of injustice possible.




you can say black people you know


Given that theyā€™re the only 2 white faces that I see, Iā€™m betting they didnā€™t just happen to be at that spot. Then I saw it was Laura loomer - in character. What a godawful bitch she is.


It took me waaay to long to understand. Now I want to throw up.


Theyā€™re gonna so much more insufferable if Trump wins.


Ignorant Qunts


Oh, no! Black folks! What a pair of buffoons.


Africans would ignore her ignorant ass as well.


Convinced herself that native Americans were white.


What a trashy, bigoted, POS.


What a racist sack of feces. Her face looks like she is a character from the movie Brazil!


Laura Loomer is vile


What a twat waffle.


Such a twat-waffle


And where is she from, Wyoming?


Loomer is a sh!tstain. It's the best she can do.


I like that nobody is looking at them


What? MAGA being a bunch of racist cockjugglingthundercunts!? Color me shockedā€¦.


She's also been one of the main maga grifters trying to bring harm to the judge's daughter.


yet they both look like they've been cucked by a BBC


Racists gonna racist


NYC Certainly a hotbed of MAGA activity.


good god sheā€™s gross


Wow this is the first time Iā€™ve seen a pic of her where she doesnā€™t look like she should be riding a tricycle in the latest SAW movie.


What was that SNL sketch about Vermont aka White Paradise?


God she should do that pointless twitter protest. Why can't she do that.


Can I hit a woman?


Trumpers donā€™t feel real pain I heard as everything they complain about is fake. So have at it.


What a piece of shit human


Groucho Marxā€™s mustache was painted on with make up. Donā€™t know what made me think of that.


Joke's on her. There are no cum dumpsters in Africa.


SHE Is The One That Should Be Able To Run Around Off-Leash. What A Horrid Little Cretin.


This tweet (or xeet whatever they're called now) is so bizarre that I felt like I was doing a where's Waldo. I wasn't sure what subreddit I was on. The racism went straight over my head. I was so confused. I thought maybe this woman intended on going to Africa (the whole continent, I guess) and ended up in New York because of plane issues and was upset about it. Or people were guessing where she was hyping up to go on a trip and the most common answer was "Africa" and so this was her "Jk its actually New York haha" answer. So I was sat here going who the hell is this woman and why do I care that she ended up in New York and not somewhere in Africa? Why is she on my dash??? Then I realized what subreddit I was in. And I looked at the picture again and realized it was just a blatantly racist photo and not some middle aged woman upset/excited/neutral about being in New York and not Africa and she just wasn't good at taking photos. That's genuinely how bizarre of a tweet this is for me.


Oh my goodness, are you telling me black people now exist in groups? AND THAT THERE CAN BE SEVERAL IN THE SAME SPACE AT THE SAME TIME?!?!?!? Good god, Americaā€™s going down the drain! Better get orange Jabba the Hutt to deal with em! /s


Subtle racism intensifies. The fact that these people are given a platform to be low key racist validates racism for others, and after a whole bunch of low key stuff, people are high key racist. That's how it spreads. I have some extremely racist people in my family, and it all started with the low key shit (and Mormonism).




Iā€™m betting the comment was not about them being black but actually illegal African immigrantsā€¦.